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User:Elizhaa/MGQP Jobs

From The Codex

Job Power list

Power list: Accelerated Development (Training and Battle: Physical Stats, Abilities), Non-Physical Interaction (Can interact with other angels and damage ghosts), Weapon Mastery (Of Daggers, Swords, Rapiers, Spears, Axes, Clubs, Scythes, Flails, Rods, Grimoires, Staves, Whips, Gun, Rapiers, Fans, Plates, Abacuses, Ninja Katanas, Sickles, Bows, Whips, Boomerangs, Shield, Cards, Kitchen Knives, Knight Swords, Magic Swords, Fists, and Great Swords), Transformation (Can transform into various power-up such as Hero of Justice. Can stop numerous of these transformations), Healing, Martial Arts, Chi Manipulation, Energy Manipulation, Stealth Mastery, Magic, Sound Manipulation, Necromancy, Summoning, Animal Manipulation (Manipulation of mythical creatures), Social Influencing (With many Talk, Signing, and Dancing abilities, he can dramatically change his opponents mindsets from his conversions to the level where many would be willing to join his party despite trying to fight him earlier in battle), Creation (Has the abilities to create items out of thin air by refining objects into mysterious alchemical tools. Items such attack items can be made on the fly with alchemy skills), Pressure Points, Elemental Manipulation (Fire Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Holy Manipulation, Light Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation), Sleep Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Statistics Amplification (Can increase his or his ally’s statistics for the length of a battle; can passively get stronger at lower health), Statistics Reduction (Can removed his opponent's statistics increases), Damage Reduction (Can passive reduce damage taken at lower health), Status Effect Inducement (Can inflict various status effect such as blind and paralysis), Time Manipulation (Can slow, speed up, stop time; can warp space-time, and can age people until they fossilize), Teleportation, Spatial Manipulation (Can twists spacetime to drop a comet on a foe; can break spacetime with skills like Darkness Seal Formation to slay foe), Aura, Absorption (Can absorb the target's health, magic, and energy with With many abilities and skills such as Drain Strike, Mana Drain Strike, Spellblade Drain, Lancet among others. Can absorb elemental damages with abilities like Armor of Truth; with abilities like White Sun, can absorb all physical damages), Mind Manipulation, Death Manipulation, Petrification (With Godfather skill and Godlen needle reversal), Resurrection (Can resurrect others. Can also resurrect self with abilities like Second Coming), Gravity Manipulation, Explosion Manipulation (With Makinas; Can force nuclear reactions to occur and cause nuclear explosions), Void Manipulation (With skills like Page 99999 of Chaos, he conjure the chaos and brings the end to life with a grimoire page. Chaos erase beings from existence.), Self-Destruction (With abilities and skills like Saint's Self-Destruction), Life Manipulation (With Drain Skrike: Normal attack heals the user for 50% the damage done to opponent), Soul Manipulation (Via ascension and many holy skills, can send one’s soul to Heaven), Size Manipulation (Can cause opponents to become extremly small), Durability Negation (Have many skills that ignore durability like Cursed God Slash.), Attack Reflection and Forcefield Creation (From skills like those from Spellsword, Spear Skills, and others. Attack reflection with skills like Carbuncle that can reflect magical attacks. He can reflect magic on his own.), Damage Reduction (With skills and abilities like Great defense), Biological Manipulation (Can affect biology of opponents from many skills and abilities. Can also turn opponent into Zombie from many skills and abilities), Transmutation (Can transform matter into objects through alchemy), Vibration Manipulation (with Vibro Blade), Radiation Manipulation (With skills like Super-Heating Radiation), Weapon Creation (Can Created with Golden Alchemist's abilities), Illusion Creation (With Doppelganger), Plasma Manipulation (Gigavolt mage and master scholar skill: Promestein downgrade), Resistance Negation (Can weaken target's resistance), Berserk Mode, improve Spatial Manipulation (With attacks like Ice Age which can freezes space itself), Invulnerability (Can temporarily become invincible with some skills and abilities that nullifies all form of damages)

Resistance to Size Manipulation, Poison Manipulation, Sound Manipulation, Sound Manipulation, Corrosion Inducement, Power Nullification, Earth Manipulation, Fire Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Ice Manipulation. Petrification, Time Manipulation, Status Effect Inducement (Can resist various status effect such as blind, stuns, and paralysis), Sleep Manipulation, Mind Manipulation (Resists the confusion and trance status effect. Unaffected by Tamamo's country-wide charm aura), Death Manipulation, Statistics Reduction, Soul Manipulation (Immune to the ascension status effect), Void Manipulation (Can resist Monster Lord's Cruelty, the passive void manipulation of other Apoptosis and the attack Necrosis), BFR (Resists Rezone, a skill that warps the opponent through space in order to kill them), Transmutation (Can survive long-time exposure to Chaos and Apoptosis, which would normally transform beings into Apoptosis), Radiation Manipulation (Can survive skills like Super-Heating Radiation with no negative long-term effects)

Weapons: Daggers, Swords, Rapiers, Spears, Axes, Clubs, Scythes, Flails, Rods, Grimoires, Staves, Whips, Gun, Rapiers, Fans, Plates, Abacuses, Ninja Katanas, Sickles, Bows, Whips, Boomerangs, Shield, Cards, Kitchen Knives, Knight Swords, Magic Swords, Fists, Great Swords,

Equipment: Armor, Heavy Armor, Helmets, Heavy Helmets, Shields, Heavy Shields, Robes, and Magic Hats

Part 1 Jobs


  • Double Slash: Slash a foe twice in a single attack
  • Gale Thrust: Thurst a blade into a foe with the seed of a gale that has a wind attribute
  • Power Charge: Focus your power, +100% Attack following turn
  • Shockwave Blade: Unleash a shockwave at a foe with spinning slashes
  • Double-Edged Cut: A powerful attack that also sacrifices 1/3 of the user's max health.
  • Falcon Slash: Slash a foe twice in a single attack.

Martial Artist

  • Leg Sweep: sweep a foe's legs and disrupt their stance.
  • Flying Knee Kick: Jum and strike with your knee, dealing large damage to Harpy foes.
  • Roundhouse: Perform a spinning leap and kick as you turn.
  • Focused Mind: Focus your mind, +25% Attack/Agility and +50% Crit Up.
  • Steel Body: Stiffen your body, gain +50% Defense, and halves physical damage for 4 turns
  • Pressure Point: Strike an enemy's vital point, can bring instant death.
  • Fist Thrust: A strong jab, simple, but very powerful.


  • Fire: Novice fire magic that burns a foe to cinders.
  • Blizzard: Novice ice magic that freezes a foe solid.
  • Thunder: Novice lightning magic that drops a blot to a foe.
  • Poison: Magic that poisons foes. It targets all foes.
  • Blind: Magic that blinds foes. It targets all foes.
  • Resist Silence: Nullify attempts to inflict Silence 50% of the time.
  • Mega Fire: Fire magic that burns foes to cinders. It targets all foes.
  • Mega Blizzard: Ice magic that freezes a foe solid. It targets all foes.
  • Mega Thunder: Lightning magic that drops a blot to foes. It targets all foes.
  • Silence: Magic that silences foes. It targets all foes.
  • Magic Charge: Focus your magic, +150% Magic/Willpower and +200% Hit following turn.


  • Heal: Recover an ally's physical strength.
  • Enhance Magic: Boost an ally's magic by +50% Magic for 6 turns.
  • Enhance Mind: half magic damage an ally takes and boost their willpower by +50% Magic for 6 turns.
  • Cure: Cleanse an ally of common status effects.
  • Raise: Resurrect a defeated ally at 50% HP.
  • Mass Heal: Recover the physical strength of oneself and allies.
  • Enhance Technique: Boost an ally's dexterity by +50% Magic for 5 turns.
  • Enhance Attack: Boost an ally's attack by +50% Magic for 6 turns.
  • Enhance Guard: Halves physical damage an ally takes and their defense by 50% for 6 turns.
  • Dispel: Remove positive effects from a foe.


  • Rapid Fire: Shoot two arrows at once at a foe.
  • Beast Killer: Hunter attack that deals large damages to Beast.
  • Mental Concentration: Sharpen your mind, +150% Dexterity, and +200% Hit for the following turn.
  • Land-Dweller Killer: Hunter attack that deals large damage to Beasts.
  • Fire Arrow: Shoot a flaming arrow at a foe.
  • Ice Arrow: Shoot a frozen arrow at a foe.
  • Lightning Arrow: Shoot an electrified arrow at a foe.
  • Recruit Rate +150%: Sets the party's chance to recruit enemy monsters to 150% of normal.
  • Chaos Arrow: Blindly fire arrows at foes. It targets 4 random does.


  • Steal: Steal an item from a foe.
  • Knife Throw: Throw a knife at a foe.
  • Escape: Escape from normal battles 100% of the time
  • Steal rate +150%: Stealing has a 150% success rate.
  • Nullify Ambush: Nullify ambushes from foes.
  • Rapid Knife Throw: Throw multiple knives at a foe in rapid succession.


  • Armor Break: Special attacks that lower a foe's defense by 90% for 6 rounds.
  • Mind Break: Special attacks that lower a foe's willpower by 90% for 6 rounds.
  • Secure Hold: Tie a foe up with rope, restricting their movements.
  • Speed Break: Special attacks that lower a foe's agility down by 34% for 6 turns.
  • Technique Break: Special attacks that lower a foe's dexterity down by 25% for 5 turns.
  • Magic Break: Special attacks that lower a foe's magic down by 34% for 6 turns.
  • Power Break: Special attacks that lower a foe's attack down by 25% for 5 turns.
  • Request Reinforcements: Call for reinforcements that attack for 3 rounds.


  • Buy Herb: Buy a herb and use it immediately. Effect: 50 HP Recovery
  • Buy Antidote Grass: By an antidote grass and use it immediately.
  • Buy Eyedrops: Buy some eyedrops and use them immediately. Effect: Cure Blind.
  • Buy Full Moon Grass: Buy a Full Moon Grass and use it immediately. Effect: Cure Paralysis.
  • Throw Gold: Throw gold at foes to inflict damage. Target: All Foes.
  • Rescue Request: Pay gold to escape from a dungeon.
  • Buy Phoenix Tail: By a Phoenix Tail and use it immediately. Effect: Revive (20% HP).
  • Medicine Lore I: User's healing items restored 50% more HP/MP/SP when used in combat.
  • Wagon: Pay gold to travel to previously visited locations in a fashion to teleportation.
  • Buy Echo Grass: Buy an Echo Grass and use it immediately. Effect: Cure Silence
  • Buy Restorative: Buy a Restorative and use it immediately. Effect: Cure Sleep/Confusion.
  • Life Insurance: Party gains gold on the user's death.
  • Product Delivery: By a random item. Effect: Item Acquisition
  • Buy Miracle Drug: Buy a Miracle Drug and use it immediately. Effect: 30 MP Recovery.

Fortune Teller

  • Tarot of Fate: Draw a random card, producing a variety of effects.
  • Card Throw: Throw a card at a foe.
  • Lucky Star: Target: Random Ally or Foe, Effect: All Stats/Eva/Mag Eva/Hit/Crit +50% for 6 turns.
  • Last Oracle: The user gives the party an item on death.
  • Gift from Heaven: Effect: Item Acquisition (Acquire a random item.)
  • Oracle of the Goddess: Effect: Random (Divine message from the goddess, creating a random skill.)


  • Dance Invitation: Distract a foe by inviting them to dance.
  • Lucky Song: Double battle experience for allies with a song of happiness. 


  • Combustive Reaction: A fire reaction that can damage many enemies at once.
  • Freezing Reaction: An ice reaction that can damage many enemies at once.
  • Electric Reaction: An electric reaction that can damage many enemies at once.
  • Resist Bio 75%: Reduce Bio damage taken to 75% of normal.
  • Resist Sonic 75%: Reduce Sonic damage taken to 50% of normal.
  • Elemental Protection: Temporarily protects the user from fire, ice and lightning attacks.
  • SP Conversion: Takes a bit of the mana of the user to convert it into SP.
  • Chemical Protection: Temporarily protects the user from most status effects.
  • Conversion: Takes a bit of the SP of the user to convert it into MP.


  • Auto Crossbow: Makina crossbow with a rapid-fire mechanism.
  • Bio Blast: Makina that sprays poison gas on foes.
  • Blast Voice: Makina that produces a destructive sound wave.
  • Dual Cannon: Large cannon that fires an armor-piercing shell.
  • Ocean Anchor: Makina that fires an anchor that destroys ocean monster monsters.
  • Stinger: Makina that fires a surface to air missile that destroys flying monsters.
  • Flamethrower: Makina that spews fire on foes.
  • Electric Flux Emitter: Makina that radiates electricity on foes.


  • Biting Annie: Summon and control hungry zombie Biting Annie.
  • Possessive Diana: Summon and control Possessive Diana.
  • Slicing Elise: Summon and control wind-up doll Slicing Elise.
  • Dual Slice: Slice a foe twice with a scythe.
  • Mental Concentration: Sharpen your mind, +150% Dexterity, +200% Hit following turn
  • Drain Strike: Normal attack heals the user for 50% the damage done.


  • Talk: Invite a foe to a friendly chat.
  • Provoke: Provoke a foe, lowering their affinity a little.
  • Interesting Story: Distract foes by telling them an interesting story.
  • Erotic Story: Arouse foes with an erotic story.
  • Twin Shot: Throw a boomerang so it hits a foe twice.
  • Scary Story: Paralyze foes with fear with a scary story.
  • Lame Pun: chill foe with a horrible joke. 
  • Praise: Praise a foe, increasing their affinity a little,


  • Fried Egg: The user cooks a fried egg, dealing basic damage.
  • Rice Ball: The user cooks a rice ball, dealing fire damage.
  • Sandwich: Make a sandwich, freezing a foe.
  • Vegetable Stir Fry: The user cooks a sandwich, dealing ice damage.
  • Metabolism Up: Healing items/effects used on you restore 100% more HP/MP/SP.
  • Hamburger Steak: The user cooks some hamburger steak, augmenting the crit rate of all allies.
  • Broiled Fish: The user cooks a broiled fish, augmenting the hit rate of all allies.
  • Miso Soup: The user cooks a miso soup, augmenting the evasion rate of all allies.
  • Kitty Rice: The user cooks a bowl of kitty rice, augmenting the magic evasion rate of all allies.
  • Hamburger: The user cooks a hamburger, healing an ally.
  • Hot Dog: The user cooks a hot dog, augmenting the attack of an ally.
  • Salad: The user cooks a salad, augmenting the defense of an ally.
  • Fruit Salad: The user cooks a fruit salad, augmenting the speed of an ally.
  • Resist Digestion: Nullify attempts to inflict Digestion 50% of the time.
  • Curry and Rice: The user cooks some curry and rice, augmenting the magical strength of an ally.
  • Pizza: The user cooks a pizza, augmenting the magical defense of an ally.
  • Cream Stew: The user cooks a cream stew, augmenting the dexterity of an ally.
  • Spaghetti: The user cooks some spaghetti, augmenting the build-up of fighting spirit of an ally.
  • Sashimi:  The user cooks some sashimi, granting an ally regeneration.
  • Yakitori: Cook some yakitori, grants SP regen to allies for 10 rounds.
  • Soba: The user cooks some soba, granting an ally fighting spirit regeneration.
  • Ingredient Collection: The user steals some cooking ingredients from the enemy.
  • Croquette: The user cooks a croquette, dealing basic damage to all enemies.
  • Tempura: The user cooks some tempura, dealing fire damage to all enemies.
  • Omurice: The user cooks some omurice, dealing ice damage to all enemies.
  • Tomato Soup: The user cooks a tomato soup, dealing electricity damage to all enemies.


  • First Aid: Heal an ally with first aid.
  • Scalpel Throw: Throw a scalpel at a foe.
  • Emergency Recovery: Fully heal an ally with expert surgical skills.
  • Play Doctor: Give pleasure to a foe with sexy palpation.
  • Metabolic Activation: Activate allies' metabolism, granting HP regen for 10 rounds.
  • Magical Activation: Activate allies' magical energy, granting MP regen for 10 rounds.
  • Forced Urination: Promote incontinence with expert manipulation.
  • Group Therapy: Heal allies with first aid.
  • Doping: Boost an ally's max HP by 50% for 5 rounds.


  • Serve Tea: Heal an ally and restore their energy with special tea.
  • Ecstasy Massage: Lead a foe to ecstasy with a sweet massage.
  • Resist earth 50%: Reduce Earth damage taken to 75% of normal.
  • Insecticide Spray: Lead a foe to incontinence with a sweet massage.
  • Maid's Pruning: Prune branches, destroying plants. More effective in plant monsters.
  • Duster Dance: Swing a duster around and blind a foe with a dust cloud.
  • Kitchen Garden Harvest: Harvest ingredients from a kitchen garden. Target: User. Effect:+800 Speed, Acquire Food


  • Charge Ray: Magnificent strike in the shape of a V.
  • Dancing Saber: Thrust multiple times with elegant footwork.
  • Splash Fleuret: Skillful thrusts that use elegant footwork to strike all foes at once. Effect:Recover 1 SP,+20% Hit
  • HP Regen 5%: Regenerate 5% of Max HP per turn.
  • Noblesse Oblige: For 4 rounds, only Rapier skills may be used, but they will execute twice.
  • Experience +150%: Gain 150% XP.
  • V Slash: Magnificent strike in the shape of a V. Effect: Recover 1 SP,+20% Hit. Effect:Recover 1 SP,Noblesse Oblige,SP Regen

Apprentice Hero

  • Flail Wildy: Throw your weapon at random, incredibly inaccurate.
  • Edging: Lose 80% of your current HP to gain +50% Crit for 4 rounds.
  • Slave to Pleasure: Gain +50% XP, but take +100% Pleasure damage.
  • Flaming Decapitation: Add the power of flame to an attack of the user's own creation.
  • Goddess' Protection Once per battle, revive at 20% HP when defeated.
  • SP Regen 5%: Regenerate 5% of Max SP per turn.
  • Burn! Spinning Decapitation: Imbue flame in your weapon and spin like a cyclone.


  • Cyclone Blade: Slash unleashes a violent gale!
  • Dead Crash: Slash with all your might in an attempt to instantly slay a foe.
  • Focused Spirit: Focus your energy, +200% Attack for the following turn.
  • Moonlight Blade: A rapid slash that reflects light like the moon.
  • Cursed God Slash: A slash that ignores the foe's defense, but has a 50% chance to miss.
  • Cross Slash: Slash a foe twice in the shape of a cross.

Temple Knight

  • Holy Spear Guard: Raise a holy spear to heaven to form a barrier. Halve physical damage taken and boost Defense by 50% for 6 rounds.
  • Holy Shift: Thrust a spear imbued with holy power at a foe.
  • Holy Spear Prayer: Raise a holy spear to heaven, restoring an ally's HP.
  • Great Defense: Double the damage reduction rate of defense
  • Spiral Fire: bathe a spear in flame and thrust several times at a foe.


  • Spellblade Fire: Add fire damage to your attacks and deal +50% fire damage for 10 rounds.
  • Spellblade Blizzard: Add ice damage to your attacks and deal +50% ice damage for 10 rounds.
  • Spellblade Thunder: Add lightning damage to your attacks and deal +50% lightning damage for 10 rounds.
  • Critical Auto Barrier: When falling below 20% HP, halve magical damage taken for 4 rounds.
  • Fire Slash: A sword slash imbued with fire magic.
  • Ice Slash: A sword slash imbued with ice magic.
  • Lightning Slash: A sword slash imbued with lightning magic.
  • Spellblade Poison: For 10 rounds, your normal attack gains a 75% chance to poison foes.
  • Spellblade Blind: For 10 rounds, your normal attack gains a 75% chance to blind foes.
  • Spellblade Silence: For 10 rounds, your normal attack gains a 75% chance to silence foes.
  • Magic Barrier: Surround allies with a barrier that halves magical damage taken for 4 rounds.
  • Spellblade Drain: For 10 rounds, your normal attack heals you for 50% of damage dealt.
  • Vacuum Slash: A slash so fast it leaves behind a vacuum.

Dragon Knight

  • High Jump: When any type of Spear is equipped, deal +15% damage with normal attacks, Spear skills, and Multiweapon skills.
  • Bird Drop: Leap into the air and knock flying creatures from the sky.
  • Lancet: Drain a foe's HP and SP with a spear thrust.
  • Fire Spear: Stab a foe from overhead with a flaming spear.
  • Highwind: Strike a foe with a vacuum spear.
  • Impact Spear: Leap into the air and land with a shockwave, damaging foes.
  • Wyvern Dance: Jump and strike 3 times before landing.

Power Fighter

  • Club Strike: Crush a foe with the weight of your club.
  • Snake Spiral: Swing a flail around like a serpent's tail and strike foes.
  • Endure: Once per battle, if above 30% HP, survive a lethal blow with 1 HP.
  • Wild Club: Strike a foe multiple times with rapid club blows.
  • Chain Drive: Swing a flail along the ground, mowing down foes.

Overpowering Fist

  • Chakra: Focus your mind, restoring half of your own HP.
  • Rakshasa Palm: Strike a foe with energy concentrated in your palm.
  • Explosive Fist: Rapidly punch foes multiple times.
  • Revival: Use chakra points to resurrect an ally.
  • Electric Kick: Strike a foe with a kick imbued with lightning.

Magus Fist

  • Flame Dance Fist: Add fire damage to your normal attacks and deal +50% fire damage for 4 rounds.
  • Ice Rebellion Fist: Add ice damage to your normal attacks and deal +50% ice damage for 4 rounds.
  • Inner Focused Mind: Focus your mind, +50% to Attack/Agility and +100% Crit Rate for 4 rounds.
  • Thunder God Fist: Add lightning damage to your normal attacks and deal +50% lightning damage for 4 rounds.
  • Mana Strike: Imbue your attack with mana to boost damage.
  • Tri Element Fist: Add Fire/Ice/Lightning damage to your normal attacks and deal +50% Fire/Ice/Lightning damage for 4 rounds.
  • Inner Chakra: Focus your mind, restoring some of your MP.
  • Four Spirits Fist: Add Fire/Wind/Earth/Water damage to your normal attacks and deal +50% Fire/Wind/Earth/Water damage for 4 rounds.


  • Saint's Prayer: Pray and heal allies.
  • Deva's Palm: Focus a holy aura into your palm, destroying a foe from within.
  • Saint's Protection: Pray and grant a protective barrier to allies. Halve physical and magical damage taken, and boost Defense and Willpower by 50% for 4 rounds.
  • Resist Zombie: Nullify attempts to inflict Zombie 50% of the time.
  • Saint's Recovery: Pray and cure most possible status ailments from allies.
  • Resist Ascension: Nullify attempts to inflict Ascension 50% of the time.
  • Saint's Self-Destruction: Trade your life for the power to annihilate foes.
  • Grand Cross: Form a cross with holy power to destroy evil.

Battle Master

  • Mixed Arts: Strike a foe with weapon attacks and martial arts skills simultaneously.
  • Resist Blind: Nullify attempts to inflict Blind 50% of the time.
  • Armed Storm: A storm of blades that strikes multiple times.
  • Second Shift: Sharpen your spirit, causing your normal attack to strike 4 random foes for 3 turns.
  • Wide Smash: Use multiple weapons to strike all foes at once.
  • Resist Burn: Nullify attempts to inflict Burn 50% of the time.
  • Resist Freeze: Nullify attempts to inflict Freeze 50% of the time.
  • Resist Shock: Nullify attempts to inflict Shock 50% of the time.
  • Double Attack: Normal attack executes 2 times.
  • Crazy Time: Martial arts and weapon strikes combine in an incredible attack.

Black Mage

  • Drain: Magic that drains a foe's HP to restore your own.
  • Nullify Silence: Become immune to Silence.
  • Blaze: Advanced fire magic that engulfs a foe in the fires of hell.
  • Frost: Advanced ice magic that freezes a foe with intense cold.
  • Spark: Advanced lightning magic that pours thunderbolts on a foe.
  • Confuse: Magic that confuses foes.
  • Sleep: Magic that puts foes to sleep.
  • Paralyze: Magic that paralyzes foes.
  • Death: Magic that instantly kills a foe.
  • Madrain: Magic that drains a foe's MP to restore your own.

Time Mage

  • Slow: Magic that slows time down for a foe.
  • Warp: Magic that warps you to previously visited locations.
  • Teleport: Magic that warps you to the entrance of a dungeon.
  • Quick: Magic that speeds time up for an ally.
  • Stop: Magic that stops time for a foe.
  • Resist Slow: Nullify attempts to inflict Slow 50% of the time.
  • Gravity: Magic that crushes a foe with gravity.
  • Fossil: Magic that ages a foe until they are fossilized.
  • Resist Stop: Nullify attempts to inflict Stop 50% of the time.
  • Comet: Magic that twists spacetime to drop a comet on a foe.


  • Goblin: Summon a Goblin to attack a foe.
  • Lamia: Summon a Lamia to lash foes with a tail strike.
  • Carbuncle: Summon a Carbuncle that grants allies magic reflection for 3 rounds.
  • Scylla: Summon a Scylla to bind foes with tentacles.
  • Lakshmi: Summon Lakshmi to fully heal allies.
  • Dragon: Summon a Dragon to breathe fire on foes.
  • Phoenix: Summon a Phoenix to burn foes and revive fallen allies.

White Mage

  • Mega Heal: Greatly recover an ally's physical strength.
  • Mass Cure: Cleanse allies of common status effects.
  • Mass Enhance Guard: Boost allies' Attack by 50% for 6 turns.
  • Mass Enhance Mind: Halve magical damage allies take and boost their Willpower by 50% for 6 rounds.
  • Holy Arrow: Holy magic that fires a sacred arrow at a foe.
  • Heaven: Holy spell that sends a foe to heaven.
  • Mass Heal: Recover the physical strength of allies.
  • Mega Raise: Resurrect a defeated ally at full health.


  • Fire Tempest: Magic that unleashes a tornado of flame.
  • Magic Curtain: Recover MP equal to 10% of damage taken.
  • Blizzard Storm: Magic that unleashes a tornado of ice.
  • Cross Heal: Causes White Magic to use Magic in place of Willpower.
  • Thunder Hurricane: Magic that unleashes a tornado of lightning.
  • MP Cost 75% All skills have 3/4 MP cost.
  • Heal Typhoon Magic that unleashes a tornado of healing.
  • MP Regen 1% Regenerate 1% of Max MP per turn.


  • Splash Arrow: Shoot a flurry of arrows at a foe.
  • Insect Hunt: Hunter skill that deals large damage to Insects.
  • Forest Strength: +20% to all stats while in the forest.
  • Flower Hunt: Hunter skill that deals large damage to Plants-like lifeforms.
  • Arrow Rain: Fire a volley of arrows overhead, raining them down on foes.


  • Double Tap: Fire two bullets at one foe in rapid succession.
  • Spray & Pray: Empty a gun's clip by firing bullets at foes.
  • Bird Shot: Fire special ammo that is effective against Harpies.
  • Succubus Slayer Bullet: Fire special ammo that is effective against Succubi.
  • Concentrated Fire: Focus heavy gunfire on a foe.
  • Recovery Bullet: Fire a bullet imbued with healing magic at an ally.
  • Shotgun: Fire a spread shot at a foe with enough force to stagger them.
  • Ricochet: Ricochet a bullet off a wall, increasing its power.

Monster Tamer

  • Numbing Strike: A whip strike that numbs the body.
  • Soothe: Calm foes down using taming skills, stopping them from acting.
  • Binding Whip: Coil a whip around foes, binding them.
  • Confusing Whip: Whip foes in the head, confusing them.
  • Loving Whip: A whip technique that enchants enemies with a love
  • Monster Servant: Call a monster with your whip to attack for you.
  • Recruit Rate +150%: Sets the party's chance to recruit enemy monsters to 150% of normal.
  • Snake Tail: Strike foes with a whip like a snake's tail.

Master Thief

  • Mug: Normal attack also attempts to steal an item.
  • Preemptive Strike Up: Increase chance of getting a preemptive strike on foes.
  • Trick Knife: Slash a foe with flowing strikes.
  • Steal HP: Steal a foe's HP to replenish your own.
  • Lockpick II: Can unlock blue and green chests.
  • Assassin Throw: Aim at a foe's vital points, life-ending technique used by assassins.
  • Steal Rate +150%: Stealing has a 150% success rate.

Royal Guard

  • Armor Impact: Special attack that lowers foes' Defense by 90% for 6 rounds.
  • Mind Impact: Special attack that lowers foes' Willpower by 90% for 6 rounds.
  • Speed Impact: Special attack that lowers foes' Agility by 34% for 6 turns.
  • Town Strength: +20% to all stats while in a town.
  • Technique Impact: Special attack that lowers foes' Dexterity by 25% for 5 turns.
  • Magic Impact: Special attack that lowers foes' Magic by 34% for 6 turns.
  • Power Impact: Special attack that lowers foes' Attack by 34% for 6 turns.

Hero of Justice

  • Transform: Transform into a Hero of Justice for 4 rounds, gain +50% to all stats and gain access to Justice skills.
  • Burning Justice Punch: A punch of justice imbued with fire.
  • Resist Debuff: Nullify attempts to debuff stats 50% of the time.
  • Freezing Justice Punch: A punch of justice imbued with ice.
  • Strength in Solitude: +25% to all stats for each missing or defeated party members.
  • Shocking Justice Punch: A punch of justice imbued with lightning.
  • Hero Guts: Restore your own health with the power of justice.
  • Unyielding Fighting Spirit: +50% to all stats while below 20% HP.
  • Hero Dance: Unleash a flurry of strikes imbued with justice.

Black Marketeer

  • Buy High-Quality Herb: Buy a High-Quality Herb and use it immediately.
  • Super Throw Gold: Throw lots of gold at foes to inflict damage.
  • Buy Lucky Mallet: Buy a Lucky Mallet and use it immediately.
  • Buy Holy Water: Buy some Holy Water and use it immediately. Effect: Cure Zombie.
  • Buy Gold Needle: Buy a Gold Needle and use it immediately.
  • Bribe: Pay a foe to let you escape from normal battles.
  • Buy Boost Drink: Buy a Boost Drink and use it immediately.
  • Buy De-Love Potion: Buy a De-Love Potion and use it immediately. Effect: Cure Slimed/Horny/Trance/Seduction
  • Individual Life Insurance: When you are defeated in battle, the party gains gold.
  • Buy Elven Miracle Drug: Buy an Elven Miracle Drug and use it immediately.
  • Black Market Product Delivery: Buy a random item.
  • Buy Elixir: Buy an Elixir and use it immediately.

Item User

  • Distribution: Herb: Distribute a Herb's effect among allies.
  • Dilution: Herb: Dilute a Herb, granting 10% HP regen to allies for 10 rounds.
  • Distribution: Antidote Grass: Distribute an Antidote Grass' effect among allies.
  • Distribution: Eyedrops: Distribute some Eyedrops' effects among allies.
  • Distribution: Full Moon Grass: Distribute a Full Moon Grass' effect among allies.
  • Prevention: Antidote Grass: Use an Antidote Grass to grant allies immunity to Poison for 10 rounds.
  • Prevention: Eyedrops: Use some Eyedrops to grant allies immunity to Blind for 10 rounds.
  • Prevention: Full Moon Grass: Use a Full Moon Grass to grant allies immunity to Paralysis for 10 rounds.
  • Reversal: Antidote Grass: Reverse the effects of an Antidote Grass to Poison foes.
  • Reversal: Eyedrops: Reverse the effects of some Eyedrops to Blind foes.
  • Reversal: Full Moon Grass: Reverse the effects of an Full Moon Grass to Paralyze foes.
  • Spiral Edge: Throw a boomerang that slices through the wind to attack foes.
  • Distribution: Boost Drink: Effect: 50% SP Recovery. Distribute a Boost Drink's effect among allies.
  • Dilution: Boost Drink: Dilute a Boost Drink, granting 20% SP regen to allies for 10 rounds.
  • Distribution: Echo Grass: Distribute an Echo Grass' effect among allies.
  • Distribution: Restorative: Effect: Cure Sleep/Confusion. Distribute a Restorative's effect among allies.
  • Prevention: Echo Grass: Use an Echo Grass to grant allies immunity to Silence for 10 rounds.
  • Prevention: Restorative: Use a Restorative to grant allies immunity to Sleep and Confusion for 10 rounds.
  • Reversal: Echo Grass: Reverse the effects of an Echo Grass to Silence foes.
  • Reversal: Restorative: Effect: Cure Sleep/Confusion. Distribute a Restorative's effect among allies.
  • Distribution: High-Quality Herb: Distribute a High-Quality Herb's effect among allies.
  • Dilution: High-Quality Herb: Dilute a High-Quality Herb, granting 20% HP regen to allies for 10 rounds.
  • Distribution: Lucky Mallet: Effect: Cure Mini. Distribute a Lucky Mallet's effect among allies.
  • Distribution: Holy Water: Effect: Cure Zombie. Distribute some Holy Water's effect among allies.
  • Distribution: Gold Needle: Effect: Cure Petrify. Distribute a Gold Needle's effect among allies.
  • Prevention: Lucky Mallet: Effect: Mini Immunity (for 10 turns). Use a Lucky Mallet to grant allies immunity to Mini for 10 rounds.
  • Prevention: Effect: Zombie Immunity (for 10 turns). Use some Holy Water to grant allies immunity to Zombie for 10 rounds.
  • Prevention: Gold Needle: Effect: Petrify Immunity (for 10 turns). Use a Gold Needle to grant allies immunity to Petrify for 10 rounds.
  • Reversal: Lucky Mallet: Reverse the effects of a Lucky Mallet to shrink foes.
  • Reversal: Holy Water: Reverse the effects of some Holy Water to Zombify foes.
  • Reversal: Gold Needle: Reverse the effects of a Gold Needle to Petrify foes.
  • Distribution: Phoenix Tail: Target: All Allies, Effect: Revive (20% HP). Distribute a Phoenix Tail's effect among allies.
  • Prevention: Phoenix Tail : Effect: Death/Ascension Immunity. Use a Phoenix Tail to grant allies immunity to instant defeat for 10 rounds.
  • Reversal: Phoenix Tail: Reverse the effects of a Phoenix Tail to send foes to heaven.
  • Distribution: Miracle Drug: Distribute a Miracle Drug's effect among allies.
  • Dilution: Miracle Drug: Dilute a Miracle Drug, granting 2% MP regen to allies for 10 rounds.
  • Medicine Lore II: User's healing items restore 100% more HP/MP/SP when used in combat.
  • Endless Use: Fire Stone: Target: All Foes. Effect: Burn (10%). Activate a Fire Stone without consuming it.
  • Endless Use: Ice Stone: Target: All Foes. Effect: Freeze(10%). Activate an Ice Stone without consuming it.
  • Endless Use: Thunder Stone: Target: All Foes. Effect: Shock(10%). Activate a Thunder Stone without consuming it.


  • Deep Breathing: Calm your mind, regenerating 10% HP/SP for 6 rounds.
  • Desert Strength: +20% to all stats while in the desert.
  • Cave Strength: +20% to all stats while in a cave.
  • Shooting Star: Throw a boomerang with the force of a shooting star.
  • Self Treatment: Give yourself first aid to cure common statuses.
  • Resist Instant Death: Nullify attempts to inflict Instant Death 50% of the time.
  • Environmental Damage 50%: Halves damage taken while moving in poison swamps and barriers.
  • Post-Battle Rest: Regenerate 10% Max HP and 2% Max MP after each battle.
  • Geyser: Spray a foe with a blast of water.


  • Slots: Create a random effect based on the results of the slots.
  • Vanishing Card: Throw a card at a foe with sleight of hand.
  • Coin Toss: Flip a coin, causing either the user or a foe to die (Bypasses Death resistance on user).
  • Last Slot: User gives the party a high-quality item on death.
  • Item Slots: Acquire a random item.
  • Lucky Hunter: Double all XP, Job XP, and gold gained for the current battle.

Card Battler

  • Attack Draw: Oracle Skill, Effect: Random
  • Slash Card: Oracle Skill (Physical 380% Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: +
  • Heal Draw: Oracle Skill, Effect: Random
  • Resist Stun: Nullify attempts to inflict Stun 50% of the time.
  • Support Draw: Oracle Skill, Effect: Random
  • Dual Soul: User can only use Oracle skills, but they execute twice.


  • Strange Dance: Absorb a foe's mana with a special magical dance.
  • Encouraging Dance: Boost Attack and Agility by 50% for 6 turns with a dance that encourages allies.
  • Sexy Dance: Arouse foes with a sexy dance.
  • Vacuum Fan: Attack with a vacuum formed by waving a fan.
  • Curse Dance: Inflict many status effects with a malevolent dance. Target: All Foes. Effect: Poison/Blind/Silence
  • Death Dance: Remove positive effects from foes with a magic dispelling dance.


  • Song of Life: Grant allies HP regen for 10 rounds with an invigorating song.
  • Song of Defense: Boost allies' Defense/Willpower by 50% and halve all damage taken for 6 rounds with a calming song.
  • Hide: Become targeted half as often by foes.
  • Song of Energy: Grant allies SP regen for 10 rounds with an energizing song.
  • Song of Offense: Boost Attack and Magic of allies by 50% for 6 rounds with a militant song.
  • Song of Magic: Grant allies MP regen for 10 rounds with an empowering song.


  • Sexy Beam: Fire a beam a foe while striking a sexy pose. Effect: Seduction
  • Resist Seduction: Nullify attempts to inflict Seduction 50% of the time.
  • Hustle Dance: Heal allies with adance filled with vitality.
  • Sparkle: Charm foes with an idol's light. Effect: Stun/Seduction (75%)
  • Seduction Strike 10%: Normal attack inflicts Seduction 10% of the time.
  • Stage Time: For 4 rounds, can only use Sing and Dance skills, but you act twice per turn. Effect: Stage Time, 30% SP Regen 
  • Pink Typhoon: Create a storm of sex appeal to make foes fall in love with you.

Magical Scholar

  • Super-Heating Radiation: Create super-heating radiation with the power of science.
  • Phase Transition: Cause a phase transition with the power of science. Effect: Freeze.
  • Vacuum Discharge: Cause a vacuum discharge with the power of science. Effect: Shock.
  • Resist Sonic 50%: Reduce Sonic damage taken to 50% of normal.
  • Resist Bio 50%: Reduce Bio damage taken to 50% of normal.
  • Super SP Conversion: Convert MP into a large amount of SP.
  • Super MP Conversion: Convert SP into a large amount of MP.
  • Design Break: Destroy monsters created through gene manipulation.
  • Silent Spring: Target: All Foes, Effect: Poison/Blind/Silence (50%). Unleash chemical weapons on foes.

Alchemist (Part 1)

  • Create: Herb - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: 30 HP Recovery
  • Create: Fire Stone - Alchemy (Fire 300% Dex), Target: All Foes
  • Create: Ice Stone - Alchemy (Ice 300% Dex), Target: All Foes
  • Create: Thunder Stone - Alchemy (Lightning 300% Dex), Target: All Foes
  • Create: Phoenix Tail - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: Revive (20% HP)
  • Create: Antidote Grass - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: Cure Poison
  • Create: Eyedrops - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: Cure Blind
  • Create: Full Moon Grass - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: Cure Paralysis
  • Create: Miracle Drug - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: 30 MP Recovery
  • Create: Echo Grass - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: Cure Silence
  • Create: Restorative - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: Cure Sleep/Confusion
  • Create: Lucky Mallet - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: Cure Mini
  • Create: High-Quality Herb - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: 300 HP Recovery
  • Create: Boost Drink - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: 50% SP Recovery
  • Create: Red Fire Stone - Alchemy (Fire 600% Dex), Target: All Foes
  • Create: Blue Ice Stone - Alchemy (Ice 600% Dex), Target: All Foes
  • Create: Yellow Thunder Stone - Alchemy (Lightning 600% Dex), Target: All Foes
  • Create: Elven Miracle Drug - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: 100 MP Recovery
  • Create: Holy Water - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: Cure Zombie
  • Create: Gold Needle - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: Cure Petrify
  • Create: De-Love Potion - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: Cure Horny/Trance/Seduction/Incontinence
  • Create: Ultimate Herb - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: 5000 HP Recovery
  • Create: Burst Drink - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: 100% SP Recovery
  • Create: Panacea - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: Cure Status
  • Create: Divine Miracle Drug - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: 500 MP Recovery
  • Create: Yggdrasil Leaf - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: Revive (100% HP)
  • Create: Elixir - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: 100% HP/MP Recovery
  • Create: Blazing Red Fire Stone - Alchemy (Fire 900% Dex), Target: All Foes
  • Create: Frigid Blue Ice Stone - Alchemy (Ice 900% Dex), Target: All Foes
  • Create: Electric Yellow Thunder Stone - Alchemy (Lightning 900% Dex), Target: All Foes
  • Create: Last Elixir - Alchemy, Target: All Allies, Effect: 100% HP/MP Recovery

Magical Librarian

  • Page 4 of Fire: Conjure the fires of hell with a grimoire page.
  • Page 8 of Ice: Conjure freezing ice with a grimoire page.
  • Page 16 of Thunder: Summon lightning with a grimoire page.
  • Magic Converter: User gains +50% Magic/Willpower, but -50% Attack/Defense.
  • Page 12 of Paralysis: Paralyze foes with a grimoire page.
  • Page 777 of Healing: Heal allies with a grimoire page.
  • Page 24 of Obedience: Seduce foes with a grimoire page.


  • Gatling Gun: Makina that fires countless bullets with multiple rotating gun barrels.
  • Vibro Blade: Makin blade that increases cutting strength by vibrating at a high frequency.
  • Kalina Ann Range: Makina (Physical 580% Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: Ghost Killer
  • Trial Punisher: Heavy firearm that launches gatling crosses that destroys Vampires.
  • Electromagnetic Armor: Defensive makina that creates an electromagnetic defense wall.
  • Drill: Makina that pierces a foe like a rapidly rotating spear.


  • Amazon Jane: Target: Foe, Effect: Poison. Control toxic zombie Amazon Jane.
  • Resist Poison: Nullify attempts to inflict Poison 50% of the time.
  • Necro Sherri: Control burning zombie Necro Sherri.
  • Zombie Reaping: Effect: Zombie Killer. Slice in a wide arc to destroy zombies.
  • Vicarious Clara: Target: User, Effect: 2 Layer Deflector/Nullify 2 Hits. Control guarding zombie Vicarious Clara.
  • Dry Elizabeth: Summoning (Pleasure 380% Mag+Dex), Target: Foe


  • Bloody Mary: Control vicious ghost Bloody Mary. Target: 3 Random Foes
  • Resist Paralysis: Nullify attempts to inflict Paralysis 50% of the time.
  • Spirit Mage Ellie: Effect: Freeze. Target: All Foes. Control frigid ghost Spirit Mage Ellie.
  • Darkness Seal Formation: Rip apart dimensions with a magic scythe that slays ghosts.
  • Ghost Priest Maria: Control compassionate ghost Ghost Priest Maria. Effect: HP Recovery                                 


  • Poltergeist Doll: Call out the Karakuri doll "Shoushin doll". Target: 3 Random Foes
  • Resist Petrify: Nullify attempts to inflict Petrify 50% of the time.
  • Shout Marta: Control wind-up doll Shout Maria. Target: All Foes, Effect: Confusion (50%)
  • Feint Zapper: Scythe Skill (Physical 440% ^ of Att,Mag), Target: Foe, Effect: Doll Killer, +
  • Love Marta: Control wind-up doll Love Marta.. Summoning (Pleasure 660% Dex), Target: Foe
  • Saint Maiden: Control wind-up doll Saint Maiden. Target: Foe, Effect: Bind (75%)

Smooth Talker

  • Threaten: Threaten a foe into fleeing, only works during normal battles.
  • Beg for Money: Beg for gold from a foe, lowering affinity.
  • Beg for Items: Beg for an item from a foe, lowering affinity.
  • Ally Invitation: Invite foes to become allies, tripling recruit rate for this battle.
  • Will: Upon death, user boosts stats of all other allies by 50% and halves their damage taken for 5 turns.
  • Wind Throw: Throw a wind-infused boomerang to attack foes.
  • Return: Persuade foes to flee, only works during normal battles.
  • Word Bomb: Create an explosion with the power of language.

Three Star Chef

  • Gratin - Cooking (Lightning 380% Dex), Target: Foe
  • Paella - Cooking (Ice 380% Dex), Target: Foe
  • Shrimp Chili - Cooking (Fire 380% Dex), Target: Foe
  • Super Metabolism: Healing items/effects used on you restore 200% more HP/MP/SP.
  • Takoyaki - Cooking (Wind 380% Dex), Target: Foe
  • Taiyaki - Cooking (Water 380% Dex), Target: Foe
  • Okonomiyaki - Cooking (Earth 380% Dex), Target: Foe
  • Nullify Digestion: Become immune to Digestion.
  • Anpan - Cooking (Physical 100% Dex), Target: All Allies, Effect: HP Recovery
  • Chocolate Coronet - Cooking, Target: All Allies, Effect: Dex Up (for 3 turns)
  • Melon Bun - Cooking, Target: All Allies, Effect: Mag Up (for 3 turns) Curry Bun - Cooking, Target: All Allies, Effect: Att Up (for 3 turns)
  • Croquette Bun - Cooking, Target: All Allies, Effect: Double SP Charge (for 5 turns)
  • Meat Bun - Cooking (Fire 440% Dex), Target: All Foes
  • Steamed Bun - Cooking (Ice 440% Dex), Target: All Foes
  • Pizza Bun - Cooking (Lightning 440% Dex), Target: All Foes
  • Beef Bowl - Cooking (Physical 440% Dex), Target: All Foes
  • Fried Rice - Cooking (Wind 440% Dex), Target: All Foes
  • Nabe - Cooking (Earth 440% Dex), Target: All Foes
  • Oden - Cooking (Water 440% Dex), Target: All Foes


  • Emergency Surgery - Medicine, Target: Ally, Effect: 100% HP Recovery
  • Dissection - Medicine (Physical 228% Att+Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: +
  • Revival - Medicine, Target: Ally, Effect: Revive (20% HP)
  • Inner Metabolic Activation - Medicine, Target: All Allies, Effect: 20% HP Regen (for 10 turns)
  • Inner Magical Activation - Medicine, Target: All Allies, Effect: 4% MP Regen (for 10 turns)
  • Antibiotic Injection - Medicine, Target: Ally, Effect: Nullify Status Effects (for 10 turns)
  • Shock Resistance Injection - Medicine, Target: Ally, Effect: Nullify Death/Ascension/Climax
  • Doping All - Medicine, Target: All Allies, Effect: Max HP Up

Master Maid

  • Special Herbal Tea: Heal an ally and restore their energy with herbal tea.
  • Nullify Earth: Nullify Earth damage taken.
  • Resist Slimed: Nullify attempts to inflict Slimed 50% of the time.
  • Swift Cleaning: Damage foes by quickly cleans the enemy with a moist cloth. Effect: Slimed (75%)
  • Job XP +150%: Gain 150% Job XP.


  • Sun Slice: Slash with a blade bathed in flame.
  • Nullify Critical: Evade all critical attacks.
  • King's Authority: Halve all damage taken and boost all stats by 50% for 4 turns with a king's power.
  • Divine Kingship: Regen 30% HP, 8% MP, and 30% SP for 6 rounds with divine grace.
  • HP Regen 10%: Regenerate 10% of Max HP per turn.
  • King's Army: Call the armies of a king to assault foes.
  • Experience +150%: Gain 150% XP.
  • Royal Life Sword: Blade of roaring flames filled with a ruler's beliefs.


  • Healing Grace: Heal and invigorate allies with a Pope's prayer.
  • Magic Reflection +30%: Increase Magic Reflect rate by 30%.
  • Second Coming: Through sincere prayer, gain the ability to revive yourself when defeated.
  • 13th Law: Iron Hammer: Destroy wickedness with holy energy.
  • Holy Martyr: On death, user fully heals and revives all party members.
  • Experience +150%: Gain 150% XP.
  • Rotary Sermon: Preach to foes and make them ascend to heaven.


  • Demon Slicer: Hero's skill that destroys Yoma and Vampires.
  • Undead Slicer: Hero's skill that destroys Zombies and Ghosts.
  • Rising Heavenly Inferno Slash: Imbue flame in your weapon and strike with all your strength.
  • Miracle of the Goddess Once per battle, revive at 50% HP when defeated.
  • SP Regen 10%: Regenerate 10% of Max SP per turn.
  • Red Lotus Heavenly Cyclone: Hero's skill to spin around and destroy foes with roaring flames.
  • Red Lotus Flame Dance: Hero's skill that strikes four times with a weapon wreathed in the fire of hell.

Special Part 1 Skill/Race - Luka


Special luka skill:

Part 2 Jobs


  • Swordslap - Katana Skill (Physical 156% Att+Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: Paralysis (75%)
  • ??? - Katana Skill, Target: User, Effect: Attack/Dexterity Up, Defense Down
  • Three Step Decapitation - Katana Skill (Physical 144%*3 Att+Dex), Target: Foe
  • Critical Auto Guard: When dropping below 20% HP, halve physical damage taken for 4 rounds
  • Iainuki - Katana Skill (264% Att+Dex), Target: All Foes
  • Clear Mind: A secret skill that does not accept attribute damage during the three turns due to its strong mental strength. Effect: Null All Elements (For 3 Turns)
  • Fang - Katana Skill (Physical 408% Att+Dex), Target: Foe
  • Iai:Flame - Katana Skill - (Fire 564% Att+Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: Burn (75%)

Savage Warrior

  • Volcano Axe - Axe Skill (Fire 440% Att), Target: Foe
  • Berserker - Special Skill, Target: User, Effect: Berserk (+50% Att, 30% SP Regen, go berserk until end of battle.)
  • Hurricane Swing - Axe Skill (Wind 380% Att), Target: All Foes
  • Berserker: Become Berserk in battle, but boost Attack by 50% and regenerate 30% SP per turn.
  • Double SP Charge: Doubles SP gain when guarding or attacking.
  • Berserker Rush - Axe Skill (Physical 240% Att), Target: 3 Random Foes

Tao Swordsman

  • Wind Soul Slash: Imbue a blade with Taoist energy, slashing with the power of wind.
  • Earth Soul Slash: Imbue a blade with Taoist energy, slashing with the power of earth.
  • Water Soul Slash: Imbue a blade with Taoist energy, slashing with the power of water.
  • Bird Stance: Taoist stance that regenerates 10% SP and boosts evasion by 30% for 6 rounds.
  • Drain Soul Slash: Imbue a blade with Taoist energy, causing your strike to drain a foe's energy.
  • Death Slash: Imbue a blade with Taoist energy, causing your strike to inflict instant death.


  • Blinding Wind Talisman - Taoism (Wind 500% Mag), Target: All Foes, Effect: Blind (75%)
  • Silent Earth Talisman - Taoism (Earth 500% Mag), Target: All Foes, Effect: Silence (75%)
  • Toxic Water Talisman - Taoism (Water 500% Mag), Target: All Foes, Effect: Poison (75%)
  • Resist Wind 75%: Reduce Wind damage taken to 75% of normal.
  • Spirit Stance - Taoism, Target: User, Effect: 2% MP Regen/Evasion +30% (for 7 turns)
  • Resist Water 75%: Reduce Water damage taken to 75% of normal.
  • Draining Light Talisman - Taoism (Holy 540% Mag), Target: All Foes, Effect: HP Drain 50%

Magical Girl

  • Magical Change - Special Skill, Target: User, Effect: Transform (For 5 Turns)
  • Magical Star - Justice Skill (No Element 660% Mag), Target: Foe
  • Resist Fire 75%: Reduce Fire damage taken to 75% of normal.
  • Magical Heal - Justice Skill (150% Will), Target: All Allies, Effect: HP Recovery
  • Resist Ice 75%: Reduce Ice damage taken to 75% of normal.
  • Magical Aura -Justice Skill (No Element 660% Mag), Target: All Foes
  • Resist Lightning 75%: Reduce Lightning damage taken to 75% of normal.
  • MP Regen 2%: Regenerate 2% of Max MP per turn.
  • Law of Cycles - Justice Skill, Target: User, Effect: Auto Revive


  • Fire Veil - Ninjutsu (Fire 290% Att+Dex), Target: All Foes
  • Doppleganger - Ninjutsu, Target: User, Effect: Evasion +50%
  • Water Veil - Ninjutsu (Water 290% Att+Dex), Target: All Foes
  • Resist Wind 50%: Reduce Wind damage taken to 50% of normal.
  • Smoke Screen - Ninjutsu, Target: All Allies, Effect: Flee Battle
  • Lightning Veil - Ninjutsu (Lightning 290% Att+Dex), Target: All Foes


  • Hack and Slash - Piracy (Physical 300% *3 ^ of Att,Dex,Agi), Target: Foe, Effect: Physical Counter 50%, 120% Hit
  • Resist Water 50%: Reduce Water damage taken to 50% of normal.
  • Resist Sleep: Nullify attempts to inflict Sleep 50% of the time.
  • Mermaid Hunt - Piracy (Physical 580% ^ of Att,Dex,Agi), Target: Foe, Effect: Mermaid Killer, Physical Counter 50%, 120% Hit
  • Sea Strength - Special Ability
  • Mug - Piracy (Physical 480% ^ of Att,Dex,Agi), Target: Foe, Effect: Steal, Physical Counter 50%, 120% Hit
  • Support Bombardment - Piracy Skill (260% ^ of Att, Dex, Agi), Target: 4 Random Foes, Effect: Burn (10%), Support Bombardment, 120% Hit
  • Calm Fist - Piracy (Wind 660% ^ of Att,Dex,Agi), Target: Foe, Effect: Physical Counter 50%, 120% Hit
  • SP Cost 75% - Job Ability
  • Bloodbath - Piracy (Physical 300% ^ of Att,Dex,Agi), Target: 3 Random Foes, Effect: Physical Counter 50%, 120% Hit


  • Splitting Waterfall - Piracy Skill (Water 580% ^ of Att, Dex, aAgi), Target: Foe, Effect Physical Counter 50%, 120% hit
  • Resist Water 50%: Reduce Water damage taken to 50% of normal.
  • Resist Confusion: Nullify attempts to inflict Confusion 50% of the time.
  • Ocean Slayer - Piracy Skill (580% ^ of Att, Dex, Agi), target: Foe, Sea-Dweller Killer, Physical Counter 50%, 120% Hit
  • Sea Strength - Special Ability
  • Support Bombardment - Piracy Skill (260% ^ of Att, Dex, Agi), Target: 4 Random Foes, Effect: Burn (10%), Support Bombardment, 120% Hit
  • Aqua Rend - Piracy Skill (Water 660% ^ of Att, Dex, Agi), Target: Foe, Effect: Physical Counter 50%, 120% Hit
  • Battle Start SP Up - Special Ability
  • Marine Dance - Pirate Skill (260%*4 ^ of Att, Dex, Agi), Target: Foe, Effect: Physical Counter 50%, 120% Hit


  • World Wrecking Decapitation - Sword Skill (Dark 940% Att), Target: Foe, Effect: +
  • Darkness - Combat Ability
  • Dark Strike: Normal attack also deals Dark damage.
  • Spellblade Dark - Spellblade, Target: User, Effect: Dark Strike-[Normal attack also deals Dark damage.] (for 10 turns)
  • - Sword Skill (Dark 200% Att), Target: 5 Random Foes, Effect: +
  • - Sword Skill (Ice 940% Att), Target: Foe, Effect +

Holy Knight

  • Requiem Lance - Spear Skill (Physical 264% Att+Agi), Target: All Foes, Effect: HP/SP Drain + Zombie/Ghost Killer
  • Holy Spear Charge - Spear Skill, Target: All Allies, Effect: Att up
  • Sun Conquista - Spear Skill (Holy 144% Att+Agi), Target: 3 Random Foes
  • Miraculous Holy Spear - Spear Skill, Target: All Allies, Effect: HP Recovery
  • Ultimate Defense - Defense Ability
  • Sun Rebellion - Spear Skill (Holy 576% Att+Agi), Target: Foe

Master Swordcerer

  • Spellblade Wind - Spellblade, Target: User, Effect: Wind Strike-[Normal attack also deals Wind damage.] (for 10 turns)
  • Spellblade Earth - Spellblade, Target: User, Effect: Earth Strike - [Normal attack also deals Earth damage.] (for 10 turns)
  • Spellblade Water - Spellblade, Target: User, Effect: Water Strike (for 10 turns)
  • Flame Slash - Sword Skill (Fire 440% Att), Target: All Foes, Effect: Burn (25%), +15% Hit,+
  • Ice Slash - Sword Skill (Ice 440% Att), Target: All Foes, Effect: Freeze (10%), +15% Hit, +
  • Thunder Slash - Sword Skill (Lightning 440% Att), Target: All Foes, Effect: Shock (10%), +15% Hit, +
  • Spellblade Paralysis - Spellblade, Target: User, Effect: Paralysis Strike
  • Spellblade Confusion - Spellblade, Target: User, Effect: Confusion Strike
  • Spellblade Sleep - Spellblade, Target: User, Effect: Sleep Strike
  • Magic Reflect - Spellblade, Target: All Allies, Effect: Magic Reflection (3 turns)
  • Attack Magi: Causes Black Magic, Time Magic, Summoning skills, and Demon Arts skills to use Attack in place of Magic.
  • Spellblade Death - Spellblade, Target: User, Effect: Death Strike
  • Giga Slash - Sword Skill (Fire/Ice/Lightning 680% Att), Target: Foe, Effect: +15% Hit, +

Holy Lancer

  • Lightning Spear - Spear Skill (Lightning 228% Att+Agi), Target: Foe
  • Illusion Lance - Spear Skill (Holy 564% Att+Agi), Target: Foe, Effect: +
  • Aqua Lance - Spear Skill (Water 228% Att+Agi), Target: Foe
  • Empty Spear - Combat Ability
  • Holy Landing - Spear Skill (Holy 408% Att+Agi), Target All Foes
  • Godly Dragon Spear - Spear Skill (Physical 192% Att+Agi), Target: Foe, Effect: HP/MP/SP drain
  • Holy Spear Dance - Spear Skill (Holy 144% Att+Agi), Target: 4 Random Foes

Dark Dragon Knight

  • Ice Shattering Lance - Spear Skill (Ice 228% Att+Agi), Target: Foe
  • Nightmare Lance - Spear Skill (Dark 564% Att+Agi), Target: Foe, Effect: +
  • Raging Quake Spear - Spear Skill (Earth 228% Att+Agi), Target: Foe
  • Forceful Spear - Combat Ability
  • Darkness Drive - Spear Skill (Dark 408% Att+Agi), Target: All Foes
  • Wicked Dragon Spear - Spear Skill (Physical 192% Att+Agi), Target: Foe, Effect:
  • Dark Spear Dance - Spear Skill (Dark 144% Att+Agi), Target: 4 Random Foes

Samurai Saint

  • Iai: Thunder - Katana Skill (Lightning 564% Att+Dex), Target Foe, Effect: +
  • Spirit Slaying Sword - Katana Skill (Physical 264% Att+Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: Ghost Slayer
  • Honed Katana - Combat Ability
  • - Katana Skill (Fire 408% Att+Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: +
  • Serene Mind - Special Ability (+200% Hit, +50% Mag/Eva for 4 truns)
  • Kyoka Suigetsu - Katana Skill (Holy 564% Att+Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: +
  • - Katana Skill (Holy 84% Att+Dex), Target: 7 Random Foes, Effect: +

Dark Samurai

  • Iai: Blizzard - Katana Skill (Ice 564% Att+Dex), Targer: Foe, Effect: +
  • - Katana Skill (Physical 264% Att+Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: Demi-Human Slayer
  • Forceful Katana - Combat Ability
  • Serene Demon Sword - Katana Skill (Ice 408% Att+Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: +
  • - Katana Skill, Target: User, Effect: Death Strike
  • - Katana Skill (Dark 564% Att+Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: +
  • - Katana Skill (Dark 96% Att+Dex), Target: 6 Random Foes, Effect: +

Giga Fighter

  • Wild Full Swing - Club Skill (Physical 680% Att), Target: All Foes
  • Critical Arc - Flail Skill (Physical 680% Att), Target: All Foes
  • Full Power - Special Skill, Target: User, Effect: Att Up (Quadruple attack for the following turn.)
  • Super Endure - Defense Ability
  • Cosmic Blast - Club Skill (Physical 940% Att), Target: Foe, Effect: +
  • Uroboros - Flail Skill (Physical 940% Att), Target: Foe, Effect: +


  • 2-4 - Axe Skill (Earth 940% Att), Target: Foe, Effect: +
  • High Berseker - Special Skill
  • Deadly Hawk - Axe Skill (Physical 680% Att), Target: All Foes
  • Hi-Berseker: Rampage while in battle; increasing Attack by 100%, acting twice, and regenerating 50% SP per round, but become uncontrollable.
  • Triple SP Charge: Triples SP gain when guarding or attacking.
  • Octo Diabolo - Axe Skill (Physical 120% Att), Target: 8 Random Foes, Effect: +

Kuji-In Sword God

  • Byakko Slash - Sword Skill (Wind 680% Att), Target: All Foes, Effect: Wind Weak (50%), +15% Hit +
  • Genbu Slash - Sword Skill (Earth 680% Att), Target: All Foes, Effect: Earth Weak (50%), +15% Hit +
  • Seiryuu Slash - Sword Skill (Water 680% Att), Target: All Foes, Effect: Water Weak (50%), +15% Hit +
  • Dragon Stance - Taoism, Target: User, Effect: 20% SP Regen, Eva +50% (6 turns)
  • Suzaku Slash - Sword Skill (Fire 680% Att), Target: All Foes, Effect: Fire Weak (50%), +15% Hit +

Saint Fist

  • Light Rendint Fist - Unarmed Skill (Holy 408% Att+Agi), Target: All Foes, Effect: +20% Hit
  • Quad Heaven Palm - Unarmed skill (Holy 144% Att+Agi), Target: 4 Random Foes, Effect: +20% Hit, +
  • Dancing Fist - Combat Ability
  • Diffuse Chakra - Unarmed Skill, Target: All Allies, Effect: HP Recovery
  • Spirit Palm - Unarmed Skill (Physical 564% Att+Agi), Target: Foe, Effect: 20% Hit, +
  • - Unarmed Skill (Physical A Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: Counter Attack

Dark Fist

  • Dark Ripping Fist - Unarmed Skill (Dark 408% Att+Agi), Target: All Foes, Effect: +20% Hit
  • Four Strike Star Destruction - Unarmed Skill (Dark 144% Att+Agi), Target: 4 Random Foes, Effect: +20% Hit, +
  • Crit Rate 50% - Combat Ability
  • Heavy Fist - Combat Ability
  • Darkness - Combat Ability
  • Shun Goku Satsu - Unarmed Skill (Physical 564% Att+Agi), Target: Foe, Effect: +20% Hit, +

Force Monk

  • Vacuum Wave Palm - Unarmed Skill (Wind 408% Att+Agi), Target: Foe, Effect: Wind Fist, +20% Hit, +
  • Magic Counter 50% - Combat Ability
  • - Special Skill, Target: User, Effect: SP Full Recovery
  • Earth Diamond Fist - Unarmed Skill (Earth 408% Att+Agit), Target: Foe, Effect: Earth Fist, +20% Hit, +
  • Mana Drain Strike - Combat Ability
  • - Unarmed Skill, Target: User, Effect: Dual Energy Fist
  • Wave Crash Kick - Unarmed Skill (Water 408% Att+Agi), Target: Foe, Effect: Water Fist, +20% Hit, +
  • - Unarmed Skill, Target: Ally, Effect: Revive (100% HP)
  • Rapid Magi: Causes Black Magic, Time Magic, Summoning skills, and Demon Arts skills to use Agility in place of Magic.
  • Element Finish - Unarmed Skill (Fire/Ice/Lightning/Water/Earth/Wind 96*6 Att+Agi), Target: Foe, Effect: +20% Hit, +

God Hand

  • Saint's Grand Prayer - Holy Skill, Target: Al Allies, Effect: 100% HP Recovery
  • Desperate Strike - Combat Ability
  • Nullify Zombie: Become immune to Zombie.
  • God's Fist - Unarmed Skill (Holy 408% Att+Agi), Target: Foe, Effect: +20% Hit
  • Saint's Miracle - Holy Skill, Target, Ally, Effect: Revive
  • Nullify Ascension: Become immune to Ascension.
  • Saint's Martyrdom - Holy Skill, Target: All Allies, Effect: 100% HP Recovery, Revive (100% HP)
  • Golden Hammer - Holy Skill (Holy 1400% ^ of Att, Will), Target: All Foes

Inferno Mage

  • Omega Blaze - Black Magic (Fire 1000% Mag), Target: All Foes, Effect: 100% Hit
  • Fire Strike: Normal attack also deals Fire damage.
  • Nullify Burn: Become immune to Burn.
  • Nullify Fire: Nullify Fire damage taken.
  • Prominence - Black Magic (Fire 1400% Mag), Target: All Foes, Effect: 100% Hit, +

Arctic Mage

  • Sigma Frost - Black Magic (Ice 1000% Mag), Target: All Foes, Effect: 100% Hit
  • Ice Strike: Normal attack also deals Ice damage.
  • Nullify Freeze: Become immune to Freeze.
  • Nullify Ice: Nullify Ice damage taken.
  • Ice Age - Black Magic (Ice 1400% Mag), Target: All Foes, Effect: 100% Hit, +

Gigavolt Mage

  • Lambda Spark - Black Magic (Lightning 1000% Mag), Target: All foes, Effect: 100% Hit
  • Lightning Strike: Normal attack also deals Lightning damage.
  • Nullify Shock: Become immune to Shock.
  • Nullify Lightning: Nullify Lightning damage taken.
  • Plasma Storm - Black Magic (Lightning 1400% Mag), Target: All Foes, Effect: 100% Hit, +

Spacetime Mage

  • Mass Slow: Magic that slows time down for foes.
  • Mass Quick: Effect:Quick

Magic that speeds time up for allies.

  • Mass Stop: Magic that stops time for foes.
  • Rezone: Magic that relocates a foe through space, killing them instantly.
  • Nullify Slow: Become immune to Slow.
  • Mass Gravity: Magic that crushes foes with gravity.
  • Nullify Stop: Become immune to Stop.
  • Meteor: Magic to distort space-time and summon giant meteorites

Spirit Summoner

  • Sylph - Summoning (Wind 1200% ^Mag, Agi); Target: All Foes, Effect: Sylph (self)
  • Gnome- Summoning (Earth 1200% ^Mag, Agi); Target: All Foes, Effect: Gnome (self)
  • Undine - Summoning (Water 1200% ^Mag, Agi); Target: All Foes, Effect: Undine (self)
  • Salamander - Summoning (Fire 1200% ^Mag, Agi); Target: All Foes, Effect: Salamander (self)
  • Reaper - Summoning (Dark 1400% Mag), Target: All Foes, Effect: Death (75%)
  • Divine Dragon - Summoning (Holy 1800% Mag), Target: All Foes, Effect: Ascension (10%)

Cosmic Taoist

  • Confounding Fire Talisman - Taoism (Fire 1000% ^Mag,Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: Confusion (75%), Fire Weak (100%), 100% Hit
  • Nullify Wind: Nullify Wind damage taken.
  • Dreaming Ice Talisman - Taoism (Ice 1000% ^Mag,Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: Sleep (75%), Ice Weak (100%), 100% Hit
  • Nullify Earth: Nullify Earth damage taken.
  • Paralyzing Lightning Talisman - Taoism (Lightning 1000% ^Mag,Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: Paralysis (75%), Lightning Weak (100%), 100% Hit
  • Nullify Water: Nullify Water damage taken.
  • Greedy Darkness Talisman - Taoism (Dark 1400% ^Mag,Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: Death (75%), Dark Weak (100%), 100% Hit
  • Divine Stance - Taoism, Target: User, Effect: Divine Stance (4% MP Regen, Evasion 50% for 6 turns)
  • Taoism Exorcist Formation - Taoism (Physical 1000% ^Mag, Dex), Target: User, Effect: Taoist Exorcist Formation, Magic Counter

Holy Mage

  • Mass Enhance Magic - White Magic, Target: All Allies, Effect: Magic Up (50%, 3 turns)
  • Mass Enhance Technique - White Magic, Target: All Allies, Effect: Dexterity Up (50%, 3 turns)
  • Mass Enhance Attack - White Magic, Target: All Allies, Effect: Attack Up (50%, 3 turns)
  • Nirvana - White Magic (Holy 1000% ^ of Mag,Will), Target: All Foes, Effect: 100% Hit, +
  • Mass Mega Raise - White Magic, Target: All Allies, Effect: Revive (100% HP)

Holy Archer

  • Lamia Buster - Bow Skill (Physical 228% Att+Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: Lamia Killer
  • Scylla Buster - Bow Skill (Physical 228% Att+Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: Scylla Killer
  • Super Forest Strength - Special Ability
  • Meteor Arrows - Bow Skill (Holy 96% Att+Dex), Target: 6 Random Foes, Effect: +

Shadow Hunter

  • Elf Hunting - Bow Skill (Physical 228% Att+Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: Elf Killer
  • Fairy Hunting - Bow Skill (Physical 228% Att+Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: Fairy Killer
  • Super Forest Strength - Special Ability
  • - Bow Skill (Dark 96% Att+Dex), Target: 6 Random Foes, Effect: +

God's Eye

  • Saint Rose - Gun Skill (Holy 940% Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: +
  • Dancing Flare - Gun Skill (Fire 680% Dex), Target: All Foes
  • Silver Bullet - Gun Skill (Physical 380% Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: Yoma/Vampire Killer
  • Exorcism Bullet - Gun Skill (Physical 380% Dex), Target: Foe, Ghost/Zombie Killer
  • Recovery Gattling - Gun Skill, Target: 8 Random Allies, Effect: HP Recovery
  • Holy Desperado - Gun Skill (Holy 240% Dex), Target: 4 Random Foes, Effect: +

Devil's Eye

  • Black Dahlia - Gun Skill (Dark 940% Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: +
  • Megiddo Burst - Gun Skill (Ice 680% Dex), Target: All Foes
  • Toxic Spiral Bullet - Gun Skill (Physical 380% Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: Land-Dweller/Sea-Dweller Killer
  • Mythbuster - Gun Skill (Physical 380% Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: Mermaid/Kitsune/Dragon Killer
  • Yin-Yang - Gun Skill (Physical 440% Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: Petrify (25%)/Death (25%)
  • Shadow Desperado - Gun Skill (Dark 240% Dex), Target: 4 Random Foes, Effect: +

Dragon Tamer

  • Dragon Tail - Whip Skill (Power: A) Translation Pending
  • Holy Servant - Whip Skill, Effect: Random
  • Recruit Rate +200% - Special Ability
  • Serpent Dance - Whip Skill (Power: S) Translation Pending

Devil Summoner

  • Devil Buster - Whip Skill (Physical 228% Att+Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: Yoma Killer/Paralysis (25%)
  • Jet Black Snake - Whip Skill (Dark 408% Att+Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: Paralysis (25%)
  • Devil Servant - Whip Skill, Effect: Random
  • Recruit Rate +200% - Special Ability
  • Dark Spiral Whip - Whip SKill (Dark 564% Att+Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: Paralysis (25%)


  • Assassin Dance - Dagger Skill (Physical 120% Att+Dex), Target: 3 Random Foes, Effect: Death (50%), +20% Hit.
  • Infinite Knives - Dagger Skill (Physical 408% Att+Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: +20% Hit
  • Technical Knife - Combat Ability
  • Steal MP - Thievery (Power 20% Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: MP Drain 100%, 100% Hit, No Crit
  • Steal SP - Thievery, Target: Foe, Effect: SP Drain (25%)
  • Lockpick III - Special Ability
  • Steal Rate +200% - Special Ability
  • Bandit's Proof - Thievery (Power: 700% ^Dex, Agi), Target: Foe, Effect: 100%, +

Master Shinobi

  • Scattering Cherry Blossoms - Ninjutsu (Physical 700% ^Att, Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: Death (75%), 120% Hit, +
  • Wind Strike - Combat Ability
  • - Ninjutsu (Physical 102% ^Att, Dex), Target: 6 Random Foes, Effect: 120% Hit, +
  • Nullify Wind: Nullify Wind damage taken.
  • Dual-Wield - Combat Ability
  • - Ninjutsu (Fire/Earth/Wind/Water 500% ^Att, Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: 120% Hit, +

Pirate King

  • Oceanic Decapitation - Pirating Skill (Physical 1000% ^ of Att, Dex, Agi), Target: All Foes, Effect: 120% Hit, +
  • Nullify Water: Nullify Water damage taken.
  • Nullify Sleep: Become immune to Sleep.
  • Water Strike: Normal attack also deals Water damage.
  • Super Sea Strength - Special Ability
  • Kaiser Fleet - Pirating Skill (Fire 360% ^ of Att, Dex, Agi), Target: 4 Random Foes, Effect: 120% Hit
  • 四連凪刃 - Pirating Skill (Wind 360%*4 ^ of Att, Dex, Agi), Target: Foe, Effect: 120% Hit, +
  • SP Cost 50% - Job Ability
  • 八艘跳び - Pirating Skill (Physical 180%*8 ^ of Att, Dex, Agi), Target: All Foes, Effect: 120% Hit, +


  • Aqua Dash - Pirating Skill (Water 1000% ^ of Att, Dex, Agi), Target: All Foes, Effect: 120% Hit, +
  • Nullify Water: Nullify Water damage taken.
  • Nullify Confusion: Become immune to Confusion.
  • Water Strike: Normal attack also deals Water damage.
  • Super Sea Strength - Special Ability
  • Armada Bombardment - Pirating Skill (Fire 360% ^ of Att, Dex, Agi), Target: 4 Random Foes, Effect: 120% Hit
  • 四鳴水破 - Pirating Skill (Water 360%*4 ^ of Att, Dex, Agi), Target: Foe, Effect: 120% Hit, +
  • Battle Start SP MAX - Special Ability
  • Admiral Wild Dance - Pirating Skill (Physical 360%*4 ^ of Att, Dex, Agi), Target: Foe, Effect: 120% Hit, +

Invisible hand of God

  • Buy Ultimate Herb - Mercantile, Target: Ally, Effect: 5000 HP Recovery
  • Buy Burst Drink - Mercantile, Target: Ally, Effect: 100% SP Recovery
  • Final Throw Gold - Mercantile (Coin Toss UserLevel*1000), Target: All Foes
  • Buy Panacea - Mercantile, Target: Ally, Effect: Cure Status
  • Scatter Bribe - Mercantile, Target: All Foes, Effect: Flee Battle
  • Buy Yggdrasil Leaf - Mercantile, Target: Ally, Effect: Revive (100% HP)
  • Buy Divine Miracle Drug - Mercantile, Target: Ally, Effect: 500 MP Recovery
  • Group Life Insurance - Mercantile, Target: User, Effect: Gain Gold on Death
  • Ultimate Delivery - Mercantile, Target: User, Effect: Item Acquisition
  • Gold Drop +200% - Special Ability
  • Buy Last Elixir - Mercantile, Target: All Allies, Effect: 100% HP/MP Recovery

Item Master

  • Endless Use: Wind Stone - EX-Item (Wind 300% Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: 100% Hit, No Crit
  • Endless Use: Earth Stone - EX-Item (Earth 300% Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: 100% Hit, No Crit
  • Endless Use: Water Stone - EX-Item (Water 300% Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: 100% Hit, No Crit
  • Stargazer: A throwing technique that throws boomerangs with the power of the stars at the enemy
  • Distribution:De-Love Potion - EX-Item, Target: All Allies, Effect: Cure Horny/Trance/Seduction
  • Prevention:De-Love Potion - EX-Item, Target: All Allies, Effect: Horny/Trance/Seduction Immunity (for 10 turns)
  • Reversal:De-Love Potion - EX-Item, Target: All Foes, Effect: Horny/Trance/Seduction (75%)
  • Distribution: Elven Miracle Drug - EX-Item, Target: All Allies, Effect: 100 MP Recovery
  • Dilution: Elven Miracle Drug - EX-Item, Target: All Allies, Effect: 4% MP Regen
  • Distribution: Burst Drink - EX-Item, Target: All Allies, Effect: 100% SP Recovery
  • Dilution: Burst Drink - EX-Item, Target: All Allies, Effect: 30% SP Regen
  • Endless Use: Holy Stone - EX-Item (Holy 300% Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: 100% Hit, No Crit
  • Endless Use: Dark Stone - EX-Item (Dark 300% Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: 100% Hit, No Crit
  • Distribution: Ultimate Herb - EX-Item, Target: All Allies, Effect: 5000 HP Recovery
  • Dilution: Ultimate Herb - EX-Item, Target: All Allies, Effect: 30% HP Regen
  • Distribution: Panacea - EX-Item, Target: All Allies, Effect: Cure Status
  • Prevention: Panacea - EX-Item, Target: All Allies, Effect: Status Immunity
  • Reversal: Panacea - EX-Item, Target: All Foes, Effect: Random Status (75%)
  • Distribution: Yggdrasil Leaf - EX-Item, Target: All Allies, Effect: Revive (100% HP)
  • Prevention: Yggdrasil Leaf - EX-Item, Target: All Allies, Effect: Auto-Revive (100%)
  • Distribution: Divine Miracle Drug - EX-Item, Target: All Allies, Effect: 500 MP Recovery
  • Dilution: Divine Miracle Drug - EX-Item, Target: All Allies, Effect: 8% MP Regen
  • Distribution: Elixir - EX-Item, Target: All Allies, Effect: 100% HP/MP Recovery
  • Dilution: Elixir - EX-Item, Target: All Allies, Effect: HP/MP/SP Regen (30%/8%/30%)
  • Medicine Lore III: User's healing items restore 200% more HP/MP/SP when used in combat.
  • Dilution: Last Elixir - EX-Item, Target: All Allies, Effect: 100% HP/MP/SP Regen


  • Tactical Breathing - Special Skill, Target: User, Effect: 30% HP/SP Regen (for 6 turns)
  • Super Desert Strength - Special Ability
  • Super Cave Strength - Special Ability
  • Aqua Splash - Special Skill, (Water 1000% Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: Ignore Def, Auto-Hit, +
  • Preventive Self Treatment - Special Skill, Target: User, Effect: Status Immunity
  • Nullify Instant Death: Become immune to Instant Death.
  • Nullify Environmental Damage: Nullifies damage taken while moving in poison swamps and barriers.
  • Post-Battle Great Rest - Special Ability
  • Cosmic Throw: Throwing technique that throws boomerang many times like a meteor

Dark Gambler

  • Poker - Oracle Skill, Effect: Random
  • Jackpot - Oracle Skill, (??% Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: Auto-Hit
  • Death Roulette - Oracle Skill, Target: Ally or Foe, Effect: Death (100%)
  • Last Chance - Job Ability
  • Dark Item Slots - Oracle Skill, Effect: Item Acquisition
  • Item Drop +200% - Special Ability
  • Punishment Game - Oracle Skill, (??%), Target: All Foes or All Allies, Effect: Auto-Hit

Card Summoner

  • Low Draw - Oracle Skill, Effect: Random
  • Million Card - Oracle Skill (Physical 200% Dex), Target: 4 Random Foes, Effect: 120% Hit, +
  • Randomizer - Oracle Skill, Effect: Random
  • Nullify Stun: Become immune to Stun.
  • High Draw - Oracle Skill, Effect: Random
  • Berserker Soul - Oracle Skill, Target: User, Effect: Continuous Turns (act five times, but locked to Oracle skills)


  • Retribution - Gun Skill (Physical ??% Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: +50% Hit, +
  • Honor - Gun Skill (Physical ??% Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: +50% Hit, +
  • Punishment - Gun Skill (Physical ??% Dex), Target: Ally, Effect: +50% Hit, +
  • Vengeance Strike - Combat Ability
  • Assassination - Gun Skill (Physical 440% Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: Death (75%), +50% Hit, +
  • Enforcement - Gun Skill, Target: Ally, Effect: Death
  • Evil Flower - Gun Skill, (Physical ??% Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: +50% Hit, +

War Miko

  • Sword Dance - Dancing (Physical 200% Dex), Target: 4 Random Foes, Effect: +800 Speed, 120% Hit, +
  • Super Appeal - Special Ability
  • Falling Leaves Dance - Fan Skill (Physical 408% Dex+Agi), Target: Foe, Effect: Sleep (75%), +500 Speed, +20% Hit, +
  • Sacrifice Dance - Dancing, Target: All Allies, Effect: 100% HP Recovery/Revive(100% HP),+800 Speed
  • Thunder God Dance - Dancing (Lightning 680% Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: +800 Speed, 100% Hit

Divine Songstress

  • Cicada Song - Singing, Target: All Allies, Effect: Evasion Up, +800 Speed (for 4 turns)
  • Love Song - Singing, Target: All Foes, Effect: Trance (75%) ,+800 Speed
  • Super Hide: Become targeted 1/5 as often by foes.
  • Requiem - Singing (Magical 380% Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: Zombie/Ghost Killer
  • Hero's Song - Singing, Target: All Allies, Effect: All Stats Up, +800 Speed (for 3 turns)
  • Spirit Song - Singing, Target: All Allies, Effect: Revive (20%)

Some Jobs

  • Nullify Horny: Become immune to Horny.
  • Nullify Trance: Become immune to Trance.
  • Trance Strike 20%: Normal attack inflicts Trance 10% of the time.
  • Resist Horny: Nullify attempts to inflict Horny 50% of the time.
  • Resist Trance: Nullify attempts to inflict Trance 50% of the time.
  • Horny Strike 10%: Normal attack inflicts Horny 10% of the time.
  • Trance Strike 10%: Normal attack inflicts Trance 10% of the time.
  • Resist Climax: Nullify attempts to inflict Climax 50% of the time.
  • Resist Incontinence: Nullify attempts to inflict Incontinence 50% of the time.
  • Incontinence Strike 20%: Normal attack inflicts Incontinence 20% of the time.

Master Scholar

  • Implosion - Magic Science (Fire 1000% ^ of Mag, Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: 100% Hit
  • Nullify Bio: Nullify Bio damage taken.
  • Nullify Sonic: Nullify Sonic damage taken.
  • ID Destruction - Magic Science (Physical 660% ^ of Mag, Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: Chimera Killer, Effect: 100% Hit
  • Absolute Zero - Magic Science (Ice 1000% ^ of Mag, Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: 100% Hit
  • Complete SP Conversion - Magic Science, Target: User, Effect: 100% SP Recovery
  • Plasma - Magic Science (Lightning 1000% ^ of Mag, Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: 100% Hit
  • Ultra MP Conversion - Magic Science, Target: User, Effect: 300 MP Recovery
  • Nuclear - Magic Science (Fire/Nuclear 1400% ^ of Mag, Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: Ignore Def, Auto-Hit

Golden Alchemist

  • Create: Enhancer - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: Equip 「Enhancer」
  • Create: Mjolnir - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: Equip 「Mjolnir」
  • Create: Ahriman Rod - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: Equip 「Ahriman Rod」
  • Create: Artemis Bow - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: Equip 「Artemis Bow」
  • Create: King of Hearts - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: Equip 「King of Hearts」
  • Create: Forbidden Whip - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: Equip 「Forbidden Whip」
  • Create: Odinblade - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: Equip 「Odinblade」
  • Create: Gungnir - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: Equip 「Gungnir」
  • Create: Excalibur - Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: Equip 「Excalibur」

Library Lord

  • Page 32 of Wind - Grimoire (Wind 1000% Mag), Target: All Foes, Effect: 100% Hit
  • Page 1001 of Divine Protection - Grimoire, Target: All Allies, Effect: All Stats Up (for 3 turns)
  • Page 64 of Earth - Grimoire (Earth 1000% Mag), Target: All Foes, Effect: 100% Hit
  • Page 128 of Water - Grimoire (Water 1000% Mag), Target: All Foes, Effect: 100% Hit
  • Magic Reflector - Magic Ability
  • Page 888 of Miracle - Grimoire, Target: All Allies, Effect: 100% HP Recovery
  • Page 99999 of Chaos: Conjure the chaos and brings the end to life with a grimoire page.

Makina Master

  • Deluxe Vibro Blade - Makina (Physical 1000% Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: Death (75%), Ignore Def, Auto-Hit
  • MLRS - Makina (Fire 1000% Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: Ignore Def, Auto-Hit
  • Hyperion - Makina (Physical 1400% Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: Ignore Def, Auto-Hit
  • Weak Matter - Makina, Target: Foe, Effect: All Element Weakening
  • Eldridge - Makina (Physical 180% Dex), Target: 8 Random Foes, Effect: Ignore Def, Auto-Hit
  • Ragnarok - Makina (Fire/Nuclear 1800% Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: Ignore Def, Auto-Hit


  • Rotting Knight Alexia - Summoning (Bio 840% Mag+Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: Poison (50%), 120% Hit
  • Nullify Poison: Become immune to Poison.
  • Deathly Gorgeous Princess Reina - Summoning (Pleasure 600% Mag+Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: 120% Hit
  • Bio Strike: Normal attack also deals Bio damage, and has a chance to inflict Poison.
  • Darkness Flash - Scythe Skill (Physical 940% ^ of Att,Mag), Target: Foe, Effect: Zombie Killer, +15% Hit, +
  • Queen Necrodia - Summoning (Bio 600% Mag+Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: 120% Hit
  • Zombie Horde - Summoning (Physical 216% Mag+Dex), Target: 4 Random Foes, Effect: 120% Hit

Master Shaman

  • Gozen Tomoe, Female Warrior Samurai Tomoe, Lady Tomoe - Summoning (Magical 1400% Mag), Target: Foe, Effect: 100% Hit
  • Nullify Paralysis: Become immune to Paralysis.
  • Great Mage Gregoria: Call the cavalry ghost "Great Mage Gregoria". Summoning (Ice 1000% Mag), Target: All Foes, Effect: 100% Hit
  • Contract of Darkness: Skills that sacrifice health have 1/2 HP cost.
  • Darkness Scatter: A ruthless scythe that cuts enemies with a blade of darkness and disperses them

Puppet Master

  • Beck the Beast - Summoning (Physical 1400% Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: 120% Hit
  • Nullify Petrify: Become immune to Petrify.
  • Giant Sera - Summoning (Physical 1000% Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: 120% Hit
  • Sonic Strike: Normal attack also deals Sonic damage, and has a chance to inflict Confusion.
  • Puppet Reaper - Scythe Skill (Physical 940% ^ of Att,Mag), Target: Foe, Effect: Doll Killer, +15% Hit, +
  • Decisive Battle-Type Weapon Agni - Summoning (Fire 360% Dex), Target: 4 Random Foes, Effect: 120% Hit

God of Speech

  • Major Provocation: Curse enemies and greatly reduce friendship
  • Epic Tale: Release the potential of all allies with the power of words. Target: All Allies, Effect: All Stats Up (for 3 turns)
  • Jinx: Spread a curse on all enemies with the power of words. Effect: Death
  • Lip Service Master: User can only use Talk skills, but they have 1/2 SP cost. Also gives +30% Eva/Mag Eva.
  • Burning Edge: Throwing technique that burns out all enemies with boomerang with burning fire
  • Celebrate: Heal all allies with the power of words
  • Great Praise: Praise the enemy and greatly increase friendship

Flavor Emperor

  • Sushi: Cooking, Target: All Allies, Effect: Defense Up (for 4 turns)
  • Mapo Tofu: Cooking, Target: All Allies, Effect: Attack Up (for 3 turns)
  • Deep Fried Tofu: Cooking, Target: All Allies, Effect: Willpower Up (for 4 turns)
  • Roast Chicken: Cooking, Target: All Allies, Effect: Magic Up (for 3 turns)
  • Ultimate Metabolism: Healing items/effects used on you restore 400% more HP/MP/SP.
  • Yakisoba Bread: Cooking, Target: All Allies, Effect: Agility Up (for 3 turns)
  • Meat Bun: Cooking, Target: All Allies, Effect: Dexterity Up (for 3 turns)
  • Egg Bagel Sandwich: Cooking, Target: Ally, Effect: 5% MP Recovery
  • Salmon Bagel Sandwich: Cooking, Target: Ally, Effect: 30% SP Recovery
  • 気まぐれシェフのお任せ料理: Cooking, Effect: Random
  • Crab Omelet: Cooking (Fire 680% Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: Auto-Hit, No Crit
  • Ice Cream: Cooking (Ice 680% Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: Auto-Hit, No Crit
  • Pudding: Cooking (Lightning 680% Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: Auto-Hit, No Crit
  • Parfait: Cooking (300% Dex), Target: All Allies, Effect: HP Recovery
  • Kids Meal: Cooking, Target: Ally, Effect: Auto-Revive
  • Steak: Cooking (Wind 680% Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: Auto-Hit, No Crit
  • Deluxe Rice Ball: Cooking (Earth 680% Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: Auto-Hit, No Crit
  • Deluxe Sushi: Cooking (Water 680% Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: Auto-Hit, No Crit
  • Sukiyaki: Cooking, Target: Ally, Effect: 10% MP Recovery
  • Broiled Eel: Cooking, Target: Ally, Effect: 100% SP Recovery
  • Gian Stew: Cooking (Dark 680% Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: Auto-Hit, No Crit
  • Wedding Cake: Cooking (Holy 680% Dex), Target: All Foes, Effect: Auto-Hit, No Crit

Godly Doctor

  • Group Surgery: Medicine, Target: All Allies, Effect: 100% HP Recovery
  • Tafel Anatomy: Medicine (Physical 408% Att+Dex), Target: Foe, Effect: Death (75%), 120% Hit, +
  • Re-Revival Treatment: Medicine, Target: Ally, Effect: Auto-Revive (100% HP)
  • Extracellular Metabolic Activation: Medicine, Target: All Allies, Effect: 30% HP Regen (for 10 turns)
  • Extracellular Magical Activation: Medicine, Target: All Allies, Effect: 8% MP Regen (for 10 turns)
  • Mass Antibiotic Injection: Medicine, Target: All Allies, Effect: Nullify Status Effects (for 10 turns)
  • Mass Shock Resistance Injection: Medicine, Target: All Allies, Effect: Nullify Death/Ascension/Climax
  • Mass Revival: Medicine, Target: All Allies, Effect: Revive (20% HP)

Grandmaster Maid

  • Forbidden Herbal Tea: Service (200% Dex), Target: Ally, Effect: HP/75% SP Recovery, +800 Speed
  • Earth Strike: Normal attack also deals Earth damage.
  • Nullify Slimed: Become immune to Slimed.
  • Thousand Blossom Plate Toss: Damage foes by throwing countless dishes in a row
  • Job XP +200%: Gain 200% Job XP.

Alchemist (Part 2)

  • Potion: Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: 50% HP Recovery
  • Hero's Victory Cry: Alchemy, Target: All Allies, Effect: All Stats Up
  • Crash Drum: Alchemy Target: All Allies, Effect: 100% Crit Chance + 200% Accuracy 6 Turns
  • Planet Light: Alchemy Target: All Allies, Effect: 500% XP/Job XP/Gold
  • Yggdrasil Branch: Alchemy, Target: All Allies, Effect: Revive (100% HP)
  • Fire Sword: Alchemy, Target: All Allies, Effect: Imbue Fire
  • Earth Sword: Alchemy, Target: All Allies, Effect: Imbue Earth
  • Ether: Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: 33% MP Recovery
  • Lightning Sword: Alchemy, Target: All Allies, Effect: Imbue Lightning
  • Wind Sword: Alchemy, Target: All Allies, Effect: Imbue Wind
  • Water Sword: Alchemy, Target: All Allies, Effect: Imbue Water
  • Grand Potion: Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: 100% HP Recovery
  • Boost: Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: 100% SP Recovery
  • Guardian Angel Helmet: Alchemy, Target: All Allies, Effect: Death/Ascension/Climax Immunity 10 Turns
  • White Sun: Alchemy Target: All Allies, Effect: Physical Absorb 4 Turns
  • ???: Alchemy (No Element 2400% Dex), Target: All Foes, Doll/Chimera Killer, Auto Hit, No Crit
  • Grand Ether: Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: 100% MP Recovery
  • Holy Sword: Alchemy, Target: All Allies, Effect: Imbue Holy
  • Dark Sword: Alchemy, Target: All Allies, Effect: Imbue Dark
  • Gale Shoes: Alchemy, Target: All Allies, Effect: Evade + 75%
  • Last Potion: Alchemy, Target: All Allies, Effect: 100% HP Recovery
  • Last Boost: Alchemy, Target: Ally, Effect: 100% SP Recovery
  • Wonder Ruby: Alchemy, Target: All Allies, Effect: Magic Evade + 75%
  • Last Ether: Alchemy, Target: All Allies, Effect: 100% MP Recovery
  • Phoenix Soul: Alchemy, Target: All Allies, Effect: Auto Revive
  • Almighty Shower: Alchemy
  • Security Dress: Alchemy
  • Smiling Moon: Alchemy
  • Shine Aura: Alchemy