Jujutsu Kaisen is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Gege Akutami, serialized in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump since March 2018. The Jujutsu Kaisen chapters are collected and published by Shueisha, with sixteen tankōbon volumes released as of June 2021. The story follows high school student Yuji Itadori as he joins a secret organization of Jujutsu Sorcerers in order to kill a powerful Curse named Ryomen Sukuna, of whom Yuji becomes the host.
Power of the Verse
This section should explain how strong the series is in general, and what sort of abilities it holds.
Explanations (Optional)
This section should explain how the power structure, and cosmology, of the verse fundamentally works, especially for its high-end beings.
It can also link to even more extensive in-depth explanation pages and blog posts within this wiki.
Verse Scaling
This section should explain how everyone scales, alternatively it should as the name says, show the direct scaling of the verse, denoting the God Tiers, Top Tiers, Mid Tiers, Low Tiers, etc. For more in-depth scaling chains it can either be put in this section or a blog hyperlinked to this section. Please note the blog should be on this wiki, not others.
For members that have knowledge on the series. Unlike the Knowledgeable Members List, you're not required to participate in CRTs, but moreso display yourself here as someone able to help from time to time regarding a verse and it's statistics.
A list of the character profiles belonging to a certain series or franchise. Add links to all of the associated pages available in the wiki. All profiles links should be formatted like this:
{| width="200" cellspacing="5"
Note: Photos must be proportional and the height and width have to be 400 by 400 px.
All weapon profiles links should be formatted like this:
{| width="200" cellspacing="5"
Note: Photos must be proportional and the height and width have to be 400 by 400 px.
For example, if there is a filename of Kokichi.png, fill the exact filename in the (Filename) section.
For the "width of image" section, the recommended size is around 100px. However, this can be adjusted to slightly larger/smaller according to preferences. This example here is an exception, as an image width of 200px will be used.
Each verse page should contain the following categories at the bottom of the page:
The name. For example: "Naruto"
The type of media that best describes the fictional work or franchise in question. The available options are: "Anime", "Book Verses", "Cartoons", "Comicbooks", "Games", "Internet", "Light Novels", "Manga", "Movies", "TV Series", and "Visual Novel Verses".
This should be where the discussions template is placed in order to link to relevant topics regarding a character.