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|-|Doom Marine=[[File:Classicdoomguyde.png|right|300px]]
{{Quote|The loathsome Spiderdemon that masterminded the invasion of the moon bases and has caused so much death has had its ass kicked for all time. A hidden doorway opens and you enter. You've proven too tough for Hell to contain.}}
|-|Sentinel Training=[[File:Sentinelslayer.png|right|300px]]
{{Quote|Rip... and... tear! The demons... they are everywhere. Must... kill them all!}}
|-|Doom Slayer=
{{!}}-{{!}}DOOM (2016)=[[File:Doomslayerdoom2016render.png|right|350px]]
{{Quote|In the first age, in the first battle, when the shadows first lengthened, one stood. Burned by the embers of Armageddon, his soul blistered by the fires of Hell and tainted beyond ascension, he chose the path of perpetual torment. In his ravenous hatred he found no peace; and with boiling blood he scoured the Umbral Plains seeking vengeance against the dark lords who had wronged him. He wore the crown of the Night Sentinels, and those that tasted the bite of his sword named him... the Doom Slayer.}}
{{!}}-{{!}}DOOM Eternal=[[File:Anotherdoometernalrender.png|thumb|350px]]
{{Quote|All has fallen. If the Slayer does live, let him carry our vengeance forward. If he persists, let him wreak violence on those who have wronged us. May the blood of his sword never dry, may his war never end until the guilty have been punished, and may this evil never again spread its shadow over another world.}}
{{!}}-{{!}}DOOM (2016)=
{{!}}-{{!}}Baron of Hell=[[File:Baronofhell2016.png|right|350px]]
{{!}}-{{!}}DOOM Eternal=
{{!}}-{{!}}Pain Elemental=[[File:Painelementaleternal.jpg|right|400px]]


The '''Doom Slayer''' is the primary protagonist and main character of the DOOM series. He is intended to be the latest iteration and continuation of the classic Doom Marine who is the protagonist for most of the series.

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*[[Void Manipulation]]
His story begins prior to Doom I. He was a soldier at war that killed his commander after the commander became corrupt and told his men to fire on innocent civilians. As a result, he was sent up to the Union Aerospace Corporation (UAC) facility on Phobos, damned to spend his life as a guard doing nothing at a facility far from home.

Things got bad not long after, though. The UAC was experimenting with inter-dimensional space travel via portals. This means they would throw an object through the portal, which would carry it through another dimension, and finally through another portal that would bring it to its destination. Whenever humans would go through these portals however, they'd go insane and explode. This ramped up the portals sucking up Deimos, one of Mars' moons, and alien evils coming out of the portals.
*[[Fate Manipulation]]

This was when they had opened up portals to Hell, and when the demons got to Phobos and started killing his allies, Doomguy was forced to confront the demonic invaders head on in the military episode codenamed "DOOM". With his arsenal he fought through hordes of demons and killed the Spiderdemon, the mastermind behind the invasion. With his work done, he made it back home to Earth.
*[[Power Bestowal]]

As soon as he got back to Earth however, the planet had been overrun by demonkind. Finding his pet rabbit dead, Doomguy's fury awoke. There were large spaceships containing humans trying to flee to space, but the demons were preventing this directly from the ports. In a last ditch effort to stop them, Doomguy and other soldiers rushed the demon-infested ports and fought to ensure humanity didn't go extinct. He made his way to the ultimate leader of the invasion, the Icon of Sin, and he fired rockets into its brain until at last it fell.
*[[Power Absorption]]

When Earth was at last saved, he had to once more return to action, as the satellites from Phobos were reporting demonic energy signatures like never before. The carcasses of the demons he had once killed were resurrected by an unknown powerful demon, and it was up to him to destroy it for good. Once he'd defeat this last foe, demonkind would be stopped forever.
Doomguy fought his way through Phobos, into Hell, and then to his last hit on the list: the Mother of All Demons. He killed her and bathed in the blood, looking to the skies of Hell in defiance. He knew however, that as long as there would be Hell, there would be demons. As such, he brandished his firearms and made the ultimate heroic sacrifice of all times; he vowed to stay in Hell forever, perpetually fighting demons, so that their kind may never ruin another world.
Several millenia later he continued fighting in his crusade on Hell, at which point he was captured by the Sentinels, a race of viking-esque knights from the far away planet Argent D'Nur. They submitted him to their gladiator arena as part of their customs, and rather than falling at the hands of another warrior, Doomguy cried out "Rip and tear!" as he tore through all of his opposition.
When demons began assaulting Argent D'Nur itself, they turned to Doomguy, a soldier fit to be in the Sentinel military known as the Night Sentinels. They trained him, and his crippling bloodlust for demons became a controlled one. He returned to the void over and over, and each time he returned a better fighter. When the Maykrs themselves turned on the Sentinels, Doomguy committed treason and received assistance from Samur Maykr, the advisor Maykr to the Khan Maykr.
Samur Maykr, also known as the Seraphim, blessed Doomguy by submitting him to the Divinity Machine. Doomguy came out as a god, a force of nature embodying Doom itself. He became a Sentinel god-king, and his eyes burned with Maykr Magic. It was on this day that a new enemy was created to every force in all worlds threatening the sovereignty of a species fighting for its life; and that enemy was the unyielding, the incorruptible, and the unstoppable Doom Slayer.
He set out against the demons like never before, and they began losing their own war. With the Doom Slayer on their side, along with their gods, the Elemental Wraiths, the Sentinels would have no chance of falling in combat... until the Betrayer came.
The Betrayer was a Night Sentinel named Valen. He fought alongside the Doom Slayer and the other warriors, but his mind wasn't strong enough to resist his own temptations. The Hell Priests gave him nightmarish visions of his son being tortured in Hell for all eternity for his sins, and in a final effort to free him, Valen gave the keys to the Elemental Sepulcher to the Hell Priests. They used this to access the Elemental Wraiths, and upon doing so they took them to Hell, where they would be tortured for all eternity so that their power might be used to produce Argent Energy: the ultimate weapon of the Sentinels' foes.
When the Doom Slayer and other Night Sentinels took the battle to the heart of Hell, they sought to destroy Nekravol. As they entered the portals, however, the Hell Priests in their trickery manipulated them so that the Night Sentinels would be separated across Hell.
Without assistance from the Wraiths the remaining Night Sentinels were doomed. They fell at the hands of demonkind, but not without a fight. Some were found with demon guts littering the area; others were found with their weapons still embedded in their devil foes. Due to the civil war, the betrayal of the Maykrs, the work of Valen and the manipulation of the Hell Priests, the Sentinel race fell to Hell's power, and Argent D'Nur with it. Even the Slayer was tricked into a trap by the Hell Priests, as he was lured into a demonic temple that was brought down upon him. After it collapsed on him, he was knocked unconscious, and because of this he was placed within a tomb locked with powerful holding runes and imprisonment cantations.
Several millenia later, the Doom Slayer would awake on Mars, his sarcophagus opened and his body free. This was the work of Samuel Hayden, one of the few survivors of the latest UAC raid on Mars. The UAC had opened portals to mine Hell for its energy, and because of this the demons could come through and attack. Olivia Pierce, one of the head administrators at the UAC at the time of attack grew close to the demons. She wanted to sit in Hell alongside her gods, and become the ultimate Aranea Imperatrix: the Spider Mastermind that Doomguy had killed long ago.
The Doom Slayer ventured into the Titans' realm and grabbed the Crucible, a weapon of great vulnerability to the demons. He found the Elemental Wraiths being tortured in Hell, and he finally put their suffering to an end by shutting this torture off and closing the Well, the ultimate source of energy for the demons (at the time). He ventured into the pits of the Titan's Realm, and there he fought Olivia Pierce transformed into the great demon known as the Spider Mastermind.
When the Doom Slayer returned to Mars, the UAC director Samuel Hayden took the Crucible from him. He claimed that Argent Energy could be used to further the growth of humanity, and he told the Slayer that he wouldn't let him ruin the progress they were making. He dimensionally tethered the Slayer into the Kadingir Sanctum, one of the many voids of Hell, and went on his way.
With the help of VEGA the Doom Slayer escaped Hell and made it to a barren Sentinel spaceship known as the Fortress of Doom. There he would be able to workshop new weapons and rest between missions. While he was gone, the cycle of history repeated itself and demons invaded Earth once again. This time humanity didn't have a chance to escape: most of its population was wiped out. The Hell Priests with assistance from the Khan Maykr were sieging the blue-green world, and it was up to the Slayer to get revenge on those that had wronged him so long ago.
First he regained all of his lost weaponry, as was part of Sentinel tradition. Then he traveled across Earth and Argent D'Nur, killing each of the Hell Priests. When he was finished with them, he traveled into Hell and destroyed Nekravol as he had planned to with the Night Sentinels ages ago. He traveled into Urdak and killed the Khan Maykr directly, and when the Maykrs had resurrected the Icon of Sin he took it upon himself to kill it too.
At this current point in time, the seal between Urdak and Hell has been broken, and now demons can travel into Urdak like never before. Due to the power of the Icon of Sin, all of the Maykrs were corrupted as well. Urdak is more demonic than ever, and soon the Doom Slayer will team up with Samur Maykr the Seraphim and the true gods of the [[Doom]] series to stop demons once again.
==Powers and Stats==
'''[[DebatesJungle Tiering System|Tier]]:''' '''9-A''', up to '''High 8-C''' with BFG-9000, '''Low 7-C''' with Bloodthirsty Scream, '''7-B''' to '''7-A''' with Unmaker | '''9-A''', '''6-A''' to '''High 6-A''' with Crucible | '''6-A''', likely '''High 6-A''', possibly '''5-B'''
'''Name:''' Doomguy, Doom Marine, Doom Slayer, DOOM, Right Hand of Doom, The Outlander, The Time Walker, The Beast, The Destroyer
'''Origin:''' [[Doom]]
'''Gender:''' Male
'''Age:''' Adult | Ancient | Ancient
'''Classification:''' Human Marine | Ancient Human Warrior | Right Hand of Doom
'''[[Attack Potency]]:''' '''Small Building level''' (He can kill [[Imp]]s), up to '''Large Building level''' ([ The BFG-9000 does 4x to 20x more damage] [ than the Berserk Pack.] The Berserk Pack makes [[Doomguy]] [ 10x stronger, allowing him to oneshot himself]), '''Small Town level''' with Bloodthirsty Scream ([[User_blog:Truth_Bullets/Doomguy's_Bloodthirsty_Scream|He shattered a teleportation maze]]), '''City level''' to '''Mountain level''' with Unmaker ([ The Unmaker destroys the] [[Mother of All Demons]]) | '''Small Building level''' ([ He sparred with and was trained to be on par with the Sentinels,] which can [ fight Hell Knights]), '''Continent level''' to '''Multi-Continent level''' with Crucible ([ It can kill Titans] and [ the Ancestrals.] [[User_blog:Truth_Bullets/Titan_Kinetic_Energy|The Titans are this powerful]] and [ the Ancestrals are comparable to them,] even capable of [ tearing everything in the land just by moving]) | '''Continent level''', likely '''Multi-Continent level''' ([ He killed the Titan,] [[User_blog:Truth_Bullets/Titan_Kinetic_Energy|which is this powerful.]] [ He killed the Hell Priests,] [ which sustain] [ Hell's consumption] [ of entire continents.] [ This was also in part due to the Hell Priests' guardians, meaning the Gladiator,] [ whom he also killed.] [ He is a viewed as a god by the Sentinels,] [ just as the Elemental Wraiths,] [ which spread life across the surface of Argent D'Nur and created its biosphere.] [ He killed the Khan Maykr,] [ who is viewed as a god by the Sentinels.] [ He rode the largest Argent Energy source in existence,] which is far greater than the BFG-10000, whereas [ it can crack the surface of a planet] [ and blast a hole in the surface of Mars]), possibly '''Planet level''' ([ The Elemental Wraiths brought the entirety of Argent D'Nur to life.] [ He killed the Icon of Sin,] [ which is a world-devourer.] [ It was said Earth didn't have much time left with the Icon roaming it and] [ that was going to devastate the Earth])
'''[[Dimensionality]]:''' '''3-D'''
'''[[Speed|Travel Speed]]:''' '''Relativistic''' to '''Relativistic+''' (They're comparable to other demons that can match [[The Ranger]]. The Ranger [[User_blog:Truth_Bullets/IDverse:_Relativistic_Speed_Feats|can dodge his own lasers]] and [[User_blog:Truth_Bullets/IDverse:_Relativistic_Speed_Feats|Armagon's.]] They can fight [[Stan Blazkowicz]], [[User_blog:Truth_Bullets/IDverse:_Relativistic_Speed_Feats|who can fight VIOS, a being made of electrical signals.]] They can fight [[Doomguy]], [[User_blog:Truth_Bullets/IDverse:_Relativistic_Speed_Feats|who dodged a Cyberdemon laser.]] Doomguy and The Ranger scale to [[Bitterman]] who [[User_blog:Truth_Bullets/IDverse:_Relativistic_Speed_Feats|can dodge lasers from various Strogg]]) | '''Relativistic''' to '''Relativistic+''' | '''Relativistic''' to '''Relativistic+''', '''FTL''' with Dash, Blood Fueled, Haste and Overdrive
'''[[Speed|Combat Speed]]:''' '''Relativistic''' to '''Relativistic+''' | '''Relativistic''' to '''Relativistic+''' | '''Relativistic''' to '''Relativistic+'''
'''[[Reactions|Reaction Speed]]:''' '''Relativistic''' to '''Relativistic+''' | '''Relativistic''' to '''Relativistic+''' | '''Relativistic''' to '''Relativistic+'''
'''[[Lifting Strength]]:''' '''Unknown''' | '''Unknown''' | '''Unknown'''
'''[[Striking Strength]]:''' '''Small Building Class''' | '''Small Building Class''' | '''Small Building Class'''
'''[[Durability]]:''' '''Small Building Level''' ([[User_blog:Truth_Bullets/Impling_Explosion_Calc|Implings can shrug off explosions]]) | '''Small Building Level''' | '''Small Building Level''' | '''Continent level''', likely '''Multi-Continent level''', possibly '''Planet level''' (He can tank surges from the Elemental Wraiths)
'''[[Stamina]]:''' Limitless
'''[[Range]]:''' Standard melee range, Several meters (projectiles)
'''[[Hax|Powers and Abilities]]:''' [[Superhuman Physical Characteristics]], [[Demon Physiology]], [[Fire Manipulation]] (Via fireballs), [[Healing]] ([ Via Health Potions, Soul Spheres and Mega Spheres]), [[Reality Warping|Metaphysics Manipulation]] ([ Via Spiritual Armor] they create armor [[User_blog:Truth_Bullets/IDverse_Cosmology#Spiritual_Plane|on the spiritual plane]] that must be destroyed before they can be harm), [[Invisibility]] ([ Via Blur Artifacts] they become mostly invisible to [[Doomguy]] who can [ see spirits]), [[Stealth Mastery]] ([ One snuck up on Doomguy] [ and they sometimes] [ attack in darkness]), [[Invulnerability]] (Type 3. [ Via Invulnerability Artifacts] they become temporarily invulnerable to all forms of damage from Doomguy and other demons), [[Resistance]] to [[Fire Manipulation]] (Demons are immune to projectiles from other demons of the same variety) | [[Superhuman Physical Characteristics]], [[Demon Physiology]], [[Surface Scaling]] ([ Shown] [ here]), [[Hell Energy]], [[Matter Manipulation]], [[Density Manipulation]], [[Heat Manipulation]] ([ They channel Hell Energy into fireballs, sucking in airborne particles and debris to create a condensed and superheated projectile]), [[Power Scream]] ([ Shown here]) | [[Superhuman Physical Characteristics]], [[Demon Physiology]], [[Surface Scaling]], [[Hell Energy]], [[Matter Manipulation]], [[Density Manipulation]], [[Heat Manipulation]], [[Power Scream]] (They display these abilities in the same way as their previous incarnation)
'''[[Standard Equipment]]:''' Health Potions, Spiritual Armor, Soul Spheres, Mega Spheres, Blur Artifacts, Invulnerability Artifacts
'''[[Intelligence]]:''' Average (Classic Imps), Below Average (Modern Imps)
'''Weaknesses:''' Nothing notable.
'''Key:''' '''Doomguy''' | '''Doomguy''' (Sentinel Training) | '''Doom Slayer'''
To learn why non-physical abilities are Metaphysics Manipulation in the IDverse, [[User_blog:Truth_Bullets/Doom:_Metaphysical_Connections|see here.]]
'''Notable Victories:'''
'''Notable Losses:'''
'''Inconclusive Matches:'''

Latest revision as of 03:32, 17 March 2024