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Tiering System

Our tiering system is based on hierarchical tiering. This considers a hierarchical scale, these are the uncountably infinite higher size attributed to reaching a higher level of hierarchy.
Since human characters are the most prevalent throughout all of fiction and we understand the energy levels in the standard universe (due to existing in it), the power of the standard universe is split into many levels encompassing the majority of this system. This ranges from below the energy level of an average human to infinite energy on the first hierarchical scale. This hierarchy falls under our standard laws of physics.
After transcending this one it extends into the next hierarchy, this usually extends into a multiverse's cosmology. This standard hierarchy is beyond the regular singular space-time continuum of the universe. One can go higher and higher depending on the cosmology and the setting of the verse.
The scale culminates in characters transcending hierarchy, who we fittingly scale via layers of transcendence. All possible levels of power are included within our tiering system due to the lower/higher/transcendent hierarchies ratios being as broad as they are.
In most cases, tier 11 is a mostly unused tier as the physical world (aka the world we live in), is generally the lowest level of reality in the verse. Though in some cases an author will use spatial dimensions in the sense of higher and lower infinites and in those cases the distinction for tier 11 is used. Along with this there are some verses where the physical world has lower layers of reality beneath even it and characters would qualify for tier 11 in this.
To add on, spatial dimensions are not considered as higher planes of reality or higher hierarchies by default, however temporal dimensions are considered as such, to briefly explain, temporal dimensions in fiction are treated as higher layered timelines beyond the regular scope of the traditional physical world.
The Tiers
Tier 11: Lower-Dimensional
11-C: Point level
0-dimensional characters and those qualitatively inferior to them.
11-B: Line level
1-dimensional characters or characters two layers under the physical world.
11-A: Plane level
2-dimensional characters or characters under the physical world.
Tier 10: Regular
10-C: Below Average Human level
Characters who are physically impaired beings or small animals. They tend to be depicted as the child character in a fictional verse or have an immense sickness that causes their body to be far weaker than the average human.
10-B: Average Human level
Characters who are comparable to or just exist as a normal human. These characters could have some significant feats to them but overall have a normal average standout to them that any other human has.
10-A: Athlete level
Characters who are proficient in sports and other forms of physical exercise, these are mostly characters from action movies.
Tier 9: Superhuman
9-C: Street level
Peak Humans to Low Superhuman. Few physically very strong olympic level athletes and martial artists in real life. Most protagonists and final villains from action/martial arts movies. Large animals.
9-B: Wall level
Characters/Weapons who can destroy a wall, or those who can easily harm characters with wall level durability. Very large animals.
9-A: Small Building level
Characters/Weapons who can destroy a room or a small building, or those who can easily harm characters with room level durability. Extremely large animals.
Tier 8: Urban
8-C: Building level
Characters/Weapons who can destroy a building, or those who can easily harm characters with building level durability.
High 8-C: Large Building level
Characters/Weapons who can destroy a large building or a small skyscraper, or those who can easily harm characters with large building level durability.
8-B: City Block level
Characters/Weapons who can destroy a city-block, or those who can easily harm characters with city-block level durability.
8-A: Multi City Block level
Characters/Weapons who can destroy multiple city-blocks, or those who can easily harm characters with multi city-block level durability.
Tier 7: Nuclear
Low 7-C: Small Town level
Characters who can destroy a small town or settlement, or those who can easily harm characters with small town level durability.
7-C: Town level
Characters who can destroy a town, or those who can easily harm characters with town level durability.
High 7-C: Large Town level
Characters who can destroy a large town, or those who can easily harm characters with large town level durability.
7-B: City level
Characters/Weapons who can destroy a city, or those who can easily harm characters with city level durability.
7-A: Mountain level
Characters/Weapons who can destroy a large mountain, or those who can easily harm characters with mountain level durability.
High 7-A: Large Mountain level
Characters who can destroy a large mountain, or those who can easily harm characters with large mountain level durability.
Tier 6: Tectonic
6-C: Island level
Characters/Weapons who can destroy a large island, or those who can easily harm characters with island level durability.
High 6-C: Large Island level
Characters who can destroy a large island, or those who can easily harm characters with large island level durability.
Low 6-B: Small Country level
Characters who can destroy a small country, or those who can easily harm characters with small country level durability.
6-B: Country level
Characters who can destroy a country, or those who can easily harm characters with country level durability.
High 6-B Large Country level
Characters who can destroy a large country, or those who can easily harm characters with large country level durability.
6-A: Continent level
Characters who can destroy a continent, or those who can easily harm characters with continent level durability.
High 6-A: Multi Continent level
Characters who can destroy multiple continents, or those who can easily harm characters with multi-continent level durability.
Tier 5: Planetary
5-C: Moon level
Characters who can destroy a moon, or an astrological object of similar proportion.
Low 5-B: Small Planet level
Characters who can destroy a small planet, or those who can easily harm characters with small planet level durability.
5-B: Planet level
Characters who can create/destroy a planet.
5-A: Large Planet level
Characters who can create/destroy large gas giants such as Jupiter and Saturn.
High 5-A: Dwarf Star level
Characters who can create/destroy very small stars.
Tier 4: Stellar
Low 4-C: Small Star level
Characters who can create/destroy small stars.
4-C: Star level
Characters who can create/destroy a star.
High 4-C: Large Star level
Characters who can create/destroy a large star.
4-B: Solar System level
Characters who can create/destroy a solar system.
4-A: Multi Solar System level
Characters who can create/destroy multiple solar systems.
Tier 3: Cosmic
3-C: Galaxy level
Characters who can create/destroy a galaxy.
3-B: Multi-Galaxy level
Characters who can create/destroy multiple galaxies.
3-A: Universe level
This category is separated in the following manner:
- Universe level: Characters who can destroy all of the physical matter within an observable universe at full power. More specifically, usually via an explosion or omnidirectional energy blast that encompasses all of the stars and planets within a universe.
- Universe level+: Characters who have an infinite degree of power on the first level of infinity, along with being able to significantly affect infinite ranged spaces.
Tier 2: Hyperspatial
2-C: Complex Universe level
This category Complex Universe level: ("2-C") This is for characters who can control, destroy and/or create the entire space-time of the standard universe, not just the physical matter within one. For example, an entire timeline. This deals with the more complex parts of the cosmological setting of a single universe as instead of one just destroying the single matter of a present time, one with this level of power can potentially affected the past, present, future, and all existing points of time in said universe.
2-B: Multiverse level
- Low Multiverse level ("Low 2-B"): Characters who can control, destroy and/or create a multiverse with a definable size. The power difference between 2-C and Low 2-B characters is not possible to exactly quantify, given that the latter category has to breach the distance between universes along an unquantifiable distance.
- Multiverse level ("2-B"): Characters who can control, create and/or destroy countless numbers of universes. This multiverse is of undefined size.
- High Multiverse level ("High 2-B"): Characters who can destroy and/or create a countably infinite number of universal space-time continuums.
2-A: High Multiverse level+
This category High Multiverse level+ ("2-A"): Characters who are above the standard hierarchy of an infinite amount of standard universes in the Multiverse. Characters who can destroy and/or create an uncountably infinite number of universes may potentially also be assigned this tier, as the extent of uncountably infinite universes reach into a new hierarchy.
Tier 1: Hierarchical Magnitudes
1-C: Complex Multiverse level
These are characters that exist within higher hierarchies of reality. In terms of infinitely superior dimensions these characters would be 6-11 hierarchical transcendences. One above the standard hierarchy of a 2-A multiverse can logically easily destroy a more than countably infinite number of 2-A space-time continuums, and higher hierarchical characters extend further beyond.
This category is separated in the following manner:
- Low Complex Multiverse level: Characters who exist beyond the standard hierarchy of a 2-A multiverse. Characters can go beyond even this level of hierarchy however, reaching beyond even a Low 1-C multiverse. Do note for characters that reach this level should receive the rating Low Complex Multiverse level+ to differentiate the levels of hierarchy the characters are on.
- Complex Multiverse level: Characters who exist beyond the previous layered reaching even higher levels. Alternatively ones that are positioned at an unknown/unspecified level within this category. Characters that transcend a 1-C multiverse should receive the rating Complex Multiverse level+ to differentiate the levels of hierarchy the characters are on.
- High Complex Multiverse level: Characters who exist beyond the previous layered reaching beyond a 1-C+ multiverse. Characters that transcend a High 1-C multiverse should receive the rating rating High Complex Multiverse level+ to differentiate the levels of hierarchy the characters are on.
1-B: Transverse level
These are characters that exist beyond the complex multiversal scale hierarchy, beings reach 12 hierarchical transcendences and above.
Under our system of hierarchical scaling, a Low 1-B character is more than countably infinite number of times greater than a High 1-C character, the characters above Low 1-B hierarchies are higher into the hierarchical system reaching higher levels of uncountably infinite.
This category is separated in the following manner:
- Low Transverse level: Characters who existed beyond the complex multiversal hierarchies ranging in power, reaching up to 12 hierarchical transcendences all the way to 26 hierarchical transcendences. It should be noted that characters with 26 hierarchical transcendences should be Low 1-B+.
- Transverse level: Characters who exist beyond the previous hierarchies, existing in a finite amount of hierarchies having power comparable to one who is above a Low 1-B+ hierarchy.
- High Transverse level: Infinitely stacking hierarchies to uncountably infinite stacking hierarchies.
1-A: Transcendent level
Characters that exist beyond or can affect a realm beyond an uncountably infinite stack of hierarchies. This is something completely formless, abstract, metaphysical and transcendental. Such beings can not be affected by destruction within the dimensions of time and space, or physical matter and energy. Within such a hierarchical "space", a hierarchical structure with any number of uncountably infinite hierarchies can be placed.
Note that all tier 1-A characters have qualitative superiority over uncountably infinite hierarchical structures and concepts. Also, mere capability to exist in such a structure does not qualify a character for this tier. This in essence means a character is able to travel in the realm, naturally existing in said realm does qualify for Beyond-Dimensional Existence.
This category is separated in the following manner:
- Transcendent level: Characters that are beyond all uncountably infinite hierarchal scale.
- Transcendent level+: Characters that extend infinitely upon infinitely upon baseline transcendent level. Normally these characters are the middle of a large uncountably infinite hierarchy of transcendent level people, being uncountably infinitely beyond the baseline transcendent structure.
- Meta-Transcendent level: Characters that are extremely powerful compared to other characters within this category, and whose power by far exceeds the regular requirements for tier 1-A along with 1-A+. Take note that being immeasurably superior to a regular 1-A+ character, does not automatically make another character qualify for a High 1-A rating. The ones that do qualify would recurrently be equivalent to Tier 0 characters, if not for the presence of one such being within their respective franchises, and/or some minor limitation (in strength). To further clarify, a High 1-A should be so much higher than "baseline" 1-A+ characters that it can not be estimated or comprehended from their perspectives. That is, to even be considered for High 1-A, a character must at the very least transcend 1-A+ characters in the same manner that they exceed beings bound a 1-A character and the 1-A character exceeds High 1-B.
Tier 0: Boundless
0: Boundless
Beings that boundlessly exceed everything on every level within their respective franchises and every hierarchy, which include any Meta-Transcendent beings, Transcendent beings, existence and non-existence, possibility, causality, contradiction, dualism and trans-dualism, concepts, hierarchies and their analogues at any level. Boundless beings are on top of everything within their respective franchises and their existence are completely featless and impossible. They cannot be compared nor contrasted with each other as there is no feasible way to measure their strength, not even their size can be measured as them being "infinitely big" as they are beyond any form of mathematical understanding or measure, "infinity" is nothing to them and a concept they are far beyond (though a character describing them as such due to a lack of comprehension of the being will not contradict said beings tiering). Take note the difference between a Meta-Transcendent being and a Boundless being is so high that it goes beyond the difference between a Meta-Transcendent being and a Transcendent being.
Note: If the said being isn't on top in their verse or is surpassed by other beings then they aren't tier 0. There can also not be more than one tier 0 as this would imply there is something to combat its power when it's power is not remotely measurable beyond any form or extent. There should also be no real weakness for the being as that would imply there is still some form or concept they're bound by. "Weaknesses" such as not being omnipresent or omniscient do not count however.
Important Notes
- Do note that having theories such as String theory does not automatically give a High 1-C cosmology. In the standard models of string theory the dimensions are compact to an extremely small scale and not uncountably infinitely higher dimensions, for it to reach High 1-C the dimensions would need to be proven uncountably infinitely larger than the last.
- Do also note that concepts such as platonic concepts are not automatically 1-A nor any tier. Platonic Concepts are concepts, which are not tangible or tierable and thus they have no place on the tiering system. Along with this the justification for 1-A does not meet our 1-A standards as transcending space and time is not enough for 1-A.
- Another thing to note that the tiering system and a character’s dimensionality are not interchangeably connected. One can have far higher dimensionality while also having a far lower tier than expressed. For example Jeem (Hydlide) is listed as possibly 6-D dimensionally but he is physically 7-C at his peak. Dimensional tiering is only in the case of one’s dimensionality and has nothing to do with the Tiering System, AP, Durability, Speed, etcetera.
- The reason dimensional tiering is not used for the tiering system is because higher spatial dimensions aren't inherently higher levels of infinity but rather different axis from the 3rd dimension. They do not grant a higher level of tier or Attack Potency, rather just extra abilities that come with Higher-Dimensional Existence.
- As noted above temporal dimensions still apply due to how they work compared to spatial dimensions. A spatial dimension is merely another space axis in movement, while a temporal dimension is essentially the difference between 2-C and 3-A. A temporal axis contains an uncountably infinite number of copies of the spatial volume of the universe, adding in another temporal axis would thus make another axis with an uncountably infinite amount of copies thus creating a higher layer of reality. This is the reason temporal dimensions still apply instead of spatial dimensions. Though it should be noted to pay attention to context as a temporal plane doesn't instantly refer to a time axis but also relate to secular/worldly affairs. Which has nothing to do with the higher tiers.
- Please do also note the destruction of something does not equate to its namesake. While destroying a city can be city level there are times where it could be higher or lower depending on the method of destruction.
- Being stronger than a 2-C or your previous 2-C form does not grant you Low 2-B alone. It is impossible to quantify the numerical gap between each one of the subtiers in Tier 2 due to the distance between any given number of universes is currently unknowable. This also goes for being "infinitely" stronger then 2-C too, that does not grant you High 2-B. The same with a 2-B being infinitely stronger.
- According to the first version of the definition of the Hausdorff dimensions, one easily sees that the dimension of the unification of countably infinite n-dimensional objects is also a n-dimensional object. Or in other words, stacking countably infinite objects together never reaches a higher-dimension.
- The same can be said for hierarchies. Stacking countable infinite objects together will never reach a higher hierarchy.
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