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User:GiverOfThePeace/Sonic IDW Speed Feat
From The Codex
Sonic's shown to dodge and travel further than bullets in the same timeframe and move in conjunction to an artillery explosion. Both of which require pretty crazy speed.
It's pretty well known by now that Sonic is exactly 1 meter tall. We'll use Sonic's starting point as far the bullets needed to travel as we don't see how far away the Egg Pawns are when the 'screen' faces Sonic's way.
2atan(tan(70/2)*(186/533)) = 2.9752 meters
Now to get the initial distance he traveled via angsizing once more. When he makes impact with the first building, he's rolled up into a ball.
Ball Height:
Amy's canonically 90cm tall.
cm/px: 90/403 = 0.223
Sonic's height: 0.223*382 = 85.186cm
cm/px: 85.186/10 = 8.5186
2atan(tan(70/2)*(41/533)) = 11.826 meters
For the rest of the distance he covered, I can just use regular pixel scaling since he doesn't fly further into the background, but rather to the left.
85.186/41 = 2.0777073170731707 cm/px
2.0777073170731707*231 = 479.950 centimeters (4.7995 meters)
Total distance traveled: 4.7995 + 11.826 = 16.6255 meters
He covered this distance in the time it took the bullet to reach the position he was originally at, thus the after-image we see left behind and the bullets JUST making contact as he travels down to the left corner of the block.
For the speed, we'll assume the fastest muzzle velocity as Eggman's tech has always been depicted as far superior to our own. So I'll use the fastest muzzle velocity as reference.
(16.6255) x (1422) / (2.9752) = 7946.175 m/s; Hypersonic+
This next one's a lot more complex. We need to get the speed of the explosive, the distance Sonic moved in conjunction with it, etc. Keep in mind I'll be using the values for the canon's diameter from this accepted calc (takes place on the same ship).
2atan(tan(70/2)*(164/449)) = 59.9 meters
That's the distance Sonic traveld and how far the explosion is occuring away from him. Now we need the explosion's size which we can get by comparing to the cannon.
21.12/164 = 0.128780487804878 m/px
0.128780487804878*229 = 29.490 meters (14.745m Radius)
Since we're not shown the artillery rounds themselves, I'll assume a speed of 7150 m/s. This is the average speed for detonation type explosives using data from here. I'll use 10300 m/s as a high-end, since again, Eggman's tech is far more advanced, and thus realistically far more potent (Thus faster and more powerful).
For Sonic's timeframe, I'll use the time required for the explosion to reach its Radius given its speed.
Time = Distance/Speed
14.745/7150 = 0.002 seconds
14.745/10300 = 0.0014 seconds
Speed = Distance/Time
Low-End: 59.9/0.002 = 29950 m/s; High Hypersonic+
High-End: 59.9/0.0014 = 42785.7 m/s: Massively Hypersonic
Sonic crosses fair distance before bullets reach his previous location:
- Mach 23; Hypersonic+
Sonic moves in conjunction to an artillery shell explosive:
- Low-End: Mach 87; High Hypersonic+
- High-End: Mach 124.7; Massively Hypersonic
You know what. These results are surprisingly consistent with the High Hypersonic+ calculation Sonic scales to. However, I strongly urge the High-End to be used as it actually adds unto consistency. Why you ask? Because the High Hypersonic+ feat was pulled off by an exhausted Sonic who had been running for days straight with little sleep and was physically and mentally becoming taxed. Not to mention, it places him a bit further beyond Low-Tiers which we've agreed on being true (Even in combat speed, much less travel speed).
So the benefits of the high-end are it being consistent and scaling fairly above Sonic at almost his worst, and also being faster than character's he's shown to be fairly faster than as well.
Keep that in mind CGM's.
In Sonic the Hedgehog, issue #25, we see Sonic leap to mountains across Angel Island from the Altar in one panel. Before, we really didn't have much information on how much distance he crossed, and ang-sizing likely would've yielded unimpressive results.
As we know thanks to my other blog, the meter per pixel value is 20.528.
Distance Sonic crossed: 20.528*675.41 = 13864.816 meters
Given this all took place in a single panel, I imagine this took a very short amount of time. I wish I knew a way to account for the curve/turns Sonic made, but I am unsure of how I would do it, so for a high-end, I'll assume half a second, and low-end will be 1 second which I think seems fair given it takes one panel AND because Sonic goes off panel even further before Knuckles can finish a short sentence.
13864.816/1 = 13864.816 m/s; High Hypersonic
13864.816/0.5 = 27729.632 m/s; High Hypersonic+
Sonic travels to distant mountain range:
- Low-End: Mach 40; High Hypersonic
- High-End: 80.8; High Hypersonic+
About where I expected the results to be. This clearly scales to Sonic bare minimum. It should scale to Shadow's travel speed as well, and should scale to Mid-Tiers combat speed via being able to combat Sonic. Characters who are High-Tier can upscale from it, and characters below can downscale from it or can scale to their own feats.