[[File:DKGB Hammer.png]]
Hammers can defeat all enemies in the game. As soon as Mario grabs a hammer, he starts swinging the hammer back and forth repeatedly, and strikes anything in his path. While holding the hammer, Mario cannot jump, but he can throw the hammer upwards and then quickly climb up to a higher platform. If he catches the hammer up there in time, he can continue to use it. After a certain time, the hammer disappears and reappears in its original spot.
[[File:DKGB PaulinesItems.png]]
Parasol, Hat & Bag
If Mario collects all three of these items within the same level, he gets to play a bonus mini-game after it is finished.
[[File:DKGB 1-Up.png]]
1 UP Heart
Gives Mario an extra life when collected.
[[File:DKGB Key.png]]
Mario has to take the key to the locked door. It can be picked up and thrown. It can also take out several enemies if it is thrown. If Mario loses it, it disappears after a few seconds and reappear in its original spot.
[[File:DKGB TrashCan2.png]]
Trash Can
Mario can stand on Trash Cans to reach higher areas, but he can also pick them up and throw them at enemies like Bowbows to defeat them, although other enemies like the Faiachū cannot be defeated by Trash Cans. Once it hits an enemy, it falls through the ground and cannot be reused.
[[File:DKGB Road.png]]
Mario can place the road in any free point of the level for a certain amount of time. The road acts as an additional platform that can help him to get over gaps or to higher areas.
[[File:DKGB Ladder.png]]
Mario can place this ladder in any free point of the level. It disappears after a certain amount of time.
[[File:DKGB Spring.png]]
Jump Stand
Mario can place this spring in any free point of the level. It disappears after a certain amount of time.
[[File:DKGB SuperHammer.png]]
Super Hammer
The Super Hammer has the same powers as the regular hammer, but can also destroy brick walls and grounds. They also respawn to their original positions when used up.
[[File:MvsDK Key.png]]Template:BrKey
Keys are found in the first half of every regular level of the game. They must be taken to locked doors in order to open the second half. In the Plus levels, each Mini-Mario is holding the key needed to unlock the level's door.
[[File:MarioVsDK MiniMario Sprite.png]]Template:BrMini-Mario
Mini-Marios are the objective of the second half of the normal levels, where they must be rescued from crystal balls. They follow Mario in Mini-Mario levels. In the Plus levels, there is one Mini-Mario per stage, which must be rescued and brought to the door to beat the level.
[[File:MvsDK 1-UP.png]]Template:Br1-Up Mushroom
1-Up Mushrooms give Mario an extra life.
[[File:MvsDK TrashCanitem.png]]Template:BrGarbage CanTemplate:Br[[File:Barrel MvsDK.png]]Template:BrBarrel
These items can be carried and thrown by Mario. He can use them to defeat certain enemies, or as auxiliary platforms to reach other platforms or to pass long gaps with spikes.
[[File:MvsDK Hammer.png]]Template:BrHammer
Hammers are found floating on platforms. Mario can use them to defeat enemies, such as the Oil. The can be thrown upwards and grabbed again while in the air.
[[File:MvsDK Presents.png]]Template:BrPresent
Presents are found in red, yellow, and blue varieties. When all three are collected in a level, they are used in a bonus game where the player can win extra lives.
[[File:MvsDK TOY.png]]Template:BrLetter
The letters T-O-Y are found in Mini-Mario levels. They must be collected by Mini-Marios to open the toy box.
[[File:MvsDK ToyChest.png]]Template:BrToy box
Toy boxes are the goal of the Mini-Mario levels. If the letters T-O-Y are collected, it opens and allows Mario to drop off his Mini-Marios.
[[File:MvDK2 Coin.png]]Template:BrCoin
A coin adds 50 points to the score when collected by a Mini.
[[File:Large Coin.png]]Template:BrLarge Coin
A Large Coin adds 500 points to the score when collected by a Mini.
[[File:Mini-Mario Card.png]]Template:BrMini Mario Card
Mini Mario Cards are collectible items, with a picture of Mini Mario on one side and a letter on the other side. There are 9 Mini Mario Cards on each of the first eight floors.
[[File:MVDK2 Pink Block.gif]]Template:BrPink Block
Pink Blocks are objects that can be picked up and placed inside of block outlines.
[[File:MVDK2 Hammer.png]]Template:BrHammers
Hammers are found floating in some levels. When collected, hammers allow a Mini to defeat or temporarily stun enemies.
[[File:MvDK2 -Block.png]]Template:Br? Block
A ? Block reveals a Fire Flower when struck from below by a Mini.
[[File:FireFlowerSprite.png]]Template:BrFire Flower
An item that comes out of a ? Block. When collected, it temporarily turns a Mini into its fire form, which allows it to throw fireballs for a limited time to defeat or stun enemies.
[[File:MVDK2 Fire Block.gif]]Template:BrFire Block
Fire Blocks can be picked up and placed, similarly to Pink Blocks. However, when picked up, they allow the player to produce a Fireball by holding the stylus onto the Touch Screen.
[[File:MVDK2 Bomb Block.gif]]Template:BrBomb Block
Bomb Blocks can be picked up and placed, similarly to Pink Blocks. However, when picked up, they allow the player to place a bomb.
Pink Block
An object that can function as both a platform and a wall. Pink Blocks are ubiquitous items in the game that can be picked up and placed in empty spaces throughout a level. There are often entire grids containing such spaces where the player can position rows of Pink Blocks to form bridges, stairways, or walls for the minis.
An object that the minis can stick to, allowing them to walk on all of its surfaces. To escape a Magnet, the minis have to walk on a non-magnetic surface.
Pop-up Gate
A temporary wall that is used to change the direction of the minis. Pop-up Gates can be activated for five seconds by tapping on bases with upward arrows found on the ground.
Rotate Pipe
A pipe segment that can be rotated 90 degrees at a time to connect two pipe ends.
Magnet Rod
A magnetic object with two rotatable ends, which can be used to flip the entire Magnet Rod. This can be used to flip all minis that are currently on one side of a Magnet Rod to the other side.
A collectable item that adds 100 points to the score. Collecting 100 Coins overall awards the player with an extra life.
Large Coin
A collectable that is worth 10 regular Coins and adds 1000 points to the score when collected.
Mini Mario Card
A collectable item that appears in every level of the game. Collecting all nine lettered Mini Mario Cards on a floor unlocks a Special Level on that floor. Collecting a Mini Mario Card also adds 2000 points to the score.
A collectable that grants an extra life.
An item that can be picked up and used to attack enemies. The Hammers last for a limited time after being picked up, and reappear in the same spot in which they were encountered. If the minis use a Ladder while they have the Hammers in their hands, they will throw them upward, which allows the toys to catch and continue using them after departing from the Ladder.
A collectable item that only appears in Donkey Kong levels. It can be collected by shooting a Mini Mario into it, affecting the timer upon doing so. Blue clocks increase the timer with 30 seconds, while gray fuming clocks decrease it with 30 seconds.
[[File:MLM Blocker Activated.png]][[File:MLM Blocker Deactivated.png]] Blockers
Blockers are metal blocks that act as either walls or floors that can be placed using the stylus.
[[File:MLM Coin.png]][[File:MLM Big Coin.png]] Coins
Coins can be collected throughout the levels for points. Bigger coins appear and are worth 5 normal coins.
[[File:MLM Hammer.png]] Hammers
Hammers can be used to stun enemies such as Circus Kongs or break Rock Blocks.
[[File:MToken.png]] M-Tokens
M-Tokens are collectibles found in each level that give the player 2000 points.
[[File:MLM Mini Mario Card.png]] Mini Mario Cards
Mini Mario Cards are found in each level. They spell out "MINIMARIO" and unlock a minigame when all of them are collected in a world.
[[File:MLM Purple Conveyor.png]] Purple Conveyors
Purple Conveyors are conveyor belts that can be drawn using the stylus.
[[File:MLM Red Girder.png]] Red Girders
Red Girders are girders that can be drawn using the stylus.
[[File:MvDKTScoin.jpg]][[File:MvDKTSbigcoin.jpg]] Coins
Items found in every level, usually arranged in rows of three or more. Each awards the player 100 points for the score. Among these coins, there is also a large variety that is worth ten normal coins and, therefore, 1000 points. The player needs to collect all coins in a level in order to achieve three stars for that level.
[[File:MvDKTShammers.jpg]] Hammers
A pair of weapons that can be used by the Minis to combat enemies or destroy rocks. They are acquired for a short time and are banged repeatedly on the ground, confering the Mini that wields them a short period of invincibility. After they disappear, Hammers respawn in their initial position, allowing another use. If a Mini comes into contact with a Ladder or a Blue Lift while the Hammers are in use, they will be thrown high up in the air and can be picked up again if the Mini reaches the end of these objects in time.
[[File:MvDKTSmcoin.jpg]] M Coin
A special "M"-stamped coin that is worth 2000 points. Only one appears in every stage. Like the other types of coins, collecting the M Coin is mandatory to obtain a three-star rating in a level.
[[File:MvDKTSgirderpickup.jpg]][[File:MvDKTSbiggirderpickup.jpg]] [[File:MvDKTSliftpickup.jpg]][[File:MvDKTSbigliftpickup.jpg]] [[File:MvDKTSconveyorpickup.jpg]][[File:MvDKTSbigconveyorpickup.jpg]] Pickups
Collectibles that increase the amount of resource items the player has, such as Girders, Blue Lifts and Purple Conveyors. However, they cannot be grabbed with the stylus; Minis are required to walk into them instead.
Resource items
[[File:MvDKTSbluelift.jpg]] Blue Lift
A vertical succession of platforms that can be built between two blue rivets, only if one is located directly above the other. The movement of the platforms in a Blue Lift is determined by the direction of the swipe that created the Blue Lift. Upon encountering a Blue Lift, Minis will stop walking and will take the lift in the direction it moves, helping them reach platforms that are located underneath or above.
[[File:MvDKTShighspring.jpg]][[File:MvDKTSlongspring.jpg]] High Spring and Long Spring
Trampolines that help the Minis bounce to higher areas. High Springs are magenta and have an oblong shape—they launch the Minis on a vertical arc. Long Springs are yellow, rounded, and launch the Minis on a more widened arc.
[[File:MvDKTSmovablepipe.jpg]] Movable Pipes
A pair of separate pipes that are somehow interconnected. When a Mini enters one pipe, it will be warped onto the other. The player can change the positions of these pipes to facilitate movement throughout an area, even though they can only be placed on predetermined slots.
[[File:MvDKTSpinkblocks.jpg]] Pink Block
A block that can be picked up with the stylus and then used to fill a special slot by tapping on it. Pink Blocks come in formations, and act as platforms or walls to guide the Minis.
[[File:MvDKTSpurpleconveyor.jpg]] Purple Conveyor
A platform that can be dragged across purple rivets. It moves automatically in the direction established by the player with the stylus. Apart from transporting the Minis, Purple Conveyors also turn them back if they are in opposing directions, without the need of a wall.
[[File:MvDKTSredgirder.jpg]] Red Girder
A platform that can be created by connecting two rivets of the corresponding color. The main game only contains red Girders, but the Workshop mode allows the player to use Girders of different colors, associated with a playable character (green—Mini Luigi, blue and white—Mini Toad, pink—Mini Peach etc.) If Red Girders are positioned horizontally or slightly slanting, the Minis can walk on them as on normal platforms. If their slant is too abrupt, they cause the Minis to slide on them as on a slope. If they are positioned vertically, they act as walls that prevent the Minis from walking further. Red Girders can be passed from underneath, making them semisolid.
Fixed objects
[[File:MvDKTScannon.jpg]] Cannon
An object that slowly changes launching direction by rotating in place. It can store any amount of Minis that end up inside it, and can be tapped on to blast all Minis in the current direction. This way, apart from being able to reach far areas, the Minis can also zoom into rocks and enemies to destroy them.
[[File:MvDKTScolorswitches.jpg]] Color Switches
Red, blue, and yellow switches that enable or disable blocks of the same colors when jumped on.
[[File:MvDKTSconveyor.jpg]] Conveyor
A platform that conveys the Minis in the direction indicated by its arrows. Conveyors are always horizontal.
[[File:MvDKTSgirder.jpg]] Girder
A semisolid platform that the Minis can walk on. Girders are always horizontal.
[[File:MvDKTSgoaldoor.jpg]] Goal Door
The exit of each stage in the game. In Single-Door levels, the goal is to get all Minis into a single door. Once a Mini enters the door, the other have a short amount of time to reach it before it locks them away. A few levels feature locked exits, which require a Key Mini Mario to unlock. In Multi-Door levels, each character must be guided to the door that displays its face on it.
[[File:MvDKTSladder.jpg]] Ladder
A vertical set of steps needed to climb up to raised platforms, or go down a lower level. They can be seen as stationary Blue Lifts. Minis grab on a Ladder as soon as they walk into it, then continue to walk in the direction they previously followed. When two Minis bump into each other on a Ladder, they both change directions.
[[File:MvDKTSmagnet(on).jpg]][[File:MvDKTSmagnet(off).jpg]] Magnet
A platform that allows the Minis to walk on all of its surfaces. Minis fall off a Magnet if they are hanging upside-down and encounter a non-magnetic surface on their way.
[[File:MvDKTSrock.jpg]] Rock
A small fragile block that breaks when hit with Hammers, a slope slide or a Cannon blast. Otherwise, rocks act as normal platforms the Minis can walk onto.
[[File:MvDKTSspikes.jpg]] Spikes
Dangerous surfaces covering walls and platforms. Touching one such surface destroys the Mini. Spikes cannot be destroyed.
[[File:MvDKTSsplitpipe.jpg]][[File:MvDKTSpipe.jpg]] Pipes
Warp Pipes come in two variations. Some Pipes are found in one piece, while others, also known as Split Pipes, have their ends separated from each other, and are also color-coded to acknowledge the player which pipe is connected to the other. Both types help transport the Minis to different locations in a level, although the length of blue Warp Pipes affect how long the Minis take to reach the other end, while Split Pipes have considerably less delay.
[[File:MM&FAC - Mini Mario.png|70px]] Mini Mario
Wall Jump: Jump off a wall upon moving close to one.
[[File:MM&FAC - Mini Luigi.png|70px]] Mini Luigi
High Jump: Jump higher than other Mini Toys.
[[File:MM&FAC - Mini Peach.png|70px]] Mini Peach
Floating Jump: Float over narrow gaps in the ground.
[[File:MM&FAC - Mini Toad.png|70px]] Mini Toad
Small Crawl: Duck and pass through small openings.
[[File:MM&FAC - Mini Donkey Kong.png|70px]] Mini Donkey Kong
Quick Climb: Climb up steep slopes.
[[File:MM&FAC - Mini Bowser.png|70px]] Mini Bowser (new)
Bowser Bomb: If Mini Bowser falls from a cliff, he will stomp the ground, destroying any rocks in the way.
[[File:MM&FAC - Mini Bowser Jr.png|70px]] Mini Bowser Jr. (new)
Spike Guard: Travel over spikes without getting hurt
[[File:MM&FAC - Mini Diddy Kong.png|70px]] Mini Diddy Kong (new)
Ledge Grab: If Mini Diddy Kong walks off a cliff, he will grab on to the ledge, instead of falling, and pull himself back up to safety. This won't work with ledges that are the same height as the fall.
[[File:MM&FAC - Mini Yoshi.png|70px]] Mini Yoshi (new)
Eat Enemies: Eat small enemies.
[[File:MM&FAC - Mini Rosalina.png|70px]] Mini Rosalina (new)
Lunar Launch: Perform an exceptionally high jump next to high walls.
[[File:MM&FaC - Mini Spek.png|70px]] Mini Spek (new)
Any figure besides those shown above. amiibo cards are unsupported.
None: Mini Spek doesn't have a special ability.