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My top 1000 favorite video game list, massively WIP.

Favorite Characters of All Time

Favorite Wives

Favorite Villains

Verses I Like

  • A Hat in Time: Easily my favorite 3D platformer of all time, it's such a unique, adorable, and fun platformer, the controls feel just right, and the physics just add it up. This was just my experience from the switch version too. The minute I got it on steam I learned how infinitely replayable this game is thanks to mods.
  • Cris Tales: An RPG that takes a lot of elements from some of my favorite RPGs to make an interesting and engaging world. The characters are pretty cool, the combat system is neat, especially with it's past-future mechanic, the side quests aren't overly annoying and have incentive to them. My only real issue is the end game where it felt like they were crunching hard, the ending feels very rushed too, but apparently there's an added free DLC thing now with a new party member that may fix that, I haven't had the time to check it out though.
  • Run: One of my childhood games I used to play all the time at the school library and still play today. Run is such an engaging and fun platforming game with unique alien designs and different abilities to keep up the pace. It's hard for me to decide whether I like Run 2 or Run 3 better but I think all games in this collection hold up. Defo recommend.
  • Xenoblade Chronicles: Despite how annoying XC 1 elitists are on twitter and me not playing it in a while, I absolutely love and adore Xenoblade Chronicles 1, it's easily in my favorite games of all time.
  • Hollow Knight: While I think it's overhyped as a metroidvania personally, that does not at all mean it's bad, Hollow Knight is a masterpiece of a metroidvania, and a game that I spent over 100 hours on.
  • Sly Cooper: Old Sucker Punch mascot 3D platformer along with Ratchet and Clank/Jak & Daxter? All that needs to be said. Seriously though, this is a fun platformer that I have not played in a long while.
  • Metal Gear Solid: This series taught me that you can have a game mainly focus on story and still have it be amazing. But to add the cherry on top, you have great stealth gameplay that makes me hate almost every other stealth segment in most other games.
  • Furi: Furi is a fun and action-packed boss rush with an intriguing story and a badass silent MC. Not much I can say.
  • EarthBound/MOTHER: This series used to be my favorite game of all time, before a certain game toppled it, however that does not detract from the fact that EarthBound/MOTHER is one of the best RPG franchise I have ever played, with unique and quirky characters, a fun narrative, interesting combat mechanics, and much much more. I recommend everyone to play this, as my friend Rocky would say, "People actually like EarthBound? I thought that was a joke."
  • Undertale: While not as good as I initially had it, this is still a very fun and great RPG with loads of quirky characters and a great story. I only wish the replayability was better because this is a game that sells on that.
  • Deltarune: Chapter 1 was alright, though nothing special. Then Chapter 2 hit, and I realized how much I wanted from Undertale. Chapter 2 easily beat Undertale alone for me and I am so excited to see what more they have to offer.
  • Kingdom Hearts: I have a love hate relationship with KH, mainly, I love the Tokyo Team (the guys that made Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2) and hate the Okasa Team (the guys that made BBS, DDS, 0.2, and Kingdom Hearts 3). I think games like Re:Coded are alright, but KH 3 is such a disappointment for me. But then I remember how Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix is in my top 10 favorite games of all times and I have to say I am a fan of the series. Also I am of the group that likes Kingdom Hearts 1, I know a lot of people don't though. I am also cynically optimistic for Kingdom Hearts 4.
  • Legend of Zelda: Zelda is one of my favorite verses of all time, big shocker, I know. I pretty much love every Zelda game except for Zelda 2 and ALTTP. Zelda 2 because it's just such a bad RPG game that could've been so much better, and ALTTP because it has one of the most stupid softlocks I've ever seen with the ice rod, and a lot of dungeons are just bleh. But then you have Majora's Mask, my favorite Zelda game of all time and one of my favorite games of all time. And then they have the nerve to follow up with a bunch of top tier 3D Zelda titles with great gameplay, dungeons, and a great story. Then Breath of the Wild happened and showed that Zelda could elevate even further. Overall my love for the Zelda series is way too high.
  • The Strange Man Series: My second favorite RPG Horror series of all time, this is just a fantastic tetralogy that deals with the horrors of learning to overcome a specific problem in your life along with the occasional horror movie monster. The Crooked Man is a great mental horror with a great story and main character that goes through an amazing arc. The Sandman is a cool fantasy horror game that I never thought was a drama I needed with again, a great story and main character. The Boogeyman is a cool detective story and the main character Keith, is cool. The Hanged Man is alright but kinda disappointing and the main character is fine but can get a little too annoying at times. Mermaid Swamp is a fun game with an adorable main protag that's an air head and Paranoia was eh. Overall, this is such a great series, and this is made on RPG Maker of all platforms! I 100% recommend this franchise for anyone whose a fan of RPG Horrors.
  • Desert Nightmare: Let me start off with saying, this game has one of the best atmospheres and OSTs I've heard in a horror game, and I know a majority of it might be stolen OSTs cause a lot of RPG Horrors do that, but god man, it's so good and fits so well. The premise is being trapped in a disinterested town of people after your parents leave you behind and you meet a cast of characters that you talk with as a weird monster is chasing you... then the game has to bring one of the most disappointing endings that nearly ruin the game for me. If it wasn't for it's atmosphere and OST I'd probably say I just hate this game.
  • Celeste: Celeste is a beautiful 2D pixelated art style with tight controls and fun platforming challenges. It's a really fun game and one I highly recommend to people who are fans of the Super Meatboy esque games.
  • Downwell: This is a fun little indie game I played on the PlayStation and couldn't put down, not much else to say other then it's fun.
  • Fire Emblem: This is mainly just in reference to Awakening, but god it was just a fun tactical RPG game, with a fun story, interesting characters, and nice comedy from time to time. My only real issue is how they treat the grinding and leveling, and some of the missions are just straight up bullshit on harder difficulties. Now in terms of the rest of the Fire Emblem series? Uhhh, don't really care about 1 or it's remake, Three Houses looks fun but I haven't got it yet, and the GameCube one I really want to play cause everyone says it's the best fire emblem game so I'm interested.
  • Metroid: It's normally hard for me to choose which I like more between Metroid and Zelda because this is just such a fantastic series. While the NES Game is bad, that's redeemed by the infinitely superior remake on the Gameboy advance. Super Metroid is incredibly fun, Metroid Prime is such a good game that me, who hates FPS games, loves it and it's easily my favorite part of the Metroid series. Metroid Dread is one of the best metroidvania's I ever played, and Other M is Other M. Overall fantastic series.
  • Kirby: So at first I was just the regular Kirby fan, I liked the games but wasn't crazy about them, asides from Kirby 64 and the Crystal Shards, but after Forgotten Land came out, I realized just how great this series is, Kirby is such a cute and simple character and it's cleverly juxtaposed with the world he's in, a nice and friendly world with Lovecraftian entities and evil people with some nice sob backstories to make you feel for them. Great series overall, but I hope they continue with the Forgotten Land gameplay for Kirby.
  • Mario: Yeah no shit I like Mario, very few people don't lol. Regardless Mario has so many consistent quality titles throughout the years that I'd be here forever if I explained all of them. Super Mario World is an absolute jam, Mario 64 is a great and fantastic 3D platformer even if it's aged, Sunshine is amazing even if it has stupid level gimmicks, Galaxy is fantastic, 3D Land and World are absolutely fun and addicting, and Oddysey is just straight up top tier. My favorite Mario games however aren't the platformers surprisingly enough, but the RPGs, specifically Super Mario RPG: Legends of the Seven Stars and Mario & Luigi Superstar Sagas, I also absolutely adore Paper Mario 64. Most of the low points in Mario games I've had the pleasure of not playing so I don't really have much to say about them.
  • Chrono Trigger: One of the best RPGs I've ever played, consistent quality all the way through, fantastic soundtrack, great battle mechanics, and an amazing story. I love it.
  • Clock of Atonement: A great little phone RPG Horror like game that tells a sad tale where a guy with a clock can't get his happy ending.
  • Five Nights At Freddy's: As much as the series has been bloated, I still do overall like this series for the most part. With FNAF 1, 2, and 4 I still consider pretty good games, and Security Breach I love the story for. Most of the other games I'm either okay with or don't like.
  • Five Nights At Candy's: A fan-game of FNAF that's so good I unironically like it more then the actual FNAF, I like the concept behind it and the 3rd game introduces RPG Horror gameplay, so it knew how to grab me, it also has sweet old jazzy music and I like the HUD of FNAC 1 more then FNAF 1. FNAC 2 was kinda lame though, hope FNAC 4 is good.
  • Terranigma: A fantastic action RPG on the SNES. What more can I say? My favorite genre is action RPGs.
  • Mega Man: I like a lot of the classic games, the X series, and love Legends. Planning on playing the others eventually.
  • Hitman: Love the stealth + assassin gameplay to it. Not much else to say honestly.
  • Mortal Kombat: Not really a 2D fighter fan but Mortal Kombat has always stood out for me, my favorite is Mortal Kombat 9, though story wise there's a lot of stuff I don't like, doesn't stop from the fun gameplay with gorey deaths though.
  • Lisa: A fun quirky RPG with a serious undertone, it's also a very emotional story under all the silliness too, gives me a lot of EarthBound vibes.
  • OFF: OFF is a really interesting RPG game, it's meta without pulling you out of the game experience and just interesting to sit down and play through. Easily one of my favorite indie RPGs, I might like this even more then Undertale honestly.
  • Suits: Suits is another really quirky RPG that has The Batter in it, which makes it even more cool.
  • Infamous: Sucker Punch's game after Sly Cooper with the morality system and powers was really cool, did not like Second Son though.
  • Minecraft: Minecraft is one of the most replayable games ever made, specifically when playing with friends. Playing Minecraft with friends is so much fun it's basically killed single player MC for me.
  • Carmen Sandiego: Carmen Sandiego was a fun edutainment game back in the days that I grew up with so naturally with this, the cartoon, and the Netflix series I gravitated towards liking this series.
  • Super Smash Bros.: Not as fond of Smash as I used to be, mainly because I grew out of fighting games, but Smash is still a hectic and fun game to play with friends all the same. My favorite being Brawl and my least favorite being Melee.
  • Ape Escape: Fun little old PlayStation 3D platformer, not much else to say about this.
  • Asura's Wrath: Love the story, music, and the climatic boss battles.
  • God of War: Asura's Wrath's reasons and more, the added on gore definitely sold me when I was a kid.
  • Cave Story: I think this is the first indie game I've ever played and it still stays as one of my favorites. Such a fun platforming metroidvania with an interesting story, characters, and gameplay. I've played this game now about 50+ times.
  • Cuphead: The animation alone sells this game for me, but then there's a fun as hell run and gun behind that.
  • Dead Rising: In a mall where I can use virtually anything to kill a bunch of zombies for fun? Sign me up. 3 is also pretty good. 4 is awful.
  • Freedom Planet: This is literally just good Sonic, not much more to say. Though the voice acting is bad.
  • Grand Theft Auto: Care nothing about the 2D universe, the 3D universe is where it's at. GTA 3 aged badly but it's still a nostalgic trip from when I used to play it for hours as a kid. Vice City and San Andreas are amazing, with San Andreas being my favorite GTA game of all time. Not a huge fan of the HD universe but I can get some fun out of them, I remember playing GTA IV a bunch too.
  • Ib: This is straight up my favorite RPG Horror game, it has such a unique atmosphere with the horror setting being an art museum allowing for abstract horror, an amazing OST, and great characters. My only real gripe is I'm not too happy with the ending, but I feel like that was the intention.
  • Mad Father: Another amazing RPG Horror. Great visuals, great story, great characters, cool horror setting, what more can I say? The remake on switch amps everything up too. P.S. Aya isn't evil for the love of god.
  • Walking Dead: I like Telltale season 1 and 2, do not like season 3 and love season 4. Clementine is an all time great and I like Lee.
  • No More Heroes: Fun hack and slash with a cool as hell funny character. Nothing more I can say beyond that. I hate Travis Strikes again though.
  • Paladins: This is a fun enough Overwatch replacement.
  • Town of Salem: Among Us but good, yeah I said it. Though the community is just as stupid and toxic.
  • Silent Hill: I'm pretty sure this and Clock Tower inspired RPG Horrors, especially since every RPG Horror I've watched almost always has Silent Hill music in the game. I like RPG Horrors, so by proxy I also like Silent Hill.
  • Clock Tower: Straight up the granddaddy of horror games and one of the inspiriations for RPG Horrors I bet. While the game doesn't hold up as well today I think the playstation version is still really good and fun.
  • Soul Calibur: Fun 3D fighting game. Specifically Soul Calibur 2 cause it has Link in it.
  • Uncharted: Basically just Indiana Jones turned into a video game and I love it.
  • Okami: Zelda but with a wolf, what more do I have to say?
  • Wii Sports: I grew up playing the hell out of this game on my wii, such a fun sports game.
  • Final Fantasy: Funny cause I haven't played that many FF games. I enjoy FF8 despite it's many issues, I don't like FF7, I like FF Tactics Advance, and I'm planning on replaying FFX and FFXIII sometime in the future.
  • Pikmin: Probably the only real time strategy game I care about. I've played and beaten the Pikmin series over 50+ times for each game, with my favorite being Pikmin 2/3 and my least favorite being Pikmin 1. Hey Pikmin! does not count in my eyes. I absolutely adore Pikmin with it's unique world, quirky mascot characters that make you feel bad for getting even one of them killed without them having to spout a single line of dialogue, and a fun battle system with a time limit to keep you on your toes. Definitely recommend.
  • F-Zero: F-Zero GX is great and a fun racing game. F-Zero on the SNES doesn't have a 2 player mode which defeats the entire purpose of a racing game. Don't remember much about F-Zero X.
  • Starfy: Starfy is a game made by the same people that made Kirby apparently, and it's a pretty fun aquatic platforming game. The platforming kind of hampers when you're out of the water, but when you're in the water it's actually really fun. Probably the only game where I prefer water levels to ground levels. Not much to say for the story or characters since barely any of it is translated.
  • Shantae: Great platformer/metroidvania series with a cute half-genie, responsive controls, and great exploration. Overall it's an A+.
  • Devil Summoner: So this basically has to be my favorite franchise of all time purely because it has the Raidou Kuzunoha series. The Raidou Kuzunoha series are amazing games with amazing characters, a great action RPG combat system, detective work, a jazzy as hell soundtrack, and interesting lore. The Raidou Kuzunoha games are easily my favorite games of all time and beat out Mother. The first Devil Summoner suffers from the issue of using old SMT gameplay which I hate, but it's characters, music, and other mechanics almost make me ignore it enough to love it. I hate Soul Hackers though, the only interesting character is Nemissa, asides from that everyone else is boring as hell and has little to no development.
  • Shin Megami Tensei: This is a weird one because I basically hate the first 3 games but like the last 3 of the mainline SMT series. SMT 1 & 2 I do not like the gameplay of one bit, and the leveling system is done so weirdly that it doesn't even feel like I get stronger when I level up. This is doubled by the fact that my friend David while playing SMT 1 at one point used a hack to put himself at level 99 and wasn't even close to one-shotting enemies because he didn't have higher leveled equipment. Demons also not being able to level up is just dumb. Dungeons normally look the same where you move so it's easy to get lost, and I don't really think SMT 1's story or characters holds up. SMT 2 is obviously inspired by Megami Tensei 2's story which I liked so it gets a pass there. SMT Nocturne however? I do not like one bit, arguably one of my least favorite games of all time. Demi-fiend is such a bland protagonist, I don't like his design, the compressed music just doesn't sound right, the game has an interesting start up but just dips in quality afterwards, with boring repetitive random encounters that can be easily swatted away with auto battle. It got so bad to the point that I dub any game where I'm using the auto battle feature in: "Nocturne gameplay". Along with this only the first boss is "difficult" and that's only if you don't understand the buff and debuff system, almost every other boss I've faced so far in my playthrough have been easy as hell. Not even my favorite character, Raidou Kuzunoha XIV, being in this game is enough to save it, I just dislike this game, especially after playing SMT V. SMT IV & IVA on the other hand fixes almost every issue I have with Nocturne, Flynn, even as a silent protagonist, feels interesting, the observation mechanic is a cool extra to boss battles, fuck getting to the neutral route, but I have to do it cause Isebeau. Also fun combat with a really cool smirk mechanic. Then there's obviously SMT V, I've put over 100 hours into the game and it's easily one of my favorite modern RPGs, the story isn't too amazing but it's serviceable and keeps me wanting for more, the press turn combat from Nocturne is perfected here and makes it where every battle isn't an auto battle requirement. Also in IV, IVA and V there's no random encounters so there's also that. So I love the later entries but hate earlier entries of the mainline games.
  • Megami Tensei Spinoffs: Ok so mainly this is Devil Survivor and Digital Devil Saga I'm talking about, both of those are great games and they should get more recognition.
  • Yakuza/Judge Eyes: I have thus gotten into it and I can say this is already breeching into my top 10 game series, amazing visuals, great combat, great music, great characters, great stories, this is just all around a banger. There are some bad games in this series but the good ones far out shadow them. I'd recommend this series to anyone interested in action games. It's also a mini-game collection that's somehow good.

Verses I'm Neutral Towards

  • Sonic: Sonic is literally the definition of hit or miss for me. The live action Sonic movies? Love both of them. Sonic 3? Love it. Sonic Mania? Love it. Sonic Adventure? Love it. Sonic CD? I like it. Sonic Advance? I like it. Sonic Rush? Pretty alright. I don't really like Adventure 2, I only like playing like 3 stages of Sonic and Shadow, Heroes would've been good if it didn't have awful controls and repetitive level design, though Frog Forest is a really good level for Team Sonic. Shadow the Hedgehog is just laughable, and I like none of the boost formula games. Lost World was a disappointment for me too cause it could've been fun if they weren't so lost in focus. Did not like Frontiers, though I do want to check out the Dream game as it looks like it'd be fun to play. Project 06 is a fan game but I wish that was how 06 actually was. IDW comics were also pretty cool from what I read. So yeah this series is a major hit or miss for me.
  • Castlevania: There's only two games of note I really care about in the series, Super Castlevania IV and Symphony of the Night. I like none of the NES games and don't really care about the later Metroidvania games.
  • Bravely Series: So the voice acting is bad, and the combat can get repetitive. But the combat can also be interesting with the brave mechanic and Magnolia is great.
  • Dark Cloud: Don't really like the dungeon crawling aspects of the game + the boss fights in the first game are literal rhythm games... why?
  • Dead By Daylight: This is a game that's solidified as a "I'll play if friends want to play, otherwise nah".
  • Shovel Knight: Haven't really cared for it like others have, it looks alright but meh.

Verses I Dislike

  • Ao Oni: Now, I know this is one of the granddaddies to the RPG Horror genre we have today and it should be respected for that But for fuck sakes man, this game is awful. There is no tension whatsoever, the monster doesn't look scary, he looks fucking funny, there's barely and story, and the chase music is one of the worst trying to be scary songs I've ever heard. The only interesting aspect about the Oni is that he can chase you to different rooms. That's it.
  • Bendy & The Ink Machine: Yeah this got moved here. After thinking about it more and re-looking through the game, while the concept is very cool, the actual execution isn't really that well thought out. Definitely needed more time in the oven to cook.
  • Desert Nightmare: As much as I love the beginning I also hate it because of the awful ending.
  • Baldi's: Extremely boring horror game that I only ever watched Cory play and that was it. I know it was made as a joke but god man, it's bad.
  • Bubsy: Yeah what a shocker, the universally accepted worse platformer series is in my dislike list? Who would've guessed.
  • DDLC: VNs bore me, DDLC is a VN. See the issue? Also replayability from this game is kind of shot when you play through it and the warning at the beginning of the game quite literally ruins the entire atmosphere lol.
  • Pokémon: Once upon a time I used to really like Pokémon. It wasn't even that long ago actually. Then I played SMT V and Legends Arceus back to back and I just can't get into this series anymore. I still like Colosseum, Gale of Darkness, & Stadium 1/2 though. But other then that, I'm just going to pass on this series future games honestly.
  • Danganronpa: This game bored the hell out of me and the first girl you be friends with in the game I just wanted to die.
  • Life is Strange: The writing in this game is... so bad. The characters are bad, the time rewind mechanic is just dumb and removes all tension for me. Also the two endings you have to pick are so forced. Defo do not recommend this game.
  • Megami Tensei Spinoffs: Asides from the two I mentioned in the like section, I like almost no other Megami Tensei spinoff series. I do not like Strange Journey, I think it's boring and not written well with a boring combat system. I do not like the OG Megami Tensei, I do not like SMT if... Megami Tensei series is legit just a love-hate relationship for me.
  • Persona: Friendly note, if I say "I remember liking" I'm probably going to be moving them into the dislike/neutral territory. So the Persona series I pretty much don't like anymore after playing Like a Dragon a game that I think deals with the social mechanics and party system infinitely better then anything 3-5 could ever do, the story is just more engaging too. I still do like Persona 1 & 2 story wise, but 3-5 I think needs a new writer, probs the person that wrote Soul Hackers 2 and if that person is the persona writer, they need to do what they did for Soul Hackers 2 and put it in persona.
  • Assassin's Creed: Originally liked the series, re-played the series and realized how bad the story is along with the gameplay and camera is. I think the fact that 4 is one of the few pirate games and Origins being an action RPG tricked me.

Verses I want to get into

  • Monark: It's a game made by ex-Atlus developers and I'm interested to see what a Megami Tensei inspired RPG is gonna be like.
  • BlazBlue: I want to give this a shot, nothing more to say.
  • Nintendo series I haven't played: I like Nintendo and I want to look at virtually all it has to offer.
  • Tales Series: While Tales of Symphonia kinda bored me, I do want to see what the other games have to offer. This is a multi-franchised series for a reason... I hope.
  • Phantasy Star: Always interested to see what these were about.
  • Xenogears: Want to eventually play this RPG franchise to see what inspired Xenoblade.
  • John Clowder Verse: Seems like a weird and interesting RPG series that I'd defo want to try out.

(Note: Not every verse cause I can't remember off the top of my head, just because a verse is listed here doesn't mean it's on the wiki, either I haven't gotten to it, or I'm in the midst of incorporating it. Should also be noted that some of these are quite weaker than others in terms of knowledge due to either not viewing them in a long while or I haven't fully completed it)