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From The Codex
Everything that lives is designed to end. We are perpetually trapped in a never-ending spiral of life and death. Is this a curse? Or some kind of punishment? I often think about the god who blessed us with this cryptic puzzle...and wonder if we'll ever get the chance to kill him.
~ 2B in the Prolouge
What is it that separates machines from androids like us? The machines have grown emotions. ...Consciousness. The final screams they summoned on the edge of their death... They still echo within me.
~ 2B at the end of Route A
This is YoRHa unit 2B...If anyone is listening to this, there's something I need you to do. If you ever meet up with YoRHa unit 9S...I want him...I mean...I'm sorry. Please just give him the following message: 9S...the time I was able to spend with you...It was like memories of pure light. Thank you...Nine...s....
~ 2B's final message


YoRHa No.2 Type B (Battle) or 2B is a combat machine that serves as the protagonist of Route A and a small bit leading up to Route C/D in NieR:Automata. She is a YoRHa android created to battle the machine lifeforms that have invaded the planet on behalf of the surviving humans. She served during the 14th Machine War where the story takes place. 2B is an all-purpose battle android programmed to be masterful in combat, deployed as a member of the automated YoRHa infantry. She is equipped with a multitude of weapons for close quarters combat and can attack from range using the Pod support system, being able to use them natually as if she has years of training in said comnat. Her eyes are obscured beneath her standard-issue military visor, which she rarely removes.

This dropdown contains the synopsis of 2B’s story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise!

The year is 11945 and the 14th Machine War unfolds, what is believed to be left of humanity is sent to the moon to stay safe. before it all, Aliens attacked in the year 5012 CE. They unleashed a legion of weapons known as Machine Lifeforms to attack mankind, Machines capable of adapting and evolving, this forces what's left of mankind to flee and fight back. In order to reclaim their planet, the humans form a resistance group composed of android soldiers. The resistance originated from a satellite-like base orbiting the planet, although the androids were incapable of dealing a decisive blow to these Machine Lifeforms after numerous surface operations. Humanity needed to do something to break this deadlock, they began an operation to create new combat model androids, these special projects would produce Android Units built to do multiple tasks, each one catering to their designed specialty, androids that overtime began to resemble humans nigh-perfectly, even replicate their behaviors, personalities, nature, and even obtain the ability to process and understand emotions through programming, this project was known as “Project YoRHa”. On March 10th, 11945 CE, the 243rd Descent Operation began, introducing the Battle Unit Android, 2B. When first introduced, we see 2B on a mission to infiltrate a Factory to eliminate a Goliath-Class machine known as an Engel, she is assigned to work with 9S for this mission and stays with him afterward. After taking down all the Engels via Black Box Detonation, she groups up with 9S finding out he has little to no memory of the mission that had just happened since he couldn't backup his data on time, only 2Bs. After having her reboot sequence taken care of by 9S, the pair are sent to Earth in order to provide reconnaissance information and establish contact with the Resistance Camp on earth, also run by androids. During their endeavors, 2B and 9S notice how many of their machine lifeform enemies are docile, with some having begun to take on human traits, and even replicating human behavior. During their operations on the surface, 2B and 9S witness the birth of and fight Adam and Eve, two humanoid machines who were created by the machine network with the intent of discovering the secrets of humanity; they also seem invested in replicating their behaviors and customs. They also encounter Pascal, a pacifistic machine who leads a village of equally minded machine lifeforms that have cut their connections to their network and somehow gained their own sense of will and decision making. Later the duo meet and fight A2, a deserter android who used to be a part of YoRHa many years ago. Later on, during an operation against the titanic machine Grun, 9S is blasted away by the ensuing explosion and separated from 2B. She searches for him desperately and her search eventually leads her to the Copied City. Adam lies in wait for her, explaining that he created the city in his attempts to understand humans. He also reveals that he has captured 9S. Seeing this sends 2B into a rage, vowing to kill her machine adversary. In the ensuing battle, she does, leaving Adam to die in a pool of his own blood. She frees 9S, carrying him out of the collapsing city with a promise to send him home. After having 9S' body sent back to the Bunker, 2B meets with Pascal to see if there have been any other strange trends among the machines. She learns that another group of machines disconnected from the network were open to discussing a treaty and she travels with Pascal to the Abandoned Factory to meet them. It quickly becomes apparent that the machines there have become a cult and they turn aggressive on 2B and each other. With 9S' help hacking into other machines from the Bunker, 2B is able to escape. Upon returning to the Resistance Camp however, the machines in the area have gone berserk and begun eating the Resistance members. After 9S arrives in a flight unit to help dispatch a giant machine, 2B chases down Eve, the cause of the machine's behaviour from his grief for Adam. The battle is long and arduous, but 2B is finally able to stop the rampaging machines and kill Eve with a final stab of her sword. Afterwards, 2B is sent on another missions after the events of Adam and Eve, multiple YoRHa units are deployed to fight and end the war, but a virus infects nearly every YoRHa unit, turning against 2B and 9S, they detonate with their Black Boxes to escape and warn YoRHa, but by that point their base is also infected and hacked by a virus, one created by the aliens. 2B flies back to earth to escape but ends up crashing, and she ends up being infected, meanwhile 9S is in the bunker and finds out the truth behind YoRHa, finding out that humanity is extinct. She makes her way across the area she is in and finds A2, since 2B has no way of removing or curing herself of the Virus, she asks A2 to kill her, and take her sword containing all her memories, and to take care of 9S. A2 kills 2B as per her request and 2B perishes. It’s later revealed that 2B isn't a battle unit, she is an Executioner Unit called 2E, designed to stay with 9S, making sure he doesnt find out the true intent and truth of YoRHa, which is that humanity is already gone, they went extinct a long time ago. 2B was forced to kill 9S and wipe his memory countless times, an act that she came to hate for the pain it caused her after bonding with him over that time. (It is revealed in NieR: Orchestra Concert re:12018 that 2B killed 9S 48 times.) In the epilogue “Farewell”, it’s shown that 2B is alive, and with a orange crystal which was used as a communications protocol, she went to find 9S and recover his memories, but after days of searching and making a repair vaccine, she finds 9S and attempts to restore him, to no avail. She finds out 9S left a final message for 2B, and after hearing it, she cries to herself muttering “nines' ' one last time, and remains next to 9S’s body, unmoving forever. In another ending, 9S recovers and remains alive and they stay together, finally free from the cruel cycle they dreaded, living the happy ending they deserved and longed for.

2B is practically a walking weapon. As a combat android designed to fight and only fight, she does not encourage idle chatter on subjects that hold no relevance to the topic at hand and is generally reticent towards others, not so to be disrespectful but just to follow orders. She also has high respect for the chain of command; Commander White, and rarely questions her orders. However, 2B occasionally expresses a notable sense of mockery during specific situations and can even be hot-headed at times when enraged. Despite that, 2B is actually a very kind person deep down, she merely covers it with a tough exterior. She cares a great deal for her comrades, she would occasionally pet her Pod as though it were a pet in which the pods show great gratitude for, and going so far as to find a picture of a flower for Operator 60 when asked, even letting 60 vent her frustrations onto her. In addition, despite her professional mannerism, 2B dislikes 9S calling her "ma'm" describing it as "unnecessary.", and this is because she already has feelings for 9S and doesn’t want their relationship to be too professional. Her cold and aloof exterior is largely out of necessity, as her defence mechanism for the threat of life and the reality if it is in her programming, but she can let her emotionless act slip from time to time. As she and 9S become closer, she becomes more sociable and willing to linger in conversation, as such when they were talking about supermarkets. In the final battle against Adam, she expresses pure rage and raw hatred for the Machine Leader when she witnesses 9S's critical condition. In numerous moments throughout her adventure, 2B expresses frustration and pain with her true role in relation to 9S, hating the cycle they are locked in, this shows even in the depressing epilogue. She becomes emotional at having a chance to finally save the 9S she knows from Engels' attack at the beginning of the game but later shows anger at learning that his memory after their initial rendezvous was lost. She also openly expressed sorrow when she was forced to kill 9S after he was infected with a logic virus in Ending A, crying violently after she took his life, and became happy when he was able to recover back through hacking machines.










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Powers and Abilities

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Notable Techniques


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Battle Records








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