Immune to Stun. Simba resists 30% Basic and Heavy Attack damage from Melee and Tank enemies.
Enthralling Flare
Simba deals 400% damage to enemies in front of him, then gains an Indestructible Buff and Lures all enemies for 5 seconds. While Simba's Lure is active, he's Immune to Knock Back, except from Special Abilities, and gains 15% Armor when hit by a Heavy Attack or Special Ability from a Melee or Tank enemy. When his Lure expires, Simba Knocks Back all enemies in a circle around him.
Strengthening Rays
Simba deals 200% damage to enemies Knocked Back by his Special Ability. When hit by a Melee or Tank enemy while Lure is active, Simba gains a 20% Attack Buff that lasts for 6 seconds. [Max Stacks: 3]
Luminous Hide
Grants +20% at Defense the start of an encounter.
Bright Strike
Grants +20% Attack at the start of an encounter.
Radiant Diversion
When an enemy is attacking Simba, other allies' Basic and Heavy Attacks deal an additional 50% damage to that target.
Solar Shielding
Simba gains 15% Armor at the start of the encounter. The amount of Armor Simba gains from his Special Ability is increased by an additional 10%.
Blinding Lights
When Simba's Lure expires, Melee and Tank enemies adjacent to Simba become Dizzy for 8 seconds if they are not already Dizzy, reducing their chance of landing Basic and Heavy Attacks against other allies by -50%.
Alluring Vanguard
Each time Simba is hit by an attack from a Melee or Tank enemy while his Lure is active, other allies gain 10% Armor.
Standard Tactics: Simba goes for clawing his opponent.