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User:Geo GeoZ/Clutz

From The Codex
How unpleasant
~ Mirai Kuriyama
Somewhere along the line, I had decided that I can’t interact with others. That I have no choice but to be alone, but I’ve found a new reason to stay. It’s because everyone is alone, senpai. Everyone is all alone.
~ Mirai Kuriyama
Please don't act like you understand me.......I've been alone since I was a baby. How could you possibly understand me?
~ Mirai Kuriyama
Hey! You made me kill the bucket!
~ Mirai Kuriyama


Mirai is the sole survivor of a Spirit World Warrior-clan with the ability to manipulate their own blood - they were able to form weapons from their blood and use it as a corrosive spray. Left without relatives, Mirai was adopted by the Inami family but kept isolated because of her powers. However, the family's middle daughter, Yui Inami, befriended Mirai on contravention of her family's harsh treatment of the girl (in the anime series, Yui's younger sister, Sakura, becomes a second friend). When the Hollow Shadow later appears it possesses Yui and left without any other choice, Mirai kills her to save herself, something she has regretted ever since. This act, understandably, drew the ire of the Inami family, and especially that of Sakura.

The Inami family wanted to kill Mirai in retribution but never got the chance, as she was taken in by Izumi Nase, who believed that her powers would potentially be strong enough to kill Akihito Kanbara, a half-Youmu she considered a threat to Nagatsuki City.

Mirai and Akihito meet for the first time when he sees her standing on the edge of his school's roof. Assuming that she is attempting to commit suicide, he runs to the roof to stop her. Upon seeing him, Mirai stabs him with a sword she conjures using her blood. To her surprise, he survives due to his young lineage. Mirai continues to hound Akihito, attacking him unexpectedly but without success. Mirai later reveals that she is struggling to make ends meet as a Spirit World Warrior due to her lack of experience in slaying youmu (a source of income for Spirit World Warriors who sell the stones that defeated youmu leave behind). With support from Akihito, Mirai manages to kill a youmu for the first time. Akihito starts to consider her his friend, but the following day, to his surprise, she tells Akihito to stay away from her because she has cursed blood and once killed someone. He responds by telling her that she doesn't understand anything.

News soon spreads about a powerful youmu known as the Hollow Shadow approaching Nagatsuki City and Mirai goes to fight it on her own despite explicit orders that Spirit World Warriors are not to confront it, especially alone. Just as she is about to engage the Hollow Shadow, she is attacked by Sakura Inami, who is determined to avenge her sister. Both Sakura and Mirai are then swallowed by an illusion created by the Hollow Shadow's presence, and Mirai narrowly escapes Sakura's powerful attacks with the help of Akihito, who pursued her after learning of her decision to take on the youmu single-handedly.

Akihito and Mirai soon find themselves in a twisted replica of the local train yard, where the youmu manifests itself in the form of Yui Inami. Mirai is almost overwhelmed with guilt, but Akihito helps her once more and she manages to dispel the illusions. However, the weakened youmu then attempts to take over Akihito's body, leaving Mirai with no choice but to stab Akihito. He survives the attack but is weakened sufficiently that his youmu half awakens and goes berserk. Seeing this transformation, she realizes what he meant when he said that the two of them were not that different. With the assistance of three Spirit World Warriors, Mirai is able to quell the youmu and return Akihito to normal. He befriends Mirai and eventually convinces her to join the Literary Club. However, due to her disobeying orders during the Hollow Shadow incident, her Spirit World Warrior license is confiscated, leaving her out of action and without income for the following month. Akihito helps her survive by introducing her to his senpai, Mitsuki Nase, as well as Ai and Ayaka Shindou, who agrees to give Mirai a part-time job in her shop and as a photography model.

Her peaceful life, however, is disrupted again when Sakura returns and transfers into her class. The two battle once more, and Mirai defeats Sakura. Afterward, Sakura's weapon turns against her, prompting Mirai to protect Sakura. Afterwar, ds the two girls reconcile and even share an apartment.

The peace gained by the destruction of the Hollow Shadow is only temporary, though. Another threat, known as the Calm, approaches. Under the influence of the Calm, youmu are weakened and become easy prey for Spirit World Warriors. After using her powers on Akihito's human half, Izumi Nase uses the effect of the Calm to bring out his youmu form and it is revealed that he has been harboring an ultra-powerful youmu, known as Beyond the Boundary, within him and that Mirai was brought to the city to kill this youmu. Having developed feelings for Akihito, Mirai does not want to kill him and is told of a way to save him. She follows this advice and removes the youmu from Akihito at the cost of her own life. Akihito falls into a three-month-long coma and when he awakens it is revealed that Beyond the Boundary is still fighting Mirai, having created a pocket dimension. Miroku Fujima, having sacrificed himself to a youmu, wants to bring about the destruction of the world and acts to aid Beyond the Boundary. He is confronted by Izumi, Shizuku Ninomiya, Hiroomi Nase, Mitsuki Nase and Sakura who interfere with his efforts. It is revealed that Izumi also harbors a youmu within her but has retained her humanity. Elsewhere, Akihito uses a Spirit Stone to enter the pocket dimension and aids Mirai in defeating Beyond the Boundary. Having used all of her blood to remove the youmu from Akihito, its defeat means that she no longer has a body. Just before she disappears, Mirai confesses her love to Akihito.

In the aftermath of this event, Izumi has disappeared for parts unknown, leaving Hiroomi as head of the Nase Clan and everything else returns to normal: Ayaka and Ai return to their shop, Mitsuki continues to insult Akihito during their club activities and Hiroomi continues to harass both Akihito and his sister. Throughout it all, Akihito has kept Mirai's ring as a memento. Then one day the ring disappears from his hand and Akihito races to the roof of the school where he finds a miraculously living Mirai waiting for him.



Tier: 9-A, Higher with Blood Manipulation | 2-C, Higher with Blood Manipulation

Name: Mirai Kuriyama

Origin: Beyond the Boundary

Sex: Female


Classification: Human, Spirit World Warrior, Cursed Blood Clan

Status: Alive, Other (While in Beyond the Boundary)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral | Chaotic Good

Dimensionality: 3-D

Attack Potency:


Striking Strength:

Lifting Strength:

Travel Speed:

Combat Speed:

Reaction Speed:




Powers and Abilities

Standard Equipment

Notable Techniques


Standard Tactics:



  • Her given name 'Mirai' means 'future' in Japanese.
  • She likes sweets, high-calorie snacks and her bonsai.
  • She is quick to jump to conclusions and is very skeptical of others, such as Ai Shindou when they first met.


Battle Records

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