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User:Sixo Bullets/Hades

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Oh, humans... You are always acting madly on impulse in the face of despair, with no regards for your strengths and limitations. Now, no longer satiated with the Earth bestowed upon you by the Gods, you attempt to claim the universe so you may taint it as well. And beyond all that... You dare defy the Gods themselves, when instead you ought to accept and bow to our Will... But now that you have abandoned even the feeling of devotion, I declare that you are not merely foolish, but rather beings worthy of pity.
~ Hades


In Saint Seiya, as in the Greek mythology, Hades is the Underworld god, and as such, incarnates into a human being. Every 243 years Hades can enter the world of humans, and fight against Athena for control over the world. However it is said that Hades is too fond of his own body which was born by Cronus and Rhea. He cares so much of it that he keeps it locked in a chamber in Elysion so it doesn't get damaged, only to start using it when he has taken control over the world. To fight the sacred wars against Athena, Hades has to take control of the purest human being born at the time of his incarnation. During the previous Holy War in 1747 his avatar was a boy named Alone, and now more recently it was Andromeda Shun. 

Powers and Stats

Tier: 3-A | At least 2-A

Name: Hades 

Origin: Saint Seiya

Gender: Male   

Age: Couple Million Years old 

Classification: God of the Underworld 

Attack Potency: Macrocosmic level (Scales higher than Poseidon [Julian solo] whos mere cosmos alone can encompass the entire Universe and threatening its existence with his cosmos alone , Hades has been shown to be stronger than him Multiples times mostly Chronologically) | At least Macroverse level+ (at the end of Episode G hades was shown absorbing Cronus's entire being, Cronus himself is a time lord who was passively erasing past, present, and future in the saint Seiya Multiverse while mostly paying attention to his battle with gold saint Leo Aiolia, Cronus allows Hades to absorb all his power to revive the dead Leo Aiolia, look in notes for further elaboration on the Saint Seiya Cosmology.)

Dimensionality: 4-D | 4-D

Travel Speed: At least Massively FTL+ (Even the slowest Gods in Saint Seiya scale Higher than any gold saint in pure states alone, gold saints themselves have been shown to perform insane feats of speed like Capricorn shura's feat of surpassing the expansion of the Inverse, being cacled at a grand total of 148 Sexdecillions Alone and Shun would . scale to this speed even if they are Hades weakest forms) | Immeasurable (Scaling from Athena in Saint Seiya Episode G assassins who was able to travel through time and history to save Capricorn Shura from an inevitable Fate keep in mind that she did this without her god cloth making it even more impressive, Hades has been shown to go toe to toe with Athena even in her God cloth making their speed comparable)

Combat Speed: Massively FTL+ | Immeasurable 

Reaction Speed: Massively FTL+ | Immeasurable

Lifting Strength: Class Y (with greatest eclipse) | Likely Immeasurable 

Striking Strength: Macrocosmic | Macroversal+

Durability: Macrocosmic | Macroverse+

Stamina: Unknown, likely Infinite

Range:  Macrocosmic | Macroversal+

Powers and Abilities: 7th, 8th and 9th sense users, , (all Gods in saint seiya exist as concepts ), (Mid-Godly, all Gods in saint seiya can regenerate after all body mind and soul are erased ), (Divine ichor itself can manipulate causality), Acauality (divine ichor makes gods resistent to causality based events), Void Manipulation (Hades can send opponents to voids that where there is no movement of time ), (Can send opponents to a void that is outside the cycle of reincarnation, where they will never be able to return to the material universe ), Perception Manipulation (Saint Seiya Deities can passively remove all six senses when you are in their prescence ), Power Nullification (with the effects of hades barrier, Hades can activate a barrier which nullifies the strenghth of his opponents), Death Manipulation (Hades' presence can bring death), Attack Reflection (saint seiya gods can reflect attacks from opponents back at them ), Atomic Manipulation (the fundamental basis of cosmos is molecular deconstruction, which even anyone with cosmos posses, gods excede that almost infinitely ), (can throw curses on those who he wishes), Aura (with Lightning of Darkness ) (Can ressurect his specters at will , and 8th sense users can resurrect at will ), Possession (is capable of possessing others with his soul ), Existence Erasure (those cut by the Sword of Hades are annihilated completely in body and soul, being removed from the Wheel of Samsara , with lost canvas), Precognition (7th sense gives those who possess it precognitive capabilities ), Elemental Manipulation (Earth, water, wind, fire, light and darkness. with Dunamis a source of power all gods possess ), Chaos Manipulation (Eskatos Dunamis is the power to create Chaos itself ), Spatial manipulation (those with power of cosmos hold the power of the big bang and Dunamis is a power source that expands the universe infinitely ), Immortality (Types 1, 3, 4 and 8, seeing as he is a concept himself), [1]Telekinesis Psychokinesis ([2]TelekinesisTeleportation and Telepathy, on a cross universal scale seeing as he could rearrange the planets of the solar system from Elysium and entire different dimension.), Higher Dimensional Existence (Gods exist in a Higher dimension beyond mortal comprehension)

Standard Equipment: His Sword

Intelligence: Unknown, though it has been stated that Saint Seiya gods transcend the comprehension of humans

Weaknesses: Golden Light its been shown in lost canvas that Hades has a weakness to the light of all 12 zodiac gold saint forming their golden presence to a singular point. 

Notable Attacks/Techniques: 

  • Greatest Eclipse: After the Specters were ordered back to the Underworld and Pandora's Castle collapsed, Hades waited in Judeca, knowing that his new avatar Shun would come. After Lyra Orphée was killed by Wyvern Rhadamanthys during a failed assassination of Hades, Shun became possessed and Seiya was thrown into Cocytus. Meanwhile, Ikki defeats Garuda Aiacos in the fifth prison. Hades senses his cosmo and orders Pandora to bring the individual. Ikki is warped to Judeca. There, he fights against Pandora and remembers he had already seen her once. Pandora tells him that the "Yours Ever" pendant she gave Shun years ago was the chain that tied him to Hades. Shun takes a brief possession of his own body and tells Ikki to kill him in order to destroy Hades and stop the Greatest Eclipse, which will cause the alignment of nine planets including the planet Pluto itself and will darken the earth. However, Ikki wasn't able to do it, and was thrown into Cocytus by Harpy Valentine. Later, Athena and Virgo Shaka arrived; Athena asked him for a bargain: At the cost of her life, the Greatest Eclipse should stop. However, Athena's blood expels Hades from Shun's body. Enraged, Hades pulls Athena with him to Elysium.
  • Lightning of Darkness: Hades surrounds his Divine Sword with his immense Cosmos, making it so that an incredible aura of deep crimson light begins emanating from it. Then, moving his arm and swinging his blade at amazing speeds, a powerful wave of absolute Cosmic Energy is released, slicing through and atomically destroying all that lies within it's path.
  • Lost Canvas: A painting in which should you be drawn on it your life will come to an end.
  • Divine Curse: Through his sword his lingering hate could inflict a spiritual wound (shaped as his sword, invisible except to Gods) that blocks the lifeforce and power of his enemy, induces a coma and eventually causes death through the sword slowly moving into the body of the victim. It was used against God Saint Seiya so he would never reincarnate again and even after the death of Hades it's hard to remove by other Olympian Gods, prompting Athena to attempt to change history in order to save him.

Key: Alone and Shun (Avatars) | True Body 


H​​​​​ere is the reasoning for Cronus's 2-A rating:

In Vols 19 and 20 of Saint Seiya Episode G, he shows that he is capable of erasing all of time in a manner of minutes.

"Acabei de destruir a Adamas Psammos que se encontra no labirinto de Cronos. Minha ampulheta que controla o tempo, sem ela... As horas saem de controle. O passado e o futuro, tanto daqui como da terra, se confundem... E tudo cai no mais terrivel caos..."

Meaning: "I have just destroyed the Adamas Psammos which was inside the Labyrinth of Cronus. My hourglass which controls time, without it... The passing of the hours loses all control. The past and future, both of here and of Earth, are twisted... And all fall into the most terrible chaos."

"A chama de meus braços é um indicador. Cada chama que se apaga é mais um desvio do tempo. Se não me destruirem antes de todas elas se apagaram... Tudo aqui e na terra entrara em colapso e acabara em ruínas. E isso nem Zeus poderia evitar..."

Meaning: "The flames of my arms are an indicator: With each flame that is extinguished, a further shift in time occours. If you do not destroy me before they are all gone... Then everything both here and on Earth will collapse and end in ruin. And that not even Zeus will be able to avoid."

"O que foi? Levanta dai. Ou vai deixar a chama do tempo se extinguir? Quando essa chama se apagar, esta terra desaparacera. Olha só... Uma já se foi..."

Meaning: "What happened? Get up already. Or are you going to let the flames of time be extinguished? When this flame fades, this earth will disappear. Oh, look... One's already gone."

Proof of the Saint Seiya verse having an infinite Multiverse:

Saint Seiya Verse Cosmology

Hades Absorbing Cronus: Cronus: "Hades!!!"
Cronus: " You're watching everything, I know!!!"
Hades: " What do you want, cronus?"
Cronus: "One thing, just one thing!!!"
Cronus: " Return the golden lion to the surface!!!"
Hades: " And what would I get in return?"
Cronus: "Everything!!!"
Cronus: " Stay with my dunamis !!! With all that is in me!!!"
Cronus: " I offer myself to you!!!" Cronus: " So, please, save this hero in the form of a human !!!"


Notable Victories:

Notable Losses:

Inconclusive Matches: