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Disease Manipulation

Disease Manipulation is the ability to handle pathogens, diseases and viral infections of all kinds. Disease users can often infect their enemies with all sorts of imaginable diseases, attacking the bodily functions of their enemies with diseases of all kinds. Users of particularly potent diseases can create their own infectious pathogens to make their abilities difficult to resist and further develop. In fiction, diseases are commonly portrayed as being incredibly rapid when compared to the real world process of infection.
Biohazard Levels
In the real world, we measure the danger level through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) biohazard classification levels, to which four classifications of biosafety levels (BSLs) exist.
More info about the CDC's Biological Safety levels can be found here and here.
- Grade I: Grade I biohazards are the lowest level of most hazardous sources, and typically consists of microorganisms that rarely cause disease with "minimal hazards" to the human body. Biohazard Level 1 usually includes viruses and bacteria like Escherichia coli and chickenpox and many non-infectious bacteria. The level of precaution at this level is minimal and usually involves wearing a face mask and no close contact.
- Grade II: Grade II biohazards are moderately hazardous substances that can cause mild infections in the human body, requiring some level of protection and standard safety protocol. Biohazard Level 2 usually involves microorganisms that are responsible for mild infections in humans and are often difficult to contract via aerosolized particles, like hepatitis A, B, and C, Lyme disease, Salmonella, measles, mumps, HIV, and dengue. Laboratory personnel can carry out diagnostic tests on the specimens but need to wear gloves, facial protection, and a gown. Additionally, standard precautions at this level should be applied when handling clinical samples from the current outbreak investigations of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) caused by the Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19).
- Grade III: Grade III biohazards includes the control of infectious agents, which can cause both "serious hazards" and a potentially lethal condition. Biohazard Level 3 includes microorganisms such as Mycobacterium tuberculosis, anthrax, many types of viral encephalitis, hantavirus, Rift valley fever, malaria, Rocky Mountain spotted fever, and yellow fever.
- Grade IV: Grade IV is the highest and "most complex" biohazard level, with such biohazard levels being far too risky for many clinical lab studies to be performed. Biohazard Level 4 usually includes dangerous viruses like Ebola, Marburg virus, Lassa fever, Bolivian hemorrhagic fever, and many other hemorrhagic viruses found in the tropics. Only specific persons can work with these viruses, and it requires them to wear a positive pressure personnel suit, with a segregated air supply. There is no treatment available for these viruses, and extreme isolation precautions are mandatory. The CDC has many recommendations on how to manage these viruses. There are no bacteria in this group.
Users: Aparoids (Star Fox) and Solid Snake (Metal Gear)
Supernatural Diseases
Supernatural Diseases include viruses that affect the body, or other aspects, in ways that are physically impossible, or at rates that could not be achieved within the real world. Viruses such as these cannot be properly compared to other viruses due to them defying modern research. Viruses that are also classified under a higher biohazard grade level would also qualify as a "supernatural disease" for the reason that they'd likely be unreasonably superior to any known virus in the real world.
- Disease Acceleration: Accelerate the process of disease-causing organisms reproducing.
- Disease Detection: Detect the presence of illnesses within entities.
- Disease Generation: Create brand-new diseases, depending on their proficiency; starter diseases could be similar to the common cold to more.
- Disease Inducement: Induce disease within a being.
- Cancer Inducement: Induce an abnormal development of cells that could spread around the body.
- Disease Transferal: Transfer diseases from a target to others.
- Infection: Infect beings with harmless or poisonous substances.
- Pain Inducement: Diseases can cause the target to experience pain and discomfort.
- Curing: Treat beings with inflicted diseases.
- Healing: Heal any organism by getting rid of infections, viruses, bacteria, fungi, or prions.
- Death Inducement: The diseases created or controlled by the user will kill the target, depending on the severity.
- Disease Augmentation: Strengthen the disease, so it becomes more dangerous and harder to cure.
- Disease Reduction: Reduce the effects of the disease and its symptoms.
- Disease Solidification: Solid the disease-causing organisms to tangible forms and possibly construct out of it.
- Disease Suppression: Suppress diseases and their symptoms.
- Illness Absorption: Assimilate diseases begotten from others into oneself.
- Infectious Attacks: Utilize attacks with disease manipulation.
- Nosokinetic Combat: Infuse one’s physical combat with disease.
- Nosokinetic Constructs: Create constructs out of diseases.
- Outbreak Creation: Create an outbreak to infect any creature in a community, region, or state.
- Sickness Aura: Generate an aura of sickness.
- Sickness Field Projection: Generate a sickness-inducing field.
- Biochemical Mixture: Blend and re-combine differing strains of toxic bile's to redistribute them in a new form.
- Viral Carrying: Carry diseases while displaying no outward symptoms, if not outright immunity.
- Cellular Disintegration: Use diseases to destroy cells and the target's chance of survival.
- Blood Absorption: Cause hemorrhagic shock in the body and absorb the escaped blood.
- Necrosis Inducement/Rot Inducement: The diseases could drain the blood out of the tissue, creating necrosis and rot.
- Resistance Manipulation: Control the resistance of infectious bacteria, allowing them to become more resilient with cures, climates, etcetera
- Biological Resistance: Specifically to pathogens/viruses/parasites.
- Epidemic Creation: Empower the contagiousness of the disease to infect states and countries.
- Hypnotic Pathogen: Induce a disease that infects and warps the minds of others.
- Healing Factor Nullification: Disrupt the healing process.
- Infection Empowerment: Empower one's condition to increase one's strength, speed, agility via diseases.
- Lethality Manipulation: Control how adverse the disease-causing organisms can be.
- Mutation Inducement: Create mutations by disrupting the cellular structure of an organism.
- Conversion Manipulation: Control the conversion process.
- Conversion: Convert the targets biological appearance into something new.
- Conversion Pathogen: Transform beings inflicted with the disease.
- Disease Immunity: Become immune to ones or outside diseases.
- Disease Resurgence: Revive cured illnesses & plague.
- Genetic Disintegration: Using diseases to rend asunder life-giving inherent chains.
- Extinction Inducement: Wipe out an entire race.
- Infestation: Germinate vast plagues that spread at a rampant escapade.
- Microbial Communication: Get a better understanding of how viruses work and even communicate with them.
- Pandemic Creation: Induce a continental or global scale epidemic.
- Undead Manipulation: Control the undead via diseases.