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Flight is the ability to perform the ability to move freely above ground, in atmosphere or vacuum. This movement can be carried out by the use of jet thrust propulsion, other similar means, or without any means at all.
Pseudo-Flight is a form of flight in which a person is able to achieve it by successive jumps or teleportation. Usually paired with other abilities such as Multiple Jumps or Teleportation, the user essentially flies without really flying.
Limit Flight is a form of flight limited in time or limited in the ability to maneuver freely. This is normally for flight users that merely can only levitate or hover a few feet off of the ground and cannot do full movements around with this ability.
Biological Flight
Biological Flight is flight that one has naturally through biological means, such as having wings that allow them to fly. These users are normally birds or animals or people with a similar physiology, an example out of this would be characters like Angel from X-Man.
Use of devices
This is a form of flight where characters use different types of equipment to move in the air. Some typical examples are the use of airplanes, jets, helicopters, anti-gravity technology, etcetera. One could also get this through giving themself some form of mechanical wings.
Use of abilities
This is a form of flight hwere the characters perform different abilities in order to fly. This can be done through using fire jets or energy jets in order to propel oneself into the air, Gravity Manipulation to control gravity allowing them to float, etcetera.
True Flight is a character's ability to move freely over the ground, this one is not bound by typical rules as the user is able to fly without much explanation as to why, even though they do not have wings or any form of structure that'd allow them to fly normally. The most famous example for this as superheroes who are freely able to fly around like Superman.

Spaceflight is an application of astronautics to fly spacecraft into or through outer space, either with or without humans on board. Normally this is from an alien species as they are most famous for mastering interstellar travel through space.
There are various different levels of technology in fiction that give spaceflight:
- Human Spaceflight: Spaceflight of our current age, this is the lowest technological form, allowing trips to the Moon to take 3 days. However it takes nearly a year to get to even the nearest planet.
- Interplanetary Spaceflight: Spaceflight of a race that has become highly advanced being capable of traveling to other planets in a short timeframe.
- Interstellar Travel: The common form of travel in most science-fiction series, this is technology allowing one to travel across to different solar systems in a short timeframe.
- Intergalactic Travel: Another common form of travel in most science-fiction series, this is technology allowing one to travel across different galaxies in a short timeframe.
There are other forms of space flight beyond simply using a spacecraft howere, the following are listed below:
- Movement through abilities: Usually consisting of travel by manipulating gravity and movement through various portals. This could also consist of travel through space via Flight the most common form, allowing the user to ignore the dangers of space.
- Movement through other non-spacecraft technology: Usually a form of teleporter that allows one to traverse in space without moving inside of a space craft, those these are normally very rare.
Possible Limitations
- As flight normally requires one to grasp a 3-D understanding of movement rather then the regular 2-D movement we're used too, it may be harder for one to use their flight to the best of their abilities.
- Depending on the gravity or structure of an area they're in, many users of this ability may lose their ability to fly in such environments.