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From The Codex
Daredevil Page
General Information
Name: Matthew "Matt" Murdock
Origin: Marvel Comics
Sex: Male
Age: Assumedly in his 30s (Because of Marvel Comics' sliding timeline it is difficult to find Matt's exact age. It is much simpler to assume that he is generally in his 30s.)
Species: Human
Occupation: Formerly Lawyer, Former Mayor of New York City, Deputy Mayor of New York, Assistant District Attorney and Parole Officer. Currently, a Priest[1].
Status: Alive
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Codex Statistics
Tier: Varies usually City District level
Cardinality: Varies usually Finite
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: Varies (Beep) usually City District level (Has a long rivalry with Bullseye and has fought him numerous times throughout the years. Even being able to dominate him in combat[2]. Bullseye is durable enough to survive an explosion which could be felt from 20 city blocks away resulting in this level of energy[3]. Kicked Wolverine through a wall[4]. This scaling is consistent since Daredevil defeated Wolverine's physical superior, Sabretooth despite being slightly weaker[5]. Wolverine survived being punched from New York to Georgia in a short time-period requiring him to be able to survive this much energy. Has casually overpowered Deadpool whose strength should scale to his own durability. While mind controlled he fought evenly against Captain America[6].)
Durability: Varies (Beep) usually City District level
Striking Strength: Varies (Beep) usually City District Class
Travel Speed: Varies usually Superhuman (Can casually outrun gunfire from multiple shooters[7]. Showed up to the scene of a crime before Luke Cage did[8]. Spider-Man states that if Daredevil was 100% he wouldn't have been able to follow him[9].)
Combat Speed: Varies usually Faster than Light (Threw his Billy Club during a Nanosecond pause in a sonic attack[10]. During a much later fight against Captain America proves himself to be faster; dodging all of his attacks without too much effort[11]. Captain America consistently block Cyclops' lightspeed Optic Blasts. Was able to throw his baton so quickly that a security camera could not pick up his movement[12]. Knocked out a group of men before one man could turn around[13].)
Reaction Speed: Varies usually Faster than Light (Able to process a gap nanosecond pause even when he was in immense pain from a sound attack[14]. Should be at least comparable to Cyclops who was able to divert his Optic Blast in a nanosecond. Throughout his career, he consistently and casually dodges[15], deflects, or blocks bullets[16])
Powers and Techniques
Standard Equipment
Notable Techniques
Standard Tactics:
Battle Records
- ↑ First shown at the end of Daredevil Volume 7 Issue Issue 34
- ↑ Daredevil Volume 5 Issue 16
- ↑ Moon Knight Volume 5 Issue 25
- ↑ Wolverine Volume 3 Issue 24
- ↑ Daredevil Volume 1 Issue 238
- ↑ Daredevil Volume 1 Issue 43
- ↑ Daredevil" The Man Without Fear Volume 1 Issue 5
- ↑ Daredevil: Cage Match
- ↑ Daredevil Volume 6 Issue 5
- ↑ Daredevil Volume 2 Issue 3
- ↑ The Fight started at the end of Daredevil Volume 4 Issue 1 but concluded shortly into Daredevil Volume 4 Issue 2
- ↑ Daredevil and Captain America: Dead on Arrival
- ↑ Daredevil" The Man Without Fear Volume 1 Issue 5
- ↑ Daredevil Volume 2 Issue 3
- ↑ Daredevil Volume 2 Issue 103
- ↑ Daredevil Volume 6 Issue 20
Arthur Morgan Page
General Information
Name: Arthur Morgan
Origin: Red Dead Redemption II
Sex: Male
Age: Roughly 36 years old (Hosea and Dutch mention that Arthur was roughly 21 around 15 years before 1899[1]. Meaning that he must have been born around 1863.)
Classification: Human, Outlaw and Member of the Van der Linde Gang.
Species: Human
Occupation: Outlaw, Bounty Hunter[2], Former Deputy[3]
Status: Deceased (After the Van der Linde gang breaks down Arthur fights Micah with it ending in his death.[4]. However, the cause of death depends on not only the player's Honour level but also their choice in leaving with John or going back to get the gang's stashed money. In both Low Honour endings, Micah is the one to kill Arthur; by either shooting him in the head or stabbing him in the back. In both High Honour endings Arthur peacefully passes away from a mixture of his injuries but also from his Tuberculosis.)
Alignment: Chaotic Good (Arthur has a lack of respect for the law; viewing law enforcement as being the toys of rich men. Despite this, he is very loyal to Dutch and the gang. Arthur is portrayed as being kind to strangers. Forgiving debts and going out of his way to help those in need. Spends the latter part of his life trying to make sure that John Marston and his family escape from the gang before they are killed in the crossfire.)
Codex Statistics
Tier: 9-C, Lower with Tuberculosis, Far Higher with firearms, 9-C with Explosive Weapons
Cardinality: Finite
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: Peak Human (Not only fought evenly with a man much larger than him but beat him as well[5] with it even being shown in a later mission that this man had his skull caved in from the encounter[6]. While undoubtedly weaker Arthur is still able to trade blows with a circus performer who was able to bend steel bars and tank a cinderblock being broken over her. Kicked down a door after shooting the lock[7].), Lower with Tuberculosis (As Arthur's condition worsened he became weaker. Despite this, he was still strong enough to fight evenly with Micah Bell.), Far Higher with firearms (Shotguns in-game can blow off people's limbs and explode heads.), Wall level with explosives (Can easily blast through heavy duty steel doors on military trains[8]. Can blow up horse carriages and even send them flying from the explosions they create. A bundle of dynamite was able to create a massive hole in a wall[9].)
Durability: Peak Human (He and Micah survived a wagon crash and were fine enough afterwards to survive an ambush[10]), In fact John Marston who Arthur scales to, survived an explosion that also knocked over a carriage that he was on[11]. Tanked being thrown out of a window[12]. He and Micah fell off a cliff and were once again fine enough to fight afterwards[13]. Survived a particularly brutal trolley crash along with Dutch and Lenny[14]. In open-world Arthur can also survive high-speed collisions while on horseback.)
Striking Strength: Peak Human, Lower with Tuberculosis
Lifting Strength: At least Class 1 (Can break people's necks with a chokehold which requires roughly 4448 newtons. Can fight against wild animals including wolves who he can throw away from him. Numerous times throughout the game Arthur has been shown to carry adult men over his shoulder however it does slow him down.)
Travel Speed: Average Human
Combat Speed: Average Human, Varies up to Supersonic with firearms (Arthur has access to a Rolling Block Rifle which in real life has a muzzle velocity of 700 m/s.)
Reaction Speed: Transonic (Should be at least comparable to Benjamin Lazarus who can catch bullets between his teeth. Scales to John Marston who was able to react to Micah's bullets after they were fired[15].), Far Higher with Dead Eye (Dead Eye enhances Arthur's perception of time to the point where he can see bullets move in slow motion.)
Stamina: Superhuman (In-game Arthur is able to fight against multiple people at once without being tired. After a ship-wreck Arthur swam to shore during a torrential thunderstorm. After being washed on shore Arthur walked for presumably hours through Guarma while sunburnt and dehydrated[16]. Most impressively when Arthur was kidnapped by the O'Driscoll's he was beaten, shot point blank in the shoulder with a shotgun, tortured, and went a whole day without any treatment. Despite this he still was able to cauterize his wound and stealth-kill the O'Driscoll's that captured him and escaped[17]. Despite being nearly dead from Tuberculosis and falling off a cliff he was still able to fight evenly with Micah Bell.)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Hundreds of Metres with Firearms
Powers and Techniques

Pistols and Revolvers:
Rifles and Repeaters:
Bow and Arrow:
- Improved Arrows:
- Small Game Arrows:
- Poison Arrows:
- Fire Arrows:
- Dynamite Arrows:
Melee and Throwable Weapons:
Notable Techniqes

- Dead Eye: The trademarked mechanic of the Red Dead franchise, The Dead Eye is truly Arthur's Ace in the Hole. In-game it slows down Arthur's perception of time so that he can quickly kill an opponent in a duel (as seen above) or multiple opponents at once. While it is described in-game and in the game's manual as slowing down time this is very unlikely as Red Dead Redemption is more grounded. Instead it's more likely a representation of Arthur's adrenaline; This a more grounded explanation than time manipulation since adrenaline can cause that effect. The Dead Eye has allowed Arthur to slow down his own perception of time to the point where he can see bullets moving in slow-motion. However this is not the only effect the Dead Eye has for Arthur as it allows him to take less damage from attacks and view the vital organs of opponents or animals. While this state is mainly used when armed with firearms it can also be used with throwable weapons. However, it should be noted that it does not guarantee a direct hit if the opponent is outside the weapon's range. Along with that obviously, Arthur cannot fire more shots than he has loaded into his gun at that time.

- Eagle Eye: First taught to him by Charles Smith[39], The Eagle Eye allows Arthur to primarily follow the tracks of animals when hunting. However it has been used for different circumstances like tracking down a man named Andreas[40]. Eagle Eye also serves a unique in-game purpose of being able to identify any plants collected by the player. Eagle Eye can be used on horseback however it cannot be used while on a wagon.
Weaknesses: Dead Eye does not last forever at most lasting for a few seconds. Dynamite weapons are so powerful that if he is too close to the proceeding explosion he can be killed. Arthur's combat training is rather basic and if an opponent is well trained he would be dominated. Tuberculosis heavily affects his physicality. Thematically his greatest weakness as a character is his loyalty as it made him unable to leave the gang despite knowing that it was not going to survive.
Standard Tactics: Arthur is very versatile with his tactics. While he is very comfortable going in guns blazing he is also able to be very successful in stealth missions. Because of his physical strength, he can also take care of himself in a fistfight. While Arthur characterizes himself as dumb he's still been shown to make strategic decisions that proved successful.
Battle Records
- ↑ The New South
- ↑ Is a general form of employment that both Arthur and John can do in the open world; Arthur's first bounty hunt was in the mission "Good, Honest, Snake Oil"
- ↑ Was deputised by Sheriff Leigh Gray in the mission "The New South" however because Arthur, Micah and Bill shot up Rhoades he doesn't have this position anymore.
- ↑ Red Dead Redemption
- ↑ Americans at Rest
- ↑ A Quiet Time
- ↑ Revenge is a Dish Best Eaten
- ↑ Our Best Selves
- ↑ Banking, The Old American Art
- ↑ An American Pastoral Scene
- ↑ And You Will Know The Truth
- ↑ Americans at Rest
- ↑ Red Dead Redemption (High Honour Ending)
- ↑ Urban Pleasures
- ↑ American Venom
- ↑ Lost and Not Quite Found Lost and Welcome to the New World
- ↑ Blessed are the Peacemakers
- ↑ The Aftermath of Genesis
- ↑ Paying a Social Call
- ↑ The Course of Love V
- ↑ Icarus and Friends
- ↑ A Quiet Time
- ↑ We Loved Once and True I
- ↑ My Last Boy
- ↑ [1]
- ↑ Paying a Social Call
- ↑ The King's Son
- ↑ The Aftermath of Genesis
- ↑ Paying a Social Call
- ↑ A Quiet Time
- ↑ We Loved Once and True I
- ↑ My Last Boy
- ↑ [2]
- ↑ Paying a Social Call
- ↑ The King's Son
- ↑ The Course of Love V
- ↑ Icarus and Friends
- ↑ Red Dead Redemption 2 PC Manual
- ↑ The Aftermath of Genesis
- ↑ A Strange Kindness