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Carmen Sandiego (2019)

"Carmen Sandiego", is a master thief born in Buenos Aires, Argentina about 20 years ago.
When she was a baby, she was found by one of the members of the high council of V.I.L.E. and was taken to the Isle of V.I.L.E. along with a set of matryoshka dolls which she identifies as her first belongings.
Carmen's real name is unknown, and when she was growing up, she went by the name Black Sheep since everyone who lives on the Isle of V.I.L.E. is only identified by their first name or their code name. Unlike the other students, Black sheep did not choose her nickname. It was given to her.
This dropdown contains the synopsis of Carmen Sandiego’s story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise! |
Early Life
The Faculty became aware of his increased unexplained disappearances and transferring of V.I.L.E assets into a Swiss account, suspecting Wolfe might plan on leaving the organization, and sent a young Shadowsan to find out what he was planning and assassinate him if deemed necessary. When Shadowsan arrived at his home to do so, he discovered Wolfe's real motive for his unexplained disappearance, and his reason for planning to leave V.I.L.E., as he now had a baby daughter. He saw how much Wolfe had changed and hesitated, but before he could carry on with his mission, he was interrupted by Interpol agents arriving to the scene. In order to protect his child, Wolfe hid Carmen in a closet and gave her a set of Matryoshka dolls (nesting dolls) to pacify her, which became the only artifact of her past. A young Interpol agent (later revealed to be the Chief of A.C.M.E.) managed to corner Wolfe. As Wolfe was putting his hands up, The Chief saw him pulling what looked like a gun out of a pocket and shot him dead; it turned out only to be car keys. To cover up any evidence of the existence of V.I.L.E, Shadowsan set fire to Wolfe's estate, and, unable to leave the infant, took Carmen and brought her to the Isle of V.I.L.E.. For his efforts, the Faculty awarded Shadowsan his former mentor's position and, after witnessing her potential as a criminal, decided to raise Carmen to become be a future operative. In order to suppress this, she was told that when she was found abandoned in Buenos Aires, Argentina, by a member of the high council of V.I.L.E., and was taken to the Isle of V.I.L.E. along with the Matryoshka dolls, which she identifies as her first belongings. Her real name is unknown, since when she was growing up, she went by the codename Black Sheep. Unlike the other students, Black Sheep did not choose her codename, it was given to her. As a child, Black Sheep was raised by a series of nannies from around the world, who gave her a broad education of fundamentals such as reading and writing as well as cultural and geographic exposure. Simply by being raised on an island that trained thieves, she became adept at the techniques practiced at V.I.L.E. academy on her own, despite being the youngest person on the island. Despite the nannies, Brunt and Shadowsan served as parental figures to Black Sheep; Brunt was maternal to her during off time and Black Sheep enjoyed Shadowsan's stories of Japan. Though she had a cheeky streak, she was mostly allowed to get away with whatever she wanted thanks to her guardians. Black Sheep liked to pull pranks, using her pick-pocketing skills to swipe belts or tease the Cleaning Crew. Every year on December first, V.I.L.E.'s accountant, Cookie Booker, would arrive on the Island with her boat's Captain. Black Sheep would greet the visitors by throwing water balloons at them. One year, when Ms. Booker and the Captain visited, the Captain had enough and chased Black Sheep into V.I.L.E. Academy, when Black Sheep slipped on a wet floor. Just when the Captain was about to finally discipline the child for years of harassment, Coach Brunt grabbed him and punched him so hard that his smartphone flew out of his pocket. Intrigued by the device, Black Sheep took the phone for herself, and hid it in her largest doll, since V.I.L.E. Academy has a strict "No Cell Phones" policy. Time passed, and the now teenage Black Sheep began to realize how boring life was on the island and how she wanted to see the world, which a lot of the graduates from V.I.L.E. Academy got to do once they learned how to become international master thieves. Then, one night a few years later, the device she had stolen began to vibrate. She answered it and spoke to the person on the other end of the line; a boy who introduces himself as "Player". He explains he lives on the Canadian side of Niagara Falls and had managed to break through the encryption on the phone, which allowed him to place a call to it. Inspired by making contact with the outside world for the first time, Black Sheep decides that it's time to see it for herself and volunteers herself as a V.I.L.E. academy cadet. Enrollment
Black Sheep moved into the dorms of V.I.L.E. Academy and met four other students: Antonio, Jean Paul, Gray, and Sheena. Immediately after meeting Black Sheep, Sheena began harassing her, but Gray stepped in and settled things in the interest of order between roommates. While socializing with Gray in the halls, Gray explained to Black Sheep that he had been a junior electrician at the world-famous Sydney Opera House until he realized he could use his skills for burglary, which is how he caught V.I.L.E.'s attention. The two formed a strong friendship through their various courses at V.I.L.E. Academy. Black Sheep began formally cultivating talents in thievery, combat, identification of rare items, gadgetry, and deception with the help of the instructors at the academy. Black Sheep excelled at all her classes, proving herself to be part of the team. Despite now being a cadet, Black Sheep's tendencies didn't go away and she continued to pull pranks. After roping in her fellow dorm mates into the annual water balloon prank, they were caught and brought before the faculty for discipline. As before, Shadowsan was particularly displeased and demanded that Black Sheep face expulsion for her actions. Gray stepped forward and said that the entire group was responsible, against Sheena's protests, and the five were sentenced to detention. Making the best of their situation, Gray suggested they pitch code names to adopt. After a round of unsuccessful suggestions, Gray combines his first name with the word "crackle" to create "Graham Crackle", which he shortens to "Crackle" after the other students talk him out of it (due to the bad pun). Jean Paul goes with the name "Le Chevre" (French for "The Goat"), because of his affinity for coming in from above. Antonio adopts the codename "El Topo" (Spanish for "The Mole"), due to his use of drill claws that allow him to approach from below. Sheena takes the name "Tigress", due to her sharp claw gloves and optical hardware that lets her see as well as a cat in the dark. Finally, there is the class mime, who takes the name "Mime Bomb". Graduation approached and the only thing that remained was for Black Sheep to pass her final exams. Shadowsan's final exam, a pickpocketing exercise, was for the student to find a dollar bill hidden in one of the pockets on his coat within two minutes while dodging his martial arts attacks. The exam was passed by Tigress, due to her taking advantage of her claws and optics to rip open Shadowsan's pocket to steal the target. Then Black Sheep tries, but discovers she is unable to successfully pickpocket her instructor. The results for the exams came in and everyone from Black Sheep's dorm graduated, except for Black Sheep herself. Black Sheep confronted Shadowsan and demanded a second opportunity, accusing him of rigging the exam against her by not having the object on his person at all, but was refused and told to study for another attempt in a year. Frustrated with the situation, Black Sheep decided that if she can't graduate, she'll simply join a mission by herself. She snuck out one night and boarded the chopper taking the other graduates to their first caper. However her escape was not unnoticed, as Mime Bomb spotted her leaving. First Field Trip
Back at V.I.L.E. island, Mime Bomb, who had followed Black Sheep when she made her escape through the sewer system, gave a report to the faculty members. Though they had trouble grasping his charades, Black Sheep stowing away with the graduating class was made clear. Fearing a possible mission compromise, Professor Maelstrom dispatched the Cleaners to remedy the situation. On the ground, Crackle regrouped with the others after lecturing Black Sheep on her recklessness but Black Sheep remained undeterred and followed the thieves to their objective. At the mission site, Black Sheep took in her first look at the outside world of Casablanca, Morocco and was mesmerized by it all. She followed a bright light that lead her to a large pit that was actively being dug out. A man approached her and asked what she's doing at such a late hour, which prompted Black Sheep to inquire about her whereabouts. It was an archaeological dig site that had recently uncovered "the Eye of Vishnu", a large jewel thought to be lost centuries ago. While the value of the item is without question, the man was more interested in preserving it purely for its own sake in the interest of maintaining a record of history. However, when the lights went down at the dig site, Black Sheep realized that the dig site was the mission objective and that V.I.L.E. was here to steal the Eye of Vishnu. Le Chevre and Tigress descended on the dig site and took out all the personnel as El Topo retrieved the object itself from under the earth. The site manager realized Black Sheep was one of the thieves and tried to take back the Eye of Vishnu, but was cut off by Crackle. He was overpowered and thrown to the ground, at which point Crackle pulled out his EMP rod and attempted to eliminate the dig site manager. Black Sheep dove onto him and wrestled the weapon away as the manager evacuates, his life still intact. Tigress tried to break up the fight but only got smacked with Crackle's weapon when Black Sheep took possession of it. Black Sheep direly tried to get answers out of her friend, but before she could, the Cleaners suddenly appeared from behind and neutralized Black Sheep with chloroform. Black Sheep was returned to V.I.L.E. Island after her interference in the mission, and while she was welcomed back without any severe punishment, the staff at V.I.L.E. kept an especially close eye on her from then onwards. Now without the rest of her class, "Black Sheep" felt painfully alone and lost access to the phone that allowed any sort of communication beyond the shores of the island. Fed up with all things V.I.L.E., Black Sheep quietly went about her days on the island until the moment arrived when she could finally escape for good. First Heist
She called Player, her computer-savvy contact on the mainland, in order to solicit his help with her escape. Believing V.I.L.E. can't be allowed to continue wantonly thieving with no regard for anyone but themselves, Black Sheep decided she needs to steal the hard drive containing their intel to disrupt their operations. Before she could steal the drive, however, Cookie took the drive to be uploaded to V.I.L.E.'s servers. Black Sheep followed Cookie, but ran across Mime Bomb, who was hanging around the halls. After a brief "conversation", she tried to move on, until realizing that Mime Bomb was stalking the halls in order to get the drop on any suspicious activity. She went after him and threw him into a broom closet, taking away any means he might have to escape. Black Sheep chased Cookie to the elevator, a secure transport to the server room, preventing anyone from getting inside without authentication. Black Sheep was forced to catch the elevator by throwing the toolkit she took from Mime Bomb into the door of the elevator so she could board as well. Masquerading as an IT trainee, she impressed Cookie, who praised her on the growth she'd demonstrated from being a wild and unruly prankster. After offering some good advice on where to take her career, the pair separated amicably. However, when Cookie discovered that she's been had and Black Sheep had switched the hard drive with the toolkit she was carrying, she put the facility into lockdown, which compromised Black Sheep's communication with Player. Player listened and gave facts to Carmen. Black Sheep tried to escape the same way she did when she stowed away, through the sewers, only to discover that thanks to Mime Bomb's reconnaissance from that escape, V.I.L.E. bolted shut the sewer grate. The other faculty members realized that Black Sheep was probably responsible for the theft and ordered her capture while she snuck back into the facility. Now with the main door being the only way in or out and being guarded by the Cleaners, Black Sheep realized she'd have to find some way to slip out unnoticed. Sneaking around the facility, she overheard an argument between Ms. Booker and Professor Maelstrom. Maelstrom, although highly upset with Ms. Booker for letting such a thing happen in the first place, acceded to her demand to be let off the island. As she ran through the facility, Black Sheep came across Ms. Booker's highly distinctive red coat and hat, which gave her an idea of how to get out. In the main hall, the Cleaners were told by Professor Maelstrom to do with Ms. Booker as they please; either by letting her pass or eliminating her. As the order came through, a tall woman in a red coat and fedora strode by slowly, her head down. Beneath the hat, Black Sheep looked out from her disguise, fearful of what might happen if she was found out. However, the Cleaners were fooled by her disguise and wished her well, allowing Black Sheep to leave the campus unabated. Back in the facility, however, Professor Maelstrom came upon Ms. Booker, who was bound and gagged in a closet, and ordered the Cleaners to eliminate the woman in red. Shadowsan joined the Cleaners at the front of the school and ordered them to take to the sky to chase down Black Sheep as she ran to the shoreline to catch the boat Ms. Booker came in on. The captain of the boat was notified by Professor Maelstrom to the identity of the woman in red but before he could do anything, Black Sheep used one of the telescopic stilts she was wearing to imitate Ms. Booker's height to knock the boat captain unconscious. As the Cleaners tried to start the helicopter to give chase, they discovered that the engine had been sabotaged, preventing them from pursuing. Black Sheep tried to start the boat, but discovered it needed a key, which was still attached to the boat captain's belt. As Shadowsan closed in, she managed to start the boat and pull away from the dock just as he reached the dock's end. The two made eye contact one final time before she sped off into the night. Now out of range of the island, Black Sheep's phone began working again and she contacted Player, who helped her determine she was near the Canary Islands off the west coast of Africa. Realizing she would need an identity to survive in the world beyond V.I.L.E. Island, Black Sheep co-opted the name "Carmen Sandiego", inspired by the label of the hat she stole from Ms. Booker, which reads "Carmen Brand Outerwear" from "San Diego". After reaching the mainland, she mailed the hard drive to Player and together they began their mission to defeat V.I.L.E. Boston Tea Party Capers
Months Later
Caper in Poitiers, France
She refused, as the train pulled into Paris, where Chase Devineaux was waiting to apprehend her, only to be tricked into apprehending Gray, who was knocked unconscious and dressed in her now trademark coat and hat. It was determined back in Poitiers by Devineaux's partner Jules Argent, that Carmen didn't take anything of value, and that the house she broke into was full of stolen items taken by V.I.L.E., and the house belonged to an imports and exports company, but Carmen did take something from the location: The matryoshka dolls that belonged to her, the only link to her past. As she got away in a boat on the River Seine driven by Zack, she removed a sticker that was placed at the bottom of the most exterior doll, placed there by Crackle to track her, puts it on a passing ship with A.C.M.E. in pursuit who were tailing the boat, to which Player and Ivy helped complete this caper as they make their next trip to Java Island in Indonesia. The Sticky Rice Caper
To Steal or Not to Steal
High or Low? Nothing bad occurs, other than the method of entry is different for both choices. If you choose to enter from the ground, Carmen enters through the lift and knocks out the guards. If you choose to enter from a high place, Carmen zip lines over into the janitor room and then the real adventure starts. Carmen then runs to a vault, which is already opened. She walks towards a small phone which then broadcasts the Faculty. They then explain that they want Carmen to play ‘Carmen Sandiego: VILE Operative’. Carmen instantly refuses, but then she is shocked to see an image of Zack and Ivy tied up with rope; VILE had ambushed them. Bellum then says that she will wipe their minds if Carmen refuses. Maelstrom repeats this offer. Save Crew or Steal for VILE? If you choose to save your crew, Carmen then flies off the skyscraper and chases the van that is ‘holding’ Zack and Ivy. She lands on it and then jumps inside only to realise... it was a decoy. She watches Zack and Ivy get mind-wiped on the screen. Game over. Then, Chief makes you go back and redo your choice. If you choose to steal for VILE, Brunt orders Carmen to go to Xian (a province in China) to steal a terracotta warrior to be a towel rack for Brunt. When Carmen realises that Tigress is over at the dig site, which just unearthed more of these terracotta warriors, she has to make another choice. Sneak or Talk? No bad endings for this one. If you choose to sneak, Carmen zip lines up on top of the building and is later chased by angry dogs so she jumps back down, where she is spotted by Tigress. This takes you to the ‘Talk’ choice. In this, Carmen learns that Tigress is here to supervise Carmen. On their way through the tunnels, Tigress accidentally steps on a booby trap and they both fall in a pit. Carmen manages to zip line out but Tigress is left in. She wants you to help her out. This is where the next decision comes. Save Tigress or Leave Tigress? This will lead on to one of the good endings or the bad endings. If you choose to help Tigress, Carmen throws Tigress some rope and she climbs out and Carmen continues on. If you choose to leave Tigress, Carmen will just simply walk away and Tigress glares at Carmen and is scared since there are bugs and insects in the pit. Then, Carmen walks into the Terracotta City, where there are hundreds of warriors. She then contacts Coach Brunt to see which warrior to pick. When Brunt gets a bit too picky, Carmen reminds her that she is only doing this because of Zack and Ivy. Brunt then explains that the Cleaners are in a helicopter to extract the warrior. All goes well until... the police arrive! Now the next choice arrives. Run or Hide? If you choose to run, Carmen will jump onto the Terracotta warrior, but the police jump and pull Carmen by her legs. The rope attached to the warrior breaks and Carmen, the police and the warrior fall. The warrior crumbles and the police are left on the roof. Carmen manages to paraglide out but Coach Brunt isn’t pleased. Carmen pleads for a second chance but Brunt simply refuses. Zack and Ivy get mind-wiped. Game over. Then, Chief reappears and orders you to go back and fix the problem. You then choose the correct choice, which is to hide. In this, the police search the area but fail to find Carmen. That’s because she is disguised as a terracotta warrior. She then leaves the building. The Viennese Waltz Caper & The Dark Red Caper
Life after V.I.L.E.'s Downfall
General Information
Name: Unknown (Her actual name is unknown)
Nickname: Carmen Sandiego (Current Alias), Black Sheep (Original Alias), Lambkins (By Coach Brunt), Red (By Player), La Femme Rogue (by Inspector Devineaux), and Carm (Zack and Ivy)
Origin: Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?, Carmen Sandiego (2019)
Sex: Female
Age: 20 (Stated in the Q&A that she's about 20 in the present timeline), possibly 21 by Season 4 (Due to the couple of timeskips that happened)
Classification: Thief, Former Member of V.I.L.E
Species: Human
Occupation: None
Status: Alive
Alignment: Chaotic Good (Carmen is a thief that steals things so they can't be taken from V.I.L.E. and then proceeds to give them back to places, making her similar to a robin-hood esque archetype), Chaotic Evil while brainwashed (When she is without her true memories and empathy she is fully willing to kill any obstacles if she felt like it, displayed when nearly sends Zack to his death if not for Shadowsan rescuing him mid-fall. Even her attachment to her parents is gone; except for a burning desire to seek revenge against Shadowsan when she was made to believe he was the traitor and was responsible for her father's death)
Codex Statistics
Tier: 9-C
Cardinality: Finite
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: Bone level (Can harm Spinkick who can crack a wall. Fought and harmed Paper Star. Can harm those who can harm her)
Durability: Bone level (Tanked hits from, Coach Brunt who could casually rip off gutters, and bend steel. Survived this crash)
Striking Strength: Bone Class
Lifting Strength: Class 10 (Could casually lift and flail around a chain holding an anchor)
Travel Speed: Peak Human (Can outrun fully trained police guards)
Attack Speed: Superhuman
Reaction Speed: Superhuman (Could grab a shield and block multiple arrows in the middle of their shot)
Stamina: Above Average
Range: Standard Melee, Higher with gadgets
Intelligence: Genius Intelligence (Was taught by nannies all around the world and has a vast knowledge of all cultures. VILE trains their students in mastery of combat, stealth, and how to get around the most heavily guarded areas and she's considered one of their best. Is able to stay hidden from VILE, a criminal organization across the entire world and is capable of constantly stopping their plans. Was capable of escaping from a group of ACME agents without realizing they were even coming. Can perfectly replicate the ballet dancers movements and the beat of the song to avoid several security walls. At a young age she was able to escape from VILE's headquarters twice. Stated by the VILE headmasters that she is the finest thief to have ever walked the halls of VILE academy)
Powers and Techniques
All previous powers and abilities, possible Time Manipulation & Plot Manipulation (Plot Armor; In "To Steal or Not to Steal" the ACME Chief directly confirms you help Carmen in her adventure and if she ever fails you reset back to your last point, even stated by the ACME Chief that you "control the story")
- Trench Coat and Wide Brim Hat: Arguably her most iconic and commonly used clothing in the series, it stores a wide range of hidden gadgets that Carmen uses on her mission, including a built-in hang glider. It also offers adequate protection against Stockholm's chilly weather. Due to its bright color and strong association with Carmen, she has on numerous occasions allow her crew members to wear them as a distraction to any unwanted attention.
- Black Inner Suit: Worn under her red trench coat, supplied to her from V.I.L.E.
- Red Hoodie and Jeans: This is seen as her casual outfit.
- Motorcycle Suit: First spotted in the episode The Need for Speed Caper, when she was tailing Zack and Ivy after they attracted the attention of the local police.
- Diving Suit: First spotted in the episode "The Fishy Doubloon Caper", when she exploring a shipwreck off the coast of Ecuador. It has a built-in jet pack if she requires more speed while moving in the water.
Icon | Name |
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Red Drone |
A remote control flying drone that can send a live video feed and hack into security systems. Often piloted by Ivy or Player. | |
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Glider Backpack |
A collapsible hang glider ready to deploy whenever Carmen needs to make a quick escape. It could be the equipement that she uses most, within Red Drone. | |
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Comm-Link Earrings |
Carmen's earrings hide two-way communication technology, which she uses to stay in touch with Player. | |
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Lipstick Flashdrive |
A drive disguised as lipstick - it can be used to hack into computers and security systems. | |
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Grappling Hook |
A wrist-bound device that shoots a grappling hook, allowing Carmen to reach high places. Designed by Ivy.[1] | |
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Laser Cutter |
A handheld device that can cut through glass and any other material. | |
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Compact Mirror Tracker |
Allows Carmen to track targets and send info to Player. | |
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Binoculars |
Allows Carmen to see farther. Also contains night vision and multi-spectrum mode. |
Notable Techniques
- Coordination: Carmen appears to be very fast and agile. She can run at incredible speeds as well as leap fairly long distances, performing amazing parkour attributes.
- Martial arts: Carmen is also shown to be very agile and a skilled fighter, being agile enough to free-run across steep rooftops, perform complex acrobatic maneuvers with considerable ease and defeat many experienced V.I.L.E operatives.
- Thievery: As a professional thief, Carmen steals items without her opponents knowing or sensing the act. She was even praised by Shadowsan to be one of his finest students and best in the class by Graham.
- Stealth:Carmen is skillful in stealth, given her ability to sneak into multiple high-security complexes to perform her heists and disappear in broad daylight, allowing her to evade capture by Interpol, A.C.M.E., and V.I.L.E.
- Driving skills:Carmen can operate a wide range of vehicles, including but not limited to cars, motorcycles, and boats. She even engages in a high-speed chase using her motorcycle against a veteran car thief stealing an electric supercar.
- Multilingualism: Due to her exposure to various cultures due to her upbringing, Carmen is able to speak and understand various languages, including Mandarin, Portuguese and Italian.
- Master tactician: Carmen's strategic planning and mental prowess seem to be her greatest asset. Whether it be her strong leadership skills, her ability to adapt to a situation in a fight, she almost constantly being able to triumph in difficult positions or against foes who are numerically superior.
Standard Tactics: Carmen will utilize stealth tactics around her opponent, if it gets bad enough she will utilize either gadgets or start using hand to hand combat.
Weaknesses: None notable.
Battle Records
- ↑ Season 2 Episode 5, "The Boston Tea Party Caper"