SCP-420-J is this totally awesome weed that, like, makes you feel all chill and relaxed and stuff, man. It came from Jamaica originally, where these two doctors, like, found it and brought it back through that weird machine thing that makes stuff all different and better, and then they grew it in that super-special dirt that makes plants grow super fast, man.
Attack Potency:Mellow level (Just makes you feel really good, man, no attacking involved)
Durability:Fragile (You gotta be careful with that weed, man, don't crush the buds)
Striking Strength:Hits You Like Whoa (When you take a hit of this weed, it's like, whoaaaaa)
Lifting Strength:Lifts Your Spirits (Makes you feel so much better about life, man)
Travel Speed:Couch-Lock (You ain't going nowhere after smoking this weed, man)
Attack Speed:Spreads Real Fast (Everyone wants a hit once they see how excellent this weed is)
Reaction Speed:Slowed Down To Appreciate Life (Makes you really take your time and notice things, man)
Stamina:Lasts For Hours (This high is like, so long-lasting, man)
Range:Room-Filling (The smoke from this weed totally fills whatever room you're in, man)
Intelligence:Makes You Think Deep Thoughts (Like, what if the color I see as blue is what you see as red, man?)
Knowledge:Cosmic Insights (When you're on this weed, you understand everything about the universe, man, but then you totally forget it when you come down)
Standard Tactics: Usually you just smoke it and chill out, man. Sometimes you share it with your friends or with SCPs to see what happens.
Weaknesses: Getting confiscated by Dr. Clef and other buzzkills. Also, running out of that excellent weed is like, such a bummer, man.
Dr. Chronic and Dr. Marijuana are the main researchers who work with this excellent weed, and they're like, always finding new SCPs to share it with.
Dr. Clef confiscated all the weed once, but then he got super high and went to the cafeteria demanding stir-fried noodles, pizza, corn chips, and dark chocolate, and he was smiling, which was totally weird.
This weed made Bobble the Clown create a whole episode about how to take over the regional black market drug trade with ruthless efficiency, which is pretty hardcore, man.
If you give this weed to that dude Spanky, he makes this sound that's "like a hacking cough, except cacking" and it's so loud it sets off seismic detectors, which is wild, man.
Containment Records
Made Dr. Clef Happy - Total Mellowing
Conditions: He confiscated the weed but then smoked it