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Revision as of 13:27, 18 October 2022

Here's what's what. You're never putting us back in stasis again, you dusty old bastard!
~ Android 17


Android 17, Lapis when he was an ordinary human, is the younger twin brother of Android 18 and Dr. Gero's seventeenth android creation, designed to serve Gero's vendetta against Goku. Despite his interests not initially deviating from this expectation, Android 17 takes it upon himself to kill Dr. Gero, who is uncooperative with Android 18's curiosity in activating Android 16 and deemed inferior by 17.

This dropdown contains the synopsis of Android 17’s story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise!

Android 17 was originally a human named Lapis, and the younger of he and his twin sister Lazuli. The twins were notorious delinquents, who Dr. Gero would meet by chance while looking for fresh material for his experiments. He then kidnapped them and restructured them into Android 17 and Android 18.

However, despite being referred to as androids or cyborgs and commonly regarded as such, both Android 17 and his sister are practically neither. Bulma stated while looking at 17's blueprint that he was human-based, but just about everything has been enhanced with bio-organic components. His only mechanical parts are the emergency deactivation controller and self-destruction device. Dragon Ball Super reaffirms this, with Gohan stating that the androids have been modified on cellular level to be superhuman.

With Android 17 and his sister Android 18, Dr. Gero reverted to the old way which consisted in modifying a human being with cybernetic implants. However, they are the first of their kind to be entirely restructured at the cellular level thanks to biotechnology and genetic engineering. Their power comes from a small perpetual energy reactor internalized within their bodies, which provides them with inexhaustible energy and stamina. Since they are human based, they can become stronger if they train. Though they do not require food to sustain themselves, they still need to hydrate. They also age much slower than normal humans, due to the slower rate of decay of the artificial cells in their bodies. Gero's experiments on him do not impede his ability to reproduce, as evidenced by the child he had brought about with his wife.

Androids Saga
Android 17 and his twin sister Android 18 are awakened by Dr. Gero when he is pressed into a desperate situation by the Z Fighters, who have surpassed his expectations because of the intense training they endured after Gero collected their statistic data. Initially, 17 and 18 feigned obedience to the doctor because he carried an emergency Shut Down Remote as a fail-safe against them. Soon after, the Z Fighters arrive and attempt to break into the doctor's laboratory. This momentarily distracts Gero, and 17 steals the remote from him. Much to Gero's horror, 17 crushes the remote and tells Gero that he will not put them to sleep again.

Suddenly, Vegeta blasts the door down and the androids are surrounded by the Z Fighters. Dr. Gero tells 17 and 18 to kill the Z Fighters, mentioning that they destroyed Android 19 and almost killed him. Android 17 asks if 19 was an energy absorption model and the one who converted him into android, and Gero replies that he was. Android 18 asks if Gero went back to the old energy absorption model on a more recent android because infinite energy models like she and 17 were too powerful to control. Dr. Gero tells them that it does not matter now, and orders the pair to kill the Z Fighters, but 17 says that they will fight when they want. Gero is even more upset when Android 18 begins inspecting a chamber labeled "16". 18 notices that 16 is also an infinite energy model and asks how the android inside is different from them, but Gero tells her to get away from 16's chamber. Android 17 and Android 18 want to activate him but Dr. Gero adamantly refuses. Fed up with the mad scientist, 17 murders Gero by impaling and decapitating him before stepping on his living head. Android 17 again tells Android 18 to activate Android 16, but a desperate Future Trunks says that he will not let there be any more androids and transforms into a Super Saiyan before firing a Buster Cannon into the lab. When the smoke clears, Gero's lab is destroyed. However, Vegeta tells Trunks that the blast was pointless, as Android 17, Android 18, and the chamber containing Android 16 have survived.

Android 17 suggests they open the chamber at once, as its support systems were disconnected. Once he is activated, Android 17 asks Android 16 what it feels like to be free for the first time in years and tells him that Dr. Gero warned them not to activate him, saying he would destroy them all. Android 18 asks what Gero meant, but Android 16 does not respond. Android 17 then asks Android 16 whether he does not want to tell them or whether he is just the strong, silent type, but Android 16 still says nothing. Android 17 then asks if Android 16 was created to kill Goku, and Android 16 simply says yes. Android 17 says that he hates the idea of following Gero's programming but feels that they need a sense of purpose. 17 and 18 decide to find and challenge Goku; not because they have been commanded to do so, but merely as a form of entertainment. The three androids leave the ruined laboratory to find Goku, ignoring the present Z Fighters.

As the androids pass over a mountain road, Android 17 decides to land, and Android 18 and Android 16 follow suit. Android 18 asks why they have landed, and Android 17 says that there is no rush, and they might as well enjoy the trip. 18 asks if they are going to walk, but 17 says that when a car passes by, they will take it. 18 says that Android 17 is still part human, as he has the male love of pointless amusement. 17 asks Android 16 if he understands, since he was created from a human male too. Android 16 then reveals that he was never a human, making him fundamentally different from Android 17 and Android 18. 17 is surprised that Gero had the capability to make a true android and wonders why he returned to cybernetics afterwards. When Vegeta in his Super Saiyan form intercepts the trio, 17 and 18 implore 16 to step in and fight, interested to see him in action, as that was their main purpose for activating him in the first place. However, Android 16 refuses to fight him, thus prompting Android 18 to volunteer. Throughout the battle, Vegeta gains some hits, but Android 18 keeps with him blow for blow. 17 notes that Vegeta is much stronger than what Dr. Gero's data indicated and is impressed with his fighting abilities. When Android 18 overpowers Vegeta in the fight, Future Trunks, Krillin, Piccolo and Tien Shinhan arrive as Vegeta's reinforcement. Android 17 takes the opportunity to ask if Android 16 will join the fight, though, as he initially assumed, Android 16 would once again opt out. When Vegeta tells Android 18 that he would rather die alone than accept assistance from Goku and his friends, Android 17 tells the Z Fighters to respect the code of the warrior and not interfere with Android 18 and Vegeta's battle and promises to deal with anyone who does.

When 18 breaks Vegeta's arm during the battle, Future Trunks breaks Android 17's non-interference truce because he could not bear to see Vegeta injured. 17 intervenes and fights against Trunks, dealing one hard hit to his head, almost knocking him out. Seeing this, Piccolo and Tien Shinhan fly towards the battle as well. Android 17 sees Piccolo coming towards him and kicks the Namekian out of his way. 17 also puts Tien in a headlock when the latter tries to punch him. Having gotten back up, Vegeta attempts to fly towards Android 17 and Tien, but Android 18 grabs his foot. As 17 chokes Tien, Trunks gets back up and runs toward Android 18, who swings Vegeta into him, sending them both to the ground. 17 lets go of Tien and then effortlessly defeats Piccolo, dealing a single blow that nearly tears through the latter. Vegeta manages to get up and and fires a Ki Blast at Android 18 with his good arm, however, 18 dodges the blast and flies over to Vegeta before giving him rough beating and ending the fight by breaking his other arm, causing him to lose consciousness and revert to his base form. Android 17 notes that Vegeta's hair has changed back to its black color and his glow is gone and says that the transformation was very weird. Android 18 notes that the 'other guy' (Future Trunks) was the same way, and 17 wonders who he was, as they have no data on him. He and 18 then fly back up to the road and land near Krillin, frightening him. 17 tells him that the others are still alive, and that he should feed them some Senzu Beans right away. He then tells a speechless Krillin that they will fight the Z Fighters whenever they feel up to it. 18 asks if he will inquire about Goku's location. 17 says that it will be more fun to find it on their own, and that maybe even Goku will look for them. The pair then meet up with Android 16, who is still nearby, looking off into the distance. 17 asks what he is looking at, and 16 simply says that the birds flew away because they were too loud. 17 seems confused by this, and 18 suggests they fly to someplace where more cars will pass by.

The androids decide to go to the nearest town to get 18 some more clothes, (as her outfit was damaged by Vegeta), and to find a car. As they are about to leave, Krillin rushes over to them, telling them to wait. Android 17 asks what he wants, and Krillin asks if they just want to kill Goku or take over the world. 17 says that for now they are just going to kill Goku and will decide what to do next afterwards. Krillin asks why they want to kill Goku, since it was Dr. Gero who hated him, and he is now dead. 17 replies that Gero has nothing to do with it and that it is just a game, which is why he did not ask Krillin where Goku is. Krillin asks if they would leave Goku alone if he begged them, but Android 16 replies that they would not, they were created to kill Goku. 17 agrees and tells Krillin hurry and give his friends some Senzu Beans. Android 18 then kisses Krillin on the cheek, and the androids fly off.

This is one of many examples that set Android 17 and Android 18 apart from their future timeline counterparts, especially considering how much stronger they are in the mainstream timeline than in Future Trunks' future.

Cell Saga
As they fly over a snowy area in the north, the androids spot a Lucky Foods van parked along the road next to a rest stop, while two Lucky Foods workers are drinking coffee. The trio land to check it out. The workers notice and attempt to stop the Androids but are frightened when Android 16 lifts the van and dumps out its cargo. The androids then drive off, and Android 17 plans to head to Goku's House. Android 18 reminds him that she wants new clothes first, and 17 agrees to take care of that first. As they drive, Android 18 asks Android 17 if he even knows where Goku's House is, and 17 says that he doesn't and has been driving on pure instinct. Android 16 then chimes in with the house's coordinates and says they can be there in a few minutes if they fly. 18 agrees with flying there, but 17 says that small things in life are what make it fun.

17 informs 18 that they are about to enter a town and he will stop to get her some clothes. Suddenly, two police officers follow them and order them to stop. The androids exit the vehicle and are promptly arrested for stealing the van. The androids are handcuffed by the officers, but 16 easily breaks them off of his wrists and 18 throws the police car into a nearby mountain. 17 and 18 remove their cuffs and the trio continues on their way, leaving the terrified officers behind. Once they reach the town, Android 18 goes into a store to get more some clothes. She chooses a cowgirl outfit, which she says looks hideous but is the best she can expect from a backwater place. She leaves without paying, and the androids drive off as the store owner bangs on their van. He then calls the police, and soon police cars begin to pursue the androids' van. Android 18 flies out and punches the cars, causing them to crash into each other.

As the trio drives to Goku's home, Android 17 suddenly comes to a stop. He and Android 18 get out, and Android 17 asks if she felt a change in the atmospheric pressure. 18 says that she did, and Android 16 says that it came from the outskirts of West City. He then says that two organics with powerful ki are fighting. Android 17 says that he never told them he was equipped with a Power Radar, but Android 16 replies that he never asked. Android 17 asks who is fighting, but Android 16 says neither are in his databanks, although one of them rivals Android 17 in power. Android 17 says that his Power Radar is malfunctioning, as no one rivals him in power. The androids then decide to continue onwards, unaware that the combatants are Piccolo, who recently fused with Kami, and Cell, the ultimate creation of Dr. Gero created from the genes of the most powerful warriors to walk the Earth.

As they ride, Android 16 tells 17 and 18 that one of the powers he felt earlier was losing energy (This is the result of Cell absorbing energy from Piccolo) and the fight seems to have reached a conclusion. Android 17 gets cocky and again says that 16's sensors need to be re-calibrated because no one can match their power. Later, 18 tells 17 that she doesn't like her new outfit and when they reach another town, she wants to stop to find more clothes, which 17 reluctantly agrees to, while 16 curiously observes a nearby river.

Eventually, the Androids arrive at Mount Paozu, where they are forced to drive through the dense, forest area to reach Goku's house. Android 18 makes it clear that she is uncomfortable driving through the forest's bumpy terrain, while Android 17 seems to enjoy the ride. 18 asks Android 16 how close is Goku's house, which he says is directly ahead. 18, tired of driving through the bumpy terrain, opens her window and unleashes an energy blast that obliterates the entire forest in front of them and makes the ground more even. 17 is disappointed by 18's actions and says that he just wanted to have some fun and enjoy the ride. 18 says that fun is for humans, and they aren't human anymore, which causes 16 and 17 to sadly stay silent. When the androids finally arrive at Goku's House, they find it completely deserted (Due to the Dragon Team anticipating this and evacuating a sick Goku days prior). In the anime, 18 goes through Chi-Chi's clothes to find a new outfit, while in the manga, her clothes are already changed prior to their arrival at Goku's home. 17 asks 16 if he knows where Goku might be, and 16 replies that he could either be at Capsule Corporation or at Kame House. The trio decide to fly to Kame House, the closer of the two locations.

The next day, at Kame House, Piccolo watches the news of Cell's attacks on TV while Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien sleep. Suddenly, Piccolo senses that something is amiss, and sees the trio of androids standing outside Kame House, much to his horror. Android 16 states that Goku is not here, which disappoints 17. Piccolo wakes up the others, and Android 17 asks where Goku is, saying that he will use force to make them talk if necessary (Unbeknownst to the androids, Goku, who recovered from his illness, took Gohan, Vegeta, and Future Trunks to The Lookout on the previous day to train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber in order to gain the power to kill the androids). Piccolo replies that he wants to see Android 17 try, and says they should go to an uninhabited island nearby where they can fight. After telling the others to stay at Kame House, Piccolo and the androids fly over. Once they land, 17 gives Piccolo one last chance to them where Goku is, but the brave Namekian is not intimidated and tells the cocky android that he will not go down so easy this time.

With the power boost he gained from fusing with Kami, Piccolo hopes that he can kill at least one of the twins and prevent Imperfect Cell from absorbing both of his targets and achieving his perfect form, which would spell doom. Android 17 accepts Piccolo's challenge and decides to fight him one-on-one, rather than fight with Android 18, vastly increasing Piccolo's chance to win. Piccolo appears to have the upper hand in the battle until Android 17 confesses that he had been holding back and playing with the Namekian. Once both choose to go at full power, they find that they are an even match. Equal in both power and strength; Android 17 had an advantage because of his unlimited energy and speed. Piccolo would match that with his regeneration and variety of energy attacks, such as the Scatter Shot, Explosive Demon Wave, as well as a plethera of other attacks. Android 17 almost gets injured by Piccolo's Hellzone Grenade attack, but he protects himself with an Android Barrier, much to Piccolo's dismay. Android 17 points to a nearby island for them to continue their battle, as Piccolo's attack completely destroyed the island they were fighting on.

Piccolo and Android 17 descend back to the ground after fighting in the air for a long period of time. Android 17 lands near Android 16 and Android 18, and praises Piccolo for his surprising newfound strength, though he still asks Piccolo to tell him Goku's location. Adamant, Piccolo refuses tell him just so he can kill Goku. Android 17 promises he will not give Piccolo any mercy and flies right in front of the Namekian. The two have a stare down, and Android 17 suddenly attacks Piccolo with the "Now We're Playing for Keeps!" rush, though Piccolo manages to dodge Android 17's last two hits by somersaulting away. Piccolo cracks his stiff neck and compliments Android 17 on his amazing speed, but that his punches are quite lacking in force. 17, angered, tells Piccolo that he was created to be the ultimate warrior. 17 and Piccolo engage each other in another physical battle with neither seeming to gain to upper hand. Piccolo, now getting frustrated his energy is being wasted on useless melee attacks, decides to fire an Explosive Demon Wave to finally disintegrate Android 17. The powerful Android dodges the attack just barely and starts to lose patience. Piccolo now begins to breathe heavily in tiredness, which makes 17 grin sadistically, reminding Piccolo that he has infinite flowing energy coursing through him. He gloats that it would only be a matter of time before he is powerless.

Before their fight can continue, Piccolo and 17 are interrupted by the arrival of Cell. Ironically, Cell was able to find Android 17 through the nearby presence of Piccolo, who fought 17 in an effort to impede Cell's progression to perfection. Piccolo growls at the Cell's appearance, regretting that he didn't notice him while he was fighting Android 17. 17 stops his dazing to ask Piccolo what the creature even is, as he notices Piccolo seems to know who, or what, it is. Piccolo becomes surprised at 17's lacking knowledge of Cell, thinking that Cell and the Androids would have been working together. As Cell descends from the higher rocky formation of the island, he begins to charge his ki, which completely decimates the entire rocky mountain area of the island. At this point, his power has far surpassed the weakened Piccolo and Android 17's, and without any precautions, he approaches Android 17. 17 demands that Cell leaves immediately so that he can get back to his battle with Piccolo, but Cell stands silent, raising his tail up. Piccolo realizes Cell is preparing an absorption and warns 17 to run away immediately. Cell uses his stinger to swipe at 17, who barely dodges it. As 17 continues to quickly dodge Cell's attacks, Cell grabs 17 by his right arm, and throws him into the ground, creating a crack in the ground. Before the Bio-Android can absorb him, Piccolo kicks Cell on the side of its head, knocking him away from 17. As 17 recovers and lifts himself up, he asks Piccolo why the creature needs to absorb him. Piccolo explains that Cell is another of Gero's creations and he needs to absorb him and Android 18 to complete his design. Cell carries on Piccolo's explanation and tells 17 that the power unlocked from the absorption will be beyond comparison, and that Dr. Gero's dreams of creating the ultimate super-being will be fulfilled. 17 denies this, stating that he is Gero's ultimate creation, and he won't join with him. Cell replies that the absorption will be carried out, with or without 17's permission. Android 17 prepares to fight, however, finally speaking, Android 16 orders 17 to retreat because Cell is far beyond both him and Piccolo. 16 explains that if Cell obtains his perfect form, killing Goku won't satisfy him, and he'll destroy the entire universe. Now surprised Android 16 is actually speaking, Android 17 is disappointed that the first thing he speaks about is cowardice.

Ignoring Android 16's plea, 17 rushes towards Cell with great fury, but Cell effortlessly elbows the confident android into the ground. Piccolo tries to aid in the battle, but he is easily tossed aside. Piccolo stands from his beating and prepares one last attack: Light Grenade. As Piccolo charges up the Energy Sphere in his palms, Cell slowly approaches the Namekian and doesn't even attempt to dodge, while Android 17 runs away from Piccolo to avoid possibly getting caught in the explosion. Piccolo tells Cell to die and fires the enormous attack, decimating a massive chunk of the island as the Androids watch in awe, except 16. 18 praises Piccolo's power, thinking that Cell was destroyed. However, Android 16 immediately states that Cell wasn't even damaged by the attack. Indeed, Cell slowly rises from the ocean without even a slight visible scar. Piccolo, now distressed and confused as to how even Cell could remain unharmed after that attack, cannot move, clenching his fists in anger over how helpless the situation is. Cell slowly, and mockingly walks towards the devastated Piccolo, as Tien Shinhan, who had just recently arrived, looks in awe over Cell's strength and endurance from a good distance away. Now standing right next to Piccolo, Cell continues to stay silent, looking upon his helpless opponent in a stoic stare. Piccolo suddenly pleads to 17 to run away but Cell brutally disposes the Namekian and tosses him into the ocean as 17 watches in horror.

While Android 17 is struggling to defend himself, Android 16 steps in to fight Cell. 16 is able to hold Cell off for some time by repeatedly surprising him with intense attacks. After Cell fails to absorb his energy, 16 steps on the Bio-Android's tail and literally tears it off of his body to prevent him from absorbing 17 and 18. However, Cell was able to regrow his tail thanks to his partial Namekian DNA, which makes 16 realize that he must destroy Cell completely so he will not achieve his perfect form. 16 punches Cell to the ground, then grabs him and raises him overhead. He angrily throws Cell to the ground, creating a deep hole and attempts to finish him off with Hell's Flash as Tien Shinhan and the other androids continue to stare in shock. 16 notices that Android 18 is still there and says that he told her to run. 18 says that will not be necessary now that Cell has been defeated, but 16 says she is wrong. He says that Cell, while injured, will not die so easily. He again implores 17 and 18 to escape, but 17 refuses, saying that he wants payback and can now finish a wounded Cell. As 17 taunts Cell to come back out, Cell begins to emerge from the ground behind him. Tien notices Cell's plan and yells out to 17, but Cell quickly emerges and begins to absorb the android with his tail, triggering his transformation into Semi-Perfect Cell.

Shortly afterwards, Semi-Perfect Cell alters his voice and poses as Android 17 in an attempt to convince Android 18 to let herself be absorbed. 18's resolve seems to waver, but a damaged Android 16 warns her that it is merely a trick. Cell retorts to Android 16 that a robot cannot understand how he and Android 18 feel, and that he should not interfere and continues in his attempt to manipulate 18. Cell almost succeeds, but makes the mistake of saying that if she joins him, they will be able to fulfill the "great" Dr. Gero's wishes. 18 then realizes that it was not Android 17 speaking, as she and 17 hated Dr. Gero for experimenting on them and would never praise him.

Android 17 is ultimately killed when Semi-Perfect Cell self-destructs on King Kai's planet.

17's life is restored after the Z Fighters use the Dragon Balls to revive those who died as a result of Cell's campaign. A second wish made to Shenron by Krillin removes the Android Bombs within Lapis and Lazuli's bodies. Krillin originally intended to use the wish to turn Android 17 and his sister into humans, but this proves beyond Shenron's power. Krillin did this because he thought 17 and 18 were meant to be a couple, until Android 18 angrily corrected him and revealed that 17 was actually her twin brother.

After the conflict with Cell, Android 17 is reborn in the same place Cell was destroyed thanks to Shenron. He was shortly greeted by his sister who told him he was revived and had his bomb removed thanks to Krillin. The two then part off to live since their mission to kill was no longer necessary, as Goku had been killed when Cell self-destructed.

Android 17 went on to travel the world, he eventually arrived at Monster Island where he fought a group of poachers and befriended the ranger there. He eventually married the ranger - who is also a zoologist - after becoming a ranger himself.

Android 17 becomes a park ranger in the wildlife preserve area of a gigantic royal nature park, where he is well paid. He is an outstanding guard who does not hold back against poachers. It is an ideal job for 17, as he loves to be on his own and is not big on cooperating with others. Since he is so good at his job, he takes in a high salary. Android 17 and his wife have one child and two adopted children and live happily in an isolated house inside the nature park. He went and met 18 and Krillin one time but did not talk about what he had been up to, possibly because he considers such a wholesome lifestyle embarrassing considering his past behavior.

Majin Buu Saga
Super Buu utilized his Human Extinction Attack to kill everyone on Earth, including Android 17 again along with nearly everyone else. While fighting Kid Buu on the Sacred World of the Kai, Vegeta asks Dende to make a wish to Porunga for the Earth and the lives of all its good-willed inhabitants to be restored. The fact that Android 17 was not exempt from this wish, as confirmed by his appearance, is proof of Android 17's inherent goodness.

Goku is gathering energy for the Super Spirit Bomb in an effort to defeat Kid Buu, and in a mountainous region, Android 17 is walking down a forest trail when he recognizes Goku's voice, then encounters two hunters passing through. Android 17 raises his rifle to trick the two into raising their hands, unaware that they are supplying Goku with their energy. To the hunters' confusion, the android smiles and proclaims, "You beat me to it", before raising one of his own hands. The manga-equivalent of this scene does not feature the hunters; Android 17 merely raises his hands to pass on his energy while saying "So it's Goku, huh? I haven't heard that voice in a long time." However, the scene with the hunters is retained in Kai.


Tier: At least High 5-B, 4-B with Self-Destruction. 9-C with Shotgun

Name: Android 17, Lapis (His real name)

Origin: Dragon Ball

Sex: Male

Age: Unknown

Classification: Human, Android

Status: Alive (Shown during the Buu Saga to still be alive)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (The Androids feel like doing what they want to, ignoring orders, with them only wanting to kill Son Goku because they need a sense of purpose. Noted by Android 16 that they never killed without reason)

Dimensionality: 3-D

Attack Potency: At least Large Planet level (He and Android 18 fought and defeated the Z-fighters including Super Saiyan Vegeta, Super Saiyan Trunks, Piccolo, and Tien Shinhan. All of whom who are far beyond first form Frieza who destroyed Planet Vegeta which has ten times the gravity of Earth, requiring a GBE of this level to overcome. Far stronger then their models from Future Trunk's timeline, who fought and killed Future Gohan), Solar System level with Self-Destruction (Android 16 noted that his self-destruction would've killed everyone including Perfect Cell with even Cell being afraid. Perfect Cell shouldn't be too far off from his Super Perfect Cell form, who was going to destroy the entire solar system). Peak Human level with Shotgun

Durability: At least Large Planet level

Striking Strength: At least Large Planet Class

Lifting Strength: Class M, likely Higher (Superior to King Piccolo Saga Goku, who fused his untapped potential with the Oozaru within him, making his power tenfold above his previous self who moved a giant boulder with a lot of effort. Can casually lift his spaceship)

Travel Speed: At least FTL (Comparable to Super Saiyan Goku, who fought so fast that King Kai could not keep up with him, despite King Kai being able to track his spaceship without problem)

Combat Speed: At least FTL, likely Far Higher

Reaction Speed: At least FTL, likely Higher (Far beyond Kid Goku who could dodge a laser and a Kamehameha point-blank)

Stamina: Limitless (As an android created by Gero, he has access to an infinite energy supply)

Range: Standard Melee Range, Interstellar with Ki Attacks (Ki attacks can reach out of the planet and to other planets. All ki attacks should be comparable to Goku's kamehameha, which reached all the way to the sun)

Intelligence: Genius (An android created by Dr. Gero which means it's most likely outfitted with various different battle strategies and the ability to analyze their opponents and find out their weaknesses)

Powers and Abilities

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Acrobatics, Weapon Mastery (Becomes a ranger, making him a skilled user of his gun), Inorganic Physiology (Androids are directly noted by Goku to be beings that he cannot ki sense because they aren't organic), Flight (Able to fly around freely), Information Analysis (Is capable of analyzing Goku's data), Extrasensory Perception (Androids are built in with sensors that allow them to detect very high power levels), Ki Manipulation (All beings in Dragon Ball have ki, the very life force energy of all characters, ki allows a fighter to extend beyond their bodies limits, allowing them to even block attacks that would otherwise kill them from raising their guard, higher level users can lower their own durability to allow people far below them to fatally wound them. A users ki aura can exert itself as a weapon to attack), Homing Attack (Ki users can create attacks that will home in and chase a target forever), Mind Manipulation (Characters can link their ki together and train within each other’s mind enacting in image training), Power Absorption & Transferal (Ki users can transfer their ki to others and absorb the ki given to them from others), Aura (Has an aura of ki surrounding him whenever he exerts ki), Vibration Manipulation (Powerful ki users can cause the very ground itself to shake when they power up), Pseudo-Fear Manipulation, Limited Soul Manipulation & Pain Manipulation (Ki is the manifestation of one’s lifeforce, along with the aura giving one the feeling of being crushed, exerting fear into the target, sometimes making them incapable of moving as their body is instinctively stuck due to the sheer difference in power), Forcefield Creation (Ki users such as Cell can generate forcefields around themselves. These forcefields can be expanded, and used to protect others and defend against attacks far higher then the user), Energy Projection (Should be able to use energy attacks like other androids), Self-Destruction (The Androids are equipped with a hidden bomb inside of them that allows them to do a massive self-destruct attack)

Standard Equipment

  • Gun: During the Android and Imperfect Cell Sagas, Android 17 carries a handgun in a holster and during the Kid Buu Saga when he uses a rifle to threaten some hunters into raising their hands to trick them into giving energy to Goku's Super Spirit Bomb. Interestingly, Android 17 has never actually been seen firing a gun save for its use in Goku's nightmare during the Androids Saga.
  • Self Destruct Device: Like his sister, Android 16, and Android 8, Android 17 was originally equipped with a Self Destruct Device which could be activated to trigger the Android Bomb self destruction technique. However after the Cell Games, 17's future brother-in-law Krillin would wish to Shenron for the self destruct devices to be removed after it was revealed that he couldn't restore the twins to normal Earthlings.

Notable Techniques

  • Flight: The ability to fly without the use of ki through the use of wings or special mechanisms.
  • Ki Blast: The most basic form of energy wave.
  • Power Blitz: The user draws their hand back and charges a swirling pink/blue energy sphere. They then brings their hand forward and fires the sphere in the form of an energy wave at the opponent, inflicting a great amount of damage.
  • Android Barrier: A technique where energy is thrust out from the body in the form of a barrier with great force. The barrier can be used to both defend against oncoming projectiles and to expand and damage its surroundings. The barrier possess twice the defense that Android 17 normally has, allowing him to use the barrier to completely nullify attacks from people who are equal to or lesser in power to him.
    • Barrier Prison: Android 17 can form a barrier around other individuals to trap his opponents or protect his allies.
    • Barrier Punch: Android 17 forms a small barrier around his fist to increase the power of his punches.
    • Multiple Barrier: Android 17 can form a multiple layer barrier to increase his defenses.
    • Grand Explode: The user holds the opponent while he is preparing for a burst of energy and creates a shield around themselves so that the opponent is affected by the explosion of the attack.
  • Endgame: When the opponent attempts to attack, Android 17 says "It's all just a game" as he palm strikes the opponent's stomach before roundhouse kicking the opponent away, inflicting a great deal of damage.
  • Flip Cyclone: Android 17 backflips away while dodging the opponent's attacks, and then delivers a powerful forward kick back to the opponent.
  • Kiai: A technique where the user affects the air currents around him with ki to produce powerful shockwaves in order to strike the opponent. Android 17 can fire a kiai from his palm that explodes upon contact with the opponent and uses it in lieu of energy attacks.
  • Now We're Playing for Keeps!: First, Android 17 says "Time to get serious!" as he delivers a right palm strike to the opponent's face. Then, he punches the opponent in the stomach and elbows them on the back. Finally, Android 17 reverse sweep kicks the opponent off the ground before kicking them away, inflicting a high amount of damage.


Standard Tactics: Android 17 will use hand to hand combat along with ki attacks.

Weaknesses: Very arrogant and overconfident, which led to him getting absorbed by Cell.

Battle Records




Discussions (Link For Mobile Users):

Discussion threads involving Android 17