Cell is a Bio-Android created by the conniving Red Ribbon Scientist, Doctor Gero. Following the destruction of Red Ribbon at the hands of the young Son Goku (and the death of Gero’s son,) the maniacal doctor conceived a master plan to get his revenge.
Through this, Dr. Gero began the experimentation of a line of biological androids, or cyborgs, which involved not only Cell, but also Androids #17 and #18. Cell, however, was Dr. Gero’s most ambitious and dangerous project.
To create him, Dr. Gero gathered the DNA of several warriors, including: Son Goku, Vegeta, Piccolo, Frieza, and King Cold. Fusing them together, a horrible bug-like abomination known as Imperfect Cell was created. Cell grew in secret within Dr. Gero’s lab, before finally coming out of hiding and stealing a time machine from Bulma.
Cell then took the time machine and travelled back to the main timeline, where he would have free access to countless humans to feast on. Although his presence was made known to the heroes of Earth, they were unable to defeat him before he absorbed Androids #17 & #18, transforming into Perfect Cell.
Finally reaching his complete, perfect form, Cell set up a tournament of his own called the Cell Games, where fighters all around the world were challenged to take him on. Cell fought both Son Goku and then Son Gohan, but was not satisfied enough by the fights. Because of this, Cell goaded Gohan to draw out his true anger.
After a long scuffle, Gohan in his new Super Saiyan 2 transformation easily overpowered Cell, and sent him to desperate measures. Cell was going to self-detonate, but was carried off-planet by Son Goku, who was killed in the explosion.
However, Cell returned more powerful than ever, and faced against Son Gohan one final time. After a climactic beam struggle between Cell’s Solar Kamehameha, and Son Gohan’s Kamehameha, Son Goku returned to help his son, and the two overpowered Cell. Consumed by the Father-Son Kamehameha, the Bio-Android was wiped from the planet, finally defeated.
Status:Deceased (Cell is killed by Son Gohan with his father-son kamehameha)
Alignment:Chaotic Evil (Cell is the perfect mix between the intense cruelty of Frieza, and the fight-loving demeanor of the Saiyans. He takes intense amounts of pride in needless destruction, wiping out entire islands for the sake of it as well as wreaking havoc across the land in search for a place to run the Cell Games. However, the Cell Games themselves are a testament to Cell's love of combat, as he set them up specifically to draw entertainment out of battle instead of simply ending the conflict immediately)
Tier:7-A | At least 7-A. Much Higher with Strongest Charged Blast | 6-C. Much Higher with Strongest Charged Blast | 6-C. Much Higher with Strongest Charged Blast | 6-C. Much Higher with Strongest Charged Blast, 4-B with Chain Reactions
Reaction Speed:High Hypersonic | Massively Hypersonic+ | Massively Hypersonic+ (Should be far faster than before) | Massively Hypersonic+ | Massively Hypersonic+
Stamina:Limitless (Cell has stamina that seemingly never runs out; a trait shown in other Bio-Androids, Androids #17 and #18. He was able to wait several days straight for the Cell Games, and still fight at peak conditions. His Saiyan mixed with Namekian physiology allows for him to both heal, and grow, from fatigue)
Range:Standard Melee, Interstellar with Ki Attacks (Ki attacks can reach out of the planet and to other planets. All ki attacks should be comparable to Goku's kamehameha, which reached all the way to the sun) and Instant Transmission (Allows for Cell to teleport virtually anywhere so long as he can lock onto someone’s ki in that location)
Intelligence:Genius Intelligence (Is comparable in battle smarts to the likes of Son Goku, who has been fighting for decades. Cell himself was not only created by an extraordinary scientist, but was able to outsmart Trunks during their battle. Cell can learn and use techniques simply upon viewing them once)
Flight: With a mastery of Ki control, Cell is able to fly at incredibly high speeds.
Ki Blast: Using Ki, Cell can concentrate it into a ball that he uses as a projectile attack.
Kamehameha: The iconic move coined by Master Roshi, which Yamcha has adopted for himself. This starts as a blue Ki ball, which is charged in Yamcha’s hands before releasing as an incredibly powerful beam.
Solar Kamehameha: Cell’s most powerful Kamehameha variant, which he claimed had the power to wipe out the Solar System.
Instant Transmission: This technique allows Cell to instantly travel virtually anywhere, so long as he can lock onto someone’s ki.
Spirit Bomb: A technique that Cell claimed he could perform, which has him draw in the energy of all of the life around him into one gigantic ball of ki, that can eradicate evil in a massive explosion. Cell’s variant of this move has been shown to have a more green hue.
Special Beam Cannon: A move that Cell adopted from Piccolo, which takes a great deal of time to build up. It’s an extremely condolences and thin beam of energy, shown to puncture nearly anything in its path.
Solar Flare: Another adopted technique, Cell places his hands on his forehead and unleashes a blinding light, which is specifically used to blind his foes.
Big Bang Crash: Cell’s variant of Vegeta’s Big Bang Attack, which comes in a red color opposed to blue. This is a simple ball of energy that is formed through an outstretched arm.
Death Beam: An attack adopted from Frieza’s DNA, which is a simple purple beam shot out of his fingertips.
Telekinesis: Cell can use telekinetic abilities to lift, cut, and shape objects, which he notably used to create his Cell Game’s arena.
Absorption: Using his tail, Cell can absorb other creatures. He can do this either through puncturing his victim and sucking out their life energy, or through actually sucking the victim through his tail whole. Absorbing Androids #17 and #18 grant him new forms.
Android Barrier: Cell surrounds himself with a large green bubble of ki, that protects him from most attacks.
Standard Tactics: Cell will employ hand to hand combat along with ki attacks. He will also try to drain energy from his opponents. If the opponent seems to be too strong he will either self-destruct or use his solar kamehameha to destroy the solar system.
Unique Weaknesses: If Perfect Cell accumulates enough damage, he is susceptible to throwing up either Android #17 or #18, which will revert him back to his previous forms. He is incredibly arrogant, which led to him angering Gohan and transforming into a Super Saiyan 2, leading to Cell’s death.
The speed scaling for PLs are taken with a grain of salt as there are noticeable times where someone's speed isn't equal to their power, such as Burter being faster then Recoome and Jeice, along with Super Saiyan Grade 3 Trunks having his power greatly increased but his speed decreased.
↑"What work do you do on the films, Sensei?
I check the plot and script that gets sent to me from Toei Animation. I also do some character designs and touch-ups, as well as altering the names and such."