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Knight (Candies n' Curses)
From The Codex
Knights are a common enemies within candies n' curses. They come in 4 different forms being Spectre Knight, Miasma Knight, Inferno Knight and Blast Banneret
Powers and Stats
Tier: At least 9-B
Name: Spectre Knight, Miasma Knight, Inferno Knight, Blast Banneret
Origin: Candies n' Curses
Gender: Varies (SK and BB are male, Mk is female and IK is genderless)
Age: Unknown
Classification: Knight, Enemy, ghost
Attack Potency: At least Wall level+ (Can harm Molli Pop)
Dimensionality: 3-D
Travel Speed: Superhuman (Uses a horse to travel)
Combat Speed: Sub-Relativistic (Can keep up with Molli Pop)
Reaction Speed: Sub-Relativistic
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: At least Wall Class+
Durability: At least Wall level+
Stamina: Unknown
Range: Extended melee range with thier weapons
Same as before plus Fire Manipulation (Deals fire damage and leaves fire trails behind itself) Regeneration and Intangibility (when killed, it can reform it's body with it's soul when in soul form, molli can't harm it)
Same as a base Knight plus Poison Manipulation (Deals poison damage, and leaves a poison trail behind her along with a poison gaz after death)
Same as a base Knight plus Explosion Manipulation (Leaves bombs behind him)
Standard Equipment: Thier sword (SK, IK and MK), his lance and bombs (BB)
Intelligence: At least Above Average (Should be more skilled than Molli Pop in terms of fighting)
Weakness: If he hits a wall he will be stuned / if she hits a wall she will be stuned / if it hits a wall it will be stuned / none notable
Standard Tactics:
Teleports around to confuse his opponents, before charing at them
Teleports around to confuse its opponents, before charing at them leaving behind a fire trail, will float around to regain strength to reform its body
Teleports around to confuse her opponents, before charing at them leaving behind a poison trail
Teleports around to confuse his opponents, before charing at them leaving behind bombs
Note: For versus threads one should notify which subtype of the knight they're using, if none is given, a composite is assumed.
Notable Victories:
Notable Losses:
Inconclusive Matche
Discussions (Link For Mobile Users):
Discussion threads involving Knight (Candies n' Curses) |