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Category:Video Game Characters
From The Codex
(Redirected from Category:Game Characters)
Characters who are from Video Games
This category has the following 2 subcategories, out of 2 total.
- Board Game Characters (empty)
Pages in category "Video Game Characters"
The following 200 pages are in this category, out of 1,436 total.
(previous page) (next page)8
- Ace
- Acid Man
- Actrise
- Adeleine & Ribbon
- Admiral
- Admiral Bobbery
- Aeon (Castlevania)
- Agamo
- Air Man
- Aircon Man
- Akemi Nakajima
- Aki Narukami
- Aku
- Akuma (Street Fighter)
- Albus (Castlevania)
- Alfonso
- Alfred Drevis
- Alia (Mega Man X)
- Alice (Megami Tensei)
- Alli
- Alm (Fire Emblem Awakening)
- Alpaca Jack
- Alph (Pikmin)
- Alucard (Castlevania)
- Alucard (Pico's School)
- Amy Rose
- Amy Rose (Chronicles)
- Amy Sorel
- Ana (MOTHER)
- Ana (The Child)
- Anabelle
- Anchovy
- Andross
- Angel (Run)
- Anger (Disney Infinity)
- Angus
- Ankha
- Anna (Disney Infinity)
- Annalisa
- Annette
- Antasma
- Antonio
- Aogami
- Aparoid Queen
- Aparoids
- Aqua Man
- Ares (God of War)
- Ariel (NES)
- Ariel (Sega Genesis)
- Armored Mawdad
- Arnos
- Arthur (Ghosts 'n Goblins)
- Asgore Dreemurr
- Ashi
- Ashley & Red (WarioWare)
- Ashley Graves
- Asriel Dreemurr
- Astro Man
- Asura (Asura's Wrath)
- Ava
- Axios
- Aya Drevis
- Ayla
- Badeline (Celeste)
- Baker (Grimm's Hollow)
- Bakuzan
- Ballade
- Balloon Boy
- Ballora
- Ballos
- Baloo (Disney Infinity)
- Balrog (Cave Story)
- Balrog (Street Fighter)
- Bang
- Barbara The Bat (Super Smash Bros)
- Barlowe
- Baroness Von Bon Bon
- Barry Steakfries
- Bass
- Bear Hugger (2009)
- Beardo
- Beast (Disney Heroes:Battle Mode)
- Beast (Mirrorverse)
- Beast (Roar of the Beast)
- Beast (SNES)
- Beast (Tiger Electronic)
- Becky
- Beelzebub (Megami Tensei)
- Beldam (Paper Mario)
- Belle (Mirrorverse)
- Benedict
- Beppi the Clown
- Berdly (Deltarune)
- Big Boss
- Big Daddy (Video Game)
- Big Pauly
- Big the Cat
- Big the Cat (Chronicles)
- Birthday Boy Blam
- Biskit
- Black Shadow
- Blade Man
- Blast Man
- Blastoise (Pokkén Tournament)
- Blathers
- Blaze (Minecraft)
- Blaze the Cat
- Blizzard Man
- Block Man
- Blood Falcon
- Bloody Brad
- Bob
- Bob (Friday Night Funkin')
- Bobby Barrows
- Bodyguard (Town of Salem)
- Bolo (Shantae)
- Bolt
- Bolt (Tokobot)
- Bomb Man
- Bombette
- Bones (Candies n' Curses)
- Bonnie (Bonnie's Bakery)
- Bonnie (Five Nights at Freddy's)
- Boo (Scream Arena)
- Boots
- Born
- Boros
- Boss Bear (Roar of the Beast)
- Boss Boar (Roar of the Beast)
- Boss Wolf (Roar of the Beast)
- Bosspider
- Bounce Man
- Bow Kid
- Bowser's Brother
- Boyfriend
- Brad Armstrong
- Brauner
- Brendon Dumont
- Brewster
- Bridezilla (Blackout Hospital)
- Bright Man
- Brittany (Pikmin)
- Broffina
- Bruford
- Brushbeast
- Bubble Man
- Buga the Knut
- Bullet (Buggerworld)
- Bunber
- Bunny (Run)
- Burner Man
- Burrowing Snagret
- Burst Man
- Buster Rod G
- Buzz Buzz
- Cactus Mccoy
- Caesar Anthonio Zeppeli
- Cagney Carnation
- Cain
- Cal Kestis
- Calyx
- Camilla Fernandez
- Cancerous Rodent
- Captain Falcon
- Captain Falcon (Smash Bros.)
- Carbon Dog
- Carmilla (Castlevania)
- Carnage Kabuto
- Carrie Fernandez
- Cassandra (Pico's School)
- Catherine
- Cave Master (MOTHER)
- Caveman (Run)
- Centaur Man
- Cephalobot
- Cerberooze (Blackout Hospital)
- Cerberus (Helltaker)
- Cerberus (Ultrakill)
- Cere Junda
- Chai
- Chaos (Castlevania)
- Chara
- Charge Man
- Charlie (Pikmin)
- Charlie Vincent
- Charlise
- Charlotte Aulin
- Chica (Five Nights at Freddy's)
- Chicken Little (PS2)
- Chigrumpen
- Child
- Chill Man
- Chow
- Chozo Ghost
- Christopher Belmont
- Chronoa
- Chronoa (Dragon Ball Heroes)