In the name of the Father, and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Lord, it is me, Mariska. I do not know if my words reach you any more. I do not know if you care at all about the damned. For that is surely what I am. Damned. And I just want to know... why, Lord? What did I do to end up here? It is not the Hell I expected. No lake of fire. Only a cold, perpetual half-light that somehow seems even worse. Dead men wander this land, feasting on the living. If you can call it living. And I fear they may be... Lord, they are coming! I beg you, protect me. Deliver me from this place! I should not be here! I should not-
~ Mariska in "Dead men wander this land, feasting on the living. If you can call it living."
I remember being scared of the burning dogs. They are fast. Hunt in packs. Kill them and they explode like firebombs. Watched them over the years. Learned patterns, behavior. Understand them now. I even found an injured one and nursed him back to health. Now he answers my call. Watches my back. I am no longer alone. I call him Cinder. Not a "good boy," but as close as it gets over here.
~ Kazimir Zykov talking about how he made friends with a Hellhound
The odor of Plaguehound Gas is as lethal as it is foul, causing light-headedness before melting a person's skin and evaporating their blood. A horrible way to die
I am confused as well. We have seen this before. We lose men in Dark Aether, they come back with bad skin rash. This Krasny Soldat is no different than others we have seen transformed by Aetherium.
Range:Standard Melee, Several Meters by throwing flesh | Standard Melee, Extended Melee Range with claws, Several Meters with Self-Destruction | Standard Melee, Several Meters by throwing flesh | Standard Melee, Extended Melee Range with claws, Several Meters with Self-Destruction | Standard Melee, Tens of Meters with bombs | Standard Melee, Tens of Meters with cannon shots | Standard Melee, Tens of Meters with a flamethrower