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Articles About Shotaro Kaneda
AKIRA Manga - Film

That's Mr. Kaneda to you, punk!
~ Kaneda to Tetsuo


Shotaro Kaneda is the main protagonist of the AKIRA film. He is the leader of The Capsules, a gang of high schoolers who ride along the high ways of Neo-Tokyo and rebelling against the law. He was also a friend of Tetsuo, acting as a brother figure to him before Tetsuo would encounter an esper and begin developing psychic powers.

This dropdown contains the synopsis of Shotaro Kaneda’s story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise!

Early Life
Like most of the characters in the story, Kaneda's early life is largely not shown in the film. However, behind-the-scenes materials describe his childhood. His parents owned a laundry business, and he had a brother four years younger than him, who was born with a disability and frequently visited treatment centers. The stress of this seems to have gradually caused the family to fall apart- their father collapsed from fatigue, Kaneda had to change elementary schools due to his brother changing treatment centers, and then his mother ran off. From ages eight to nine, the family lives off of government assistance, and eventually, due to his father's turn to alcoholism and being deemed unfit to care for the children, Kaneda is sent to an orphanage, separated from his little brother who stays at a hospital.

Kaneda had been living at the orphanage for half a year when Tetsuo arrived there, whom he quickly befriended by retrieving Tetsuo's toy which had been stolen by bullies. The two of them spent about a year and a half together there, before Kaneda turned eleven and graduated, forced to go to a boarding middle school and leave Tetsuo behind. Middle school is where Kaneda began showing signs of a defiant attitude, and while his grades were above average, he was a fully-fledged delinquent by thirteen. At fourteen, he got in trouble with the law and was expelled, getting sent to Eighth District Youth Vocational Training School.

At the Vocational School, Kaneda met Yamagata, and eventually formed a motorcycle team the next year. Not long after, Tetsuo and Kai transferred to the school and joined as well. During a fight with The Clown Gang, Tetsuo becomes victim of a motorbike accident caused by the sudden appearance of Takashi crossing the Old Tokyo road. After that, Kaneda and the rest of his gang are arrested by government forces who interrogate them because of the events.


Tier: 10-A, 9-C on his bike and with close-range weapons, 9-B with explosives, Higher with Laser Rifle

Name: Shotaro Kaneda

Origin: AKIRA Movie

Sex: Male

Age: 16[1]

Classification: Leader

Species: Human

Occupation: Student, Member and Leader of the Capsules

Status: Alive (Remains alive and well despite being within Akira's nuke[1])

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Kaneda is the leader of the Capsules, which is a gang that rebels against lawful authorities and causes mischief around Neo-Tokyo)

Dimensionality: 3-D

Attack Potency: Athlete level (Is a notably fit teenager who can fight others and has defeated several other gang members in the past[1]), Peak Human on his bike (Due to the speeds he can travel at, Kaneda can hit with much greater force[1]) and with close-range weapons (Kaneda's gang has several makeshift weapons for combat[1]), Wall level with explosives (The Clown Gang possesses makeshift explosives[1] [ which can generate explosions of this magnitude], which the Capsules should have in their arsenal)

Travel Speed: Average Human (Tetsuo is an average high school student physically), Superhuman on his bike (Tetsuo can ride his bike in combat[1] which can travel between 70mph and 150mph) | Average Human physically, Superhuman with Aura and Statistics Amplification (Tetsuo can amplify himself to travel at high speeds in short bursts[1]) | Average Human physically, Superhuman with Aura and [[[Statistics Amplification]], Massively Hypersonic flight speed (Can fly into space in just a few seconds[1]) | Unknown (Tetsuo is so mutated that he can barely move his own body[1]) | Unknown (Exists outside the universe and eventually created his own universe[1])

Combat Speed:

Reaction Speed:

Stamina: Average (Is a healthy young high schooler with no notable health issues at this point in time) | Average | Above Average (Tetsuo's control of his power has made him very adapt in combat and capable of generating the stamina to fly to space[1]) | Above Average | Unknown, likely Limitless (Likely obtained a state of pure energy akin to Akira[1])

Range: Standard Melee physically, Extended Melee with metal pipe, Varies from Tens of Meters (Can deploy telekinetic barriers to prevent small scale explosions from harming him[1]), to Hundreds of Meters (Espers can create shockwaves which destroy the windows on office buildings several stories tall[1]), to Kilometers with psychic powers (Tetsuo used his psychic powers to completely destroy a massive bridge in just a few seconds), Universal with Universal Creation (Created a "cosmic rebirth" which was compared to the big bang), likely Multiversal Cell with Teleportation and BFR (Likely comparable to Akira who could teleport Tetsuo, and the other three espers, outside the universe)

Intelligence: Average academically (Is a high school student), Gifted with his powers (Despite having only recently unlocked his true abilities, Tetsuo quickly became far more skilled in combat than Espers several decades older than him)

Powers and Abilities

Awakening and Accelerated Development (Passive; Abilities; Meeting fellow esper Takashi awoke Tetsuo's psychic powers in an early state, which proceeded to rapidly evolve over the course of several days to the point of matching Akira[1]), Telepathy and Memory Manipulation (After his awakening, Tetsuo began hearing Akira and witnessing his thoughts. Tetsuo can communicate via thought with other Espers and read the thoughts of people[1]), Shockwave Generation and Explosion Manipulation (Intense thoughts and feelings can cause potent shockwaves to disperse and destroy nearby objects[1]), Forcefield Creation (Espers can create an invisible barrier to prevent harm to their bodies[1]), Precognition (Premonitions; Tetsuo can receive glimpses of the future when reading the thoughts of people, although this typically overwhelms his mind[1]), Reality Warping and Spatial Manipulation (Espers can use their psychic powers to warp space enough to physically destroy structures and people[1]), Aura and Statistics Amplification (Tetsuo can engulf himself in a red aura which seemingly increases his physical endurance to perform greater physical feats[1]), Telekinesis and Pseudo-Flight (Tetsuo can use telekinesis to levitate in the air and lift objects around[1]). Resistance to Mind Manipulation (As an esper, Tetsuo's mind is naturally more developed and potent than a regular mind[1]), Reality Warping and Spatial Manipulation (Was able to survive the spatial wave attack performed by both Takashi and Masaru[1])

All previous abilities now rapidly evolving. Superhuman Speed (Can telekinetically stop and redirect various military firearms[1]), Enhanced Forcefield Creation (Tetsuo's powers allow him to block attacks that can completely vaporize parts of his body[1]), Flight (Tetsuo now has the ability to freely fly outside of the Earth's atmosphere[1]), Self-Sustenance (Respiratory Sustenance; Due to his psychic abilities, Tetsuo can survive in the vacuum of space with no drawbacks[1]), Cyborgization (Partial; After losing his arm to the SOL, Tetsuo built a mechanical arm that completely replaces his biological one[1]), Teleportation and BFR (Forced Teleportation; Espers can freely teleport around the world and teleport others large distances[1]), Mind Control and Empowerment (Espers like Kiyoko can mind control people and empower them with psychic energy[1]), Illusion Manipulation (Standard Illusions; Espers can create potent illusions that feel real enough that the only way to see through them is to disrupt the user's train of thought[1]. Tetsuo's own powers were causing him to have severe hallucinations[1]), Matter Manipulation (Molecular Manipulation; Espers can use objects to construct new products with different properties from their original source material[1]). Resistance to Extreme Colds (Tetsuo was able to enter Akira's test chambers which were cold enough to freeze the doors solid and were monitored at temperatures of 5° Kelvin[1]), Radiation Manipulation, Gravity Manipulation, and Biological Manipulation (Can survive in the vacuum of space long enough for the sun to set over Neo-Tokyo[1]), Pierce Resistance and Heat Manipulation (Major Pierce Resistance; Tetsuo's body developed enough that laserfire couldn't fully pierce his body[1])

All previous abilities now rapidly evolving. Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Fusionism (Due to Tetsuo's powers rapidly becoming unstable, his body began to fuse with the environment in an abomination of flesh and metal[1]), Transformation and Regeneration (Shapeshifting; At least High-Low, likely much higher; Tetsuo's body was growing at such a rapid pace that he began to consume the entire stadium he was in[1]. In addition, he grew back his lost limbs[1]), Large Size (Skyscraper Sized; Tetsuo was large enough that his body took up a notable portion of the stadium[1]), Universal Creation (Tetsuo was able to create a "cosmic rebirth"[1]), Reality Separation (Spatio-Temporal Lock; After Tetsuo's power became too unstable, Akira removed him and the other espers from the universe[1]). Resistance to Explosion Manipulation and Vacuum Manipulation (Tetsuo's powers were so immense that Akira's nuclear blast wasn't able to fully consume him right away[1])

All previous abilities, now fully controlled. Likely Energy Physiology and Incorporeality (Assuming Tetsuo entered a state akin to Akira, he is likely now pure energy after being transferred outside the universe[1]. This is further proven by his lack of a body when creating a universe[1]), Likely Omnipresence and Cosmic Awareness (Spatial Omnipresence; The pure life energy of the all things is said to be present across the whole cosmos and even predating time, with this energy holding the memory of the universe itself[1]), Life Manipulation (The energy of the universe is described as being the life force that inhabits all beings[1])

Standard Equipment

  • Kaneda's Bike: Shotaro Kaneda's bike is a futuristic, high-tech motorcycle and an iconic feature of the series. As the group's leader, he is entitled to have the most technologically and aesthetically-advanced vehicle. The bike is capable of traveling around 155kph, and is mobile enough for Kaneda to effortlessly drive around a ruined stadium.


Standard Tactics: Prior to getting his powers, Tetsuo either brawls it with his foe, or uses his metal mallet to wack people over the head with. | Upon getting his powers, Tetsuo will do various telekinetic-related attacks such as warping space, throwing objects at his foe, creating shockwaves from a distance, and creating explosions. | After losing control of his powers, Tetsuo has no way of comprehending himself and will simply let his body mutate and grow at a rapid pace. He will eventually start a cosmic rebirth purely out of instinct.

Weaknesses: Tetsuo is a rather clumsy driver and is lacking in skill when it comes to combat. | Due to Tetsuo's rapid evolution, his powers can and will overwhelm him over the course of a day or two without medication.


Battle Records




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