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User:GiverOfThePeace/Fixing Fighting Streets

From The Codex
The answer lies in the heart of battle.
~ Ryu


Ryu (リュウ(隆) Ryū?, "Prosperous", "Plentiful", "Abundant") is the main protagonist of the Street Fighter series, first appearing in the original Street Fighter. He is an experienced martial artist, highly focused on his training, aiming to become the strongest he can.


Key: Street Fighter 1-Alpha 3 | Street Fighter 2-Street Fighter 4 | Street Fighter 5 | Street Fighter 3 | Street Fighter 6

Tier: 9-B, Far Higher with the Satsui no Hado | 9-B, Higher with Awakened Power, Far Higher with the Satsui no Hado | 9-B, Far Higher with the Power of Nothingness | At least 9-B, Far Higher with the Power of Nothingness | 9-B, Far Higher with the Power of Nothingness

Name: Ryu

Origin: Street Fighter

Sex: Male

Age: Late 20's in Street Fighter 1, in his 30's currently

Classification: Human, Martial Artist

Dimensionality: 3-D

Attack Potency: Wall level (Can fight against and harm Adon[1], who broke a chunk off a statue's head[2]. Should be comparable to characters like Birdie, who bent a large piece of metal[3]. Broke multiple stone tiles[4], broke three cinderblocks with one attack[5]), Far Higher with the Satsui no Hado () | Wall level (The Street Fighter cast can break[6] apart cars overtime with various hits[7]. They can also destroy metal barrels[8]. Along with destroy stone walls overtime[9]. Can fight and harm Sagat[10], who broke a large rock in half[11]. Can destroy barrels[12] in a single hit[13]. Can fight and harm Zangief[14], who overpowered a large bear[15]), Higher with Awakened Power (Tapping into the Power of Nothingness could overpower and incapacitate Seth), Far Higher with the Satsui no Hado | Wall level (The cast is able to destroy barrels with a single hit[16], Far Higher with the Power of Nothingness (The enhancements granted by the Power of Nothingness are comparable to those given by the Satsui no Hado. Swiftly defeated Torrent of Power Necalli and a weakened SFV M. Bison) | Wall level (As before, the Street Fighter cast can break apart cars overtime with multiple hits[17]), Far Higher with the Power of Nothingness | Wall level, Far Higher with the Power of Nothingness

Durability: Wall level, Far Higher with the Satsui no Hado | Wall level, Higher with Awakened Power, Far Higher with the Satsui no Hado | Wall level, Far Higher with the Power of Nothingness | Wall level, Far Higher with the Power of Nothingness | Wall level, Far Higher with the Power of Nothingness

Striking Strength: Wall Class, Far Higher with the Satsui no Hado | Wall Class, Higher with Awakened Power, Far Higher with the Satsui no Hado | Wall Class, Far Higher with the Power of Nothingness | Wall Class, Far Higher with the Power of Nothingness | Wall Class, Far Higher with the Power of Nothingness

Lifting Strength: Class 50 (), Class 100 with the Satsui no Hado (Comparable to his Street Fighter 3 self) | Class 50 (Stronger than before), Far Higher with Awakened Power, Class 100 with the Satsui no Hado | Class 100, Far Higher with the Power of Nothingness (Should be as strong as his Street Fighter 3 self) | Class 100, Far Higher with the Power of Nothingness ()

Travel Speed: At least Superhuman (Faster than Dan, who can outrun a wall of flames) | At least Superhuman (Faster than before) | At least Superhuman (Faster than before) | At least Superhuman (Faster than before)

Combat Speed: Transonic (), Higher with the Satsui no Hado () | Transonic, Higher with Awakened Power and the Satsui no Hado | Transonic, Higher with the Power of Nothingness () | Transonic, Higher with the Power of Nothingness

Reaction Speed: Transonic, Higher with the Satsui no Hado | Transonic (The Street Fighter cast can react to a sonic boom attack from Guile[18]) | Transonic, Higher with Awakened Power and the Satsui no Hado | Transonic, Higher with the Power of Nothingness | Transonic, Higher with the Power of Nothingness

Stamina: Peak Human (Can go through intense battles and long periods of training), Higher with the Satsui no Hado and the Power of Nothingness (They naturally enhance his stamina. While on the brink of defeat, the Satsui no Hado returned him enough energy to fight back Sagat and M. Bison)

Range: Standard Melee, Tens of Meters with projectiles (His hadouken is able to reach out and attack this far)

Intelligence: Genius ()

Powers and Abilities

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Human Achievements (), Martial Arts (Ryu is shown to be adept in various martial arts techniques, being able to throw various punches and kicks, along with knowing various grapples and throws, can counter strikes from other trained martial artist), Acrobatics (Able to get great height in the air with the Shoryuken, able to flip while jumping in the air), Accelerated Development (Training & Battle; Physical Stats. Every Street Fighter character through battle gained an insight into their strength and exceeds their limitations[19]), Pain Tolerance & Sheer Will (Was able to endure immense amounts of torture and pain with it being noted that no one has ever held up this long[20]), Rage Power (Rage allows him to unleash the Satsui no Hado, greatly increasing his power but losing control[21]), Levitation (With the Tatsumaki, the practitioner jumps and, while in the air, rotates their legs, kicking the opponent 1~3 times depending on button pressed), Energy Projection (With Hadoken, a surging punch in which a fighter's willpower is utilized to focus energy into and through the palms, as the palms are thrust outwards towards the target, a surging energy wave is expelled that results in a punching force traveling through the air in the opponent's direction), Vacuum Manipulation (Can use a charged tatsumaki to pull in his opponents into the attack[22]), Afterimage Creation (Can create an[23] afterimage from a charged Hadouken. Can create afterimges with a charged tatsumaki), Fire Manipulation (With the Shinkuu Hadouken, hits the opponent multiple times and destroys other projectiles launched by the opponent, can also set the opponnet on fire after the hits are done. With Shakunetsu Hadoken, a Hadoken which is imbued with the power of fire, upon hitting the enemy, their entire body is set on fire),. Resistance to Mind Manipulation (His mind was strong enough to resist the brainwashing effect that M. Bison put him through[24]), Corruption (Has been able to resist the Satsui no Hado from taking him over[25]), Electricity Manipulation (Able to withstand immense amounts of electricity bein pushed into him[26])

Standard Equipment

His fighting gloves.

Notable Techniques


Standard Tactics:

Weaknesses: None Notable.

Battle Records

  1. Street Fighter Alpha 2 Ryu Arcade Mode Playthrough
  2. Street Fighter Alpha 2 Adon Arcade Mode Playthrough
  3. Street Fighter Alpha 2 Birdie Arace Mode Playthrough
  4. Street Fighter 1987
  5. Street Fighter 1987
  6. Street Fighter II: The World Warrior Car Minigame
  7. Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition Car Minigame
  8. Street Fighter II
  9. Street Fighter II Turbo 16-Bit
  10. Ultra Street Fighter II The Final Challengers Ryu Arcade Mode
  11. Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers Sagat Arcade Ending
  12. Street Fighter II
  13. Street Fighter IV: Arcade Edition
  14. Ultra Street Fighter II The Final Challengers Ryu Arcade Mode
  15. Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers Zangief Arcade Ending
  16. Street Fighter V: Arcade Edition
  17. Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future Car Minigame
  18. Street Fighter 2: Champion Edition
  19. Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers Dhalsim Arcade Mode
  20. Street Fighter Alpha 2 M. Bison Ending
  21. Street Fighter IV: The Ties That Bind
  22. Street Fighter Alpha
  23. Street Fighter Alpha
  24. Street Fighter Alpha 2 M. Bison Ending
  25. Street Fighter Alpha 3 Ryu Ending
  26. Street Fighter Alpha 2 M. Bison Ending
  27. Street Fighter V Story Mode
  28. Street Fighter V Story Mode