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The background art comes from Cherylann1960.


From The Codex

"Mature Content"
Hold the Show! This character or verse has mature themes and concepts, thus those of young age are ill-advised to look through these. Stay safe folks!!


Filia Medici is one of the protagonists of Skullgirls and seen as the main character. After a hit was placed on her and her family, she awoke with Amnesia and Samson hosting her, A parasite who was originally hosting their pet dog. Filia would adventure to the Skullheart with samson in order to wish for her memories back.

General Information

Name: Filia Medici

Origin: Skullgirls

First Appearance: Skullgirls

Latest Appearance: Skullgirls Mobile

Company: Lab Zero Games

Creator: Alex Ahad and Mike Zaimont

Gender: Female

Age: Unknown

Birthday: March 18th

Residence: Canopy Kingdom

Story Role: Protagonist

Classification: Femme Fetale

Species: Human

State of Being: Regular

Physiology: Humanoid

Occupation: N/A

Enemies: Marie

Height: 5'4

Weight: 142 pounds

Status: Alive

Alignment: Neutral Good (Originally, Filia was going to use the skull heart to wish back her memories. After meeting Painwheel and remembering who she was, she used the skull heart to wish her a normal life. Had saved and helped Squiggly defeat Double)

Protection Level: Metropolitan (Stopped Marie before she could get corrupted with the Skull Hearts power, who was already destroying a part of the kingdom in her rage

Codex Statistics

Tier: 8-C

Cardinality: Finite

Dimensionality: 3-D

Attack Potency: Building level (Is able to fight against Marie, who destroyed the cathedral they were inside before their fight)

Durability: Building Level (Can take attacks Marie and Cerebella)

Striking Strength: Building Class

Lifting Strength: Unknown, Class 5 with Samson (Can lift and throw Big Band, who weighs 5000 pounds)

Travel Speed: Athletic Human (Comparable to Parasoul,who as a captain of an elite military squad, should lend her this speed) Combat Speed: Supersonic (Should be comparable to Parasoul, who's speed and precision can allow her too accurately let bullets fly through golden rings of her umbrella while spinning it.

Reaction Speed: Supersonic (Should be comparable to her attack speed. Should also be comparable to Valentine who dodged bullets casually)

Stamina: Atheltic Human (Gets into many fights across her storyline, some being in a short time frame of each other)

Range: Standard Human Range, Several meters with Samson (Some attacks can go a long distance)



Powers and Techniques

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Martial Arts, Fusionism (Is fused with Samson), Hair Manipulation and Transformation (Samson acts as Filia's hair and can shapeshift it into various forms and attacks), Penetration Damage (Many of her attacks penetrate), Natural Weaponry (Samson has sharp teeth), Counter (Can counter combo attacks if repeated. Can push opponents back while blocking), Limited Flight (Can Air dash. Samson can give wings to fly for a limited time), Healing (Samson managed to heal Filia's wounds, albeit over time)

Status Effect Inducement and Status Nullification, (Gives Filia a 10% chance to inflict bleed on hit, which drains 1% max health each second and removes Regen and Heavy Regen on activation, for 3 seconds, up to 7 seconds), Statistics Boost (Gives a 10%, up to 15% bonus crit rate against opponents inflicted with bleed)
Statistics Boost and Status Nullification (Filia using a special move while equipped with this Variant gives her Haste for 10 seconds, up to 15 seconds, increasing meter gain by 100% and removing the slow effect), Restoration (Using a blockbuster has 50% chance, to a 100% chance to reset the cooldown of all special moves)
Resistance to Death Manipulation and One Hit KO, Status Nullification, and Restoration (While Filia is alive, any teammate that tag in gets 1, up to 3 barriers which absorbs all form of physical damage for 10 seconds. When a teammate's barrier expires, they restore 10%, up to 20% meter for all blockbusters and gain Final Stand for 10 seconds, which prevents health to drop below 1% and blocks the death effect from doom.)
Status Effect Inducement, Statistic Nullification, Statistics Amplification and Resistance to Death Manipulation and One Hit KO (Evading an attack with this variant grants Filia armor, which reduces damage taken by 20% and removes armor upon activation. It also gives Final Stand, which prevents health dropping below 1 and resists doom's death effect), Healing (When Filia attacks a dashing opponent, it inflicts Armor break onto the opponent. 100%, up to 200% of damage inflicted to the opponentis regained as health)
Status Nullification, Statistics Amplification, Status Effect Inducement and Restoration (While Filia has this Variant active, after every 5th hit in a combo she receives by an opponent, she gains multiple effects. It can remove up to 2 debuffs, give 2 stacks of armor which would give her 40% less damage taken and remove the armor break effect, and gain a 30% more blockbuster meter), Healing, (When benefitting from a buff, for every 6 seconds, down to 4 seconds, Filia gains 10% health and inflicts the wither status on the opponent, which removes 5% of the opponents blockbuster meter every 1 second for 6 seconds)
Status Effect Inducement, Paralysis Inducement, Status Nullification (While Filia has this variant active, each critical hit has a 50% chance to inflict both Slow for 10 seconds, which removes Haste on activation and decreases meter gain by 50%, and inflict stun from 2, up to 3 seconds, which prevents all actions until the effect expires. If the opponent is stunned, Bleed has a 5%, up to 15% chance to be inflicted on hit, which drains 1% max health each second and removes Regen and Heavy Regen on activation)
Attack Reflection (When Filia has this variant active, to 15%, up to 35% of the damage she receives by the opponent is reflected back on them), Status Effect Inducement and Status Nullification (If the opponent lands a critical hit, Heavy Bleed is Inflicted on them, which removes 2% health each second and removes both Regen and Super Regen on activation, for 5, up to 10 seconds)
Statistics Amplification, Status Nullification, Enhanced Evasiveness (When Filia has this variant equipped and hits an opponent thats attacking, Filia gains both Enraged, which will Increase her damage by 20% and remove Cripple on activation. as well as Evasion, which will have the next hit do no damage or hit reaction, from 5, up to 10 seconds), Power Nullification (After Evading an attack, Filia has a 50%, up to 100% to gain Permanent Precision. Precision guarantees the next hit is a critical hit, and the opponent Signature abilities aren't triggered)
Defense Nullification and Status Effect Inducement (While Filia has on this Variant, all hits from a special move or blockbuster have a 10% to be unblockable and inflict Death Mark, which increases damage taken by critical hits and blocking by 50%, for 10, up to 15 seconds.), Regeneration Negation (When Filia Inflicts At least 10% damage in a single hit, which can be upgraded down to 5%, the opponent gets Inflicted with Heavy Bleed, which drains 2% health each second and removes Regen and Heavy Regen, as well as Heal Block, which stops the inflicted from healing from all sources.)


Notable Techniques

Filia Normals
Animation Description

Stabs forward towards her opponent with scissor-like strands if hair.

Sticks her arm out towards the opponent as Samson follows with it to bite down on the opponent

Swings two sides of her hair upward and closes them together at the top. Launches opponents upward next to her and stabbing opponents above her.

Does a fast front kick

Kicks upward with samson while placing her other foot against him for slightly higher range upward.

Samson lifts Felia up in the air as she does a dropkick, sending opponents away

Crouches down and quickly stabs a hair comb forward towards the opponents

Makes her hair spiky while flipping her hair up, launching opponents upward with it

Forns a long scorpion tail and stabs forward and down with it

Crouches and swiftly kicks against the opponent's legs

Leans back with a pose as her hair forms a drill around her leg, stabning and sucking in opponents towards her

Forms a spiked boot with her hair and slides towards the opponent

Forms a razor and stabs downward towards the opponent while in the air

Wraps her hair around her body with it taking shape of a spinning saw, hitting the opponent 6 times with it

Makes a plethora of sharp objects with her hair and stabs forward swiftly towards the opponent with while in the air

Kicks upward quickly while in the air

Kicks downward at the opponent before Samson bites down where she kicked quickly afterward

Lifts up her legs as her hair forms into an Industrial Scissor-like shape below her, cutting and stabbing straught down
Filia's Specials
Animations/Images Descriptions

Samson launched Filia into the air with gaping jaws, cbomping down at the ppesk of his height before falling back down

Filia drops to the floor and makes drills arise from the ground to stab upward towards the opponent. Filia may also attempt to psyche the opponent by dropping onto to the floor in the same pose, only to immediatly get back up after.

Filia covers herself with her hair as it forms a spike ball, rolling towards the opponent both on the ground or in the air.

Seen used in Skullgirls Mobile, Filia stabs forward as her hair forms into a drill towards the opponent
Filia's Throws
Animation Description

Filia forms her hair to look like an octopus as Samson squeezes the opponent, before throwing them away.

While in the air, Samson forms into a widow spider to grab and slam the opponent down
Filia's Blockbuster's
Animations/Images Header text

Samson will lift up Filia in the air with an open jaw sinilar to Updo, however opponents who get caught within the move will be trapped in Samson's mouth and slammed down against the floor.

Filia uses Samson to take the form of a cocktoach and rams herself against the opponent at high speed, bouncing the opponent off the opposite sire of the screen before bouncing back in Filia's range.

Samson forms into a large creaturr eurh a large mouth while shooting a hair ball, sending the opponents away

Filia wraps her leg into hair, forming it into a drill and stabbing upward into the air

Samson chomps down against the opponent before spitting them back out
Filia's other techniques
Animations/Images Descriptions

Filia puffs up her hair into an Afro to burst the opponent away and stop their combo

Filia whips her her hair in a circular motion to send them off the screen and force a tag out
Filia kicks downward towards the opponent when shes tagged into the fight

Filia taunts by swishing back her hair and samson sticking out his tongue


Standard Tactics: Filia is a rushdown type fighter who will try and get into her opponents facing, trying to combo her opponents down with Samson. Will gain various effects with Variants that she can use to help herself in a pinch

Weaknesses: Relies on samson for most of her attacks.

Battle Records





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