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Allow me to introduce myself... I am known as Gange, Master Illusionist. And yes, as the astute young Miss said, this is an illusory world. The arena you see around you exists only as long as I care for it to. This coliseum is a place of battle. Only victors shall gain passage back to the real world. On this day we have two very adept competitors! You two shall come together in the ancient ritual of battle on this very ground! Are there any questions?
Gange is a master of illusory magic who resided in Viper Manor in the scenario The Enigmatic Gigaweapon: Paradise X. Living only within gems, which he occupies until transferring to a new jewel (shattering the previous one on the process), Gange self-servingly initiated a search for gladiators in his illusory coliseum, a process that involved sending two hapless victims to battle each other in an illusory world. Though it is unknown how many fighters clashed before the Radical Dreamers' infiltration of Viper Manor, Kid and Serge soon found themselves facing each other in the coliseum, albeit warped into monstrosities many times their size. Magil prevented them from killing one another; afterwards, Gange noted that all three of the group were interesting, and allowed the party to take his gem with them. When the Radical Dreamers confronted Lynx, Gange summoned Paradise X, which fought with Mecha-Lynx until the latter was fried and Lynx was dead. Gange then transferred his being into a new gem—the Frozen Flame itself. He notes that his powers are now incredible due to the quality of the host jewel; the party then set out to find more gems.
Durability:Multi-Continent level, Higher upon possessing the Frozen Flame
Striking Strength:Multi-Continent Class, Higher upon possessing the Frozen Flame
Lifting Strength:Unknown: True Class by himself, Class 100 with Paradise X (Being the size of a building it should naturally have this lifting strength)
Travel Speed:Unknown: True level, Higher upon possessing the Frozen Flame
Paradise X: Gange summoned a giant robot known as Gigaweapon Paradise X, who towers over trees and matches Lynx's Mech in size who was so tall her towered over the mansion itself, the robot can throw various punches and kicks along with a light beam and large fire blast.
Standard Tactics: Gange will bring into his illusory world ones he sees worthy of showing him even more powerful stones and then he'd possess the new stone, though if they're not worthy he'll summon Gigaweapon Paradise X to fight for him.
Weaknesses: Nothing notable.
↑[Young Woman] Beings that are born of dreams, must return to them... The power of Lavos can make hopes and dreams come true... [Young Woman] Born of dreams, returning to dreams...... Beings such as that exist as well. At times, human prayers and desires borrow the power of Lavos-sama and materialize.