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“ | As long as you’re afraid of failing and would rather suffer and worry without even trying, there isn’t but a single thing you’ll understand. If there's something you want to know about.. you ought to ascertain yourself! Capture and grasp the truth! | „ |
~ Haiji to Nils Lee |
Haiji is the main protagonist of the Hungry Joker manga series. He is a young scientist that was able to awaken the power of his mysterious Black Apple. To find out about his unknown past, Haiji joins the White Joker organization alongside his assistant Chitose Toriiooji. He is called Barschheit by Nacht, his older brother, and the only person that Haiji recalls from his past's memories.
This dropdown contains the synopsis of Haiji’s story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise! |
General Information
Name: Haiji, his real name is Barschheit
Origin: Hungry Joker
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Member of White Joker
Species: Half-Human and Mavro Hybrid
Occupation: Scientist
Status: Alive
Alignment: Neutral Good (Despite noting that he doesn't understand emotions such as devotion, Haiji himself is actually a morally good person, for example earlier in the series when a nurse is mutated into a monster, he opts to try and use anesthetics instead of killing her, and found a way to revert her mutation)
Codex Statistics
Key: Genius vs. God to Labyrinth of Mist Arc | Blood Ties to Deicide Arc | Edenic Fruit of Knowledge
Grade: A | S | S
Tier: 10-B physically, 8-C with Newton's Apple | 10-B physically. At least 8-C with Newton's Apple | 10-B physically. At least 8-C with Eden's Fruit of Knowledge
Cardinality: Finite
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: Human level physically (Is of a regular human stature without biting into the apple), Building level with Newton's Apple (Through biting into Newton's Apple he was able to harm a giant monster, that fully destroyed a research institute they were in. With a single punch, drew blood from Kildo, who prior destroyed a portion of a ten story skyscraper) | Human level physically. At least Building level with Newton's Apple | Human level physically. At least Building level with Eden's Fruit of Knowledge (Haiji used the cells and blood of all of his friends to evolve Newton's Apple to the Eureka Eden greatly boosting its power from before)
Durability: Human level physically, Building level with Newton's Apple | Human level physically. At least Building level with Newton's Apple | Human level physically. At least Building level with Eden's Fruit of Knowledge
Striking Strength: Human Class physically, Building Class with Newton's Apple | Human Class physically. At least Building Class with Newton's Apple | Human Class physically. At least Building Class with Eden's Fruit of Knowledge
Lifting Strength: Regular Human, Class M with Telekinesis (Could telekinetically lift a ten story skyscraper with his powers) | Regular Human, Class M with Telekinesis | Regular Human, Class M with Telekinesis
Travel Speed: Regular Human, Superhuman with Newton's Apple (Could blitz people after biting into the apple) | Regular Human. At least Superhuman with Newton's Apple | Regular Human. At least Superhuman with Eden's Fruit of Knowledge
Attack Speed: Regular Human, Superhuman with Newton's Apple | Regular Human, At most Relativistic+ with Newton's Apple | Regular Human. At least At most Relativistic+ with Eden's Fruit of Knowledge
Reaction Speed: Regular Human, Superhuman with Newton's Apple (Could stop a pea flick that was so fast it moved faster then one could see) | Regular Human, At most Relativistic+ with Newton's Apple (Moved Chitose out of the way of a laser before it could hit her. Casually bend a light beam before it could hit him) | Regular Human. At least At most Relativistic+ with Eden's Fruit of Knowledge
Stamina: Above Average (Has endured the side effects of using Newton's Apple multiple times throughout fights. Used his gravity to forcibly move his body while it was poisoned and unable to move while also overusing the powers of the apple for a long period of time)
Range: Standard Melee, Universal with Gravity Manipulation (Noted that the apple grants him universal gravitation)
Intelligence: Supergenius Intelligence (Created pills that evolved the blood of the members of White Joker and evolved their abilities to a state that allowed them to easily stomp all of the members of Mavro. Is noted to be a young scientist prodigy, able to perform autopsies. Able to conduct experiments while in a hospital room. Could instantly calculate the measurements of a portion of a skyscraper falling on him, and then went on to outsmart Kildo by giving them a fake apple, showing he considered the possibility of Kildo taking the apple from him. Directly noted to be one of the few chosen that are referred to as geniuses, putting him up there with the likes of Isaac Newton, another chosen. Noted as the juvenile genius scientist. Could tell a doctor was a man from a glance where others thought he was female)
Knowledge: Master level
Powers and Techniques
- Newton's Apple: Being an Eureka adapter, Haiji is able to use these items, and the one of them that's in his possession is the Newtonian Apple, which grants him access over the ability to manipulate gravity. The Apple takes the form of an ordinary apple with a single stem protruding at the top. One main differences is that the apple is black in color. It also has a distinct feature located at the lower half of the apple. The feature is a horizontal curve line which extends across the apple's front surface. The said line also has seven vertical lines spread across with different lengths between each others. This particular feature gives off the vibes that the apple is actually "smiling".
- Eden's Fruit of Knowledge: Eden's Fruit of Knowledge is regarded as the Perfect Eureka is the Fruit of Genesis, that is, the Eureka mother of all the others. Although being a mystical fruit created in the beginning of the world, it is possible to be recreated in the current days according to the White Joker's research. With it, it is possible to obtain the Almighty Power. After eating the Fruit, the user's body becomes transcendental, to the point where it can produce the desired effects in both themselves and the surroundings. For an example, they become able to reduce structures to their conceptual chemical formula, heal themselves and their clothes with some sort of flame that allows them to levitate.
- Experimental Apparatus: Haiji has a bag carrying small flasks and bottles attached to his belt, that's used by him even when he's not performing experiments. Whether this bag can be used for storing small items it's currently unknown. As a scientist, Haiji always uses a lab coat for identification and dirt protection. Haiji also has a smartphone.
- Laboratory Instruments: Prior to James' rampage in his workplace, Haiji possessed a great amount of experimental apparatus, that allowed him to perform several experiments and practices, such as the study of compounds and the undergoing of autopsies. Among his paraphernalia, it could be observed tubes, erlenmeyer flasks, volumetric flasks, hoses, lamps, a shield, scalpel, a cadaver dissection table, and a laser beam emitter. In addition, Haiji also possessed a bulletin board, boxes, a bookcase and a shelf as data storage, as well an apple tree over the entire laboratory and glowing lizard for his research on the Black Apple and the Glowing Corpses.
Notable Techniques
- Intelligence: Haiji is a very intelligent person, managing to become a renowned and credited scientist at a very young age, working for a certain Research Institute and having a personal sponsor. He's able perform several scientific experiments at a time in order to conduct complex research on a wide variety of concepts, this is owed mainly to his strong sense of awareness and high capacity for accurate deduction. He managed to figure out the powers of Newtonian Apple by himself, while some of the other Eureka users had to be taught or research how to use theirs, showing that Haiji possesses reasoning above average. He has extensive scientific knowledge, which helps him in his researches and in coming up with strategies when fighting against his opponents. His logical and highly analytical way of thinking also led to him discovering many possibilities about the powers of Eureka, such as combination or multiple use.
- Chemistry: Haiji has a very good understanding of chemical substances. His laboratory used to be full of equipment used in chemical experiments, and Haiji has been shown to be able to prepare a protein-based explosive compound on the fly.
- Biology: Haiji has an interest in biology and seems to know a lot about biological systems. He inquired to Chitose about which Family her stuffed animal belonged, and keeps a perculiar lizard whose body unusially glows in his lab. He was able to deduced that James became a monster due to genetic mutations on his body, even though it was an abnormal occurrence.
- Medicine: Haiji's impressive medical knowledge is demonstrated when he was able to perform autopsies on some corpse and preserve them for future analysis. He's also able to properly apply anesthesia to a body.
- Mathematics: Haiji is shown to be able to calculate exetremely long lengths with great precision, showing a capacity for dimensional analysis.
- Logic: Haiji's complex logical reasoning is one of his greatest assets and has consistently been shown to help him several times more than his Eureka. For an example, his ability to understand his Eureka's abilities and successfully deducing that biting the Apple more than once would result in a successive increase of received power. He also reasonably concluded that Isaac Newton formulated his theories because he was the adapter of the Apple, whose juice he drank.
- Craftsmanship: Haiji is able to build device with a significant easy, as even when hospitalized, he managed to build a remote-activated bomb in the shape of his Apple; making it a perfect replica that deceived even Killed. He was also to quickly understand the mechanics behind Vivian Blanchard's flying device by skillfully disassembling it a little.
- History: Haiji is keeps a thorough collection of data and resources regarding scientific facts, such as the history of the Apple and other Eurekas from the human perspective. His knowledge in the area made him able to recognize the previous adapters of several Eureka.
- Physics: Haiji's skill with his Eureka is supplemented by his understanding of physics. When battling James, Haiji noted that he wasn't able to crush the monster with his current power and subsequently, by applying his knowledge of the scientific concept of pressure, used the air to slice James in a half. He also demonstrated insight on the principles of acoustics and electricity.
- Predictions: Haiji was able to predict several situations and prepare himself to deal with them beforehand, like when he knew that Killed would try to steal his Apple. Also, due being an Eureka user, Haiji is able to determinate the localization of an Eureka with relative precision.
Newton's Apple
- Gravity Manipulation: When Haiji takes a bite of his Apple, he obtains powers that allow him to manipulate the gravitational attraction forces and its several aspects in a certain area, and between the bodies contained therein. Overall, Haiji's abilities consist on the manipulation of force vectors between bodies, being the type of this force the gravitational one. As gravitational force is a physical quantity that depends on the masses and distance between bodies, and these aren't changed by Haiji when using his powers, it can be assumed that their nature consist in the abrupt alteration of the Gravitational constant in the area affected.
- Gravity Intensification: Haiji is able to increase the intensity of gravity force exerted by the planet on their target(s), creating an attractive and repulsive force. The same can be done with the gravitational attraction between him and/or other bodies.
- Gravity Pull: Haiji can increase the attractive force of a certain body to make objects to be thrown at it with great force. This also makes him able to increase his own gravity to make opponents and objects to be attracted to him, prompting him to launch physical attacks. Additionally, he can intensify the gravity of the Earth to make the target(s) "heavier" and restrain them, with a force strong enough to crush the ground itself, creating a crater.
- Gravitational Wave: Haiji was shown to be able to perform this movement only after taking two successive bites of the Apple, thus enhancing his powers. He waves his arms down and makes a wide linear area in front of him to be crushed by a strong gravity.
- Gravity Push: Haiji is able to make objects to be repelled by him, changing the amount of gravitational force between them and himself, which effectively makes the object fly away with great force from him. It becomes useful when Haiji has his movements restrained by something like a rope.
- Gravity Pull: Haiji can increase the attractive force of a certain body to make objects to be thrown at it with great force. This also makes him able to increase his own gravity to make opponents and objects to be attracted to him, prompting him to launch physical attacks. Additionally, he can intensify the gravity of the Earth to make the target(s) "heavier" and restrain them, with a force strong enough to crush the ground itself, creating a crater.
- Gravity Nullification: Haiji becomes able to nullify the effect of a planet's gravity to, for an example, allowing him and other objects to float. The power degree of this nullification, that is, the limit of weight that Haiji is able to annul, depends on his experience and strength, but it's known that even enormous parts of buildings can be lifted by the his power even after taking a successive bite of the Apple.
- Flight: This ability can be used to allow him and other bodies to levitate above the ground. Once in Zero-G, Haiji is able to fly around freely, matching attractive forces to the direction where he is going to. While flying, Haiji can deliver powerful flying attacks enhanced by gravity, that were strong enough to break Killed's mask and make him bleed.
- Wall Walking: Haiji can create a pseudo gravitational field into any objects, allowing him to attach himself and others to any surface where they can walk and stand up on it. He can do it at the same time as lifting the very object, what makes it a floating surface for Haiji.
- Air Slicer: Haiji can even control the gravity exerted on a certain mass of air, what allows him to use it as a slicer, mainly when applying a sudden high amount of gravitational force in a smaller area. He does this by pointing his hand upwards and then swiftly waving it downwards, effectively tracing the region cut by the Slicer.
- Gravitational Controller: Through a precise application of multiple vectors of gravitational force strategically placed on his body, Haiji is able to control his own movements by forcing them. It becomes useful for him once he's with his movements restrained.
- Gravity Intensification: Haiji is able to increase the intensity of gravity force exerted by the planet on their target(s), creating an attractive and repulsive force. The same can be done with the gravitational attraction between him and/or other bodies.
Enhanced Form
- Enhanced Gravity Manipulation: Haiji's control of the gravity reaches to a level where even light, an electromagnetic wave whose mass is immeasurably small and only explained by Einstenian's General relativity theory is within his power's range. Such ability implies that the there are no entities that can't be trapped by his powers.
- Black Hole: Haiji stretches his hand forward and concentrates an enormous attractive force in a single point, therefore efficiently creating a small black hole, that is impressively under his complete control, absorbing only what Haiji desires in a swirl-like pattern, including light. A quick change of the target being absorbed also can be useful for Haiji to prevent that target from running away.
Eden's Fruit of Knowledge
- Evolved Body: After eating the Fruit, the user's body becomes transcendental, to the point where it can produce the desired effects in both themselves and the surroundings. For an example, they become able to reduce structures to their conceptual chemical formula, heal themselves and their clothes with some sort of flame that allows them to levitate.
- Pythagorean Hammer: An experiment of Haiji consisted in combining his Eureka with Alan's, that proved to be successful. To perform it, Haiji and Alan touched their Eureka, that changed their colors.
- Crushing Wave: Once Haiji and Alan activate their powers, they're able to produce a devastating sonic wave that crushes everything in every directions, except in a small are that protects themselves and allies. They stand in the area as well, each one pointing to a side where the wave is being created, therefore creating an Omnidirectional Wave-Shaped Destruction. It was strong enough to destroy everything, from the floor to hard wreckage, inside a White Joker's base.
- Disintegrating Slice: Another move enhanced by the combination is the Air slicer: Haiji does the same hand movement to cut the target with air, and, after being cutted, sound vibrations are reverberated on the cutting local, that cause the destruction of the molecules of the target's body, disintegrating them.
- Heronian Aeolipile: The second experiment of Eureka combination performed by Haiji and Nils Lees also proved to be successful. To do so, the steam produced by Nils' Aeolipile enveloped Haiji's Apple and the two acquired both Eurekas' powers combined.
- Aqua Cage: A huge mass of mist is produced around the users, effectively hiding them in the mist while they prepare the attack, that consists in surrounding the target with such mass of mist in the shape of a dome, and then using the gravity to increase the mist's pressure in order to condensate it and create a giant water dome to trap the target inside. Other portions of mist also get condensed, making giant water bubbles to surround the dome as well.
- Water Cutter: By controlling the shape of the water present in the Aqua Cage's wall, the users can mold the water into a syringe-shaped format, that can forcefully eject ultra-high-pressurized water from its pump, that can slice anything that comes in contact with it.
- Cage Violate: Haiji and Nils create several Water Cutters, all of them pointing at a target, and then make all the water present in the dome to be ejected from them with a great force, causing the Aqua Cage to burst into water and be dispelled in rain.
- Aqua Cage: A huge mass of mist is produced around the users, effectively hiding them in the mist while they prepare the attack, that consists in surrounding the target with such mass of mist in the shape of a dome, and then using the gravity to increase the mist's pressure in order to condensate it and create a giant water dome to trap the target inside. Other portions of mist also get condensed, making giant water bubbles to surround the dome as well.
Standard Tactics: Haiji will opt immedieatly for eating Newton's Fruit and using his gravity techniques on his opponent. If it is evolved Haiji, he will immedeitly open up for using a black hole on his opponent. Haiji with access to the Eden's Fruit of Knowledge will instantly go for ending the fight through reducing his opponent to their conceptual chemical formula and then erase them from that.
Weaknesses: Initially on a single bite from the apple his powers will only last 5 minutes, though after repeated use the timeframe increases.
- Whenever Haiji flies while carrying Chitose Toriiooji with him, he always carries her backward with her back facing forward[1][2].
- Haiji's other name, Barschheit, literally means harshness in German.
- He is the influence and model of Yuno from Tabata's current series, Black Clover.
Battle Records