Added Universal Force Manipulation (The Subclass makes use of Arc abilities), Electricity Manipulation (With Storm Fist, Discharge, Lightning Grenade and Pulse Grenade. With Fist of Havoc they leap forward and smash the ground, sending thunderbolt shock through the air), Sense Manipulation (With Flashbang Grenade they temporarily disorient and blind enemies. This functions on enemies with no sense of vision as well), Vector Manipulation (With Lift, Increased Height, Increased Control and Catapult. With Impact Conversion they convert impact damage to gained energy, dealing both. With Inertia Override), Dissolving (With Fist of Havoc), Shockwave Manipulation, Energy Manipulation (Via Shockwave), Absorption, Regeneration (With Transfusion, Storm Fist and Shoulder Charge kills trigger health regeneration), Forcefield Creation (With Juggernaut they gain a protective shield after sprinting for a short time. They can create barriers via Towering Barricade and Rally Barricade), Regeneration (With Reversal, melee kills trigger health regeneration), Damage Boost, Statistics Amplification (With Frontal Assault, landing the punch increases weapon damage. With Knockout, breaking an enemy shield or critically injuring them increases melee range and damage. With Terminal Velocity), Flight (With Thundercrash, they fly through the air like a missile to seek out enemies during Fist of Havoc), Aftermath and Terminal Velocity leave damaging Arc fields behind in Fist of Havoc's wake
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Guardians represent the side of good and heroism in Destiny. They used to be various dead humans, exos and awoken; however their Ghosts have revived them and given them the Traveler's Light, to protect it and protect all that is benevolent. Guardians also have generally shared abilities across their species, in addition to across their Classes and Subclasses, so this page serves as a catalogue for these abilities.
Guardians all possess the same Light and it's the main source of their abilities. So everything that makes them powerful as a Guardian is listed here.
- Weapon Mastery, Stealth Mastery, Vehicular Mastery (Guardians are trained in next-generation military-grade weaponized combat and stealth adapted to alien races, superintelligent A.I. and ancient heavily militarized empires built on war. Guardians can use futuristic alien weapons and vehicles upon finding them]. They've mastered all of these weapons and vehicles and all these forms of combat)
- Non-Physical Interaction (All Guardian abilities and weapons can affect Ascendants in the Ascendant Realm)
- Dimensional Storage (The Guardian inventory is canonical)
- Summoning (Guardians can summon their Ghosts, and their vehicles with a grid link)
- Teleportation (Guardians can warp outside of their ships)
- Resurrection (Guardians can resurrect other Guardians)
- Weapon Creation (Via crafting. Guardians can create weapons with reality-altering effects, often using Ascendant Shards as materials, which are burning fragments of the universal fundament. They can also weave objects from the fundamental forces defining the universe. One Guardian even made a shield out of the Vex's thinking flesh, whereas these Vex are only ideas who exist with no substrate, even without a non-corporeal substrate)
- Channeling, Light Manipulation, Energy Manipulation (Guardians channel Light's energies to use their powers. Powerful Guardians can will motes of Light into existence. Light also manifests itself across the universe as the the different fundamental forces defining it and all Light is connected across space-time, existing in all sparks of life. It even exists in Guardian's minds and souls. Light's interconnectedness across space-time proves Ulan-Tan's theories, which state that ----)
- Energy Projection (Guardians perform a majority of their abilities by projecting the energy of Light into the world. Light can be discharged to cause pain in enemies)
- Aura (Stalwart Guardians have a bright aura)
- Acausality (Type 5. Life that understands Light escapes causality, which refers to paracausality. Parcausality is said to be superordinate to mere material physics, with the "para-" prefix meaning "beyond")
- Universal Force Manipulation (Light manifests itself throughout the universe as the different fundamental forces defining it)
- Electricity Manipulation, Matter Manipulation, Law Manipulation (Light manifests itself throughout the universe as Arc, the fundamental force defining the binding of complex matter in the universe. Arc also often manifests itself as a form of electricity)
- Fire Manipulation, Quantum Manipulation, Heat Manipulation, Law Manipulation (Light manifests itself throughout the universe as Solar, the fundamental force defining the energy-carrying quanta in the universe. Solar also often manifests itself as a form of fire and bears the heat of the sun)
- Vacuum Manipulation, Law Manipulation (Light manifests itself throughout the universe as Void, the fundamental force defining the vacuum in the universe, the absence of everything else)
- Accelerated Development (Guardians can test their Light in the crucible, refining it and pushing it to the absolute limit, managing to grow in their powers)
- Transmutation (Guardians can use Light to transmute glimmer into just about anything)
- Power Bestowal (Some weapons gain the powers of fundamental forces defining the universe when a Guardian uses them)
- Purification, Causality Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation (A Guardian put a hole in the Vault of Glass for light to bathe in and mitigate others from stopping the Light. The Vault of Glass contains causal pathways and every axis of the space-time bulk. Just by wielding a sword of Darkness, the Guardian purged the Darkness and filled it with Light)
- Conceptual Manipulation (One Guardian made a shield out of the Vex's thinking flesh, whereas these Vex are only ideas who exist with no substrate, even without a non-corporeal substrate)
- Enhanced Senses (Guardians with strong enough Light can hear the screams between universes in the Ascendant Realm)
- Singular Existence (Guardians cannot be simulated in other timelines by the Vex)
- Empowerment (If Guardians get angry their Light operates [for them, destructively])
- Spatial Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Power Nullification (Guardians can shoot and destroy Overshields in the Crucible, which are protective auras, distilled time and dilated space)
- Light has a slippery irreality
all guardian abilities / weapons
- Causality Manipulation (Via their acausality)
- Mind Manipulation (Guardians are unaffected by having their thoughts consumed or their brains and neurons transmuted)
- Extreme Temperatures (Guardians are unaffected by the cold of space and the heat of the sun)
- Radiation (Guardians are unaffected by the radioactive vacuum of space)
- Gravity Manipulation (Guardians can traverse other planets and moons with no noticeable effect, and they can train to better perform in environments with different gravity)
- Trauma (Guardians are often exposed to gruesome war. They kill each other to practice for combat in the Crucible. They can break others' arms and open their throats in an instant, and use other living beings to stave others' chests in through repeated blows)
- Because Light is connected across space-time, affecting an extension of it also affects the whole.
- Mind Manipulation (With the help of a Ghost a Guardian can remove a piece of someone's mind)
Some select Guardians like Dredgen Yor have access to the powers of the Darkness in addition to the Light. For the few that apply, they gain these powers as well:
- Acausality (Type 5. Life that understands Darkness escapes causality, which refers to paracausality. Parcausality is said to be superordinate to mere material physics, with the "para-" prefix meaning "beyond")
Guardians also have additional abilities according to the Class they fall under.
- Explosion Manipulation (Via grenades)
- Explosion Manipulation (Via grenades)
Added Universal Force Manipulation (The Subclass makes use of [4] Solar abilities), Momentum Manipulation (With Double Jump they bend momentum to perform another jump midair), Fire Manipulation (With Fusion Grenade, Incendiary Grenade and Solar Grenade. With Golden Gun they fire off rounds of sunfire), Damage Boost (The Fusion Grenade inflicts additional damage if attached to an enemy), Weapon Creation (With Golden Gun), Empowerment (The Golden Gun technique was unlocked in Shin Malphur through his anger), Status Effect Inducement (With Incendiary Grenade they can set enemies on fire), Homing Attack (With Swarm Grenade), with Golden Gun they imbue their bullets with Light
- Explosion Manipulation (Via grenades)
- Reality Warping (Even novice Warlocks can shear reality with a gesture. They can use the secrets of Light to shatter reality)
- Matter Manipulation, Transmutation (Warlocks can reshuffle particles for alchemic purposes. They trace their roots back to alchemists of old and can reshuffle a substance's particles with a wave of their hands, performing transmutation)
- Darkness Manipulation (Some Warlocks have no shadows)
- Death Manipulation (In their studies of death, the Warlock thanatonauts have made tiny tears in its veil)
- By merely studying and meditating on Arc lightning storms, Warlocks can learn how to summon their lightning for themselves, whereas Arc is one of the fundamental forces defining the universe
Added Universal Force Manipulation (The Subclass makes use of [6] Void abilities), Matter Manipulation, Homing Attack (With Axion Bolt they manifest a bolt of axions through Void Light which fork on impact to seek out enemies), Spatial Manipulation, Teleportation (With Blink they rip a hole in space to teleport), Gravity Manipulation (With Glide they break the bonds of gravity to move through the air), Magnetism Manipulation (With Magnetic Grenade. It magnetically attaches to enemies and explodes twice in attempts to break armor), Energy Manipulation, Fire Manipulation (With Nova Bomb they lob a bolt of energy with the power of a collapsing star. It scours the battlefield with ethereal fire), Reality Warping (Those armed with the Void can tear reality asunder), Power Nullification (The Suppressor Grenade prevents enemies from using abilities for a short time), Resistance to Law Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation (Those who've stared into the Void are not bound by the laws of space and time), the Vortex Grenade creates a vortex continually damaging enemies trapped inside