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Elite Captain (Gwain Saga)

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“ | I get troublemakers like you all the time. They swear they have the power, but end up all pathetic as always. I thought it'd be worth it to fight an idiotic kid like you. Won't you try to steal more presents? Come on, get up, you're useless. | „ |
~ The Elite Captain taunting Geo |
The Elite Captain is a former antagonist turned ally character in the YouTube and Newgrounds animation web series Gwain Saga. The Elite Captain would get into conflict with Geo during Electra's birthday party where he would attack Geo, believing he was trying to sabotage the party. After realizing Geo was trying to prevent Luna from performing an attack on the party, he and Geo would work together to defeat Luna's robot. The Elite Captain's element is fury, which allows him to boost his attack power, defense, magic attack power, and magic defense.
This dropdown contains the synopsis of the Elite Captain's story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise! |
HistoryThe Elite Captain and his troop would be hired to guard Electra's birthday party from unwanted visitors. At the party, Geo would be spotted throwing Electra's presents into a nearby late by the elite troop, who would attack him, not knowing he was trying to destroy a deadly present Luna placed at the party. The troop would briefly fight Geo before the captain stepped in and attacked Geo with a strong magic attack, knocking him down to the ground. The captain would order his men to stun Geo on his command before being interrupted by Luna, who would ask why he wasn't giving Geo a chance to defend himself. The captain would explain that he and his men are apart of an elite troop and he won't give his target a break. Luna, realizing that she had access to the elite troop's suits due to being the one who made them, would electrocute everyone in the troop expect for the captain. The captain would ask Luna what Luna had done, to which she would lie and say that Geo did it while the captain was distracted. This would enrage the captain and he would activate his fury element, which would increase physical and magical capabilities. Luna would the teleport away telling Geo to having fun fighting the captain. The captain would begin to attack Geo, knocking him down to the ground. The captain would then step on Geo's face and would begin to taunt him, telling him that he is just a useless trouble maker. Angered by this, Geo would begin to fight back and the two would trade blows with one another. The captain would launch Geo into the air and as Geo fell back to the ground, he would hit him with a powerful magic attack. This attack would send Geo flying back as well as causing him to bleed. The captain would then pick up speakers and would start hurling them at Geo, unknowingly hitting the present Geo was trying to destroy out of Electra's hands, sending it into the nearby lake. The captain would then rush in and attack Geo, who would pick the captain up and would throw him into a table. As the captain angerly got up, a large squid robot would rise up from the lake and would attack the captain and Geo. As the robot restrained the two, Luna would reappear and reveal that the present activates upon contact with water and that she was the one behind the robot. The captain would then realize that Geo was trying to prevent a robot attack and would team with him to get out of the robot's grasp. The two would then grab the robot squid's tentacles and would swing it around, throwing it into the air. The captain and Geo would then jump and would punch the robot so hard it would explode into fireworks. The captain would watch the robot explode and would later stand by Electra as Geo left the party with Ami who would give Electra her birthday present. |
General Information
Name: Elite Captain[1], Real Name Unknown
Origin: Gwain Saga
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Captain Of A High Rank Security Troop
Species: Teoran
Occupation: Security Troop Captain
Status: Alive
Alignment: Lawful Neutral (The Elite Captain is the captain of an elite security troop that protects who and whatever they are tasked with protecting)
Codex Statistics
Tier: 8-B, Far Higher with Emotional Empowerment
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: City Block level (The Elite Captain's fury amp is six times stronger than his base), Far Higher with Emotional Empowerment (Amplified his strength to the point were he is able to harm Geo without magic attacks, who tank a hit from the Sky Leviathan, who can destroy part of a mountain, which was calculated at this level of energy)
Durability: City Block level (The Elite Captain's fury amp has six times more defense than his base), Far Higher with Emotional Empowerment (Amplified his defense to the point were he is able to takes hits from Geo, who can parry attacks from Marlow, who noted that she wasn't able to take much hits from him, with Marlow being able to tank a hit from the Sky Leviathan)
Striking Strength: City Block Class | City Block Class
Lifting Strength: At least Superhuman (As a part of an elite security troop the Elite Captain should at least be comparable to unprofessionals such as Agni, who can lift up a box of Geo's stuff, with just one of his notebooks being able to crack stone when dropped and Deva, who can casually lift a giant ice anchor) | Class K (Struggled just as much as Geo did when restraining robotic tentacles. Geo is able to casually lift and throw a pirate ship, which can weigh around 100 to 300 tons)
Travel Speed: Transonic (As a part of an elite security troop the Elite Captain should be comparable to unprofessionals such as Savien, who is able to run at a similar speed to Geo, who is able to chase after Marlow, who can create a sonic boom when running) | Transonic
Combat Speed: Supersonic (Can tag Geo, who can move in front of bullets aimed at Ami and can dodge bullets while skydiving down) | Supersonic
Reaction Speed: Supersonic (Attacked Geo before he could attack him, who can deflect Savien's bullets while running towards him) | Supersonic
Stamina: At least Athletic Human+ (Able to fight with Geo and then fight Luna's squid robot afterwards. As a part of an elite security troop the Elite Captain should at least be comparable to unprofessionals such as Savien, who is able to fight with Geo without getting tried and shortly after ran across the desert to catch up to a train and Lanney, who is able to fight off a horde of enemies while climbing up a 150 meter statue and then fight Tahjin right after)
Range: Standard Melee Range, At least Extended Melee Range (The elite troop's suits can fire stun projectiles at this distance), Tens of Meters by throwing projectiles (Able to throw speakers at this distance)
Powers and Techniques
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Weapon Usage (Unique Weaponry; Wears a protective armor that can fire stunning projectiles), limited Light Manipulation (The elite troop's suits can produce a laser for aiming), Status Effect Inducement (The elite troop's suits are able to stun people), Martial Arts (Is the captain of a high-rank elite troop. Able to fight with Geo. Has defeated an unknown amount opponents off-screen), Emotional Empowerment & Statistics Amplification (Rage Empowerment; The fury element allows one to multiply their attack power and defense by six and their magic power and magic defense by four through the use of rage), Magic (Able to use magic attacks), Acrobatics (Able to leap superhuman distances), limited Flight (Able to slightly hover mid-air)
Resistance to Magic (When using his fury element, the captain's magic defense is multiplied by four)
- Elite Troop Armor: A suit of armor created for the elite troop that the Elite Captain leads. Besides the basic defense it provides, the armor also allows the user to fire stunning projectiles at their opponents. The armor was created by Luna and as result of that, she is able to get into the armor's systems and electrocute the user.
The elite troop armor blasting Geo into the air
None Notable.
None Notable.
Notable Techniques
- Fury Element: The Elite Captain uses the element of fury, which allows him to amplify his physical and magical capabilities when angered. In this amplified state the captain's attack power and defense are increased by six times and his magic power and magic defense are increased by four times.
The Elite Captain increasing his physical and magical capabilities
Standard Tactics: The Elite Captain will use physical and magic attacks to attack his opponents in hand-to-hand combat. If he needs to, the Elite Captain will use his fury element to amplify his physical and magical capabilities.
Weaknesses: Luna is able to get into the suits of the elite troop and electrocute them. The Elite Captain is able to be tricked easily. Teorans can run of out magic during battle.
Miscellaneous Feats
- Able to harm Geo without magic attacks, who can perform the following feats:
- Tanked a fall from the clouds, where Geo smashed into multiple rocks, with Geo being so heavy he can do the following:
- Can crack rock by falling a few feet
- Can fall through a stone platform just walking on it
- Can fall through rocks while trying to balance on top them
- Can crack a rock by stepping on it
- Can break a chair by sitting on it
- Is unable to swim due to his weight
- Able to crack the ground by activating his weight
- Is able to launch robots off the ground by stomping.
- Tanked falling off a cliff.
- Tanked being smashed into the ground by a Forest Wolf.
- Wasn't pierced by Luna's bullets.
- Tanked hits from Luna, with Luna noting Geo's durability is incredible, who can perform the following feats:
- Can throw Geo so hard he pushed a large metal robot and ricocheted off it, smashing into and cracking a wall.
- Can launch Geo into metal bars, denting them.
- Tanked falling down into the sewers.
- Sent Geo flying with her attacks.
- Can throw Geo at a metal robot, sending it flying.
- Can smash Geo into a brick wall, cracking it.
- Can casually throw a jukebox into the air.
- Can tank a bullet.
- Can punch Marlow through stone.
- Tanked a hit from a robot that sent him flying while also creating a shockwave.
- Tanked an explosion that launched him from the sewers back to the surface.
- His hair was be completely uncut after someone tried to use scissors on them, with the scissors breaking in the process.
- Tanked hits from Marlow, with Marlow later noting that Geo was incredibly resilient, who can perform the following feats:
- Able to destroy Luna's metal robots.
- Can crack the floor by stomping.
- Can kick Agni into a wall, putting a crater in it.
- Sent Geo flying with her attacks.
- Can break off rocks from a cave roof.
- Can launch Luna's metal robots into the sky.
- Can launch Geo into one of Luna's robots, sending it flying back
- Can launch Luna up into the clouds, which was calculated at this level of energy
- Can break a car apart
- Can tank a fall from the clouds, which would result in this level of energy.
- Can tank Luna's explosive playing cards, which can create a hole of this size.
- Tanked an attack from a robot that destroyed a lot of stone while also sending him flying, with said robot is also being able to burrow through stone with ease.
- Tanked an energy blast that destroyed a lot of stone while also sending him flying.
- Tanked a magic attack that blasted him into the sky.
- Tanked being blasted into the air and falling down from said height.
- Tanked a hit from a large metal robot of this size.
- Tanked a fall that destroyed stone.
- Tanked a rock smashing onto his head, with said rock cracking afterwards.
- Tanked a large fall that caused him to smash into wood planks.
- Was unfazed by Kaditopez's attacks.
- Tanked Savien's bullets, which can destroy sandstone bricks.
- Tanked hits from Savien's blade.
- Tanked an attack that could shake the ground, sent both him and Savien flying, and could a create large explosion of this size.
- Tanked a bomb that made an explosion of this side.
- Tanked smashing into multiple barrels.
- Was unharmed when he halted a bus.
- Took hits from an amplified Ami, who can perform the following feats:
- Tanked a pirate ship being thrown at him.
- Tanked being blasted into a wall.
- Tanked a fall from the clouds, where Geo smashed into multiple rocks, with Geo being so heavy he can do the following:
- Can casually lift and throw large speakers.
- Along with Geo, the Elite Captain was able to throw a large robot into the sky, which was of this size.
None Notable.
- Able to takes hits from Geo, who can perform the following feats:
- Can knock over multiple trees without trying, punching through a log in the process.
- Able to send three Forest Wolves flying with a single punch.
- Sent a large metal robot flying with a single punch.
- Sent someone flying by throwing a dodgeball at them.
- Able to send metal robots flying.
- Snapped a tree in half.
- Able to parry attacks from Marlow, who noted that she wasn't able to take much hits from Geo, who can perform the following feats:
- Able to destroy Luna's metal robots.
- Can crack the floor by stomping.
- Can kick Agni into a wall, putting a crater in it.
- Sent Geo flying with her attacks.
- Can break off rocks from a cave roof.
- Can tank a fall from the clouds, which would result in this level of energy.
- Can launch Luna's metal robots into the sky.
- Can launch Geo into one of Luna's robots, sending it flying back
- Can harm Luna, who can perform the following feats:
- Can launch Luna up into the clouds, which was calculated at this level of energy
- Can break a car apart
- Can tank Luna's explosive playing cards, which can create a hole of this size.
- Can create wind by slamming a table down.
- Casually ran through multiple armored guards.
- Casually halted a large speaker being thrown at him with a kick.
- Able to harm a large metal robot, easily pushing it back and sending it flying while creating shockwaves. Said robot can perform the following feats:
- Can crack stone bricks.
- Was unfazed by attacks from Agni, who can perform the following feats:
- Can launch Agni across a city.
- Can launch Geo in to a clocktower, cracking it.
- Can destroy bulletproof ice while sending Deva flying.
- Sliced a large tower of ice and the robot inside it in half, with said ice being bulletproof.
- Able to snap a part of a metal sword off.
- Able to casually run through a closed door.
- Able to casually harm Savien, who noted Geo's attacks were too much for him, who can perform the following feats:
- Cracked the head of Tahjin, creating shockwaves while also sending him flying into a cliff, breaking a part of it, who can perform the following feats:
- Could slice the Gwain statue in half, which is 150 meters tall.
- Smashed Lanney into stone, cracking it.
- Able to harm and take hits from Lanney, who can perform the following feats:
- While possessed, Geo put a crater into a cave floor.
- Casually lifted and through a pirate ship.
- As a part of an elite security troop the Elite Captain should at least be comparable to Ami, who can lift Geo's notebook, which can crack stone when dropped.
- Along with the Geo, the Elite Captain was able to throw a large robot into the sky, which was of this size.
- Struggled just as much as Geo did when restraining robotic tentacles, who can perform the following feats:
- Able to lift a boulder with Ami sitting atop it.
- Able to push a large piece of metal.
- Far superior to Ami, who is comparable to both Agni, who can lift up a box of Geo's stuff, with just one of his notebooks being able to crack stone when dropped and Deva, who can casually lift a giant ice anchor.
- Able to casually lift and throw a large metal robot.
- Able to somewhat hold back a train after withstanding bone breaking injuries.
- Casually halted a bus.
Same as Attack Potency.
- As a part of an elite security troop the Elite Captain should be comparable to unprofessionals such as Savien, who can perform the following feats:
- Can create afterimages by jumping.
- Able to run at speeds comparable to Geo, who can perform the following feats:
- Ran so fast he appeared as a blur, quickly scaling up a mountain as he did so.
- Able to outpace Forest Wolves while moving so fast he appears as a blur.
- Able to chase after Marlow, who can perform the following feats:
- Created afterimages while getting up.
- Ran up to a girl and picked her up before she could be attacked.
- Able to run down a clocktower.
- Can run across Teora to Gwain's castle in a short amount of time, appearing as a blur while doing so.
- Able run across the Kingdom of Gwain while creating afterimages.
- Able to run from Gwain Bucks to the dessert in seconds.
- Can tag Geo, who can perform the following feats:
- Can slice up Luna's robots before they could fall back to the ground.
- Able to tag Marlow, who can perform the following feats:
- Can run so fast that she creates a sonic boom.
- Can run across Teora, running over water and up walls in the process.
- Can easily catch up to Ami and Deva, who both can move so fast they create wind.
- Can run so fast she creates afterimages.
- Can run on water while fighting Luna.
- Can create afterimages by dodging attacks.
- Able to tag Savien, who can create afterimages with his speed.
- Able to tag Tahjin, who can create afterimages with his attacks.
- Created afterimages with his attacks.
- Attacked Geo before he could attack him, who can perform the following feats:
- Can block attacks from Marlow, who can perform the following feats:
- Can run so fast that she creates a sonic boom.
- Can run across Teora, running over water and up walls in the process.
- Can easily catch up to Ami and Deva, who both can move so fast they create wind.
- Can run so fast she creates afterimages.
- Can run on water while fighting Luna.
- Can create afterimages by dodging attacks.
- Can block attacks from Marlow, who can perform the following feats:
- Attacked Tahjin before he could attack him, who can create afterimages with his attacks.
An older design for the Elite Captain
Battle Records
Over 1 (Has defeated an unknown amount opponents off-screen) -0-1
- ↑ Gwain Saga - 005 Ami video description