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Luna (Gwain Saga)
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“ | Hi, darling. I didn't expect to see you here. How's my favorite human doing? That's right... You need to be more careful about where you spill your blood. But, relax. I don't like the idea of destroying that easily. But I will destroy this train to sell them a new one. I didn't become a millionaire by signing checks, darling. | „ |
~ Luna telling Geo she knows he's human |
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“ | To all residents of Gwain. I have a very important announcement to deliver. Especially to my favorite human | „ |
~ Luna exposing Geo as a human |
Luna Moonlight Manen, more commonly known as Luna is the primary antagonist of the YouTube and Newgrounds animation web series Gwain Saga. She is publicly known as the founder of Moon Tech Industrial Mechanical Advance Gwain Incorporated, more commonly known as Moon Tech, and has created a vast majority of the Kingdom of Gwain's technology. Privately however, Luna is a terrorist who sabotages her own inventions so she can sell replacements to the kingdom and along with this, she has tried to assassinate the princess of the kingdom, Ami, for unknown reasons. Due to her exploits, Luna tends to come into conflict with Geo and the Gwain Warriors, who fight to protect the kingdom from her and her robots.
This dropdown contains the synopsis of Luna’s story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise! |
HistoryPre-Gwain SagaSometime in the past Luna would create the company Moon Tech Industrial Mechanical Advance Gwain Incorporated and would supply the Kingdom of Gwain with her technology, making her very famous. To increase her wealth, Luna would destroy and sabotage her own technology and would resell it to the kingdom's people, becoming a millionaire in the process. One day, she was approached by Queen Gwain with the request to save her daughter, Ami from her terminal illness. Luna would agree to save Ami with the condition that she would be exempt from the law and her exploits would not be stopped by Gwain. Luna would then create the EXE-Arc, a device that would stabilize Ami's depleting vitality while also healing her. Luna would also perform check ups on Ami, where she would note that her eyes are excessively large. Years later, Luna would become a terrorist and would begin to frequently perform attacks on the kingdom. Gwain Saga - 002One day, Luna would attempt to gun down a now older Princess Ami at the market but she would be protected by her new bodyguard, Geo. Luna's bullets would temporary knock out Geo and during that time Luna would use her robot to scare off the royal guards who were trying to oppose her. Ami would try to attack Luna with her bow and arrow but her shots would be deflected by Luna. Before Luna could deal with Ami herself, Geo would awaken and would grab onto Luna's leg. As Luna prepared to attack the weakened Geo, Ami would throw Lanney's flour into the air and would shoot it, covering both Luna and Geo in a cloud of flour. Geo would try to attack Luna but she would grab and throw him into a nearby wall. Luna and her robot would then make their way towards Ami and Lanney, preparing to attack them, but would be stopped by Geo, who would smash Luna and her robot through the floor. Now in the sewers underneath the market, Luna and Geo would begin fighting, with Luna using her robot to attack Geo from a distance. Using his EXE-Blade, Geo would slice Luna's robot in half before being attacked by Luna herself. Luna would question where Geo got his EXE-Blade and Moontech Visor, but would allow him to keep his gear, telling him that he's going to need more that to stop her. Luna would then tell Geo that she will continue their fight another day before leaving on her Moontech motorcycle. Gwain Saga - 003Disguised as a substitute math teacher, Luna would infiltrate Gwain Collage and would make her way to Ami's and Deva's math class. Inside the classroom Luna would assign the students a complicated math equation. Deva would mention how even the smartest kid in the class couldn't solve it, to which Luna would tell her and Ami that they could just leave the class if they could not do it. Ami and Deva would do so, giving Luna time to prepare for her plans. Luna would later witness Geo's short fight with the dodgeball team before riding into the field on her truck. Luna would reveal herself as the terrorist from before and would unleashed her robots onto Gwain Collage. Luna would then summon her EXE-Arm and would tell Geo that it was time for them to continue their fight from before. As Geo fought against Luna and her robots, the students of Gwain Collage would fight back, with Marlow destroying one of the robots and Deva using her ice powers to attack Luna. Geo would use his EXE-Blade to destroy multiple of Luna's robots and would charge at her with said blade. Luna would then pull out her MoonProton Cannon and would blast Geo with it, sending him flying towards the Gwain Warriors. Luna would confront the Gwain Warriors and would tell them she has no problems with the group and she would leave the battle, telling them that the next battle will be fun. Later in Gwain's Castle, Ami would spot Gwain and Luna talking before seeing Luna walk away, alerting her that something was up between them. Gwain Saga - 004At the very beginning of the episode the Gwain Warriors are seen fighting Luna's robots and later Deva is shown trying to interrogate her. Deva would fail to get information from Luna as she would casually pull a gun on her. Later in the episode, Deva mentions how it's great that Luna isn't sending robots after the Gwain Warriors anymore. It is then revealed that Luna has been spying on the Gwain Warriors the whole time, with Luna telling the fourth wall that she doesn't have to be a threat all the time. Even later into the episode, Luna would use one of her robots to attack Geo and Marlow while they where in the mountains. During the brief encounter, the robot would be destroyed by the Sky Leviathan, which would fight Geo and Marlow afterwards. Gwain Saga - 005Luna would create a new communication interface for the Moontech Visor, which she would call Geo on while he was at Electra's birthday party. Luna would tell Geo that she gave Electra an explosive birthday present and that she wrote his name on the gift. Luna would then tell Geo that the present was inside her room and that it wasn't waterproof before disconnecting to the call. Geo would start throwing presents into the lake to disarm the explosive, which would get him in trouble with the elite security troops at the party. As the Elite Captain confronted Geo, Luna would appear and would start talking to the captain. Luna would then get into the system of the elite troop's suits and would shock them, blaming the attack on Geo. Luna would taunt Geo, telling him to have fun as the Elite Captain activated his his fury element and began attacking Geo. During the battle, the Elite Captain would unknowingly throw a speaker at the present Luna gave to Electra and it would be sent into the water. The present would turn into a large squid robot and would attack Geo and the Elite Captain. Luna would then reappear and would reveal that she lied about the present deviating in the water and that the present was a robot that activated upon contact with water. As the robot held Geo and the Elite Captain in place, a drunken Ami would fire her arrow at Luna and would miss before collapsing to the ground. Realizing Geo was trying to prevent an attack, The Elite Captain would team up with him to fight the robot, sending it into the sky before blowing it up. Luna would watch as her robot was destroyed before teleporting away. Gwain Saga - PilotWhile Luna doesn't appear until at the very end of the episode, she sends a robot to attack the Gwain Warriors. After a lengthy battle, the Gwain Warriors defeat the robot, which ejects data into the sky for Luna to receive. Luna collects the data and it is revealed by Gwain that Luna was only testing the capabilities of the Gwain Warriors. Gwain Saga - 006Luna would drive her motorcycle over to a bar in the west side of the Kingdom of Gwain. While in the bar Gwain would get into a fight with the Bull Scorpion Gang after one of their members tried to grope her. After the fight, Luna would pay for the damages caused and would watch as the Bull Scorpion Gang destroyed her motorcycle. In response, Luna would use her EXE-Arm to destroy their motorcycles and would call in her self-driving car to pick her up. Later, Geo would spot Luna inside of a passing train during his encounter with Savien and he would rush over to the train to pursue her. In the train, Luna would use her handgun to scare the passengers into fleeing to the last train coach. Luna would then draw her gun on the train conductor, telling him to hand over the train to her. When the conductor cried in fear, Luna grabbed him, placed him on an passing by sign, and took control of the train herself. Luna's visor would alert her of Geo's presence on the train and the two would come face-to-face with each other on top of the train. Luna would reveal to Geo that she figured out he is a human due to how she examined Geo's slipped blood from one of his previous fights. Luna would tell Geo that she would keep that fact a secret from the public and would later go on the example how she will destroy the train and sell the kingdom's citizens a new one, noting that she didn't become a millionaire through signing checks. Luna would pass Geo a magazine filled with ammo and would leave Geo to deal with the Bull Scorpion Gang, who seemingly have joined sides with Luna. Geo would catch up to Luna, who would blow up a upcoming bridge, with Luna noting Geo would survive the oncoming crash. However, both Luna and Geo would realize Ami was aboard the train. Before she could do anything, Luna would be sniped by Savien and would fall off the train. Gwain Saga - 007Luna would be the host for the unveiling of the Gwain statue, which Marlow and Lanney would realize while watching the ceremony on the news. Before the unveiling, Luna would teleport to Savien, who was tasked to protect the ceremony, and would draw her gun on him. Savien would try to hypnotize Luna, but her visor would reflect the spell back at him, knocking him out. As Gwain's statue was revealed to the public, Marlow would run up and attack Luna, punching her far away from the ceremony. Soon after Tahjin and Jea would climb atop the statue and would incapacitate Agni and Deva, seemingly by command from Luna. After Luna was launched to a nearby water fall, Marlow would confront her, telling Luna how she wouldn't let her hurt Ami and Geo. Luna would taunt Marlow, asking her if she was going to give her a whooping. Marlow would then respond by telling Luna that she trashed her car beforehand. Luna and Marlow would then begin to start fighting, travelling across the various caves and water falls in the area. While inside of a cave system, Luna would hit Marlow with one of her explosive playing cards, which Marlow would survive. Marlow would then use her element to transform and would begin to overpower Luna. After being smashed through various walls, Luna would be forced to use her weaponized top hat to blast Marlow with energy. With Marlow defeated, Luna would admit that Marlow's new form was too powerful for her and that she needed to end her attack on the Gwain statue soon. During Luna and Marlow's fight, Ami would use her mind reading powers on Gwain and would learn that Luna was exempt from the law due to how she saved Ami when she was a child. Later, Lanney and Geo would defeat Tahjin with Jea soon following after and the statue would be saved from destruction. Gwain Saga - 008Luna appears at the very end of the episode, where she appears on tv and states that she had a very importance announcement for the all of the kingdom, including her favorite human. |
General Information
Name: Luna Moonlight Manen
Origin: Gwain Saga
First Appearance: Gwain Saga - Pilot
Latest Appearance: Gwain Saga - 008
Creator: GeoExe
Actress: Hayley Nelson
Sex: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Age: At least in her 30s-40s (Shown to be an adult while Ami was a child, who is currently a junior at Gwain College
Homeworld: Teora
Residence: The Kingdom of Gwain
Story Role: Primary Antagonist
Classification: Terrorist, Millionaire
Species: Teoran
State of Being: Regular
Physiology: Humanoid Physiology
Occupation: Founder of Moon Tech Industrial Mechanical Advance Gwain Incorporated
Ranking: CEO
Affiliations: Moon Tech Industrial Mechanical Advance Gwain Incorporated
Enemies: The Kingdom of Gwain, The Gwain Warriors
Status: Alive
Alignment: Chaotic Evil (Luna is a terrorist who has caused various attacks across the Kingdom of Gwain, and has even tried to attack their princess, Ami. Luna has exploited the people of Gwain by selling them technology and then destroying that technology so she can sell them replacements)
Threat Level: Metropolitan Threat (Luna is a terrorist who has caused various attacks across the Kingdom of Gwain, and has even tried to attack their princess, Ami)
Codex Statistics
Tier: At least High 8-C, Far Higher with Technology
Cardinality: Finite
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: At least Large Building level (Able to somewhat harm Geo, who can harm and tank hits from the Elite Captain, after he amplified his strength and defense by six, with the Elite Captain in his base form being a captain of a high-rank elite security troop, which should make him superior to unprofessionals such as Savien, who can tanked an attack that could shake the ground, send both him and Geo flying, and could a create large explosion of this size, and Lanney, who can harm Tahjin, who could slice the Gwain statue in half, which is 150 meters tall. Geo can also tank a hit from the Sky Leviathan, which is a large leviathan of this size, that can burrow through large amounts of stone, can tank hits from a large robot of this size, can throw and destroy a large robot of this size with aid from the Elite Captain, can slice a large tower of Deva's ice and the robot inside of it in half, with said ice being bullet proof, can crack the head of Tahjin, creating shockwaves while also sending him flying into a cliff, breaking a part of it, who could slice the Gwain statue in half, which is 150 meters tall, and can casually lift and throw a pirate ship), Far Higher with Technology (Used her ProtoMoon Cannon to knock out Geo . Used her top hat to one shot and break the bones of Marlow, after she had transformed, who overpowered Luna, with Luna admitting Marlow was on a level she couldn't handle)
Durability: At least Large Building level (Can tank hits from Marlow), Higher with Technology (Luna has access to force fields, which can protect her from harm)
Striking Strength: At least Large Building Class
Lifting Strength: Class K (Able to restrain Geo, who can lift and throw a pirate ship, which can weigh around 100 to 300 tons)
Travel Speed: Transonic (Able to run past Marlow, who can create a sonic boom when running)
Attack Speed: Supersonic (Able to tag Geo, who is able to react to and block bullets), Speed of Light with Technology (Created robots that can fire lasers)
Reaction Speed: Supersonic (Can block attacks from Marlow, who can tag Geo), Far Higher with Perception Manipulation (The Moontech Visor can slow down one's perception of time, making it so bullets seem slow to the user)
Stamina: Peak Human (Was able to stand up and keep fighting after taking a serve beating from Marlow)
Range: Standard Melee, Several Meters with her EXE-Arm (Able to grab Geo while he was this far using her EXE-Arm), Tens of Meters with Energy Blasts, Hat, and Playing Cards (Luna's energy attacks can fire at this distance. Luna's hat can be thrown at this distance. Can throw explosive playing cards at this distance), Hundreds of Meters with Handgun and Lasers (Owns a handgun. Created robots that can fire lasers), At least Tens of Kilometers, likely Far Higher with Spy Gear and Robots (Able to spy on the Gwain Warriors from afar. Luna is able to control her robots from Moon Tech to attack Geo and Marlow after they had ran outside the city into the mountains)
Intelligence: Gifted Intelligence (Luna is stated to be one of the most brilliant minds across the lands)
Powers and Techniques

- EXE-Arms: A mechanical multi-purpose gauntlet that Luna uses as her primary weapon. The EXE-Arm is able to fire projectiles such as bullets and energy, block piercing weaponry such as Ami's arrows, electrocute opponents upon contact, extend itself to grab opponents from a distance, and project holograms. Along with this the EXE-Arm can boost Luna's punches by propelling her punches with fire from that back of the gauntlet.

- Moontech Visor: A visor created by Luna that allows her to see one's identity, location, vitality, equipment, skill, abilities, and state of wellness. Luna's Moontech Visor can also disguise itself as a pair of sunglasses, summon her EXE-Arm, communicate with other Moontech Visor users, tell her if she's in danger, zoom in on faraway objects, see people hidden behind walls, slow down her perception of time, and can be used as a flashlight. Unlike Geo's Moontech Visor, Luna's has all of it's capabilities, allowing Luna to use it to its full extent.

- Moontech Handgun: Luna owns a Moontech handgun and has used to to threaten opponents and hijack trains, though she has never fired the gun at her opponents.

- Forcefields: Luna has access to forcefields which she first used to block bullets during her fight with the Bull Scorpion Gang. Luna would later use these forcefields to protect herself from Marlow during their battle.

- Teleportation Technology: Luna has technology that allows her to teleport at will. She first used this to get away from Geo and the Elite Captain during their fight and later used it to get the drop on Savien and Marlow during their respective fights.
Notable Techniques

- Martial Arts: Luna is proficient at martial arts, being able to take down a biker gang single-handily while also being able to fight Geo and Marlow in combat.

- Weapon Mastery: Luna is proficient with using her weapons, being able to use them effectively against Geo and Marlow. Luna is also able to improvise, being able to use objects within a bar like pool sticks and a juke box to take out opponents.
Standard Tactics: Luna will fight her opponent in hand-to-hand while also using her technology in battle.
Weaknesses: Teorans can run of out magic during battle. Luna's Moon Tech equipment is unable to identify anyone not within it's database. Luna's forcefields can't defend against magic bullets.
Miscellaneous Feats
- Able to somewhat harm Geo, who can perform the following feats:
- Tanked a fall from the clouds, where Geo smashed into multiple rocks, with Geo being so heavy he can do the following:
- Can crack rock by falling a few feet
- Can fall through a stone platform just walking on it
- Can fall through rocks while trying to balance on atop them
- Can crack a rock by stepping on it
- Can break a chair by sitting on it
- Is unable to swim due to his weight
- Able to crack the ground by activating his weight
- Is able to launch robots of the ground by stomping.
- Can knock over multiple trees without trying, punching through a log in the process.
- Tanked falling off a cliff.
- Tanked a claw attack that smashed him into the ground from a Forest Wolf.
- Able to send three Forest Wolves flying with a single punch.
- Wasn't pierced by Luna's bullets.
- Tanked a hit from a robot that sent him flying while also creating a shockwave.
- Sent a large metal robot flying with a single punch.
- Tanked an explosion that launched him from the sewers back to the surface.
- Sent someone flying by throwing a dodgeball at them.
- Able to send metal robots flying.
- Snapped a tree in half.
- His hair was be completely uncut after someone tried to use scissors on them, with the scissors breaking in the process.
- Tanked an attack from a robot that destroyed a lot of stone while also sending him flying, with said robot is also being able to burrow through stone with ease.
- Tanked an energy blast that that destroyed a lot of stone while also sending him flying.
- Tanked a magic attack that blasted him into the sky.
- Can create wind by slamming a table down.
- Tanked being blasted into the air and falling down from said height.
- Casually ran through multiple armored guards.
- Sent the Elite Captain flying with his attacks, who was wearing metal armor.
- Both harmed and took hits from the Elite Captain, with the captain noting hitting Geo feels like hitting a bag of cement after he had amplified his attack power and defense by six, who was originally able to send Geo flying into a table, destroying it. An amplified Elite Captain can do the following:
- Smashed the Elite Captain down into the ground.
- Casually halted a large speaker being thrown at him with a kick.
- Smashed the Elite Captain into a table.
- Tanked a rock smashing onto his head, with said rock cracking afterwards.
- Able to harm a large metal robot, easily pushing it back and sending it flying while creating shockwaves. Said robot can perform the following feats:
- Can crack stone bricks.
- Was unfazed by attacks from Agni, who can perform the following feats:
- Can launch Agni across a city.
- Can launch Geo in to a clocktower, cracking it.
- Can destroy bulletproof ice while sending Deva flying.
- Tanked a large fall that caused him to smash into wood planks.
- Able to snap a part of a metal sword off.
- Able to casually run through a closed door.
- Was unfazed by Kaditopez's attacks.
- Tanked Savien's bullets, which can destroy sandstone bricks.
- Tanked hits from Savien's blade.
- Able to casually harm Savien, who noted Geo's attacks were too much for him, who tanked an ice anchor being dropped on him.
- Tanked a bomb that made an explosion of this side.
- Tanked smashing into multiple barrels.
- Cracked the head of Tahjin, creating shockwaves while also sending him flying into a cliff, breaking a part of it, who can perform the following feats:
- Smashed Lanney into stone, cracking it.
- Able to send Lanney flying with his attacks.
- Able to harm and take hits from Lanney, who can perform the following feats:
- Was unharmed when he halted a bus.
- While possessed, Geo put a crater into a cave floor.
- Took hits from an amplified Ami, who can perform the following feats:
- Tanked a pirate ship being thrown at him.
- Tanked being blasted into a wall.
- Tanked a fall from the clouds, where Geo smashed into multiple rocks, with Geo being so heavy he can do the following:
- Able to harm Marlow, who can perform the following feats:
- Able to destroy Luna's metal robots.
- Can crack the floor by stomping.
- Can kick Agni into a wall, putting a crater in it.
- Sent Geo flying with her attacks.
- Can break off rocks from a cave roof.
- Can tank a fall from the clouds, which would result in this level of energy.
- Can launch Luna's metal robots into the sky.
- Can launch Geo into one of Luna's robots, sending it flying back
- Can launch Luna up into the clouds, which was calculated at this level of energy
- Can break a car apart.
- Can tank Luna's explosive playing cards, which can create a hole of this size.
- Despite being a Teoran, Luna's element is unknown, as she has never been seen using it in combat but instead opting to use brute force and technology.

- Luna's ProtoMoon Cannon is a reference to Iron Man's Proto Cannon from Marvel vs. Capcom, with both attacks having similar functions, names, and backgrounds when used.
Luna in casual clothing
Luna in artwork celebrating 100,000 followers on GeoExe's Twitter
Luna dressed up as a doctor for Halloween 2023
Battle Records