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From The Codex
Articles About Quote
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Versions | Quote - Blade Stranger Data |
“ | Curly!! It's me! Quote! You and I are... | „ |
~ The only time in the game Quote speaks during Curly Mode |
Quote, also known as Mr. Traveler in most NICALiS ports, is the main protagonist of Cave Story and the character the player can control. His name is spoken only once in the normal game, by Curly Brace after feeding her the Ma Pignon mushroom, and can be seen in Statue Chamber after breaking and interacting with leftmost statue. His name is also mentioned by one of Jenka's puppies in the Plantation in Curly Story, along with being fed the mushroom. Despite his convincingly humanlike appearance, Quote is actually a soldier robot whose mission was to eradicate the hidden dark power of the Island, in contrast with the other robots sent to seize control of it and, in turn, the Island itself and its residents. Due to this fact, he is capable of withstanding huge amounts of damage if he has acquired sufficient Life Capsules, which increase his maximum durability. He is also highly skilled in armed combat and has the ability to wield a wide arsenal of weapons, from swords and guns to anti-materiel weaponry without any additional training.
This dropdown contains the synopsis of Quote's story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise! |
Ten years prior to the events of Cave Story, an army of robot soldiers was sent to the Island to claim the Demon Crown, a very dangerous artifact which bestows great powers upon the person who wears it. The robots specifically targeted Mimigas in their assault, killing countless masses of them (including the humans that attempted to protect them) without any notable provocation. During the conflict, Quote and a similar female combat robot named Curly Brace were constructed by an unknown party, and also sent to the island. Unlike the other robots sent there, Quote and Curly were ordered to destroy the Demon Crown rather than claim it for any owner. They arrived later than the other robots; by the time they reached the Island, much of it was in ruins. Death and carnage was everywhere, the Mimiga race became an endangered species and the defending humans are wiped out. By the time they found the Demon Crown, a human (presumably Miakido the Crown's third wielder, though this is never confirmed) had already claimed it. Quote and Curly fought back the Crown's bearer, and managed to fatally wound him, but were both seriously damaged themselves. For the next ten years, Quote laid incapacitated, dormant and undisturbed in a small cave, separated from Curly Brace. At the start of the game, Quote finally awakens with complete amnesia: he has no memory of his purpose on the island, who he is, or where he is, or why he was there. He also possesses no weaponry of any kind. After stealing a weapon from a hermit, he shortly wanders into Mimiga Village, whose inhabitants are being systematically forced into a renewed conflict by the newest owner of the Demon Crown. Quote travels to give a locket to Toroko, in which she thanks him before Misery and Balrog appearing and kidnapping her. Quote then goes to search for Sue in the Egg Corridor where she is abducted by a rabbid mimiga. Quote rescues her and travels back to the Mimiga Village, where he finds out Sue has been put in prison, Sue requests him to go rescue her brother, Kazuma, and Quote goes to Bushlands to do so. While in Bushlands, Quote encounters Balrog again and defeats him while also encountering Misery who transforms Balrog into Balfrog to deal with Quote, though he defeats him again. He creates a bomb with the help of a robot and opens the locked door that Kazuma is trapped in, he also meets Professor Booster. He travels with them back to Mimiga Village where Professor Booster reveals that Quote is actually a soldier robot capable of helping them stop The Doctor. Professor Booster then requests Quote to go to the Sand Lands. Quote journeys to the Sand Lands and meets Curly Brace, who at first thinks he's one of the evil robots but after defeating her in combat, she learns he is on the Mimiga's side. He journeys further and meets Misery again who before fighting him, has a monster called "Omega" show up and fight him. Once the monster is destroyed, Quote journey's and meets an old woman named Jenka who he finds out is related to Balrog and Misery. She requests of Quote to find her dogs for her, which Quote complys. Quote asks for the key to the warehouse while giving her each dog, though she refuses. After finding the last dog, he comes into the house to see Balrog has knocked Jenka out and stolen the key. She warns Quote that he needs to stop The Doctor before he gets the red flowers, but Quote is too late as Toroko has been forcefed the flowers and Quote must fight and kill her. After doing so Quote finds King dying on the floor due to losing to the Doctor, King requests to Quote to avenge him as he disappears and leaves behind his sword. As Quote leaves the building, Balrog surprise attacks him, with Misery sending him to the Labriynth, expecting him to never escape. While in the Labryinth, Quote navigates and eventually comes across Curly, learning that she too was sent to the Labriynth by Misery, and after giving her the cure-all potion, she is able to journey with Quote to find a way out of the Labriynth. They come across the core room and meet the islands core, defeating it in battle to which Misery appears, telling them they nearly caused the Island to collapse and teleports the core away, while the water fills up the room. Quote is about to drown before he awakens and realizes Curly has given him her air tank. Quote either has no way to help her or finds a tow rope and carries her with him out of the area. Quote either leaves her in the waterway or drains the water from her, in which he separates from her due to the strong currents from the waterway. Quote then finds out from Professor Booster that all the Mimigas have been taken and he has given up all hope, however, Quote sees a message from Kazuma asking him to meet him at the Egg Corridor. Quote travels to the Egg Corridor, seeing all the Dragons have now awakened and have caused massive havor, and reaches the end. Kazuma offers to Quote to leave the island as there's no hope left, however, Quote refuses and Kazuma reveals that if he can destroy the core it will reverse the effects on the Mimiga. Quote then travels to the Plantation where he meets Curly with her memories lost, after he gives her a mushroom that can restore memories, she reveals to Quote the truth about them and why they were on the island in the first place. She then gives Quote an iron bond, symboling their strong bond. Quote then is captured and while in jail learns that Sue was in jail with him but he was knocked out for too long and Sue has already been taken to the Doctor. Sue left behind a letter for Quote, revealing why she and her family were there, the history behind the Doctor, and to find her mom who is creating a rocket to get to the Doctor's throne. Quote finds the mom and she enlists his help in building the rocket, after the rocket is built, Quote is shot up to the throne room. At the throne room, Quote fights Misery and The Doctor, defeating both of them. In one last attempt to kill Quote, The Doctor attempts to possess the core, Misery, and Sue, though Quote defeats them and the island begins to collapse. In the normal ending, Quote escapes the collapse of the island with Sue and Kazuma. In the best ending, Quote finds Curly and travels through an entire area to reach the true culprit behind everything, Ballos. There Quote and Curly fight and defeat Ballos, after which the room starts closing in on them and they're about to be crushed, right before they're crushed however, Balrog jumps down and saves them, flying away. Balrog reveals that defeating Ballos lifted the curse from him and Misery, with Misery telling Balrog to rescue Quote and Curly. Curly then decides she wants to find a peaceful place to live with Quote. Balrog asks if he can accompany them and Curly obliges, ending their story. |
General Information
Name: Quote
Other Names: Mr. Traveler
Origin: Cave Story
First Appearance: Cave Story
Latest Appearance: Crystal Crisis (Latest non-canon appearance, appears as a playable character), The Binding of Isaac (Latest non-canon appearance, appears as a card)
Company: Studio Pixel, Nicalis (Publishers for the Wii, DSI, and Cave Story+ versions), NIS America (Publishers for Cave Story 3D)
Creator: Daisuke Amaya (The initial creator)
Gender: Male
Sex: None
Sexuality: Heterosexual (Has an iron bond with Curly Brace)
Pronouns: He/Him
Age: Unknown
Homeworld: The Surface
Residence: Unknown (Curly tells Balrog where to go with no real indiciation after the game of where they went)
Story Role: Amnesiac Robot, Hero
Classification: Robot
Species: Armed Recon Robot
State of Being: Regular
Physiology: Humanoid Physiology
In-Universe Creator: Unknown
Occupation: Soldier
Affiliations: Curly Brace, Sue, Kazuma, Momorin, Professor Booster, King, Toroko, Balrog (In the best ending, Balrog lives with Quote and Curly Brace), Misery (Due to Quote and Curly Brace defeating Ballos, the curse was lifted and Misery and Balrog no longer had to obey orders from anyone)
Enemies: The Doctor, Misery (Formerly in the best ending), Balrog (Formerly in the best ending), Ballos
Height: Unknown
Weight: Unknown
Status: Alive
Alignment: Neutral Good (Quote will not kill innocents, instead just pacifying them if they try to attack him picked up a pendant for Toroko. Rescued Sue from the rabbid Igor. Went and gave Santa his key he dropped so that he could get back into his house. Helped pull a robot crushed by Balrog out with the robot calling them a good person, when telling the robot that they want to open a rusty door because someone is trapped inside the robot says they definetely are a good person. Helped Jenka with her request of giving her all her dogs back. Went to the clinic to find medicine for Curly. Went out of his way to save Curly after she saved him by giving her the air tank. Called a hero by Sue's mother. Quote and Curly are among the robots that possess heart and souls. Misery notes that for a robot Quote seems to have human emotions)
Protection Level: Global Protector (Quote is apart of a group trying to stop The Doctor who seeks to rule the surface using the island as a flying fortress, along with the enraged Mimiga army to attack the surface)
Codex Statistics
Key: Main Mode | Curly Brace Mode
Key Infomration
- Main Mode: This key covers the main story of Cave Story where Quote is the main character.
- Curly Mode: This key covers the alternate mode where Curly Brace is instead the main character and Quote is a supporting character.
Grade: S
Tier: High 10-B physically, 9-A with Weapons, Higher with Level Ups, Lower with Level ups for Nemesis | High 10-B physically, 9-A with Weapons
Cardinality: Finite
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: Above Average Human level physically (Quote possesses athletic jumping prowess), Room level (Potency) with weapons (Can harm those who can harm him with his weapons, where he can take an explosion that covered an entire room. Even at the lowest level with the weakest gun, can easily destroy blocks. Can harm Balrog who causes the screen to shake. Able to defeat and destroy the Core, where a destroyed robot of team noted that destruction of it is impossible with currently equipped firepower), Higher with Level Ups (The higher level the weapons, the more damage it deals), Lower with Level ups for Nemesis (The Nemesis gets weaker as it levels up) | Above Average Human level physically (Shouldn't be any weaker then his regular cave story self), Room level (Potency) with weapons (His weapons can harm Curly Brace, where she can take an explosion that covered an entire room. Uses his machine gun at level 3 if Curly refused the machine gun or the Polar Star at level 3 if Curly traded the Machine Gun)
Durability: Room level (Took no damage from an explosion that covered an entire room. Took no damage from the massive explosion from Monster X. Took no damage from a massive explosion that engulfed an entire room from The Sisters. Took no damage from the explosion of the undead core), Higher with Forcefields (The shield completely blocks against missiles) | Room level, Higher with Forcefields (The shield completely blocks against missiles
Striking Strength: Aveage Human Class (Quote is unable to fight without weapons) | Aveage Human Class
Lifting Strength: At least Superhuman (Able to lift Curly Brace on his back while traveling through the Labyrinth, with it not hampering his movement at all) | At least Superhuman (Shouldn't be any weaker then his original Cave Story self)
Travel Speed: Average Human Speed | Average Human Speed
Attack Speed: Transonic (Can hit missiles/rockets before they can tag him, which move around 300 m/s) | Transonic (Shouldn't be any slower then his regular cave story self)
Reaction Speed: Transonic (Hopped out of the way of an accelerating car) | Transonic
Stamina: Limitless (Due to being a robot, Quote can never tire)
Range: Standard Melee, Several Meters with Level 1 Weapons (Level 1 weapons reach around this far), Higher with Level 2 Weapons (Level Two Weapons shoots out this far), Tens of Meters with Level 3 Weapons (Level 3 Weapons reach this far. The Spur reaches this far)
Intelligence: At least Gifted Intelligence (Through reading a book, Quote instantly picked up on and learned how to service flooded robots)
Knowledge: Master level (Upon first waking up and having no weapons, needed to parkour around spiked caverns and enemies. Navigated and fought through Sand Zone, which is noted by Professor Booster to be a very dangerous place, where if they were to go, whether or not they make it back alive isn't known, with Professor Booster believing Quote is capable of doing this task. Quote is the most ideal person to search the island. It's noted that Quote has functions fit for a variety of activites, such as exploration, 1v1 combat, protection and more[1]. Fought against Monster X while multiple projectiles and enemies were around attacking him. Quote and Curly went through the entirety of Labriynth M where many enemies, spikes, obstacles, and large bodies of water were around to impede their progress. Fought against dozens of fish, obstacles, carrying Curly and a moving current in the waterway all while defeating the Ironhead. Fought through the collapsing Blood Stained Sanctuary while carrying Curly on his back)
Powers and Techniques
Limited Flight (With Machinegun at level 3, Quote can shoot downwards to fly into the air), Nullification (Energy Nullification; Quote's weapons can nullify projectiles shot at him when they hit the projectiles), Energy Projection (With the polar star, at level 1 can shoot out energy projectiles, at level two it shoots out two energy projectiles at once, at level 3 it shoots out a massive beam, dealing the most damage. With the Spur, shoots out a long energy beam that gets stronger the longer it charges), Explosion Manipulation (With Missile Launcher, at level 1 shoots out a missile that explodes, at level 2 the missile is larger and creates a larger explosion when it collides, at level 3 it shoots three missiles at once), Fire Manipulation (With the fireball, can shoot out two balls of fire that bounce around until it hits a target, at level 2 it shoots out three fireballs at once and moves far faster, at level 3 it shoots out four fireballs at once and moves far faster), Water Manipulation (With the bubbler, shoots out bubbles, at level 2 it shoots out a rapid amount of bubbles, at level 3 shoots a massive amount of bubbles around Quote that shoot out projectiles at the enemy), Electricity Manipulation (With the Nemesis, shoots out "lightning of the goddess", the weapon gets weaker as it levels up. With the bubbler at level 3 shoots a massive amount of bubbles around Quote that shoot out lightning projectiles at the enemy), Curtain Fire (Rapid Fire; With the Machine Gun, shoots out a rapid fire of energy projectiles, at level 2, the machine gun rapid fires and moves up and down, at level 3 shoots a larger energy projectiles), Restoration (The machinegun can restore its bullets), Soul Manipulation (With Blade at level 3, King's soul comes out and attacks all enemies, causing slashes across an area, further then he attacks the enemies), Intangibility (Phasing) & Durability Negation (With Snake, passes through objects, at level 2, Snake moves in a wavey flame line that passes through objects, at level 3, shoots out multiple fireballs that go passes through objects)
Photo | Name | Ammo | Description (NICALiS) | Description (Aeon Genesis) | Location | How to Get | ||||||
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Polar Star | Unlimited |
Hermit Gunsmith's abode | Pick up in chest | ||||||
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Missile Launcher | 10 at mininimum, 54 at maximum |
Egg Observation Room | Pickup in chest | ||||||
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Fireball | Unlimited |
Santa's House | Speak to Santa | ||||||
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Bubbline | 100 (Though it automatically replenishes) |
Assembly Hall | Using Jellyfish Juice on Assembly Hall fireplace | ||||||
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Machine Gun | 100 (Though it automatically replenishes) |
Sand Zone Residence | Trading the Polar Star with Curly Brace for the Machine Gun | ||||||
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Blade | Unlimited |
Warehouse | After defeating Rabid Toroko and talking to King | ||||||
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Snake | Unlimited |
Labyrinth Shop | Talking to the shop keeper and giving them both the Polar Star and Fireball | ||||||
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Spur | Unlimited |
First Cave | Talking to the Hermit Gunsmith and having them upgrade the Polar Star | ||||||
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Nemesis | Unlimited |
Little House | Trade the Blade weapon |
Name | Description (NICALiS) | Description (Aeon Genesis) | Location | How to Get | |||||||||||||||
290 Counter |
Outer Wall | Located near the Clock Room, partway up the Outer Wall. The room's presence is indicated with a sign that has a clock symbol on it, to the left of the sign there should be an opening that leads to another screen with a chest in it. Only possible with Booster v2.0 and if the player has saved Curly. | |||||||||||||||
Arm Barrier |
Labyrinth | Found in a chest at the top level of the Labyrinth Camp | |||||||||||||||
Arthur's Key |
Mimiga Village | At Arthur's Gravestone in the graveyard of Mimiga Village | |||||||||||||||
Bomb |
Bushlands | Give the robot in the Power Supply Room one Charcoal, Jellyfish Juice, and Gum Base. | |||||||||||||||
Booster v0.8 |
Labyrinth B | Speak to Professor Booster after seeing him fall down (Do NOT do this if you're attempting to get the Booster v2.0 and the good ending). | |||||||||||||||
Booster v2.0 |
Arthur's House | Do not speak to Professor Booster after seeing him fall, return to Arthur's House after a sequence of events and Professor Booster will appear, giving the Booster v2.0. | |||||||||||||||
Charcoal |
Bushlands, Santa's House | Use Jellyfish Juice on Santa's fireplace. | |||||||||||||||
Clinic Key |
Labyrinth | The Clinic Key is collected from Dr. Gero in the Labryinth Camp. | |||||||||||||||
Controller |
Storehouse | The Controller is obtained from the Storehouse during the rocket fetch sidequest. Bring Momorin Sakamoto a working sprinkler before she asks to find Itoh, then proceed to the Storehosue where Itoh is hiding and he will give Quote the Controller. | |||||||||||||||
Cure-All |
Clinic Ruins | The Cure-All is found in a chest in the Clinic Ruins. | |||||||||||||||
Curly's Air Tank |
Labyrinth | Obtained automatically after the boss fight with the Core, when Quote belives they're about to drown, Curly sacrifices her life and gives Quote her air tank, if Quote has the Tow Rope, he can save her. | |||||||||||||||
Curly's Panties |
Side Room, Sand Zone | Jump through the protruding part of the wall at the top left corner of the Side Room, then navigate the hidden passageway until falling down the right side, on one of the platforms Quote can gain Curly's Panties by examining it. | |||||||||||||||
Gum Base |
Gum, Bushlands | The Gum Base is found in a chest in the Gum room in the Bushlands. | |||||||||||||||
Gum Key |
Bushlands | Speak to Kazuma Sakamoot at the Shelter after talking to Malco about making a bomb. | |||||||||||||||
ID Card |
Egg Corridor | The ID Card is located in Egg No. 6 within Egg Corridor. | |||||||||||||||
Iron Bond |
Plantation | After reviving Curly Brace's memories with the Ma Pignon, talk to Curly Brace a second time and she will give Quote the iron band. | |||||||||||||||
Jellyfish Juice |
Bushlands | After examining the fireplace in Chako's house, she will tell the player to get past the fireplace, they will need jellyfish juice, which will spawn Kurara, a giant jellyfish, at the left of Chako's house. | |||||||||||||||
Life Pot |
Sand Zone, Plantation | The Life Pot is obtained in Jenka's House after giving all her dogs to her. | |||||||||||||||
Map System |
Mimiga Village | The Map System is located at the middle rite building below the Assembly Hall. | |||||||||||||||
Mushroom Badge |
Storage Room | Before visting the cemetery, Quote must first talk to Cthulhu in the Plantation, who will speak to him about a mushroom that supposedly has the power to restore memories. Once returning to the Mimiga Village and vising the cemetery, go through the entrance found on a higher ledge and then speak to Ma Pignon. | |||||||||||||||
Prinny Cap |
Inner Wall | The Prinny Cap is found at the Small Grave at the end of the Inner Wall. | ||||||||||||||||
Rusty Key |
Bushlands | Talk to Kazuma Sakamoto and he will give Quote the rusty key. | |||||||||||||||
Santa's Key |
Bushlands | Santa's key is seen with a visbile sprite to the right of his house upon first entering BUshlands. | |||||||||||||||
Silver Locket |
Mimiga Village | The Silver Locket can be found in the Reservoir of the Mimiga Vilalge, below where Kanpachi is seen fishing, a sparkling object can be seen, examining it gives Quote the Silver Locket. | |||||||||||||||
Sprinkler |
Plantation | Before obtaining the Sprinkler, the player trade in a Broken Sprinkler at the Rest Area. Using the Mimiga Mask to disguise as a Mimiga, Quote is allowed to talk with the other workers of the Plantation. One worker, seeing Quote as the "new guy", requests him to take the dysfunctional Sprinkler and exchange it for a new one. The player is then prompted to pick up the Broken Sprinkler, to their immediate right. Once the player has the Broken Sprinkler, they should go back to the Rest Area and visit Megane, a Mimiga sitting next to multiple sprinklers on the far left of the place. Talking to him with the Broken Sprinkler will cause him to give a new working Sprinkler and take the defective one from Quote. | |||||||||||||||
Sue's Letter |
Plantation | Sue's Letter is automatically added to the inventory if after Quote's awakening in prison. | |||||||||||||||
Teleporter Room Key |
Plantation | The Teleporter Room key is fished from a patch of red spikes in the bottom area of the Plantation where gunfish reside. | |||||||||||||||
Tow Rope |
Labyrinth | The Tow Rope is in the Core room and requires not talking to Professor Booster after seeing him fall in the Labyrinth. The item is at the bottom left of the Core room. | |||||||||||||||
Turbocharge |
Labyrinth Shop | Talk to the Labyrinth Shop Keep with the Machine Gun in possession. | |||||||||||||||
Whimsical Star |
Labyrinth | Visit the shop keeper in the Labyrinth with the Spur in possession. |
Standard Tactics: Quote is a wildcard controlled by the player, thus he'll use whatever weapon best fits the situation. For Curly Brace Mode, Quote will either utilize the machine gun, polar star, or Nemesis in combat.
- Unique Weaknesses: Quote is unable to fight without weapons.
- Weapon Weaknesses: The Nemesis gets weaker as it levels up.
- Robot Weaknesses: Robots manufactured on the surface have limited aquatic mobility, in the case of flooding, the system will automatically initiate a shutdown to prevent from short circuiting.
- Quote in Blade Stranger has his data summoned, due to this it holds no contradictions with Cave Story and can be used[3].
- Quote and Curly were not murderous robots, they were robots sent after the previous ones trying to destroy the incredible power.
Miscellaneous Feats
- During the beta of Cave Story, "Curly Brace" was written on his hat. Gamewise, Quote and Curly were partners prior to Cave Story's setting.
- Curly Brace was Quote's original name in the beta version of Cave Story.
- On the official Cave Story 3D website and in the Cave Story DSiware guide, he is called "Mr. Traveler." This is a placeholder name to prevent his name being spoiled, derived from Chako calling him so, after defeating the Doctor in his human and demon form.
- On the Steam, Wii, and DSi/3DS eShop versions, Quote switches outfits based on difficulty settings and during holidays, for example, he has gray 'skin' and wears a Santa outfit around Christmas and New Year's Eve/Day.
- Both Quote and Curly Brace are named after punctuation marks commonly used in programming and are in most keyboards, with the "curly brace" key above the "quote" key.
- Quote's design resembles Pokémon Trainer Red from the Pokémon series. They do share one similarity; both characters are very quiet.
- Quote shares some similarities with Mega Man (the protagonist of the Mega Man franchise); both are robots with personalities and both are skilled with various weapons.
- Quote appears on the 3DS icon for Cave Story; his sprite from the game is the spinning object on the top screen.
- Sue's unused human portrait was used as a base for Quote's North American WiiWare portrait shown in Curly Story.
Battle Records
- Igor - Fight
- Conditions: None
- Location: Egg Corridor
- Curly Brace - Fight
- Conditions: The fight was a misunderstanding, Curly had help from her little mimigas.
- Location: Sand Zone Residence
- Omega - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Sand Zone
- Rabid Toroko - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Sand Zone
- PuuBlack - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Clinic Ruins, Labryinth W
- Monster X - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Labryinth W
- Core - Fight
- Conditions: Quote and Curly teamed up.
- Location: Core
- Ironhead - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Main Artery
- The Sisters - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Egg Observation Room?
- MaPignon - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Storage, Mimiga Village
- Red Ogre - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Last Cave
- The Doctor - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Throne Room
- Undead Core - Fight
- Conditions: Match was a rematch. The Unedead Core had Misery Transformed and Sue Transformed helping him.
- Location: Black Space
- Heavy Press - Fight
- Conditions: Curly and Quote teamed up to fight it.
- Location: Blood Stained Sanctuary
- Core - Fight
- Conditions: Quote and Curly teamed up.
- Location: Core
- Heavy Press - Fight
- Conditions: Curly and Quote teamed up to fight it.
- Location: Blood Stained Sanctuary
- Curly Brace - Fight
- Conditions: The fight was a misunderstanding, Curly had help from her little mimigas.
- Location: Sand Zone Residence
- Misery - Explanation of the Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Sand Zone Residence