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"I just want to help my friend...that's all I want to do" - Kite
Kite is the protagonist of the original .hack// Quadrilogy that consists of Infection, Mutation, Outbreak, and Quarantine. Kite is given the power of the Twilight Bracelet, something that has the power to create the future of The World or destroy The World in its entirety, that was meant for his friend Orca. He, along with several other players, investigate and deal with an outbreak of corruption across The World and fight off the Cursed Wave and Morganna. Through fighting the Cursed Wave, Kite faced off against the Shadow of Twilight, Cubia.
Powers and Stats
Tier: 2-C, possibly 2-B. 2-A with Data Drain.
Name: Kite, Kite of the Azure Flames
Origin: Project Dothack (.hack//IMOQ)
Gender: Male
Age: 14
Classification: Twin Blade, Data Drain user, .hacker, the Light of Twilight
Attack Potency: Low Macroverse level, possibly Macroverse level (Can harm the Phases who passively destroy many Fields with their existence. The death of a Phase causes destruction in most Fields in The World), higher with buffs. Macroverse level+ with Data Drain (Data Drain is described as the power that could bring salvation or destroy The World at the whim of the user, The World contains countably infinite Fields which are considered their own space-times.)
Dimensionality: 3-D
Travel Speed: At least Superhuman, possibly Instantaneous (able to cross Fields with ease which are said to be infinite in size), higher with buffs.
Combat Speed: At least Massively Hypersonic+ (Can use Lightning based magic as well as tag those who can dodge it), possibly Extra-Temporal (Should be comparable to the Phases and Cubia who can casually cross between Fields without the use of Chaos Gates or other means), higher with buffs.
Reaction Speed: At least Massively Hypersonic+ (Can dodge lightning based magic), possibly Extra-Temporal (Can dodge attacks from the Phases and Cubia), higher with buffs.
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Striking Strength: Low Macroverse level, possibly Macroverse level (Can harm the Phases who are this durable), higher with buffs.
Durability: Macroverse level+ (Can be repeatedly Data Drained by the Phases and be able to come back from it within a few moments even without his Bracelet), higher with buffs.
Stamina: Very High (Can continuously fight for several hours in a row without tiring)
Range: Standard Melee Range with Twin Blades, varies with spells (they are all based on his field of view) Macroversal+ with Data Drain.
Standard Equipment: Twin Blades, Twilight Bracelet or Daybreak, consumable items
Intelligence: Above Average, possibly Gifted (Was able to quickly grasp the situation at hand and then begin to take charge in the taking down the Phases despite his young age)
Standard Tactics: Will use Data Drain at every possible opportunity, while waiting for Data Drain to be ready he will use physical skills or spam spells at a distance.
Weaknesses: Overuse of the Twilight Bracelet can have adverse affects on Kite, however this is not a problem with Daybreak. Kite is easily tricked into doing things if it means helping others. Spells require Kite to have eyesight of the target.
Feats: Defeated the Cursed Wave with the help of the other .hackers, was able to fight a strengthened Cubia to a standstill
Notable Attacks/Techniques:
*Vak Don: A level 1 drop-type Fire spell. AoE
- GiVak Don: a level 2 drop-type Fire spell. AoE
- RaVak Don: a level 3 drop-type Fire spell. AoE
- PhaVak Don: a level 4 drop-type Fire spell. AoE
- Vak Rom: a level 1 tornado-type Fire spell. AoE
- BiVak Rom: a level 2 tornado-type Fire spell. AoE
- OrVak Rom: a level 3 tornado-type Fire spell. AoE
- PhaVak Rom: a level 4 tornado-type Fire spell. AoE
- Vak Kruz: a level 1 converge-type Fire spell. Single target
- GiVak Kruz: a level 2 converge-type Fire spell. Single target
- MeVak Kruz: a level 3 converge-type Fire spell. Single target
- PhaVak Kruz: a level 4 converge-type Fire spell. Single target
- Vulcan: a level 1 summon-type Fire spell. AoE
- Vulcan Ch: a level 2 summon-type Fire spell. AoE
- Vulcan Rf: a level 3 summon-type Fire spell. AoE
- Vulcan Pha: a level 4 summon-type Fire spell. AoE
*Gan Don: A level 1 drop-type Earth spell. The user summons a rock over a small area and drops it on the enemy
*Rue Rom: a level 1 tornado-type Water spell. AoE
*Juk Rom: a level 1 tornado-type Wood spell. AoE
*Rai Don: A level 1 drop-type Thunder spell. The user summons a thundercloud and calls down a large thunderbolt to strike an area
*Ani Don: A level 1 drop-type Darkness spell. The user summons a large skull over a small area and drops it
*Summon Goblin: a level 1 summon-type non-elemental spell. The user summons a golden goblin to strike the enemy for them.
*Repth: A single target heal that recovers a small amount of health
*Rig Saem: Improves life regeneration speed
*Duk Lei: Inflicts Poison on a target, drains a fraction of the target's life over time
*Staccato (Lv. 1) - Light, 15 hit combo on a single target
- Data Drain: A single target Data Drain
- Drain Arc: An AoE version of Data Drain that is centered on him and expands outwards
- 2128 Drain: A more powerful version of Data Drain with more potent effects
- Drain Heart: 2128 Drain equivalent of Drain Arc
Note: The list of effects Infection can give Kite can be found here | The main difference between the Twilight Bracelet and Daybreak is that Daybreak doesn't infect Kite's PC so he can continuously use it with no problems, this is a minor enough difference that it does not warrant a different key as it has the same powers otherwise, simply specify which bracelet is being used.
|-|Player Character=
"That's the way this game is played" - Haseo "Come on! Come on! I'm... right here! SKEEEEITH!" - Haseo's usual summon to Skeith
Haseo is an Adept Rogue and the protagonist of the .hack//GU quadrilogy and most related media. Haseo plays The World Revision:2 (R:2 for short), which was created when CC Corp combined remnants of The World with another game they had been working on at the time.
Powers and Stats
Tier: At least low 7-B | At least low 7-B. 2-C, possibly 2-B with Skeith, 2-A with Data Drain | At least low 7-B, likely 2-C, possibly 2-B, higher with Epitaph of Twilight Skeith. 2-A with Data Drain | At least low 7-B, likely 2-C, possibly 2-B, higher with Unison Skeith. 2-A with Data Drain
Name: Haseo, Ryou Misaki (Real name), Terror of Death (nickname), Skeith (Other self), Sora (past PC)
Origin: Project Dothack Conglomerate (.hack//GU)
Gender: Male
Age: 17-18 (18-19 in Volume 4)
Classification: Adept Rogue, Sophomore Student, Epitaph of Twilight, Epitaph User, Player Killer Killer (PKK)
Attack Potency: At least Small City level (Able to generate an explosion of this size and harm those that can tank it) | At least Small City level (Should not be weaker than before). Low Macroverse level, possibly Macroverse level with Skeith (Skeith is the same being Kite fought 7 years prior and should be just as strong). Macroverse level+ with Data Drain (Data Drain functions the exact same as it did in R:1). | At least Small City level (Should not be weaker than before), Low Macroverse level, possibly Macroverse level (Became one with Skeith). Macroverse level+ with Data Drain | At least Small City level (Should not be weaker than before), Low Macroverse level, possibly Macroverse level (Has the power of all 8 Epitaphs). Macroverse level+ with Data Drain
Dimensionality: 3-D | 3-D, possibly 4-D with Skeith
Travel Speed: At least Supersonic+ (Casually jumped above the clouds) | At least Supersonic+ (Should not be slower than before), higher with buffs. Unknown, likely Extra-Temporal with Skeith (Once Skeith is summoned, only other Epitaph Users and AIDA infected PCs could see and track Skeith, who is the same being as the one Kite faced. Can travel in the Outer Dungeons, which are considered interdimensional space) | Unknown, at least Supersonic+, likely Extra-Temporal (Became one with Skeith), higher with Skeith summoned | Unknown, at least Supersonic+, likely Extra-Temporal (Has the power of all 8 Phases of the Cursed Wave), higher with Unison Skeith summoned.
Combat Speed: At least Massively Hypersonic, likely FTL (Can dodge light and lightning based magic) | At least Massively Hypersonic, likely FTL (Should not be slower than before). Unknown, likely Extra-Temporal (Can dodge Data Drain and counter with his own) with Skeith | Unknown, at least Massively Hypersonic, likely FTL (Should not be slower than before). Unknown, likely Extra-Temporal with Skeith and Data Drain Awakening |
Reaction Speed: How fast the character can react.
Lifting Strength: The weight the character can lift/move, usually expressed in tons. However it is optional since lifting strength generally doesn't matter in most fights (in bold).
Striking Strength: The attack power of the character's physical attacks/blows (in bold).
Durability: The amount of attack power the character can withstand before being overwhelmed (in bold).
Stamina: High (Didn't show any signs of exhaust after fighting 100 PKs, and he actually wanted more to fight. Able to fight hard even after staying awake for an entire day)
Range: Standard Melee Range with Twin Blades, Extended Melee Range with Broadswords and Scythes, varies with spells (Spells are sight based) | Standard Melee Range with Twin Blades, Extended Melee Range with Broadswords and Scythes, hundreds of meters with Dual Guns, varies with spells | Varies with Gate of Ouroboros (Can transform into different forms, although it usually is Extended melee range, it can take the form of a bow which has hundreds of meters of range), varies with spells
Powers and Abilities: |-|Without Skeith= Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Healing (with items), Life Manipulation (can drain the opponent's life to heal himself), Damage Reduction (Can occasionally reduce damage to nothing and can convert HP damage to SP damage), Non-Physical Interaction (Able to see, attack, and kill phantoms, shadows, and data), Immortality Negation (type 7, can kill undead beings.), Weapon Mastery (able to use Twin Blades, Broadswords, and Scythes easily) resistance to Sound Manipulation and Mind Manipulation (Was unaffected after hearing A in C Major repeatedly, which would pull the minds of those who hear it further into The World), Corruption (Able to resist the effects of AIDA even without Skeith), to the types of offensive magics in The World (Fire, Water, Wind, Lightning, Darkness, Light)
|-|With Skeith= All previous abilities plus Data Manipulation, Hacking, Reality Warping, Boundary Manipulation (Can manipulate the same boundaries as the Bracelet as well as the boundary between The World and the internet to enter Outer Dungeons, which exist inside The World while existing outside of it), Summoning (Can summon Skeith), Danmaku, Regeneration (Low-Godly. Regenerated most of his PC after being hit by The Rebirth at point blank)
|-|Xth form and Epitaph of Twilight= All previous abilities plus skill with guns and improved Danmaku
|-|5th Form and Unison Skeith= Regeneration (Mid-Godly via Magus's powers. Can regenerate after having all of his data erased), Immortality (Type 3. Will regenerate from wounds as long as the data of Magus exists and isn't nullified), Illusion Creation and Perception Manipulation (Via Innis's powers), Precognition (Type 3. Able to see the future to an unknown extent. Non-combat applicable as it requires him to be left alone in order to activate)
Standard Equipment: Twin Blades, Broadsword, Scythe | Twin Blades, Broadsword, Scythe | Twin Blades, Broadsword, Shadowy Death, Dual Guns | Gate of Ouroboros
Intelligence: Average academically (Considered average in school by his friends). Gifted, likely Genius in combat (Was the player behind Sora during R:1 and was able to keep up with Admins who were way above his level. Considered one of the greatest PKKs in The World R:2 for his ability to defeat 100 Player Killers (PKs) without any trouble, including those who can fend off Moontree elite who are able to compete with a weakened Haseo)
Standard Tactics: Goes for the most efficient means of defeating the opponent Weaknesses: Cocky, tends to solo. This is really only a weakness in Pre-Skeith | Data Drain Awakening can't be used at all times and has is on a cooldown at the start and after each use | 5th form only has access to Gate of Ouroboros, which reduces his range combat ability somewhat
Feats: Defeated 100 PKs coming at him all at once casually, is a renowned PKK | Became champion in the Arena despite rigged matches against him, | Defeated Cubia R:2 without having to give up his powers (albeit they did get sealed isntead of destroyed) | Took all the Phases inside of his PC, defeated Abyssal Moralta
Notable Attacks/Techniques: A list of some abilities the character generally uses.
Key: Pre-Skeith (3rd Form) | Post-Skeith (3rd Form) | Xth Form | 5th Form
Note: Requires Ovan to be present in order to summon Unison Skeith