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User:SuperSaiyan2Link/HP Pages
From The Codex
“ | It’s simple. If you want good things to happen in your life, you have to be good. | „ |
~ Son Goku |
Ize is
Key: First Form |
Tier: 3-C
Name: Ize
Origin: Dragon Ball AF (Young Jijii)
Sex: Male
Age: 50 years old
Classification: Alien, Frieza Race, Lord
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: Multi-Solar System level (Should be superior to himself in the Buu Saga, due to having trained for seven years straight since, and then five more years on top of that. Is 400 times weaker than he is in Super Saiyan 3), higher in Super Saiyan 1 & 2, Galaxy level+ in Super Saiyan 3 (GT takes place after Fusion Reborn, in which Goku’s Super Saiyan 3 transformation was able to shake the afterlife)
Durability: Multi-Solar System level, higher in Super Saiyan 1 & 2, Galaxy level+ in Super Saiyan 3
Striking Strength: Multi-Solar System level, higher in Super Saiyan 1 & 2, Galaxy level+ in Super Saiyan 3
Lifting Strength: Class M, likely far higher (As a child, Goku had fused his untapped potential with the Oozaru within him, who had ten times the lifting strength of Goku moving a boulder)
Travel Speed: At least FTL (Is far superior to base form Cell Saga Goku, who was able to travel from Grand Kai’s planet to Hell in at most 10 minutes time), higher with Super Saiyan forms
Combat Speed: At least FTL (Can react to foes faster than Goku on Namek, who fought so fast that King Kai could not keep up with him, despite King Kai being able to track his spaceship without problem), higher with Super Saiyan forms
Reaction Speed: At least FTL, higher with Super Saiyan forms
Stamina: Superhuman
Range: Standard Melee, Interstellar with Ki attacks
Intelligence: At least Below Average, possibly Above Average academics wise (While training with Master Roshi he learned about Math & Calculus, though Goku has displayed he can’t count beyond 18 after being explained to him what comes after 18 he was able to quickly count past it, along with this he has shown to have better understanding academically of situations), Extraordinary Genius combat wise (Copies a kamehameha after seeing it once, which is supposed to take 50 years to learn according to Roshi, copied Master Roshi’s ultimate technique the afterimage after seeing it done, could copy Tien’s solar flare and his flying technique and could copy the demon clan’s air ki techniques. Goku is an incredibly skilled fighter to the point that he is able to easily outskill trained Martial Artists such as Krillin and Yamcha and match prodigies such as Tien and even nearly beat his Master, Roshi, after training with him for a few months)
Powers and Abilities
All previous abilities, Immortality (Type 1. After 100 years into the future, Goku looks around his age during the start of GT, and likely cannot die by age)
After Goku absorbed the Dragon Balls and possibly gained Shenron's abilities, he possibly obtains the following: Wish Granting (Shenron can grant wishes within his range of power), Creation (Oolong wished for a pair of panties), Resurrection (Shenron can bring people back to life, so long as they do not die of natural cause), Age Manipulation (King Piccolo wished himself to be younger), Teleportation & BFR (Mr. Popo wished for those that were killed by the Frieza Force to be sent to Earth), Technological Manipulation (Krillin wished for the bombs inside 17 and 18 to be removed), Memory Manipulation (Shenron can erase the memories of others), Purification (Pansy wished for her land to be peaceful and beautiful. Bulma, Gohan, and Krillin wished for a forest to be restored), Power Bestowal (Garlic Jr. wished for immortality, Lord Slug wished to be ageless), Summoning (Goten wished for Goku to appear), Sealing Negation (Hoi wished for Tapion's music box seal to be open)
Notable Techniques
- Flight: With a mastery of Ki control, Goku is able to fly at incredibly high speeds.
- Ki Blast: Using Ki, Goku can concentrate it into a ball that he uses as a projectile attack.
- Ki Sense: Goku is able to detect lifeforms and power levels from far off.
- Kamehameha: The iconic move coined by Master Roshi, which Goku has adopted for himself. This starts as a blue Ki ball, which is charged in Goku’s hands before releasing as an incredibly powerful beam.
- Super Kamehameha: This is an amplified version of the Kamehameha which has a larger and more devastating beam, which Goku uses by first bolstering his Ki.
- x10 Kamehameha: A much more powerful version of the Kamehameha, used in his Super Saiyan 4 state. Unlike the regular Kamehameha, the beam of this attack is red, and it attacks with devastating power.
- Dragon Fist: Goku powers all of his Ki into one powerful punch, which unleashes the apparition of a golden dragon beside him as he attacks. This move is bolstered to be so powerful, that it can even destroy foes that Goku himself is weaker than.
- Spirit Bomb: A move taught to Goku by King Kai in the afterlife. With this move, Goku gathers Ki energy from all life forms who are willing to lend it to him, forming into a gigantic blue ball of purifying energy. He then throws it, eradicating all evil in its path. Those with a pure heart can resist the attack and deflect it completely.
- Universal Spirit Bomb: The greatest version of the Spirit Bomb, which has Goku gather the energy from life all around the universe. This attack was used to fully eradicate Omega Shenron, and all of the Minus Energy that had been released from the Dragon Balls.
Weaknesses: None notable.
Battle Records