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Articles About Krillin
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Main Series | Dragon Ball |
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Other Media | Attack of the Saiyans |
Krillin is a supporting protagonist in the Dragon Ball series.
He's one of the most powerful and talented martial artists on Earth. He is courageous, faithful, and good-natured. Krillin had a brief rivalry with Goku when they first trained under Master Roshi, but they quickly became lifelong best friends, to the point that Goku cares for him as much as his family and closest ones. He is a prominent Z Fighter, despite usually being overpowered by the major enemies. His short stature and baldness (with the exception of when he grows out his hair in the Majin Buu Saga onwards) aid him in his ability to provide comic relief during tense moments. During the latter half of Dragon Ball Z, he largely retires from fighting, opting to settle down with his family instead, becoming the husband of Android 18 and the father of Marron.
This dropdown contains the synopsis of Krillin’s story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise! |
General Information
Name: Krillin
Origin: Dragon Ball
Sex: Male
Age: 13 during 21st Budokai Saga (Noted to be 13 years old during the events of the 21st budokai saga), 16 during 22nd Budokai Saga (3 years have passed since the 21st Budokai), 19 during 23rd Budokai Saga (The 23rd Budokai Saga is 3 years after the 22nd Budokai), 24 during beginning of Raditz Saga (Noted that the Saiyan Saga takes place 5 years later), 25 during Saiyan Saga (The saiyans were noted to take one year to get to Earth, though they were a month early), 26 during the beginning of the Frieza-Android Interlude (Noted that a year has passed), 29 during Cell Saga (Trained for 3 years to prepare for the Androids), 36 during Buu Saga (Buu Saga takes place 7 years later), 40 in God of Destruction Beerus Saga (The God of Destruction Saga takes place 4 years after the Buu Saga), 41 during Resurrection F (Around a year passed leading into the Resurrection F saga), 42 during Goku Black Arc and on (Around another year passed leading up to this arc), 45 in Super Hero (Super Hero takes place one year before Peaceful World Saga), 46 during Peaceful World Saga (Peaceful World Saga is 10 years later)
Classification: Earthling, Martial Artist
Species: Human
Occupation: None
Height: 153 cm as an adult (Officially listed as 153 centimeters[1])
Weight: 45 kg as an adult (Officially listed as 45 kilograms[2])
Status: Has been both Alive and Deceased (Krillin has died a total of 3 times in the series, the first time being dying to a surprise attack from Tambourine when he came to steal the Dragon Ball, then afterwards dying to Frieza through him telekinetically lifting Krillin and causing him to explode inward, and finally dying to Super Buu who turned everyone on the lookout into candy for him to eat. Each time he has been brought back by the dragon balls)
Alignment: Initially Chaotic Neutral (Krillin initially only looked out for himself, being a rival to Son Goku and constantly trying to trick him so he could one-up him and look like the better student), Neutral Good after training for 21st Budokai was completed (After Krillin completed his training he and Son Goku became lifetime friends, with Krillin helping him on various of his adventures, and going on to help his son and making sure he was safe during their adventures)
Codex Statistics
Grade: B (Krillin and Goku were some of the strongest martial artists during the 21st budokai, with only Master Roshi being stronger) | B | B | B
Tier: At least 9-B, likely Higher | Low 8-C | 8-B | At least 8-B
Cardinality: Finite
Dimensionality: 3-D
Power Source: Ki (All beings in Dragon Ball[3][4][5] have ki, the very life force energy of all characters[6], ki allows a fighter to extend beyond their bodies limits, allowing them to even[7] block attacks that would otherwise[8] kill them from[9] raising their guard[10], higher level users can lower their own durability to allow people far below them to fatally wound them[11])
Attack Potency: At least Wall level, likely Higher (Superior to beginning of Dragon Ball Son Goku, who could physically grab and crush a large boulder with his own hands, broke a door with a punch, could destroy several bricks with his finger, hit a pterodactyl so hard, he broke a part of its body, and defeated beginning of Dragon Ball Yamcha when fully fed) | Small Building level (Was able to draw blood against General Blue, who survived his plane crashing into a mountain at full speed) | City Block level (Fought and harmed 22nd Budokai Saga Son Goku, forcing him to use his full strength, where he is above his Red Ribbon Army Saga self who defeated General Blue who survived his plane crashing into a mountain at full speed{3.72 Tons of TNT}, then after his training with Korin, it was noted by Korin his power increased "manyfold", making him at least two times stronger than before {7.44 Tons of TNT}, and also drank the Water of the Gods, where he absorbed all the hidden potential within him, greatly boosting his power, as training with Korrin increased his power manyfold, an even greater object such as the Water of Gods should have roughly the same effect meaning he should've had at least gotten two times stronger{~15 Tons of TNT}) | At least City Block level (Grew far stronger after training for 3 years, could fight against a casual 23rd Budokai Saga Piccolo, but ultimately lost)
Durability: At least Wall level, likely Higher. Higher with Guard Up (Ki allows a fighter to extend beyond their bodies limits, allowing them to even block attacks that would otherwise kill them from raising their guard) | Small Building level, Higher with Guard Up | City Block level, Higher with Guard Up | At least City Block level, Higher with Guard Up
Striking Strength: At least Wall Class, likely Higher | Small Building Class | City Block Class | At least City Block Class
Lifting Strength: Superhuman (After training with Master Roshi Krillin was able to move a giant boulder with a lot of effort) | Superhuman | Superhuman | Superhuman | Class 1 (Should be comparable to Early Saiyan Saga Son Goku who is able to barely move around and jump in gravity that multiplies his weight by ten times, where he's naturally 62 kg, thus making him 620 kg on King Kai's planet) | Class 1 | At least Class 1 (Krillin is noted to be the strongest in the world among humans by Yamcha, which would put him above Yamcha and Tien Shinhan who were able to move around on King Kai's planet which has ten times the gravity of earth)
Travel Speed: Superhuman (Should be superior to beginning of Dragon Ball Son Goku, who could travel 120 kilometers in a short timeframe) | Superhuman | Superhuman | Superhuman
Attack Speed: Superhuman (Should be superior to beginning of Dragon Ball Son Goku, who appeared faster than a trained bandit could see, traveled 120 km in a short timeframe. Tagged a pterodactyl, which can reach up to 67 miles per hour, 29.95 meters per second) | Supersonic | High Hypersonic | High Hypersonic
Reaction Speed: Superhuman | Supersonic (Can fight comparable to 21st Budokai Saga Son Goku, who can avoid bullets from close range, on a consistent basis) | High Hypersonic (Comparable to 22nd Budokai Son Goku, who could dodge a mouth blast from Tambourine, which he used to tag the flying nimbus where even post King Kai training Goku used the flying nimbus to make it to the saiyans implying it is at least comparable to his flight speed by then, with Goku being capable of traveling over a million of kilometers in two days which results in these speeds. Should be faster than Mercenary Tao, who stated that a jet would take too long and used his pillar, with fighter jets reaching up to 1000 mph) | High Hypersonic
Stamina: Superhuman (Fought with Son Goku in a very long and drawn-out battle where he had to use his greatest skills against Son Goku. Survived fighting against Nappa and Frieza for prolong periods of time)
Range: Standard Melee, Interstellar with Ki Attacks (Ki attacks can reach out of the planet and to other planets. All ki attacks should be comparable to Goku's kamehameha, which reached all the way to the sun)
Intelligence: Gifted Intelligence (Was able to replicate the kamehameha wave, which it was noted by him that it takes 50 years of hard training to learn that move)
Knowledge: Master level (Krillin was trained alongside Son Goku in the turtle school by Master Roshi, where his skills in martial arts greatly improved, allowing him to reach strength far beyond any other)
Powers and Techniques
Limited Resistance to Durability Negation (Ki users can focus their energy to localize an object to a specific spot to stop them from attempting to destroy their organs/insides[117]), Resistance to Poison Manipulation (Can resist poisons through Forcefield Creation[118])
- Weighted Clothing: Clothing fitted with built-in weights to make them heavier than ordinary clothes.
- Senzu Bean: Senzu Beans are mystical beans with immense rejuvenation properties, being capable of healing entire wounds, such as one's stomach being punctured.
Optional Equipment
- Yajirobe's Katana: Krillin used Yajirobe's sword in an attempt to finish Vegeta off but was stopped by Goku before he could.
Notable Techniques
*Flight: The ability to fly with the use of ki.
- Ki Blast: The most basic form of energy wave.
- Ki Sense: An ability that allows the user to sense ki and power levels.
- Best Headbutt: Krillin's headbutt technique.
- Balloon Technique: While falling to the ground, Krillin inhales a large amount of air, causing his body to inflate like a balloon and his fall to slow down.
- Farting: Usually used as a gag or joke, this move tends to cause victims or targets to pass out due to the horrible stench.
- Kamehameha: A powerful Ki blast fired with two hands after concentrating a large amount of Ki.
- Bending Kamehameha: The user can change the Kamehameha's course, allowing the user to surprise his or her opponent.
- Multiple Kamehameha: Two or more fighters fire multiple Kamehamehas (one per fighter) simultaneously at a single point. This usually causes their separate Kamehamehas to merge into one giant Kamehameha blast at the opponent.
- Kamehame Fever: When they use it, Krillin, Yamcha, and Goku each charge their own Kamehameha attacks. Then, they fire them at the same time from three different places to cause great damage to the enemy.
- Master-Student Kamehameha: When they use it, Goku, Krillin, and Master Roshi each charge their own Kamehameha. Then, they fire them at the same time so that the three energy waves merge into a large Kamehameha, inflicting a huge amount of damage.
- Friend Kamehameha: Krillin, Goten, and Trunks fire a Kamehameha together at the same time.
- Double Tsuibikidan: Krillin bends down as he brings his arms to his sides and charges up. Then, he brings his hands forward and fires two reddish-orange energy waves that follow the opponent like homing missiles, inflicting a great deal of damage.
- Scattering Bullet: It is a large energy sphere fired and sent up into the air. When fired, it is slow, as noted by Piccolo. The user then changes the course of the blast into the air. It then splits into smaller, but faster ki spheres that attack the foe at medium speeds, inflicting considerable damage.
- Jumping Energy Wave: The user fires an Energy Wave downwards using the force to propel them upwards. The technique also produces a shockwave if they energy wave hits the ground. If an opponent is nearby, they will be damaged. Due to the way in which it is performed it can be used to evade attacks by moving upwards.
- Spread Shot Retreat: An evasive technique where the user fires ki blasts while moving backwards. It allows the user to put some distance between the user and their opponents while attacking at the same time preventing their opponent from following.
- Destruco Disc: A razor-sharp disc of Ki that can slice through almost any substance.
- Chain Destructo Disc: Krillin charges a first Destructo Disc, and then he throws in rapid succession a series of discs which have the ability to cut the opponent apart. Another variation of the move sees Krillin throwing a single Destructo Disc that splits into numerous smaller discs that attack the opponent from all directions.
- Destructo Disc Triple Blade: First, Krillin charges what appear to be a single Destructo Disc and tosses it at the opponent, and the disc changes to three discs, making it difficult to dodge.
- Destructo Disc Hexa Blade: Krillin throws six Destructo Discs at his foe, which he is able to control.
- Solar Flare: The Solar Flare is performed by the user placing their hands close to the center of their face with the fingers spread toward their eyes. The user then calls out the name of the technique, which provokes a white light to fire out and blind everything watching except the user, since they are projecting the light.
- Afterimage Technique: An ability to move so swiftly that an image of the user is left behind.
- Taunt: Taunting is performed by a user performing some form of gesture, remark, or insult to annoy or enrage their opponent and throw off their thinking.
- Tri-Form: A technique that allows its user to split into three identical duplicates to fight as a group. Krillin uses this technique only in the anime.
- Risking it all for a friend: A defense method in which a character jumps in the way of an incoming Ki Blast to save another character.
- Photon Bomber: First, the user raises his right hand as he curls his fingers and charges a white energy sphere. Then, he brings his hand forward and fires the energy sphere in the form of an energy wave at the opponent, inflicting a great amount of damage.
- Spirit Ball: The Spirit Ball is formed by making an upwards facing open palm and placing the other hand around the adjacent arm for support. The user then gathers surrounding energy into the open palm and shapes the energy into a yellow-orange sphere. After forming the Spirit Ball, the user controls and guides it by pointing the index and middle fingers in the desired direction. When initially guided, the attack utilizes kinetic energy to deal damage, striking the enemy multiple times from range. On its last strike, the Spirit Ball is triggered to explode on impact, further damaging the enemy.
Standard Tactics: Krillin will employ combat strategies that enable hand to hand combat along with using ki attacks.
- Standard Ki Weaknesses: Due to the nature of ki draining stamina and energy, Dragon Ball characters ki usage requires them to usually use their higher levels of energy in short bursts, using a large amount of ki overtime can greatly weaken them to the point that characters far lower then them can actually harm them with attacks[132]. Taking large amounts of damage can greatly deplete a ki users attacks, making it where attacks that would otherwise kill massively weakened characters, only pushes them back[133]. Ki users that are able to ki sense cannot do it when their guard is dropped, such as when Vegeta was able to sneak attack Son Goku during the end of their fight in the Buu Saga[134]. Despite some ki users being able to reach blasts that can destroy planets through charged attacks or techniques[135][136][137][138], they have not shown to be able to tank such blasts themself[139][140][141], with attacks that have[142] destroyed several[143] planets in the series always killing the character. Even characters such as Majin Buu's body cannot withstand the energy of a planet exploding.
- Turtle Hermit Style Weaknesses: As the style does not incorporate any real fighting techniques[144], it has a heavy reliance on durability[145], stamina[146], muscles and speed[147], along with agility[148], thus anyone with superior statistics then them can easily overpower this style[149], along with this any character capable of using attacks that bypass defense altogether such as pressure point strikes can easily overcome a turtle hermit style user, even if they use extra forms and techniques to heighten their defenses[150]. Thus anyone with techniques that ignore statistics or are simply higher in statistics than a Turtle Hermit Style user can easily overcome this style.
- Unique Weaknesses: Initially Krillin was a very cowardly character, though over time he has somewhat overcome this, being more willing to help his friends and helping out his best friend's son through most of the Namek saga.
- Some clips used on the profile come from an anime or movie due to the fact that some abilities from ki use shouldn't function much differently from how they can in canon, along with this sometimes the anime version/video game version of a scene will be used for cleaner visuals. Toriyama himself directly overlooks scenes in the anime and movies and gives Toei the thumbs up[151].
- The speed scaling for PLs are taken with a grain of salt as there are noticeable times where someone's speed isn't equal to their power, such as Burter being faster then Recoome and Jeice, along with Super Saiyan Grade 3 Trunks having his power greatly increased but his speed decreased.
- In-universe, his name has been shown to be spelt as Kulilin.[152]
- Like most characters in the series, the name Krillin is a pun. In his case, its Japanese source, Kuririn, is made up of two parts. The first two syllables come from 栗 (kuri), which means "chestnut" in reference to his shaved head (the "chestnut" pun is also carried over to his daughter Marron). The second part of his name comes from 少林 (Shōrin; "Shaolin" in Chinese), as his early character designs were closely modeled on Shaolin monks. Other beliefs are that his name comes from kuri-kuri/kurin-kurin (an onomatopoeia for something cute and round), kuri-kuri shita me (meaning "big round eyes"), or the words kurikuri (which can mean "bald") and rin (a word added to the end of a name to make it sound cute). His English name, meanwhile, seems to be a play on "krill" (both a minuscule species of shrimp-like crustacean and the Swedish term for a small fry of fish) in reference to his diminutive stature.
- He has a blood type of A.[153]
- Krillin was introduced into the series due to Akira Toriyama's editor at the time, Kazuhiko Torishima, considering Goku too bland in personality, and wanted another character to make things more interesting.[154]
- In the poll of the top 20 best characters featured in the book Dragon Ball Forever, Krillin was voted number 7 by Japanese fans. He was the highest of the humans by a large margin.
- Krillin is the only person to come face to face with every form of each main villain in Dragon Ball Z (if filler is included). He was there when Vegeta first came, he went back to help Goku and saw his Great Ape form. He was there for all 5 of Frieza's forms (unless one counts his 100% state as a different form, and his Golden Frieza form), he tried to fight all forms of Cell, and he saw both of Garlic Jr.'s forms. He was there at the release of Fat Majin Buu, tried to fight Super Buu, and in filler, tried to fight Kid Buu. Although he did not see every absorption of Super Buu, those weren't really transformations but rather absorptions.
- Krillin breaks the fourth wall in Broly: The Second Coming by saying "None of you would have lasted a season without me!" Although he might have been referring to the weather seasons.
- Krillin appears on the cover art of the Voodoo Glow Skulls: Who Is, This Is album in his Battle Armor.
- In January 2007, Oricon conducted a poll in which they asked Japanese manga/anime fans which characters from any anime/manga they would most like to see in their own spinoff series; Krillin ranked third in the men's poll and sixth in the overall poll.[155]
- Krillin is one of the few characters who have broken the fourth wall in the manga. In his case, he suspects that the various sequences of Goten & Trunks performing the fusion dance are all photocopies of the same set of drawings due to how each set of panels appears to be identical.
- Krillin has died more times than any other character in the series, having been killed by Tambourine (in the original series), Frieza, Androids 17 and 18 (in Future Trunks's timeline), Super Buu, and Android 17 (in GT).
- In Dragon Ball Z: Resurrection ‘F’, when Bulma calls Krillin on his cellphone to inform him about Frieza's return, the ringtone that plays is We Are!, which is the original opening theme for the One Piece anime. This is likely a reference to Krillin's seiyū, Mayumi Tanaka's role voicing the One Piece series' main protagonist, Monkey D. Luffy. This also applies to the Funimation dub, where Krillin's voice, Sonny Strait, voices Usopp.
- It also appears in "episode 17" of Dragon Ball Super, when Gohan calls Krillin's cellphone.
- Krillin's hobby is karaoke.
- Krillin's favorite food is Chinese buffet.
- Krillin's favorite vehicle is a sports car.
- Even though Toriyama designed Krillin for GT (giving him the moustache and grey hair like in the anime) the design he had differs from his GT one; in Toriyama's design, he has dungarees and a shirt, while, in the GT anime, he has an "old man" style suit with a tie.[156]
- Krillin is the strongest non-android earthling, excluding Uub.
- In Dragon Ball Z, the moxibustion burns on Krillin's head were no longer drawn after he had grown his hair out following Cell's defeat, despite the fact they were positioned on his forehead where hair would not grow over. This was retained for his appearances in Dragon Ball GT. In Dragon Ball Super, the burn marks are still visible on his forehead despite having his hair grown out.
Battle Records
- ↑ Kuririn
Height: 153 cm (adult)
Weight: 45 kg (adult)
Birth Year: Age 736
Hobbies: karaoke
Favorite Food: Chinese buffet
Favorite Vehicle: sports car - ↑ Kuririn
Height: 153 cm (adult)
Weight: 45 kg (adult)
Birth Year: Age 736
Hobbies: karaoke
Favorite Food: Chinese buffet
Favorite Vehicle: sports car - ↑ Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball 23rd Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball 23rd Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball 23rd Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 84
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball 23rd Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 48
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 49
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 10
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z: Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan Broly Transforms into the Legendary Super Saiyan Scene
- ↑ Dragon Ball Episode 144
- ↑ Translations Archive Dragon Ball Super Exciting Guide: Story Volume
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Cell Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza-Android Interlude
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Namek Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball 23rd Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Episode 231
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 95
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 59
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 125
- ↑ Dragon Ball Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Xenoverse Take Back History and Your Body
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Cell Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z: Wrath of the Dragon
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 Pratice Chapter 9
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3 Hyper Mode
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Broly - The Legendary Super Saiyan
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 126
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Kai The Final Chapters Episode 24
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai Chapter 5
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 72
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z: Shin Budokai Chapter 5
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z: Cooler's Revenge
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 72
- ↑ Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Parallel Quest No.01 Being a Time Patroller
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Episode 39
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Episode 171
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 10
- ↑ Dragon Ball Episode 144
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 10
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 47
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Episode 162
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 82
- ↑ Dragon Ball Episode 144
- ↑ Dragon Ball 22nd Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball 23rd Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Frieza Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Android Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Cell Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball GT Baby Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball GT Super 17 Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super
- ↑ Dragon Ball Daima Episode 1
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 98
- ↑ Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Namek Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Namek Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Buu Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 27
- ↑ Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball 21st Budokai Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Saiyan Saga
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Chapters 72 to 73
- ↑ "What work do you do on the films, Sensei?
I check the plot and script that gets sent to me from Toei Animation. I also do some character designs and touch-ups, as well as altering the names and such." - ↑ Dragon Ball chapter 247, "Planet Namek, Cold and Dark"
- ↑ Weekly Shōnen Jump, issue #37, 1986
- ↑ Daizenshuu 2, 1995
- ↑ Oricon: Fans Want L, Char Aznable Spinoffs. Anime News Network. Retrieved on January 8, 2007.
- ↑ Krillin's GT Design by Toriyama. kanzenshuu.