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Android 18

From The Codex
Revision as of 21:42, 5 April 2023 by GiverBot (talk | contribs) (clean up, replaced: 4-B → 4-C (2), Solar System level → Star level)

Whoever owns these clothes should have their optic sensors adjusted. They are obviously malfunctioning.


Android 18, originally named Lazuli when she was an ordinary human, is the older twin sister of Android 17 and Dr. Gero's eighteenth android creation, designed to serve Gero's vendetta against Son Goku. While her interests do not initially deviate from this expectation, her curiosity to activate Android 16, in spite of Gero's orders not to do so, leads Android 17 to take it upon himself to murder Gero. Eventually, Android 18 becomes a member of the Z Fighters, as well as the wife of Krillin and the mother of their daughter Marron.

This dropdown contains the synopsis of Android 18’s story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise!

Android 18 was originally a human named Lazuli, and the elder out of her and her twin brother, Lapis. The twins were notorious delinquents, whom Dr. Gero would meet by chance while looking for fresh material for his experiments. He then kidnapped them and restructured them into Android 18 and Android 17. However, despite being referred to as androids or cyborgs and commonly regarded as such, both Android 18 and her brother are practically neither. Bulma stated while looking at 17's blueprint that he was human-based, but just about everything has been enhanced with bio-organic components. Their only mechanical parts are the emergency deactivation controller, a self-destruction device (removed), and a small perpetual energy reactor that provides them with inexhaustible energy and stamina.

Androids Saga
When Dr. Gero arrives at his laboratory (after he and Android 19 fail to combat the Dragon Team, with 19 getting destroyed by Vegeta), he activates Android 17 and Android 18. Initially, 17 and 18 feigned obedience to the doctor because he carried an emergency Shut Down Remote as a fail-safe against them. Soon after, the Z Fighters arrive and attempt to break into the laboratory. This momentarily distracts Gero, and 17 steals the remote from him. Much to Gero's horror, 17 crushes the remote and tells Gero that he will not put them to sleep again. Suddenly, Vegeta blasts the door down and the androids are surrounded by the Z Fighters. Dr. Gero tells Android 18 and Android 17 to kill the Z Fighters, mentioning that they destroyed Android 19 and almost killed him. Android 17 asks if 19 was an energy absorption model and the one who converted him into android, and Gero replies that he was. Android 18 asks if Gero went back to the old energy absorption model on a more recent android because infinite energy models like she and Android 17 were too powerful to control. Dr. Gero tells them that it does not matter now, and orders the pair to kill the Z Fighters, but 17 says that they will fight when they want. Gero is even more upset when Android 18 begins inspecting a chamber labeled "16". Android 18 notices that 16 is also an infinite energy model and asks how the android inside is different from them, but Gero tells her to get away from 16's chamber. Android 17 and Android 18 want to activate him but Dr. Gero refuses. Android 17 impales Gero's chest, decapitates him and squashes his head, when he severely scolds 18. Android 17 again tells Android 18 to activate Android 16, but a desperate Future Trunks says that he will not let there be any more androids, and transforms into a Super Saiyan before firing a Buster Cannon into the lab. When the smoke clears, Gero's lab is destroyed. However, Vegeta tells Future Trunks that the blast was pointless, as Android 17, Android 18, and the chamber containing Android 16 have survived.

As they fly over a snowy area in the north, the androids spot a Lucky Foods van parked along the road next to a rest stop, while two Lucky Foods workers are drinking coffee. The trio land to check it out. The workers notice and attempt to stop the Androids, but are frightened when Android 16 lifts the van and dumps out its cargo. The androids then drive off, and Android 17 plans to head to Goku's House. Android 18 reminds him that she wants new clothes first, and 17 agrees to take care of that first. As they drive, Android 18 asks Android 17 if he even knows where Goku's House is, and 17 says that he doesn't and has been driving on pure instinct. Android 16 then chimes in with the house's coordinates, and says they can be there in a few minutes if they fly. 18 agrees with flying there, but 17 says that small things in life are what make it fun.

17 informs 18 that they are about to enter a town and he will stop to get her some clothes. Suddenly, two police officers follow them and order them to stop. The androids exit the vehicle and are promptly arrested for stealing the van. The androids are handcuffed by the officers, but 16 easily breaks them off of his wrist and 18 throws the police car into a nearby mountain. 17 and 18 remove their cuffs and the trio continues on their way, leaving the terrified officers behind. Once they reach the town, Android 18 goes into a store to get more some clothes. She chooses a Western cowgirl outfit, which she says looks hideous but is the best she can expect from a backwater place. She leaves without paying, and the androids drive off as the store owner bangs on their van. He then calls the police, and soon police cars begin to pursue the androids' van. Android 18 flies out and punches the cars, causing them to crash into each other.

As the trio drives to Goku's home, Android 17 suddenly comes to a stop. He and Android 18 get out, and Android 17 asks if she felt a change in the atmospheric pressure. 18 says that she did, and Android 16 says that it came from the outskirts of West City. He then says that two organics with powerful ki are fighting. Android 17 says that he never told them he was equipped with a Power Radar, but Android 16 replies that he never asked. Android 17 asks who is fighting, but Android 16 says neither are in his databanks, although one of them rivals Android 17 in power. Android 17 says that his Power Radar is malfunctioning, as no one rivals him in power. The androids then decide to continue onwards, unaware that the combatants are Piccolo, who recently fused with Kami, and Cell, the ultimate creation of Dr. Gero created from the genes of the most powerful warriors to walk the Earth.

As they ride, Android 16 tells 17 and 18 that one of the powers he felt earlier was losing energy (This is the result of Cell absorbing energy from Piccolo) and the fight seems to have reached a conclusion. Android 17 gets cocky and again says that 16's sensors need to be re-calibrated because no one can match their power. Later, 18 tells 17 that she doesn't like her new outfit and when they reach another town she wants to stop to find more clothes, which 17 reluctantly agrees to, while 16 curiously observes a nearby river.

Eventually, the Androids arrive at Mount Paozu, where they are forced to drive through the dense, forest area to reach Goku's house. Android 18 makes it clear that she is uncomfortable driving through the forest's bumpy terrain, while Android 17 seems to enjoy the ride. 18 asks Android 16 how close is Goku's house, which he says is directly ahead. 18, tired of driving through the bumpy terrain, opens her window and unleashes an energy blast that obliterates the entire forest in front of them and makes the ground more even. 17 is disappointed by 18's actions and says that he just wanted to have some fun and enjoy the ride. 18 says that fun is for humans and they aren't human anymore, which causes 16 and 17 to sadly stay silent.

When the androids finally arrive at Goku's House, they find it completely deserted (Due to the Dragon Team anticipating this and evacuating a sick Goku days prior). In the anime, 18 goes through Chi-Chi's clothes to find a new outfit, while in the manga, her clothes are already changed prior to their arrival at Goku's home. 17 asks 16 if he knows where Goku might be, and 16 replies that he could either be at Capsule Corporation or at Kame House. The trio decide to fly to Kame House, the closer of the two locations.

The next day, at Kame House, Piccolo watches the news of Cell's attacks on TV while Krillin, Yamcha, and Tien sleep. Suddenly, Piccolo senses that something is amiss, and sees the trio of androids standing outside Kame House, much to his horror. Android 16 states that Goku is not here, which disappoints 17. Piccolo wakes up the others, and Android 17 asks where Goku is, saying that he will use force to make them talk if necessary (Unbeknownst to the androids, Goku, who recovered from his illness, took Gohan, Vegeta, and Future Trunks to The Lookout on the previous day to train in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber in order to gain the power to kill the androids). Piccolo replies that he wants to see Android 17 try, and says they should go to an uninhabited island nearby where they can fight. After telling the others to stay at Kame House, Piccolo and the androids fly over. Once they land, 17 gives Piccolo one last chance to them where Goku is, but the brave Namekian is not intimidated and tells the cocky android that he will not go down so easy this time. With the power boost he gained from fusing with Kami, Piccolo hopes that he can kill at least one of the twins and prevent Imperfect Cell from absorbing both of his targets and achieving his perfect form, which would spell doom. Android 17 accepted Piccolo's challenge and contends to fighting Piccolo one-on-one, rather than fight with Android 18, vastly increasing Piccolo's chance to win.

When Cell arrives and interrupts the fight between Piccolo and Android 17, 18 learns he is another of Gero's creations. She is shocked to hear that he needs to absorb her and Android 17 to complete his design. 17 ignores 16's warning to flee and teams up with Piccolo to fight Cell, however their efforts are in vain. Android 18 and Android 16 watch the battle unfold, with 18 commenting that 17 and Piccolo must be holding back against Cell, due to her inability to sense power levels and still believing 17 is the strongest being on the planet. 16 corrects her by saying that Cell is simply too strong for them. 16 orders 18 to run away on her own, as 17 refuses to heed his warning, otherwise Cell will absorb them both and nobody will stand a chance against him then. 18 asks 16 what will he do, but the android stays silent. As a last-ditch effort, Piccolo attempts to kill Cell with a Light Grenade, decimating a massive chunk of the island as the Androids and the recently arrived Tien Shinhan watch in awe, except 16. 18 praises Piccolo's power, thinking that Cell was destroyed. However, Android 16 immediately states that Cell wasn't even damaged by the attack. Seconds later, Cell slowly rises from the ocean without even a slight visible scar and brutally incapacitates Piccolo, before tosses him into the ocean. Intimidated, 18 believes fleeing is the best option. 16 orders 18 to run once again, and informs her that he will destroy Cell, shocking 18. 16 decides he must use his power now, even though his original plan was to only use this power against Goku. Android 16 approaches Cell, much to the astonishment of Tien Shinhan and 18. Android 16 tells 18 that he's glad he got to meet her and 17, and enjoyed their time together, before focusing on Cell again. 16 is able to hold Cell off for some time by repeatedly surprising him with intense attacks and forcibly removes his stinger from his body, although the Bio-Android easily regenerates due to his partial Namekian DNA. 16 decides to use his strongest attack, Hell's Flash, to destroy Cell as Tien Shinhan and the other androids continue to stare in shock. 16 notices that 18 is still there, and says that he told her to run. 18 says that will not be necessary now that Cell has been defeated, but 16 says she is wrong. He says that Cell, while injured, will not die so easily. He again implores 17 and 18 to escape, but 17 refuses, saying that he wants payback and can now finish a wounded Cell. As 17 taunts Cell to come back out, Cell begins to emerge from the ground behind him. Tien notices Cell's plan and yells out to 17, but Cell quickly emerges and begins to absorb the android with his tail, triggering his transformation into Semi-Perfect Cell.

Android 16 and Android 18 gaze at Cell in horror, as the new Semi-Perfect Cell turns toward the two androids. Android 16 suddenly grabs Android 18, saying that they must escape. Android 16 takes flight still clutching Android 18, but Cell flies after the pair of androids and quickly overtakes them. Android 16 freezes in the air, amazed at Cell's speed. Cell taunts Android 18 and Android 16, saying that they cannot escape from him, and that thanks to absorbing Android 17, he surprised even himself with his new speed. He wonders aloud how strong he has become, and a furious Android 16 throws a punch at Cell, who remains completely unfazed. Cell smiles at a shocked Android 16 and then blasts him in the face, disfiguring his head and leaving him in a critical condition. Cell remarks that he has become stronger as well, as a terrified Android 18 looks on. Cell turns towards 18 and says that she is smart not to try to escape. He then says that it is her turn to be absorbed and that he will soon attain perfection. However, Android 18 holds her hand to her chest and warns Cell not to come any closer, threatening to destroy herself if he does. After glaring at 18, Cell starts speaking in Android 17's voice. Posing as Android 17, Cell tells Android 18 that it is great to be a part of Cell and that it is the only way to be strong, while urging her to let herself be absorbed. 18's resolve seems to waver, but the damaged Android 16 warns her that it is merely a trick. Cell retorts to Android 16 that a robot cannot understand how he and 18 feel, and that he should not interfere and continues to attempt to persuade her. He says that she should join him in order to achieve the ultimate power, but makes the mistake of saying that if she joins him, they will be able to fulfill the "great" Dr. Gero's wishes. 18 then realizes that it was not Android 17 speaking, as she and 17 hated Dr. Gero for experimenting on them and would never praise him. Cell scowls at Android 18, and says that if she will not willingly join him, he will absorb her by force. Cell tells 18 that he is fast enough to subdue her before she can self-destruct and tells her to surrender, but he is stopped by Tien Shinhan, who holds him off with a series of Tri-Beams so that Android 18 and the damaged Android 16 can escape.

After resuming his hunt, Cell struggles to find 18 and 16. Since he cannot see them, they must be hiding in one of the islands below. Cell sucks in air to his lungs, and yells extremely loud for 18 to show herself or he will destroy the islands one by one. He continues yelling saying that he is not bluffing, and that though he wants to be complete, he is already the strongest on the planet. The residents of a city on one of the islands panic, wondering what the terrible voice from the sky could be. Meanwhile, Android 16 and Android 18 are hiding on a nearby island, and 18 remarks that Cell would indeed destroy all the islands along with her. 16 assures 18 that she will be fine because Cell is too obsessed with completion. When nothing happens, Cell realizes that 18 will not show herself and then turns his gaze to the city on the island below and destroys it in order to flush 18 out. Cell looks at the destruction with no emotion, deciding that 18 was not on that particular island. He yells again, saying that one island has been destroyed and time is running out until her island is destroyed. Android 18 watches from a distance and notices the explosion's impact on the previous island, as smoke rises from the water. She exclaims to Android 16 that Cell is destroying the islands. Android 16 tells 18 not to worry, and that Cell is holding back his blasts to avoid killing her, as he would never risk his dream of perfection. 18 points out that even if she does survive the impact of the blasts, 16 would be destroyed in his condition. 16 begins to wonder why Cell is even bothering to achieve his perfect state, as it seems to be invincible already. Impatient, Cell uses his Super Big Bang Crash to destroy the islands in quick succession. 16 and 18, brace themselves against the force of an explosion, as a neighboring island is destroyed. 18 exclaims that Cell is already on the island beside them, but 16 urges her to stay put and ride out the attack, as Cell is merely watching to see if anyone will fly up. Now reaching the androids' island, Cell holds out his hand yet again, preparing to destroy it. However, he is stopped by the arrival of Vegeta and Future Trunks, who just finished their training in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.

Android 18 says that Vegeta is insane to challenge Cell, as not even a few days ago, she easily defeated the Saiyan herself. Cell asks Vegeta in disbelief if Vegeta really said he alone would suffice to send Cell to the grave. Vegeta assents, and taunts Cell, asking him if he is hard of hearing. Cell laughs and says that he is merely stunned by the absurdity of the statement. Watching the scene, Android 18 says that Cell is right and that not even a miracle could give Vegeta victory. She then tells Android 16 that this is their chance to escape. 16, however, tells 18 to wait until the battle begins. He also says that Vegeta's power has increased significantly. 18 is surprised, and says that Vegeta could not have changed in such a short time, and that he was not holding back in their earlier fight. As Vegeta powers up, the island begins to shake as Cell, 18, and 16 watch in shock. Suddenly, Vegeta punches Cell in the stomach with tremendous force before he can react, much to 18 and 16's surprise.

Instead of fleeing, 18 and 16 watch the battle between Cell and Vegeta and soon, Krillin finds their location on the island. Noticing that Vegeta, Trunks, and Cell haven't noticed the androids, he realizes this is his chance to shut 18 down. He then remembers Bulma's warning that he has to be within ten meters of the android's location for it to work, and he descends, hoping to shut 18 down without them noticing. Android 18 believes that Vegeta might have only pretended to be weak when they fought previously, but Android 16 states he'd have no reason to do that, and that something changed in the last few days. Krillin, meanwhile is getting closer, and finally gets within the 10 meter range. However, after seeing Android 18, Krillin struggles to make himself push the button. Ultimately, Krillin gives into his feelings of infatuation for 18 and drops the Shut Down Remote, which causes 18 and 16 to notice his presence. Android 18 reacts with shock, seeing the dropped remote, and wonders how Krillin could have gotten his hands on it, considering Android 17 crushed the one Dr. Gero had. Krillin apologizes to Bulma for all the effort she put into the remote, but crushes it under his boot, despite the imminent danger of Cell absorbing 18, achieving completion, and spreading terror across the universe. Krillin orders 18 to leave the island before Cell finds her. Shocked and confused, 18 asks Krillin why he spared her, but he struggles to reply.

Meanwhile, Cell appeals to Vegeta's ego, stating that if he were in his Perfect Form, he would be a much better challenge. Vegeta, wanting a stronger opponent, agrees to Cell's proposition. As Cell goes to leave, however, Trunks transforms into a Super Saiyan and cuts him off. Vegeta tells Trunks to stop interfering, but he refuses. Cell yells at Vegeta to do something about Trunks, but then spots Android 18 and Android 16 and realizes his perfect form is now within his reach. Trunks looks over at what Cell is looking at, then he spots Android 18 as well, and Krillin is with them. He realizes they do not know Cell has noticed them, and screams out "Hey! Cell has found you!". Android 18, Android 16 and Krillin all panic, and Cell flies toward them. Trunks says he will not let him reach his perfect form, then transforms into the Super Saiyan Second Grade form like Vegeta and follows Cell. Vegeta thinks it is lucky the androids were here, and then tells Trunks he will not let him interfere. Trunks almost reaches Cell, but Vegeta kicks Trunks away, into a nearby mountain. Cell lands in front of them, and Android 18 and Android 16 prepare to fight him. Cell tells Android 16 not to do anything unreasonable while he is on the verge of shutting down, and says that Vegeta wants him to reach his perfect form, too, so Krillin curses Vegeta.

In the anime, Android 18, Android 16, and Krillin attempt to fight Cell in vain, but the Bio-Android effortlessly beats them all. Meanwhile, Trunks declares that he will stop Cell's completion, even if he has to go through his own father and proceeds to fire a Super Buster Cannon at Vegeta and then flies after Cell. Realizing he cannot defeat him, Cell uses a Solar Flare, blinding Trunks, Krillin, and the androids. With everyone blinded, Cell quickly opens his tail up and absorbs Android 18. During his transformation, Cell creates a forcefield to evolve without interference. Once he reaches his ultimate power, Perfect Cell easily defeats Vegeta and Future Trunks.

Later on, Perfect Cell becomes overpowered by Gohan (who has become a Super Saiyan 2) during the Cell Games, and regurgitates Android 18, forcing Cell to revert to his Semi-Perfect state. Krillin immediately comes to her side and tends to her for the duration of the battle and says he is glad to see her face one last time before making the final stand against Cell. After Super Perfect Cell is destroyed by Gohan, Android 18 is taken to The Lookout and she wakes up. While there, she figures out that Krillin has a crush on her when Gohan yells it to everyone. This leaves Android 18 surprised and slightly flattered but too proud to admit it. She leaves but, when seeing Shenron, she hides in the lookout to see what is going on. Krillin uses the Dragon Balls to make a wish to Shenron that Android 17 and Android 18 be restored their complete humanity, but when Shenron is unable to grant his request, Krillin takes the opportunity to wish for the self-destruct devices within Android 18 and Android 17 be removed. Revealing her presence in the process, she corrects Krillin about the relationship between herself and Android 17 as being familial instead of as lovers. Nonetheless feeling flattered, Android 18 then simply says "I'll see you later!" and leaves the lookout.

World Tournament Saga
Android 18, who used to be a delinquent, found Krillin's seriousness and straightforwardness refreshing, and somehow or other she ended up falling for him. Seven years after the Cell Games, Android 18 and Krillin are married and have a three-year-old daughter named Marron. Android 18's family is an exceptionally ordinary household, but Android 18 is scary when she gets angry, so Krillin goes out of his way a little bit for her. When Gohan tells Android 18 and Krillin that Goku will return to Earth to enter the 25th World Martial Arts Tournament, Android 18 convinces Krillin to enter to win the prize money. When Goku returns and is reunited with his friends and family, Android 18 remains cold and distant towards him, as she is "created" specifically to kill him, and displays annoyance when Goku expresses surprise to see her with Krillin and the others. She later sarcastically says, “Spare me,” when Goku is even more shocked that Krillin not only married her but had a child with her (mostly because he thinks Android 18 cannot reproduce due to being an android, not realizing that she is actually a cyborg rather than a true android).

Later, she is matched against Mr. Satan in the World Martial Arts Tournament after she defeated Mighty Mask (actually Trunks and Goten in disguise). Not interested in the fame that comes with becoming the World Martial Arts Champion (and in addition, prevailing over Satan, who is generally believed by people of Satan City to be the strongest man in the world), Android 18 allows Mr. Satan to defeat her and retain his somewhat misappropriated title, provided that he reimburses her an amount of money (twice the prize money that he would be receiving as tournament champion).

Majin Buu Saga
After the World Tournament, she goes with the others to look for the Dragon Balls and later she takes refuge from Majin Buu at Kami's Lookout. While on the lookout, she watches the fusion of Goten and Trunks. A day later, Super Buu finds the tower and allows them to live for a short time. While on the lookout, Super Buu uses his Human Extinction Attack to kill everyone on Earth.

When Super Buu escapes the Hyperbolic Time Chamber, Krillin decides to face him alone while ordering her to leave in the meantime, Android 18 screaming out for him before he charges Super Buu, Android 18 and the others retreating into the lookout before he is killed after Super Buu turns Krillin into chocolate and eats him. Android 18 leads Videl and Bulma away from Super Buu, her daughter in hand, but is turned into chocolate along with Marron, the two being eaten by Super Buu. Her life is restored through a wish from Porunga, and she later supplies Goku with her energy to fuel a Spirit Bomb, in an effort to defeat Kid Buu. Though peace has returned, Android 18 still maintains a cool and distant attitude toward Goku (as she was originally "created" to kill him) but she still cannot resist smiling when Goku returns and has a tearful reunion with his family, and smiles when Goku and Chi-Chi embrace, showing a softer side to her personality. She is later seen at a party at Bulma's house, where she playfully pushes Gohan forward to make him dance with Videl.


Tier: At least High 5-B, 4-C with Self-Destruction

Name: Android 18, Lazuli (Her real name)

Origin: Dragon Ball

Sex: Female

Age: Unknown

Classification: Human, Android

Status: Alive (Shown during the Buu Saga to still be alive)

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (The Androids feel like doing what they want to, ignoring orders, with them only wanting to kill Son Goku because they need a sense of purpose. Noted by Android 16 that they never killed without reason), becomes Chaotic Good (Marries Krillin and becomes a member of the Z fighters)

Dimensionality: 3-D

Attack Potency: At least Large Planet level (Her and Android 17 fought and defeated the Z-fighters including Super Saiyan Vegeta, Super Saiyan Trunks, Piccolo, and Tien Shinhan. All of whom who are far beyond first form Frieza who destroyed Planet Vegeta which has ten times the gravity of Earth, requiring a GBE of this level to overcome. Far stronger then their models from Future Trunk's timeline, who fought and killed Future Gohan), Star level with Self-Destruction (Android 16 noted that his self-destruction would've killed everyone including Perfect Cell with even Cell being afraid. Perfect Cell shouldn't be too far off from his Super Perfect Cell form, who was going to destroy the entire solar system, which was going to be done through the process of destroying the sun)

Durability: At least Large Planet level

Striking Strength: At least Large Planet Class

Lifting Strength: Class G (Superior to Android Saga Super Saiyan Vegeta, where the super saiyan transformation increases him by 50 times, putting him at this level. Superior to King Piccolo Saga Goku, who fused his untapped potential with the Oozaru within him, making his power tenfold above his previous self who moved a giant boulder with a lot of effort)

Travel Speed: At least FTL (Comparable to Super Saiyan Goku, who fought so fast that King Kai could not keep up with him, despite King Kai being able to track his spaceship without problem)

Combat Speed: At least FTL, likely Far Higher

Reaction Speed: At least FTL, likely Higher (Far beyond Kid Goku who could dodge a laser and a Kamehameha point-blank)

Stamina: Limitless (As an android created by Gero, she has access to an infinite energy supply)

Range: Standard Melee Range, Interstellar with Ki Attacks (Ki attacks can reach out of the planet and to other planets. All ki attacks should be comparable to Goku's kamehameha, which reached all the way to the sun)

Intelligence: Genius (An android created by Dr. Gero which means it's most likely outfitted with various different battle strategies and the ability to analyze their opponents and find out their weaknesses)

Powers and Abilities

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Acrobatics, Inorganic Physiology (Androids are directly noted by Goku to be beings that he cannot ki sense because they aren't organic), Immortality (Type 1. Androids essentially have eternal life through their mechanized bodies), Flight (Able to fly around freely), Information Analysis (Is capable of analyzing Goku's data), Chi Manipulation & Ki Manipulation (All beings in Dragon Ball have ki, the very life force energy of all characters, ki allows a fighter to extend beyond their bodies limits, allowing them to even block attacks that would otherwise kill them from raising their guard, higher level users can lower their own durability to allow people far below them to fatally wound them. A users ki aura can exert itself as a weapon to attack), Attack Reflection (All Ki users are able to reflect attacks just by being stronger than their opponent. Examples include, Nappa deflecting a masenko from Son Gohan, Son Gohan being able to bounce back the spirit bomb, Son Goku deflecting a crusher ball from Jeice, Frieza deflecting a Final Burst Cannon from Vegeta, Son Goku reflecting multiple death beams back to back from Frieza, and Future Trunks being able to completely repel an energy blast with his hand from a Frieza Soldier just by being much stronger than them), Homing Attack (Ki users can create attacks that will home in and chase a target forever), Power Absorption & Transferal (Ki users can transfer their ki to others and absorb the ki given to them from others), Aura (Has an aura of ki surrounding him whenever he exerts ki), Vibration Manipulation (Powerful ki users can cause the very ground itself to shake when they power up), Pseudo-Fear Manipulation, Limited Soul Manipulation & Pain Manipulation (Ki is the manifestation of one’s lifeforce, along with the aura giving one the feeling of being crushed, exerting fear into the target, sometimes making them incapable of moving as their body is instinctively stuck due to the sheer difference in power), Forcefield Creation (Ki users such as Cell can generate forcefields around themselves. These forcefields can be expanded, and used to protect others and defend against attacks far higher then the user), Light Manipulation (Ki can be used as a flash of light), Non-Physical Interaction (Those with Ki were able to harm the Ghost Warriors), Healing (Ki can be used to heal beings, allowing them to survive even with half their torso, it can also heal from near death), Fusionism (Android 18 can perform the Fusion Dance), Energy Projection (Should be able to use energy attacks like other androids), Self-Destruction (The Androids are equipped with a hidden bomb inside of them that allows them to do a massive self-destruct attack)

Resistance to Pain (Androids don't feel pain), Extrasensory Perception (Androids cannot be ki sensed due to not being an organic being)

Standard Equipment

  • Self Destruct Device: Like her brother, Android 16, and Android 8, Android 18 was originally equipped with a Self Destruct Device which could be activated to trigger the Android Bomb self destruction technique. However after the Cell Games, 18's future husband Krillin would wish to Shenron for the self destruct devices to be removed after it was revealed that he couldn't restore the twins to normal Earthlings.

Notable Techniques

  • Flight: The ability to fly without the use of ki through the use of wings or special mechanisms.
  • Ki Blast: The most basic form of energy wave.
  • Ki Sense: While she was unable to do this originally due to lacking a ki sensing device in her functions, she is shown to have learned to sense ki naturally by the time of Dragon Ball: The Return of Son Goku and Friends!, when she senses Tarble's ki.
  • Destructo Disc: An energy-based attack that consists of form a powerful razor-sharp disk of "ki" capable of slicing through nearly any opponent.
  • Explosive Wave: A technique on which the user bursts out "ki" from all over its body in order to repel the opponents around it.
  • Finger Beam: The user holds out their index finger and releases an energy beam from their fingertip.
  • High-Pressure Energy Wave: 18 puts her hand forward and charges a yellow energy sphere. Then, she fires the sphere in the form of an energy wave at the opponent, inflicting a great deal of damage.
  • Infinity Bullet: First, Android 18 raises both of her hands in front of her and charges a pink swirling energy sphere. Then, she fires many pink energy blasts out of the energy sphere at the opponent, inflicting a massive amount of damage.
    • Quick Blast: Android 18 charges energy spheres similar to her Infinity Bullet, but fires a smaller amount of Ki Blasts.
  • Power Blitz: The user draws their hand back and charges a swirling pink/blue energy sphere. They then brings their hand forward and fires the sphere in the form of an energy wave at the opponent, inflicting a great amount of damage.
  • Sadistic 18: As she says "I'll enjoy this", Android 18 charges at the opponent and punches them up into the air. Then, she flies after the opponent to elbow them in their face and roundhouse kick their arm, before sweep kicking them. Next, she grabs the opponent by their leg and throws them down to the ground, where she teleports beside them and kicks them in the stomach. Finally, Android 18 shouts "It's over!" as she turns around to blast the opponent with a yellow Finger Beam, inflicting a massive amount of damage.
    • Arm Breaker: The signature leg kick she uses to break her opponent's arm. Named in the Dragon Ball Z Collectible Card Game.
    • Buster Swing: The grapple toss that Android 18 uses. Named in the Budokai series.
  • So That's How it Has to Be!: Before the opponent attacks her, Android 18 says "That's the spirit." as she attacks the opponent with a right knee strike to their stomach. Then, she backs away and moves back in to knock the opponent to the side with a left open palm strike to the side of their head, inflicting a massive amount of damage.


Standard Tactics: Android 18 will use hand to hand combat along with ki attacks.

Weaknesses: Nothing notable.

Note: Some clips used on the profile come from an anime or movie due to the fact that some abilities Goku use shouldn't function much differently from how they can in canon, along with this sometimes the anime version/video game version of a scene will be used for cleaner visuals. Toriyama himself directly overlooks scenes in the anime and movies and gives Toei the thumbs up[1].

Note 2: The speed scaling for PLs are taken with a grain of salt as there are noticeable times where someone's speed isn't equal to their power, such as Burter being faster then Recoome and Jeice, along with Super Saiyan Grade 3 Trunks having his power greatly increased but his speed decreased.


  1. "What work do you do on the films, Sensei?
    I check the plot and script that gets sent to me from Toei Animation. I also do some character designs and touch-ups, as well as altering the names and such."

Battle Records




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