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Striking Strength

From The Codex
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Vegeta destroys the punching machine.
Vegeta destroys the punching machine.


Striking Strength is the amount of physical energy one can deal out with their physical attacks. Unlike Attack Potency, striking strength only focuses on a characters physicality, and not what they can achieve with hax, creation abilities that don't scale to physicals, etcetera. Do note that despite the name, the attack does not only mean literal striking with fists, but also how much physical energy one puts in at all, be that tackles, physical energy they put into a weapon, etcetera. Normally one's striking strength is equal to one's Attack Potency but there are some series where that's not the case.

Striking Strength levels

Tier Level Energy in

Conventional Terms

Energy in Tonnes

of TNT Equivalent

Energy in Joules High End to Low End ratio Explanations
11-C Low Infraversal None None None None This is lower hierarchal energy incapable of being quantified.
11-B Infraversal None None None None This is lower hierarchal energy incapable of being quantified.
11-A High Infraversal None None None None This is lower hierarchal energy incapable of being quantified.
10-C Below Average ~0 Joules to

50 Joules

~0 to 9.56x10−9 ~0 to 5x101 N/A
10-B Human 50 Joules to

130 Joules

1.195×10−8 to 3.1071×10−8 5x101 to 1.3x102 2.6x
10-A Athlete 130 Joules to

300 Joules

3.1071×10−8 to 7.17x10−8 1.3x102 to 3x102 ~2.307x
9-C Peak Human 300 Joules to

14 Kilojoules

7.17x10−8 to 3.34608×10−6 3x102 to 1.4x104 46.67x
9-B Wall 14 Kilojoules

to 0.018 Tons

3.59x10−6 to 1.8×10−2 1.4x104 to 7.6×107 ~5441.067
9-A Room 0.018 Tons

to 0.25 Tons

1.8×10−2 to 2.5x10−1 7.6×107 to 1.046x109 ~13.89x
Low 8-C Small Building 0.25 Tons

to 5 Tons

2.5x10−1 to 5 1.046x109 to 2.092x1010 20x
8-C Building 5 Tons

to 7.5 Tons

5 to 7.5 to 2.092x1010 to 3.138×1010 1.5x
High 8-C Large Building 7.5 Tons to

10 Tons

7.5 to 1x101 3.138×1010 to 4.184×1010 ~1.33x
8-B City Block 10 Tons to 100 Tons 1x101 to 102 4.184×1010 to 4.184x1011 10x
8-A City District 100 Tons to 10 Kilotons 102 to 1x104 4.184x1011 to 4.184×1013 100x
7-C Town 10 Kilotons to

1 Megaton

1x104to 106 4.184×1013 to 4.184x1015 100x
7-B City 1 Megaton to 100 Megatons 106 to 1x108 4.184x1015 to 4.184x1017 100x
7-A Mountain 100 Megatons

to 1 Gigaton

1x108 to 1x109 4.184x1017 to 4.184x1018 10x
6-C Island 1 Gigatons

to 1 Teraton

1x109 to 1x1012 4.184x1018 to 4.184x1021 1000x
Low 6-B Small Country 1 Teraton to 10 Teratons 1x1012 to 1x1013 4.184x1021 to 4.184x1022 10x
6-B Country 10 Teratons

to 500 Teratons

1x1013 to 5x1014 4.184x1022 to 2.092x1024 50x
High 6-B Large Country 500 Teratons

to 1 Petaton

5x1014 to 1x1015 2.092x1024 to 4.184x1024 2x
6-A Continent 1 Petaton

to 40 Petatons

1x1015 to 4x1016 4.184x1024 to 1.674x1026 ~40x
High 6-A Multi-Continent 40 Petatons to

28.6 Exatons

4x1016 to 2.87x1019 1.674x1026 to 1.2x1029 ~716.85x
5-C Moon 29.6 Exatons to

430 Exatons

2.87x1019 to 4.3x1020 1.2x1029 to 1.8x1030 ~14.53x
Low 5-B Small Planet 433 Exatons

to 48 Zettatons

4.3x1020 to 4.8x1022 1.8x1030 to 2x1032 ~111.11x
5-B Planet 48 Zettatons

to 4.075 Yottatons

4.8x1022 to 4.075x1024 2x1032 to 1.705x1034 ~85.25x
High 5-B Large Planet 4.075 Yottatons

to 182.31 Ninatons

4.075x1024 to 1.823x1029 1.705x1034 to 7.628x1038 ~44,737x
5-A Brown Dwarf 182.31 Ninatons

to 3.910 Tenatons

1.823x1029 to 3.91x1030 7.628x1038 to 1.636x1040 ~21.45x
Low 4-C Low Mass Star 3.910 Tenatons

to 55 Tenatons

3.91x1030 to 5.49x1031 1.636x1040 to 2.3x1041 ~7.33x
4-C Star 55 Tenatons

to 912.295 Tenatons

5.49x1031 to 9.12x1032 2.3x1041 to 3.817x1042 ~16.59x
High 4-C High Mass Star 912.295 Tenatons

to 1 Foe

9.12x1032 to 2.39x1034 3.817x1042 to 1x1044 ~26.20x
4-B Solar System 1 Foe

to 121.98 GigaFoe

2.39x1034 to 1x1044 1x1044 to 1.22x1055 ~12,1982,507,288.629738x
High 4-B Multi-Solar System 121.98 GigaFoe

to 1.61 YottaFoe

2.92x1045 to 1.041x1048 1.22x1055 to 4.357x1057 ~357.1554x
4-A Star Cluster 121.98 GigaFoe

to 1.61 YottaFoe

1.041x1048 to 4.693x1050 4.357x1057 to 1.964x1060 ~450.7539x
High 4-A Multi-Star Cluster 121.98 GigaFoe

to 1.61 YottaFoe

4.693x1050 to 1.22x1055 1.964x1060 to 1.614x1068 ~82,185,891.768x
3-C Galaxy 1.61 YottaFoe

to 1.61 NinaFoe

3.857x1058 to 3.857x1061 1.614x1068 to 1.614x1071 1000x
High 3-C Multi-Galaxy 1.61 NinaFoe

to 5.48 TenaFoe

3.857x1061 to 1.301x1065 1.614x1071 to 5.447x1074 ~3374.8x
3-B Galaxy Cluster 5.48 TenaFoe

to 2.15 TenakiloFoe

1.301x1065 to 5.134x1067 5.447x1074 to 2.148x1077 ~394.3x
3-A Supercluster 2.15 TenakiloFoe

to 2.79 TenamegaFoe

5.134x1067 to 6.666x1070 2.148x1077 to 2.789x1080 ~1298.4x
High 3-A Multi-Supercluster 2.79 TenamegaFoe

to any higher finite amount

6.666x1070 to any higher finite number 2.789x1080 to any higher finite number N/A
Low 2-C Low Universal Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Higher layered hierarchies that are impossible with our current standards of physics.
2-C Universal Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Higher layered hierarchies that are impossible with our current standards of physics.
2-B Multiversal Cell Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Higher layered hierarchies that are impossible with our current standards of physics.
2-A Multiversal Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Higher layered hierarchies that are impossible with our current standards of physics.
High 2-A High Multiversal Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Higher layered hierarchies that are impossible with our current standards of physics.
1-C Simple Hierarchal Multiversal Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Higher layered hierarchies that are impossible with our current standards of physics.
Low 1-B Low Complex Hierarchal Multiversal Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Higher layered hierarchies that are impossible with our current standards of physics.
1-B Complex Hierarchal Multiversal Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Higher layered hierarchies that are impossible with our current standards of physics.
High 1-B High Complex Hierarchal Multiversal Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Higher layered hierarchies that are impossible with our current standards of physics.
Low 1-A Low Meta Hierarchal Multiversal Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Higher layered hierarchies that are impossible with our current standards of physics.
1-A Meta Hierarchal Multiversal Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Higher layered hierarchies that are impossible with our current standards of physics.
High 1-A Absolute Transcendence Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Unquantifiable Higher layered hierarchies that are impossible with our current standards of physics.

Additional terms

"+" symbol

The "+" symbol is used when the Striking Strength has been calculated to be greater than the average (arithmetic mean) of the high end energy level and low end energy level of a particular tier.

Example: Average of Large Building level is: [2 Tons (low end) + 11 tons (high end)]/2 = 6.5 Tons (the arithmetic mean). All energy levels from 2 Tons to 6.5 Tons should be listed as Large Building level, whereas all energy levels from 6.5 Tons to 11 Tons should be listed as Large Building level+.

At least

Should be used to denote the lower cap of a character, if the exact value is indeterminate. Usually listed for characters that have done a feat superbly casually.

At most

Should be used to denote the higher cap of a character, if the exact value is indeterminate. Usually listed for characters that have done a feat that is questionable compared to their other feats.


Should be used to list a hypothetical statistic for a character, but inconclusive due to lack of feats or viable power-scaling. Probability of said hypothetical statistic should be favourable.


Should be used to list a hypothetical statistic for a character, but inconclusive due to lack of feats or viable power-scaling. Probability of said hypothetical statistic should also be indeterminate.

Discussions (Link For Mobile Users):

Discussion threads involving Striking Strength