This dropdown contains the synopsis of Zeno’s story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise! |
At some point in time, Zeno destroyed 6 of the then-existing 18 universes. Universe 6 Saga
Goku attempts to meet Zeno, but Zeno's attendants shield the king from him. Zeno allows Goku to speak to him, and even shakes hands with Goku after a long pause when the latter offers his hand. After shaking hands with Goku, Zeno returns home via his attendants. "Future" Trunks Saga
As he was told, Beerus orders Whis to take Goku to Zeno's place together with Shin. Zeno happily greets Goku and asks him to be his friend, since everyone else was too afraid of his power to effectively socialize with. When Goku seemed to hesitate, Shin desperately interrupts, saying Goku would be happy to oblige, but Zeno orders him to be silent and allows Goku to answer for himself. Agreeing to be his friend, Goku tells Zeno to just call him by his name and, in return, Goku will call him "Zenny," to the shock of those present. After Goku promises to bring him a friend even more fun than himself after he settles his business on earth, Zeno gives Goku a button. If Goku presses it, the Omni-King will come right to him. After Fused Zamasu and the future timeline's world are destroyed and erased, Goku and Future Trunks return using Cell's Time Machine. There they find an empty cyan void with Future Zeno floating in the emptiness. They decide to take that timeline's Zeno to the present so that he and his present timeline counterpart can be friends. After arriving at Present Zeno's palace, Zeno rushes to see but is met with surprise at his future counterpart. At Goku's suggestion, the two decide to play with both being happy to have finally found a friend. Universe Survival Saga
Before the Tournament of Power is held, however, Future Zeno requests his present counterpart host a preliminary tournament to raise his expectations for the upcoming all-universe event. Their servant, the Grand Minister, willing obliges and has both Universe 7 and Universe 9 gather three warriors each to compete in the contest. The former universe picks Good Buu, Gohan, and Goku to compete, while the latter selects the Trio of Danger, a fearsome trio of lupine siblings: Basil, Lavender, and Bergamo. Above an arena materialized specifically for the matches, on the Null Realm, all of the gods, the Supreme Kais, Gods of Destruction and Angels, as well as the Zenos and their attendants gather to spectate the matches, with the rules being laid out soon thereafter. The fights are then determined, with Buu fighting Basil, Gohan fighting Lavender, and Goku fighting Bergamo, and they then watch the first clash, between Basil and Majin Buu, with the latter coming out as the victor. They then watch the next match between Gohan and Lavender with the battle ending in a draw after both collapsed. The two versions of Zeno are shown amazed by the fights even allowing any underhanded moves to go since they will determine the rules for the actual tournament. Their decision is enforced by the Grand Minister who glares at an agitated Beerus to settle him down. Before the final exhibition match, Bergamo pleads to Zeno to relinquish the destruction of the Universes if one team loses. Though they state they have made their decision, they would allow it if Bergamo wins in his battle against Goku. During Goku's battle with Bergamo, Future Zeno is surprised by the power of Super Saiyan Blue as his counterpart explains it to him. The two are amazed when Goku enters Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken and defeats Bergamo easily upholding the decision to destroy the losing universes. After the battle ends, Top of Universe 11 challenges Goku as the two Zenos are surprised but allow the match between the two fighters. They are amazed by the battle and are eager with anticipation as the fighters prepare to go all out but Grand Minister ends the match to their disappointment until they hear the fighters need to conserve their power for the actual tournament. When the Tournament of Power arena was completed in the World of Void, Zeno and Future Zeno looked in awe and decided to play and massage on the arena. Thanking the Grand Minister, Zeno gave him a piece of candy, much to the Minister's delight. During the tournament, both Zenos watch in amazement at the battle. They also possess GodPads, tablet devices, which they use to keep track of which warriors have been eliminated. After Goku and Vegeta finish off Team Universe 9, Zeno and Future Zeno make good on their word and erased all of Universe 9 with the exception of Mohito. When the combatants of the remaining universes stopped fighting, shocked by the erasure of Universe 9, the Zenos were puzzled as to why they had stopped fighting. After all of Team Universe 10 is defeated, Zeno and Future Zeno erased all of Universe 10 with the exception of Kusu. Later on, when Frieza had eliminated Frost, Zeno erased the latter as he was preparing to fire a Chaos Beam at Frieza from the sidelines. He did so declaring that such an action was against the rules and threatened Team Universe 6 that he'd erase Universe 6 entirely if they do it again. After both Team Universe 2 and Team Universe 6 were defeated, the two Zenos promptly erased both Universes 2 and 6, with the exceptions of Sour and Vados, respectively. Later, after Team Universe 4 and Team Universe 3 were defeated, the Zenos erased Universe 4 and 3 (except Cognac and Camparri) as well. In the anime it is stated by the Grand Minister that Zeno foresaw the outcome of a virtuous being winning the tournament of power who would selflessly wish on the Super Dragon Balls. It is also stated by Grand Minister that Zeno would otherwise have erased all universes if the winner had wished for selfish reasons as this would have shown that the winning universe was no better than the erased ones. The two Zeno's joyfully fly to Goku and engage him in their handshake, praising him for his performance in the tournament and thanking him for his role in making it happen. Before Goku and friends return home, Zeno asked if they would ever see him again which Goku assures him he will before sharing a fist pump. In the manga none of this occurs. |
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“ | And then I got an idea that was very good. A tournament with all the universes together. I think we should try it sometime; wouldn't that be fun? | „ |
~ Zeno to Son Goku |
This dropdown contains the synopsis of Future Zeno’s story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise! |
"Future" Trunks Saga
Future Zeno questioned Goku's identity while asking if he was the one who summoned him as the latter confirms it. After seeing the horrible things done to the Earth, Future Zeno asks if Goku did this but the latter points out Infinite Zamasu (who turned into a reality encompassing entity in an attempt to become order and justice) as the culprit. Becoming annoyed by his mad laugh, Future Zeno is asked by Goku if he will Erase Zamasu as the latter states he will and decides to destroy the entire future world as well. Goku quickly has everyone run and activate the time machine while having the two Supreme Kais teleport back to their time. Future Zeno proclaims an awful reality created by Zamasu should disappear as his attack destroys the vile Kai who essence had extended to the present timeline and fades away as the time machine returns. After Infinite Zamasu and the world of the future are destroyed, Goku and Future Trunks return using Cell's Time Machine, finding the world an empty cyan void with Zeno floating around. They approach him as Goku offers to take him somewhere fun as they decide to take that timeline's Zeno to the present where his presence causes Beerus, Whis and the Supreme Kais to bow in respect. Goku then requests for Shin take him to Zeno's main timeline counterpart's palace. The two Zeno's are surprised to see one another but at Goku's suggestion, they decide to be friends. They soon play with both being happy to have found a friend. Universe Survival Saga
Before the Tournament of Power is held, however, Future Zeno requests his present counterpart a preliminary tournament to raise his expectations for the upcoming all-universal event. Their servant, the Grand Minister, sees to it and has both Universe 7 and Universe 9 to gather three warriors each and go to their palace to compete in the contest. The former universe picks Good Buu, Gohan and Goku to compete, where as the latter picks the Trio of Danger, a fearsome trio of lupine siblings, Basil, Lavender, and Bergamo. Above an arena materialized specifically for the matches, on the Null Realm, all of the gods, the Supreme Kais, Gods of Destruction and Angels, as well as the Zeno's and their attendants gather to spectate the matches, with the rules being laid out soon thereafter. The fights are then determined, with Buu fighting Basil, Gohan fighting Lavender, and Goku fighting Bergamo, and they then watch the first clash, between Basil and Majin Buu, with the latter coming out as the victor. They then watched the match between Gohan and Lavender with the battle ending in a draw after both collapsed. The two versions of Zeno are shown amazed by the fights even allowing any underhanded moves to go since they will determine the rules for the actual tournament. Their decision is enforced by the Grand Minister who glares at an agitated Beerus to settle him down. Before the final exhibition match, Bergamo pleads to Zeno to relinquish the destruction of the Universes if one team loses. Though they state they have made their decision, they would allow it if Bergamo wins in his battle against Goku. During Goku's battle with Bergamo, Future Zeno is surprised by the power of Super Saiyan Blue as his counterpart explains it to him. The two are amazed when Goku enters Super Saiyan Blue Kaio-ken and defeats Bergamo easily upholding the decision to destroy the losing universes. After the battle ends, Top of Universe 11 challenges Goku as the two Zeno's are surprised but allow the match between the two fighters. They are amazed by the battle and are eager with anticipation as the fighters prepare to go all out but the Grand Minister ends the match to their disappointment until they hear the fighters need to conserve their power for the actual tournament. When the Tournament of Power arena was completed in the World of Void, Zeno and Future Zeno looked in awe and decided to play and massage on the arena. During the tournament, both Zeno's watch on in amazement, and keep track of who has been eliminated using their GodPads. After Goku and Vegeta finish off Team Universe 9, Future Zeno and Zeno make good on their word and erased all of Universe 9 with the exception of Mohito. They are confused when everyone stops fighting after their action but when it restarts they express their excitement. After all of Team Universe 10 is defeated, Future Zeno and Zeno erased Universe 10 with the exception of Kusu. After both Team Universe 2 and Team Universe 6 were defeated, the two Zenos promptly erased both Universes 2 and 6, with the exceptions of Sour and Vados, respectively. Later, after Team Universe 4 and 3 were defeated, the Zenos erased Universe 4 and 3 (except Cognac and Camparri) as well. Future Zeno and his present counterpart watch the rest of the Tournament unfold with excitement, especially when Goku unleashes the Perfected Ultra Instinct state against Jiren's full power. At the Tournament's end, the Zenos ask Goku what fun thing should they do next, but Beerus, foreseeing another hectic test of survival, frantically dashes out of the stands to cover Goku's mouth before he can respond. They wonder if Goku will eventually come back to see them again, to which Goku promises that he will, fist-bumping both Zenos as a sign of his promise. |
Tier: Unknown physically, High 3-A with Erasure
Name: Zeno, Future Zeno
Origin: Dragon Ball Super
Sex: Male
Age: Over 75 million years old (Zeno is older then Beerus, who notes he wiped out the dinosarus a while back[1])
Classification: Omni-King, King of the Twelve Universes, Present Timeline Zeno
Status: Alive
Alignment: True Neutral (Zeno in nature does things based on the events he sees, such as in the tournament of power, Zeno would've erased all of the multiverse if Goku didn't tell him to do a tournament instead and he was still planning to wipe out all universes if one didn't wish for all the universes back, erased Future Trunk's world after seeing the desolate nature of the world and wishing to erase it)
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: Unknown physically (Whis mentions that Zeno being the highest being isn't by strength to Goku[2]), Multi-Supercluster level with Erasure (Whis notes Zeno can erase anything from existence in an instant, including stars, galaxies, and universes[3]. Whis also notes if Zeno wished he could erase it all[4]. Originally erased 6 universes due to him being in an "unpleasant mood"[5]. Future Zeno erased Future Trunks universe to kill Infinite Zamasu[6])
Durability: Unknown (Despite him not being physically strong, he still for some reason remained alive in Future Trunks timeline, with Shin saying with no hesitation that the Omni-King cannot be killed[7])
Striking Strength: Unknown
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Travel Speed: Unknown
Combat Speed: At least FTL+ (Was able to erase Frost before he could shoot his death beam at Frieza. Frost can tag a base Son Goku where he absorbed the Super Saiyan God form, making it his base form[8], which the Super Saiyan God increases a users power by at least 40,000, which makes him this many times faster then 22nd Budokai Kid Goku)
Reaction Speed: At least FTL+
Stamina: Unknown
Range: Standard Melee Range, Multi-Supercluster with Erasure (Whis notes Zeno can erase anything from existence in an instant, including stars, galaxies, and universes[9]. Whis also notes if Zeno wished he could erase it all[10]. Originally erased 6 universes due to him being in an "unpleasant mood"[11])
Intelligence: Average
Powers and Abilities
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Flight (Comparable to Future Zeno, who flew upwards to erase Infinite Zamasu[12]), Longevity (Zeno is older then Beerus, who notes he wiped out the dinosaurs a while back[13]), Self-Sustenance (Type 1; Can breathe in an empty vacuum just fine[14]), Erasure (Physical Erasure & Metaphysical Erasure; Whis notes Zeno can erase anything from existence in an instant, including stars, galaxies, and universes[15]. Whis also notes if Zeno wished he could erase it all[16]. Originally erased 6 universes due to him being in an "unpleasant mood"[17]), Possible Immortality (Unknown Type; Despite him not being physically strong, he still for some reason remained alive in Future Trunks timeline, with Shin saying with no hesitation that the Omni-King cannot be killed[18]), Chi Manipulation & Ki Manipulation (All beings in Dragon Ball have ki, the very life force energy of all characters, ki allows a fighter to extend beyond their bodies limits, allowing them to even block attacks that would otherwise kill them from raising their guard, higher level users can lower their own durability to allow people far below them to fatally wound them. A users ki aura can exert itself as a weapon to attack), Attack Reflection (All Ki users are able to reflect attacks just by being stronger than their opponent. Examples include, Nappa deflecting a masenko from Son Gohan, Son Gohan being able to bounce back the spirit bomb, Son Goku deflecting a crusher ball from Jeice, Frieza deflecting a Final Burst Cannon from Vegeta, Son Goku reflecting multiple death beams back to back from Frieza, and Future Trunks being able to completely repel an energy blast with his hand from a Frieza Soldier just by being much stronger than them), Homing Attack (Ki users can create attacks that will home in and chase a target forever), Mind Manipulation (Characters can link their ki together and train within each other’s mind enacting in image training), Power Absorption & Transferal (Ki users can transfer their ki to others and absorb the ki given to them from others), Aura (Has an aura of ki surrounding him whenever he exerts ki), Vibration Manipulation (Powerful ki users can cause the very ground itself to shake when they power up), Intimidation, Soul Manipulation & Pain Manipulation (Ki is the manifestation of one’s lifeforce, along with the aura giving one the feeling of being crushed, exerting fear into the target, sometimes making them incapable of moving as their body is instinctively stuck due to the sheer difference in power), Energy Manipulation (Ki is the latent power in one's body, this latent power allows them to form and create energy from controlling their ki, which can be used to shoot out energy blast), Explosion Manipulation (Ki attacks can create massive explosions, control the ki to set off a huge explosion under the enemy, or in front of them), Heat Manipulation (Ki user's ki attacks produce heat allowing them to cook and grill animals and raw meat[19][20], along with leaving behind steam after the attacks hit an area, showing its latent heat), Power Nullification (Those with ki can nullify attacks of lesser ki with their ki alone. They can also catch and nullify ki attacks around their level through focusing enough[21]), Forcefield Creation (Ki users such as Cell can generate forcefields around themselves. These forcefields can be expanded, and used to protect others and defend against attacks far higher then the user), Self-Destruction (Ki users in Dragon Ball are able to release all of the energy within them to cause a massive self-destruction of energy that normally kills the user and turns them into dust though one can control it to surviving but having no stamina or energy left), Light Manipulation (Ki can be used as a flash of light), Non-Physical Interaction (Zeno like Goku should be able to block intangible attacks when he focuses and notices them[22]. Those with ki can block intangible attacks when they focus and notices them[23]), Healing (Ki can be used to heal beings, allowing them to survive even with half their torso, it can also heal from near death), Limited Resurrection (Ki users can resurrect ones heart from death if their ki beams hit their heart, restarting it[24]), Fusionism (Like other characters in the verse, Zeno can perform the Fusion Dance).
Limited Resistance to Durability Negation (Ki users can focus their energy to localize an object to a specific spot to stop them from attempting to destroy their organs/insides)
Standard Equipment
- Zeno's Button: A teleportation device that would summon Zeno or Future Zeno to the location the user is at. On the other side there is another button where the user will be transported to Zeno. Given to Goku.
Notable Techniques
- Flight: The ability to take flight; either by ki or magic.
- Zeno Jump: A pose where Zeno jumps and stands on his left tiptoe with his left hand outstretched as if waving. Used in the Yoka Yoka Dance ending of Dragon Ball Super. Its name is rendered as Zen-Oh Jump in Xenoverse 2.
- Erase: The ability to destroy anything with one or two balls of blue magical energy. This includes immortal beings and entire universes since it eliminates every single trace of any entity, both material and immaterial. This power is by far the strongest and deadliest technique in the series.
- Immortality: It is heavily implied in both anime and manga that Zeno are completely immortal. Shin stated that Zeno is completely unkillable (which was later proved correct as he survived the destruction of an entire timeline) and is ruling the multiverse since possibly millions of years (According to the Grand Minister, the Tournament of Power begins on the "3,135,500,603rd day of the Era of Our King" which is over eight and a half million years.)
- Magic Materialization: For Goku to easily contact or summon Zeno, the King of All was able to produce a handy button on his palm in an instant.
Standard Tactics: Zeno immedieatly opens up with erase against his foe.
Weaknesses: Due to the nature of ki draining stamina and energy, Dragon Ball characters ki usage requires them to usually use their higher levels of energy in short bursts, allowing them to not be able to tank or die to far lower attacks such as attacks that have destroyed the planets of several worlds. Childish and innocent. Lacks combat experience.
Before discussing 2-C Dragon Ball Super, please read this blog.
- According to the Grand Minister, the Tournament of Power begins on the "3,135,500,603rd day of the Era of Our King".[25] If these are 24-hour days, this would imply Zeno has been the King of All for approximately 8.6 million years.
- The symbol on his shirt may be a word play on his overall name, since the word "king" (王, ō) is also contained in the word "all" (全, zen).
- His name "Zeno" sounds very similar to the word zennō (全能), which is Japanese for "almighty".
- In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, there is a pose referred to as "Zen-Oh Jump" which appears to be the pose Zeno makes in the Yoka Yoka Dance ending theme.
- When Goku first met Future Zeno, he named the Omni-King in a respective manner (Zeno Sama) at the same time that he was friends with the Zeno of the present, conversely referring to the Omni-King in a friendly manner (Zen-chan).
- In the Funimation dub, Goku calls Zeno “Zenny”, which is very similar to “Zeni”, the name of the currency in the Dragon Ball universe.
- It looks like Zeno is right-handed while his future counterpart is left-handed, which is shown many times when they do something together.
- Zeno and his future counterpart have wiped out a different number of Universes each. Before the divergence of the main timeline and Future Trunks' timeline, both had wiped out 6 of the original 18 Universes. The Future Zeno went on to wipe out the remaining 12 following their corruption by Infinite Zamasu before being brought back to the main timeline. As of the Tournament of Power, Zeno has now wiped out 13 total Universes, while Future Zeno has wiped out 25, which includes the Universes that he jointly erased with Zeno on top of the 18 from his own timeline. The beginning of the Universe Survival Saga also depicted Zeno as well as his future counterpart being implied to have destroyed at least 101 planets each during their game, which may or may not have included life on them.
- Zeno has the second highest body count in the franchise next to his future counterpart.
- In both the English version of the Dragon Ball manga and Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot, the unit of measurement Vegeta uses for Blutz Waves during the Vegeta Saga is Zeno.
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 3
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 47
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 47
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 47
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 47
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 67
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 67
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 13
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 47
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 47
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 47
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 67
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 3
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 67
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 47
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 47
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 47
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 67
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Episode 162
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Kai Episode 82
- ↑ Dragon Ball Z Episode 231
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 72
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 72
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Episode 72
- ↑ Dragon Ball Super Manga chapter 28, "The Gods of Destruction From All 12 Universes"
Battle Records
Discussions (Link For Mobile Users):
Discussion threads involving Zeno |