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"Mature Content" |
This character or verse has mature themes and concepts, thus those of young age are ill-advised to look through these. |

“ | Valerie? That is ...the name of the cat. You are mistaking me for someone else. I am Japhet, the firebird, guardian of zone 2! I am not your brother, I do not even belong to the race of carnivores! Look upon my true face, you poor, foul-smelling cat! Will you not understand? I am not Valerie, but Japhet! I have taken control of your pathetic brother. Unable to even chew through a bird to the end. I was waiting, Batter. I will not surrender without a fight. | „ |
~ Japhet to The Judge & The Batter |
Japhet is the Guardian of Zone 2. Like other Guardians, he is responsible for administering the affairs of his Zone in accordance with the wishes of the Queen.
General Information
Name: Japhet, Valérie
Origin: OFF
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Boss
Species: Unknown
Occupation: Zone 2 Guardian, Zone Guardian, Queen's Inspector
Status: Deceased (Was purified by The Batter)
Alignment: Lawful Evil (Zone Guardians are corrupted inspectors of their zones, meant to take out phantoms though Dedan in specific interacts with unjust cruelty towards his subjects)
Codex Statistics
Tier: 6-C
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: Island level (Is the creator of Zone 2, which are described as islets, it’s specifically noted the zone guardians draws infinite power from the sun)
Durability: Island level
Striking Strength: Island Class
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Travel Speed: Regular Human, Speed of Light in the nothingness (Stated to be able to travel in the nothingness at the speed of light)
Combat Speed: Speed of Light
Reaction Speed: Speed of Light (Can naturally move in the nothingness, a void outside of space and time, at the speed of light)
Stamina: Unknown
Range: Standard Melee Range, likely Higher with Competences, Kilometers with abilities (Created Zone 2, which like other zones should be the size of an islet)
Intelligence: Genius (Naturally the ruler of his zone, applying all of the systems, sets of logic, etcetera. His zone in specific holds a library with various books holding an amass of knowledge)
Powers and Abilities
Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Genius Intelligence, Enhanced Senses (Can still attack enemies while under the blinded status effect), Non-Physical Interaction, Metaphysics Manipulation (Soul Manipulation), Immortality Negation (Undead Immortality; Should be comparable to other Zone Guardians and Batter who can harm and kill specters, undead ghost, and can harm nonexistent enemies within purified zones), Conceptual Manipulation, Linguistic Manipulation, Information Manipulation, Text Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation, Reality Warping, Matter Manipulation, Creation, Energy Manipulation, Elemental Manipulation & Pocket Reality Manipulation (All Zone Guardians created their zones, which are pocket realities sculpted from the energy given by The Queen it also contains its own space and time as it's separate from the other zones from the nothingness, a place outside of space-time. Likely created the elements. Zone guardians would have also created and have their energy tied to the concepts of their world which upon Batter killing them, it erases areas to the extent that they no longer have names and are replaced with “???” along with books and signs being unreadable, and color along with everything being gone. Can imbue his attacks with abstract ideas. Should be comparable to Batter who can harm and kill abstract specters and speech bubbles), Summoning (Has the power to summon Spectres), Transformation (Can shift between his normal bird form and his phoenixx form), Fire Manipulation (Japhet is a fire bird), Possession & Death Manipulation (Possessed The Judge’s brother Valérie, which upon doing this killed his brother), Spatial Manipulation (Has items in his library such as books that stay upside down no matter which way The Batter holds them), Sound Manipulation (Since Japhet is a songbird, his Competences are all sound-themed), Status Effect Inducement, Power Nullification (With “Alto”, inflicts the mute status effect), Poison Manipulation (With “Tenor”, inflicts the poison status effect), Teleportation & Dimensional Travel (Can teleport directly into the nothingness and back to their zones).
Resistance to Madness Manipulation (Does not go insane due to lack of sugar, which is directly stated to make people go mad without it), Metaphysics Manipulation (Soul Manipulation; Can take attacks from Batter and his Add-Ons), Spatial Manipulation (Can take attacks under the plastic element), Nothingness Manipulation, Conceptual Manipulation, Linguistic Manipulation, Information Manipulation, Text Manipulation, & Purification (Can travel in the nothingness, a non-existent realm outside of space-time. His existence is what stops Batter’s purification of a zone, which upon purifying zones he erases to them to an extent that the names for areas get re-named “???”, along with books, and posters becoming unreadable. It is even noted that the color and everything is gone), Metal Manipulation (Can take attacks from the metal attribute. Should be able to like The Judge walk around in a purified zone where metal no longer exists, which it was stated without metal there would be no way to walk without sinking into the ground), Organic Manipulation (Can take attacks from the meat attribute)----
Standard Equipment
None notable
Notable Techniques
- Alto: A special attack that can also inflicts the Mute status effect, completely nullifying the enemies use of competence. It deals low impact and all forms of Japhet can use it.
- Soprano: A special attack of mediocre impact, only the 2nd and Final forms use it.
- Tenor: A special attack that can also inflict Poison, continuously dealing them damage that ignores their armor and durability. It deals low impact, only the Final Form uses it.
- Head-Voice: Attack of great impact, only the Final form uses it.
- Summoning: Can summon forth specters, and can seemingly control them to a degree as well.
- Flames: As the millennial firebird, Japhet is described frequently as possessing control over fire and flames.
Standard Tactics: Japhet will use different competences or attacks as he sees fit. He will also transform in the middle of battle to show his true form and attack at full power.
Weaknesses: While possessing another body he does not have access to all of his strength.
Note: A lot of OFF’s explanations and concepts are very limited and require many different interpretations, thus making it difficult to completely ascertain what certain elements mean, thus using what one can piece together in game along with Mortis’ statements, we have supplied the following profile.
Battle Records
*The Batter - Fight
- Conditions: The Batter had help from his add-on.
- Location: Library of Zone 2
- Note: Japhet was unable to summon spectres and fled after the fight.
- The Batter - Fight
- Conditions: The Batter had help from his add-ons.
- Location: Roof of Zone 2 Library