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Desmond Belmont
From The Codex
“ | There will always be a Belmont waiting to send you back to hell. | „ |
~ Desmond Belmont to Count Dracula |
Desmond Belmont was born to the Belmont Clan during the 1600s, alongside his sisters Zoe and Dolores Belmont, as the son of Soleil Belmont. Desmond exists in an alternate timeline to the main continuity, although for unknown reasons, as his game doesn’t present any contradictions or alternative events that would make it not fit.
Much like the rest of the male members of the Belmont Clan, Desmond was raised to be a powerful hunter of the night, and thus became incredibly proficient in using a variety of weapons; including swords, knives, axes, crosses, and the Belmont’s trademark whips.
However, when Desmond and his sisters were still fairly young, their father caught wind of a powerful group of Dracula worshippers that called themselves the Order of Shadows. Soleil took the Vampire Killer and made his way into the mansion where the Order of Shadows resided, but was fatally wounded by the leader of the Order, Rohan Krause.
Soleil made his way back to his three children and, before dying, passed the Belmont family’s legendary Vampire Killer whip down to Desmond. Many years passed and the Belmont kids grew into competent young adults; at last, they were prepared to take down the Order of Shadows.
Desmond, Zoe, and Dolores ventured into the cursed mansion in which the Order resided; Zoe and Dolores sought for the chamber in which Rohan resided, while Desmond destroyed as many monsters as he could. Eventually, Zoe discovered a powerful relic that had once belonged to the Belmont’s, but fell into the hands of the Order. This was the gauntlet of Leon Belmont, which had been blessed with alchemy by Rinaldo Gandolfi. Desmond reclaimed this artifact and wore it, granting alchemic powers unto him.
At long last, Zoe and Dolores discovered the hiding place of Rohan Krause, and Desmond immediately headed inside. After Rohan taunted Desmond’s dad and claimed the Vampire Killer whip would be useless, a battle ensued. Much to Rohan’s surprise, Desmond was able to strike him down. With his dying breath, Rohan used his own blood to resurrect Count Dracula, and Dracula’s Castle rose once again.
With absolutely no time to waste, Desmond rushed into Dracula’s Castle and stormed his way through it, mowing down enemy after enemy before coming to the Dark Lord himself. Dracula admitted that he was not at full strength, but conceded that he should still be able to win.
Desmond mustered all the power he could and struck down the Dark Lord, who stated that he would always return no matter what. Assuring Dracula that there would always be a Belmont waiting for him to send him back to hell, he struck him one final time with the Vampire Killer, and ended the conflict.
With everything finally over, Desmond took Zoe and Dolores and left the crumbling castle. He would go on to continue the Belmont bloodline, presumably becoming the father of the legendary Simon Belmont.
Tier: 2-C
Name: Desmond Belmont
Origin: Castlevania
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown, looks around 20 years old
Classification: Vampire Hunter
Alignment: Neutral Good (Good-hearted and always fights for what's right. He puts the safety of his sisters above all else, due to experiencing the death of his father, but recognizes his necessary duties as a vampire slayer and arises to the occasion when need-be)
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: Universe level (Desmond has directly killed Count Dracula; Dracula is above Galamoth, let alone the Time Reaper, who Galamoth controls. The Time Reaper was going to destroy the entire Castlevania Timeline)
Durability: Universal level (Could take hits from Dracula, who is above the Time Reaper; the Time Reaper's power was going to destroy the Castlevania Timeline)
Striking Strength: Universal Class
Lifting Strength: Unknown
Travel Speed: Superhuman (Should scale above Leon Belmont; Leon was able to escape Walter's Castle by running from the top floor to the entrance, before the entire structure collapsed)
Combat Speed: FTL
Reaction Speed: FTL (Scales above Leon Belmont, who outpaced Medusa, who could produce beams from her eyes on several occasions; these beams were confirmed to be comprised of light. Should be above Trevor Belmont, who was able to outpace Nuculais, a being composed entirely of light, as well as Dracula, who generated a light beam. Should scale to Soma Cruz, who could outpace Paranoia; Paranoia can generate beams of energy from its hands, confirmed to be comprised of light. Defeating Death should put him about Count Olrox as well, who could generate a beam, which was confirmed to be light-based)
Stamina: Peak Human (Ventured through an entire cursed mansion and then the entirety of Dracula’s Castle, whilst uncovering the truth about the Order of Shadows, and didn’t rest a single time. He went on to defeat Count Dracula and all of his servants)
Range: Standard Melee, Extended Melee with Vampire Killer and swords, Tens of Meters with axes, possibly Planetary with Meteor
Intelligence: Genius in combat (Due to Dracula growing stronger with each resurrection, he should thus be more dangerous in Desmond’s time than Christopher’s; meaning that Desmond should be similar to, if not superior to, Demond in combat. We know through being directly compared to Leon that he should be somewhat comparable)
Powers and Abilities
Superhuman Physical Characteristics (Every Belmont is capable of preforming feats such as casually moving large blocks, and defeating monsters without any stat enhancers), Acrobatics (Every Belmont is able to leap from platform to platform without much difficulty, and are able to preform front and backflips. They can even do platforming while simultaneously fighting monsters), Weapon Mastery (All members of the Belmont Clan are naturally gifted in wielding several different types of weapons. This ranges from their proficiency with a whip, to their perfect aim with throwing knives and axes. They're also incredibly skilled with cross-shaped boomerangs, and jars of holy water), H2H Proficiency (The Belmonts are trained fighters who have shown the ability to fight even without a weapon. They have shown the ability to deliver powerful punches at blinding speeds), Non-Physical Interaction, Soul Manipulation, & Immortality Negation (Type 7; The Belmont Clan is capable of harming ghosts and other undead enemies, such as zombies. They can even harm and kill Death himself), Magic (The Belmont Clan wield magical powers. This power was granted by Rinaldo Gandolfi, who bestowed it upon Leon Belmont; from then on, magic was passed down through the Belmont family. However, their magical power is partly derived from the Fernandez Family as well), Extrasensory Perception (Members of the Belmont Clan could naturally sense that people such as Joachim Armstair were vampires. They can also all sense the Vampire Killer's reaction to vampires), Holy Manipulation (Members of the Belmont Clan receive great sacred power during the ceremony that marks their adulthood), Fire Manipulation & Damage Boost (The Belmonts can engulf themselves in flames in order to increase the damage of their physical attacks), Light Manipulation, Aura, & Afterimage Creation (The Belmonts can enshroud themselves in an aura of light. They have also shown to possess a passive aura that leaves afterimages), Statistics Amplification, Power Bestowal, & Empowerment (It is shown that the Belmont Clan greatly increase the power of the weapons that they hold, simply through having them in their possession. For instance, Rinaldo confirmed that the Whip of Alchemy is not complete, and yet Leon Belmont caused for it to strengthen to the point that Medusa thought it had reached its complete form), Accelerated Development (The Belmonts can learn things at a much faster rate than regular people. For instance, when Leon Belmont was granted the ability to use magic by Rinaldo Gandolfi, he was then able to preform magic spells without any knowledge of how the spells themselves worked), Social Influencing (The Belmont Clan was feared by society for their powers, and as such were ostracized from civilization. Later, when Simon Belmont rescued Transylvania from Count Dracula, the people were so moved that they formed a village around him), Dimensional Storage (Can hold tons of equipment and items in their pouch), Telekinesis (Belmonts are able to control the arc of their weapons and how they move around. For instance, Soleil Belmont could control the movement of his thrown swords), Reactive Adaptation (As Dracula grows stronger with ever resurrection, the Belmont Clan has had to reactively grow stronger to keep up with him), Corruption Negation (Type 3; The Belmont Clan can undo Dracula's magical corruption of humans. For instance, Trevor Belmont reverted Grant Danasty back into a human after defeating him, who had been transformed into a monster by Dracula's magic), Soul Manipulation & Power Mimicry (When a Belmont defeats an opponent of equal or greater strength, they will harness their soul and use their abilities as sub-weapons. Only Sonia Belmont has previously-captured spirits, though every Belmont should have this ability), Invulnerability (The Belmont Clan is able to make themselves temporarily invincible with Burning Mode. Although only Sonia Belmont has shown this ability, it's described as an inborn ability, meaning the other members of the Belmont Clan should possess it)
Wields the Vampire Killer, which grants: Soul Manipulation & Reactive Adaptation (The Whip of Alchemy absorbed Sara Trantoul's vampiric soul, and used her soul to develop the ability to harm vampires), Reactive Adaptation (As Dracula grows stronger with each resurrection, the Vampire Killer will adapt and grow stronger to slay him. It can adapt itself to make people unfit to wield it before it recognizes them as its rightful owner), Life Manipulation (If it is wielded by someone it does not consider a rightful owner, it will take life from them), Conceptual Manipulation (The Vampire Killer whip can destroy anything related to the vampires, including concepts such as the night, and death), Memory Manipulation (The whip can summon memories of its past wielders to fight for it), Personal Domain (The Vampire Killer contains a realm within it, in which it houses memories of its previous wielders), Extrasensory Perception (Due to containing Sara's soul, the whip can sense the presence of anything related to the vampires), Fire Manipulation (The whip's Item Crash engulfs it in flames. It can shoot projectile fireballs), Power Nullification (Sealing the Vampire Killer within Dracula's Castle caused for Dracula's spirit and magic powers to weaken tremendously), Regeneration Negation (Low-High; The Vampire Killer can kill Dracula, who is capable of fully regenerating from just blood. Mid-Godly; Can also kill the Dracula Wraith, who came back after his soul is obliterated), Immortality Negation (Types 3 and 7; Whip of Alchemy can destroy the undead)
Standard Equipment
- Vampire Killer: The complete form of the Whip of Alchemy, infused with the soul of Sara Trantoul. It can slay anything related to the vampires. This whip would be passed down to the rest of the Belmont Clan, and used to slay Dracula countless times.
- Flame Whip: The Vampire Killer given the elemental attribute of fire.
- Demon Sword: A large red sword that was once wielded by a knight. It had been cursed by a dark priest.
- Cross: This is a boomerang, which is shaped like a holy cross. It returns to Desmond after being thrown.
- Sacred Cross: This cross has been blessed with holy powers, which arches forwards and then returns when thrown.
- Throwing Axe: An axe made with silver, which Desmond uses to throw at his enemies. He is noted in saying that he finds this axe heavy to carry around.
- Lightning Hammer: A giant, nearly indestructible hammer that has been energized with electricity.
- Vjaya: This legendary sword is said to have been created from one of Indra’s lightning bolts.
- Muramasa: A legendary sword said to have a life of its own, crafted by both a legendary swordsman and blacksmith.
- Crissaegrim: An extremely rare and extremely powerful sword which can strike a target several times.
- Platinum Sword: A light-weight sword made from the purest of platinum.
- Frostbolt: This spell harnesses the element of ice.
- Invulnerability: Makes Desmond temporarily invulnerable to all attacks.
- Reflect: Reflects all attacks directly back at the sender.
- Lightning: Allows Desmond to shoot electricity from his fingertips.
- Frostbolt: This spell harnesses the element of ice.
- Firestorm: Rains down holy fire on the enemy.
- Heal: Restores a small amount of Desmond’s health.
- Meteor: Summons a giant meteor that crashes down upon enemies.
- The Gambler: This spell will randomly choose between raising Desmond’s attack or defence.
- Hellfire: Through channeling the powers of the Dark Lord, Desmond can shoot balls of hellfire.
Weaknesses: None notable.
Battle Records