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Lord Slug

“ | Yesterday you might've had a chance. But thanks to the Dragon Balls, you're fighting Lord Slug in his prime! | „ |
~ Slug to Son Goku |
Slug, known as Lord Slug to himself and his underlings, is a Namekian, and the main antagonist of Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug. It is explained that he is one of the Super Namekians and was sent to Planet Slug as a baby to escape the extinction that was about to ravage Namek. As he matured, the evil in his heart began to overwhelm his character thanks to a rare mutation unique to Namekians; this transformed him into a Super Namekian. Since then, he had gathered an army and became a conqueror of planets.
This dropdown contains the synopsis of Lord Slug’s story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise! |
Part of the main title screen for the film showcases what appear to be cave drawings of a giant Namekian, evidently Slug, as well as a creature with wings. It is unknown what race the smaller beings are, but they appear to be worshiping Slug. There are two different and conflicting versions of Slug's origin. The original version states that Slug was sent off Namek as a baby to Planet Slug, much like the Nameless Namekian was sent to Earth, in order to save him from the cataclysms affecting his home planet. But he had a rare Namekian mutation from birth, one that made him pure evil; this made him a Super Namekian. The Funimation dub states that Slug was born and lived on the original Namek sometime prior to the cataclysm. Slug, along with other Namekians, discovered the key to unlocking a higher consciousness within. They were known as Super Nameks, but they soon became intoxicated by their new power and began to misuse it, behaving much like the Saiyans. With the power of the Dragon Balls, the Namekians (most likely including Guru) used Porunga to banish the Super Nameks from their planet for good. Super Nameks became nomads, moving from planet to planet, taking what they wanted and moving on. King Kai theorized that Lord Slug was probably the last surviving member of these Super Nameks. In any event, Slug formed an army of demon-like soldiers as his conquest of space continued. He used his troops to conquer planets, freezing them to make them a home for his soldiers. He would sometimes alter a planet by turning it into a giant spaceship and use it to move on to his next target. Lord Slug
Goku reverts to his normal form after Slug rips off his damaged arm. It regenerates, and after removing his helmet, he reveals himself to be a Namekian. Slug then starts to grow in size, transforming into a Great Namekian, and once again dominates Goku. Piccolo, Gohan , and Krillin get back up and try to fight Slug. Piccolo rips off his ears and has Gohan whistle, causing Slug to double over in pain; the wavelength of Gohan's whistling makes it sound terrible to Namekians. Piccolo takes this opportunity to give Goku his energy. After regaining consciousness from Piccolo's energy, Goku then fights Slug again. Using Kaio-ken, Goku penetrates Slug with a punch, leaving a gaping hole through his chest and send him falling towards his ship, crushing both it and his remaining crew with his colossal frame. Goku then sets out to destroy the satellite that causes the terra-freezing. However, Slug is still alive and uses his dying strength to pursue Goku in an attempt to finish him off. Fortunately, Goku manages to reach out of the thick clouds and uses the sun's energy to create a Spirit Bomb which he uses to knock Slug straight towards his terra-freezing satellite, destroying it and Slug. |
Key: Old | Young
Tier: 5-B | High 5-B
Name: Lord Slug
Origin: Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Demon King, Namekian
Status: Deceased (Killed by Son Goku)
Alignment: Neutral Evil (Lord Slug was explicitly naturally evil, while King Piccolo was more the expelled evil from another Namekian, killing his henchmen purely for them mentioning he's old or because they took too long to do a task)
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: Planet level (Can casually kill his henchman who could harm and defeat Son Gohan based off his self during the Frieza Fight in canon where he had a power leve of 200,000, making him beyond Captain Ginyu, who is far above Vegeta and Kaioken x4 Kamehameha Goku, which overpowered Vegeta's galick gun, which was going to destroy the planet) | Large Planet level (Slug is noted to have power greater then Frieza. Fought and harmed Son Goku, who at this point is far above First Form Frieza, who destroyed Vegeta which has ten times the gravity of Earth, requiring a GBE of this level to overcome)
Durability: Planet level | Large Planet level
Striking Strength: Planet Class | Large Planet Class
Lifting Strength: Class M, likely Higher (Superior to King Piccolo Saga Goku, who fused his untapped potential with the Oozaru within him, making his power tenfold above his previous self who moved a giant boulder with a lot of effort) | Class M, likely Higher
Travel Speed: Massively Hypersonic (Should be comparable to Goku during this movie)
Combat Speed: At least FTL, likely Far Higher
Reaction Speed: At least FTL, likely Far Higher (Far beyond Kid Goku who could dodge a laser and a Kamehameha point-blank)
Stamina: Unknown | Superhuman (Should be comparable to other characters, able to take a beating from Pseudo-Super Saiyan Goku and still fight)
Range: Standard Melee Range, Interplanetary with Ki Blasts (Ki blast can reach out of the planet and to other planets, comparable to Goku's kamehameha, which reached all the way to the sun)
Intelligence: Genius (Lord Slug seems to have amassed an army where he was able to travel and conquer planets along with locate planets with dragon balls, such as Earth, having advanced technology)
Powers and Abilities
All previous powers and abilities to a far greater extent, Added Immortality (Type 1; Lord Slug wished for eternal youth)
Standard Equipment
- Planet Cruiser: The vessel used by Lord Slug and his minions.
- Lord Slug's Pills: A type of medicinal drug.
Notable Techniques
*Flight: Slug can levitate and fly by using his ki energy.
- Ki Blast: The most basic form of energy wave.
- Finger Beam: Lord Slug releases a thin beam of energy from his fingertip, which causes major damage. Used to kill Commander Zeeun.
- Darkness Eye Beam: Lord Slug is able to use Eye Lasers in both his base form and his Great Namek form.
- Power of Darkness: Slug's ultimate technique used on Goku in the movie Dragon Ball Z: Lord Slug. Lord Slug knocks the opponent into the air and uses the Mystic Attack to grab them by the throat. Then Slug attacks his opponent with a series of punches and finally knocks them down following by shooting Eye Lasers, inflicting a massive amount of damage.
- Darkness Twin Star: Lord Slug launches a Full Power Energy Ball from each hand. He used this technique inside his spaceship while his henchmen were fighting the Dragon Team.
- Crushing in Hands: Slug in his Great Namek form grabs his opponent in a powerful grip to crush their bones. Used on Goku and Piccolo.
- Energy Shield: Used to counter Goku's first blast on Lord Slug.
- Regeneration: A Namekian ability that allows the user to replace limbs lost in battle as long as the head remains intact. Piccolo, as well as Lord Slug, can perform it.
- Namek Finger: One of the Namekian abilities to extend the length of one's arms and legs.
- Telekinesis: Lord Slug appears to have some form of telekinesis or ability to manipulate objects with his mind, as he draws Bulma to him with an invisible force.
- Psycho Pull: A telekinetic technique used by Lord Slug where he holds his hand and pulls the target towards him. Named in Dragon Ball Legends and used in the film to pull Bulma towards him so he could read her mind.
- Telepathy: Lord Slug has the ability to scan the minds of people to discover information that is hidden from him. He uses this ability on Bulma to discover how to find the Dragon Balls.
*Eternal Youth: By the time Slug made his attempt to conquer Earth, he has aged considerably and weakened from it. However, it was there he made a wish with the Dragon Balls for eternal youth of when he was at his most powerful, in which Shenron rejuvenated him to his prime and made it perpetual. Thus, Slug no longer aged, never needing to be concerned about growing old again. However, he can still be killed, such as when Goku obliterated him with a Spirit Bomb.
- Great Namekian: The Namekian ability to increase in size. Lord Slug is referred to as Giant Slug in this form in several video games. Slug uses this after regenerating his damaged arm that Goku had broke, and recently refers to it as his "true form" just before attacking Goku.
Standard Tactics: Slug will employ hand to hand combat along with ki attacks, if the opponent overwhelms him, he will resort to growing giant.
Weaknesses: Due to the nature of ki draining stamina and energy, Dragon Ball characters ki usage requires them to usually use their higher levels of energy in short bursts, allowing them to not be able to tank or die to far lower attacks such as attacks that have destroyed the planets of several worlds. Slug's ears are very sensitive to things such as whistling, causing him extreme pain to hear.
Battle Records
Discussions (Link For Mobile Users):
Discussion threads involving Lord Slug |