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Lunatic Cultist

From The Codex
Articles About The Lunatic Cultist
Terraria Game - Graphic Novel

The fanatical leader of the Dungeon coven...
~ Achievement Description


The Lunatic Cultist is a Hardmode, post-Golem boss found at the entrance of the Dungeon in Terraria, it can be summoned by killing the Cultists. The Lunatic Cultist will then proceed to destroy the Mysterious Tablet before fighting the player. Lunatic Cultist is the zealot who seeks to revive Cthulhu to its former power by fixing his broken organs into mechanical parts by kidnapping the Mechanic to repair them and to finally bring chaos to the world of Terraria. Upon defeat, the Lunar Event will initiate to reveal the four Celestial Pillars.

Codex Statistics

Tier: At least 6-B, likely Much Higher

Name: Lunatic Cultist

Origin: Terraria

Sex: Male

Age: Unknown, likely centuries old (Seems to have been aware of Cthulhu during the great war and has been preparing his return)

Status: Deceased (Was killed by the Terrarian in their battle to start the Lunar Events)

Alignment: Neutral Evil (The Lunatic Cultist simply wants to start the apocalypse[1] by reviving Cthulhu by any means possible[2])

Classification: Lunatic Cultist, The Cultist, Fanatical Zealot

Dimensionality: 3-D

Attack Potency: At least Country level (Scales to the Terrarian, who was able to fight the Destroyer who could send vibrations from the depths of the Underworld[3]. Should be vastly superior to the Wall of Flesh who moves at high speeds generating great levels of energy), likely Much Higher (Potentially scales to the Moon Lord as it's implied the Lunatic cultist absorbed a portion of the Moon Lord's power. The Moon lord battled the Dryad race while they were empowered by the world[4])

Durability: Country level (Can tank multiple hits from the Terrarian), likely Much Higher (Possibly absorbed a portion of power from the Moon Lord)

Striking Strength: At least Country Class, likely Much Higher

Lifting Strength: Unknown (Has not shown any limitations to his physical potential)

Travel Speed: Massively Hypersonic (Scales to the Terrarian who can travel into orbit in just a few seconds. Can easily travel between entire biomes), Higher with Statistics Amplification & Afterimage Creation (Can perform a "dash" that moves so fast that the Terrarian is unable to hit him and allows the Lunatic Cultist to pass through solid objects)

Attack Speed: Massively Hypersonic (should scale to his travel speed. can fire lightning-based attacks), Speed of Light with Ancient Light projectiles (Can fire Ancient Light projectiles)

Reaction Speed: Massively Hypersonic (Scales to the Terrarian who can dodge the Lunatic Cultist's lightning attacks), likely Higher (Possibly absorbed a portion of power from the Moon Lord)

Stamina: Superhuman (Seems to be able to fight the Terrarian for a full day)

Range: Several Meters with Absorption, Hundreds of Meters with projectile attacks, Kilometers with Curse Manipulation, and Possession, at least Planetary with Summoning (Can summon the Lunar Events upon his death, along with cosmic entities[5])

Intelligence: Genius Intelligence (Is the Leader of a cult who seeks to revive Cthulhu[6] therefore should know about ancient mythology. Is knowledgeable on mechanics and humans organs as his goal is to restore Cthulhu's full power, and knows how to use dark arts and cosmic rituals[7] and can use the Ancient Manipulator to craft ancient technology made out of the Pillars)

Powers and Techniques

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Magick (The Lunar Cultist's rituals are described as using magick[8]), Non-Standard Interaction and Creation (Can interact with the Spectre Armor and summon Phantasma Dragons[9] forcing them to enter a physical state), Extrasensory Perception (Can see and summon spectral entities. Can attack and track the Terrarian even while he's invisible), Weapon Creation (Can use the Ancient Manipulator which allows the creation of ancient technology made from Cosmic Fragments), Healing (Can use Greater Healing potions to heal himself), Teleportation (Can teleport from unknown distances), Flight (Flies through his entire battle against the Terrarian), Power Absorption (Absorbs the power of the Cthulhu Tablet at the beginning of his battle), Statistics Amplification, Afterimage Creation, & Intangibility (Phasing. Can perform a "dash" that creates afterimages behind him and allows the Lunatic Cultist to pass through solid objects), Ice Manipulation and likely Statistics Reduction (With Ice Mist which fires six shards of ice in a given direction four times. Given the attack is frost-related, it should be able to inflict the Frostburn, Chilled, and Frozen), Fire Manipulation and Regeneration Negation (With Fireballs which the Lunatic Cultist fires up to four of at a time. His fireballs inflict the On Fire! debuff, which prevents natural regeneration), Electricity Manipulation (With Lighting Orb, the Lunatic Cultist fires five lightning bolts. Due to it being a lightning-based attack, it should inflict the Electrified debuff which causes nonstop damage for a short time), Darkness Manipulation and Intangible Attacks (With Ancient Doom, an attack that fires shadow fireballs that pass through solid objects and weapons), Light Manipulation (With Ancient Light which fires two spreads of light projectiles), Summoning, Metaphysics Manipulation (Soul Manipulation), and Cosmic Manipulation (Can start rituals to summon entities such as Phantasma Dragons, which pulls their spirits from the atmosphere[10], and Ancient Vision which summons the vision of a powerful omen[11]), Illusion Creation & Pseudo-Duplication (Can creates fake clones in order to help him with magick rituals. If the Lunatic Cultist successfully finishes the ritual, the clone will stay alongside the Lunatic Cultist attacking the Terrarian), Passive Damage Reduction (Takes only 75% of damage from most projectile weapons and elemental-based attacks), Curse Manipulation, Madness Manipulation, Death Manipulation (The Cultist can put an entire city under a curse to bring them mad, killing them and making him his mindless servants[12]), Possession (Has possessed countless individuals over the course of his plans lifespan[13]), Essence Manipulation (Soul Manipulation) and Soul Manipulation ( As the one that formed the mechanical bosses[14], he should be able to manipulate the essence of sight, fright and might. Scales to the Terrarian who can harvest the essences of slain foes)


  • The Ancient Manipulator
  • Greater Healing Potions

Notable Techniques

  • Fireball: Shoots four fireballs at the opponent and explodes on impact, fireballs have a small homing effect.
  • Shadow Fireball: An enhanced version of the classic fireball, has a better homing and damage output.
  • Ice Mist: Creates a star shaped ice structure that rapidly shoots ice shard in multiple directions.
  • Lighting Orb: Summons a lighting orb that shoots a few thunderbolts at the opponent.
  • Ancient Light: Fires five shar shaped light at the target.
  • Ancient Doom: The Ancient Doom will continuously fire "Prophecy's End" in the four-cardinal direction. It will continue until it's destruction.
  • Ancient Ritual: The Cultist duplicates itself into other variant to make a ritual, if the player tries to attack the fake Cultist or doesn't do anything, it will proceed to summon a Phantasm Dragon. If another ritual is made while the Phantasm Dragon is still alive, it will summon an Ancient Vision.


Standard Tactics: The Lunatic Cultist prefers to just possess their target and force them into following his plans, or just cursing them, driving them mad and killing them. When faced with direct combat, they will either absorb their opponent's power, or fire various elemental projectiles while flying and dashing throughout the air, occasionally leading to a summoning ritual.

Weaknesses: None Notable.

Note: The Lunatic Cultist, like many other bosses, is immune to every single debuff in Terraria, which is why we grant him resistance for every debuff in the game. Furthermore, the bosses related to Cthulhu seem to be immune to the natural ailments[19] of the world[20].




  1. "A fanatical leader hell-bent on bringing about the apocalypse by reviving the great Cthulhu through behind-the-scenes scheming."
  2. Official Terraria Lore
  3. [ "You feel vibrations from deep below...".
  4. Official Terraria Lore
  5. "A vision of a deadly omen wrought forth by a powerful cultist, often appears with reckless cosmic summoning of wyvern spirits."
  6. Official Terraria Lore
  7. "A vision of a deadly omen wrought forth by a powerful cultist, often appears with reckless cosmic summoning of wyvern spirits."
  8. "Wyvern souls are entwined in the atmosphere of the world. Powerful magicks can summon them through the veil with physical form."
  9. "Wyvern souls are entwined in the atmosphere of the world. Powerful magicks can summon them through the veil with physical form."
  10. "Wyvern souls are entwined in the atmosphere of the world. Powerful magicks can summon them through the veil with physical form."
  11. "A vision of a deadly omen wrought forth by a powerful cultist, often appears with reckless cosmic summoning of wyvern spirits."
  12. Official Terraria Lore
  13. Official Terraria Lore
  14. Official Terraria Lore
  15. Official Terraria Lore
  16. Official Terraria Lore
  17. [ "Strike with the fury of the sun"
  18. Official Terraria Lore
  19. "A piece of Cthulhu torn asunder, this vile mastermind pulses with agony and aids the Crimson in an attempt to avenge its master."
  20. Official Terraria Lore

Battle Records