Toru (Tōru) is the main antagonist of JoJolion. He is Yasuho Hirose's ex-boyfriend from high school and a part-time worker at TG University Hospital. He is eventually revealed to be a Rock Human and a Stand user, wielding the calamity-causing Wonder Of U.
Alignment:Lawful Evil (Toru aims to become rich and powerful through the New Locacaca and elevate rock humans above the rest of society by making them advance further than humans. He also wishes to create a new world order where he is served as a god. He goes about his goals in a methodical manner and takes advantage of his integration into human society to further his own goals, such as becoming a doctor to control the medical system by developing a revolutionary medicine through the New Locacaca only for the power he'd receive from it)
Intelligence:Genius Intelligence (Toru has shown an understanding of some technology to an extent. Most notably, Toru, by virtue of being the Head Doctor, has a vast understanding of medical sciences, medicines, anatomy, biology and various ailments, even being able to deduce issues and problems one may be having with little beyond just a glance, even if said issue isn't overtly obvious. Toru has been shown to be quite cunning and manipulative, managing to separate his foes, create a sense of distrust and possible tension between them to an extent, manipulating their actions to ultimately have them lure him to his goal while keeping up his Stand attack, all the while drawing attention away from himself as the enemy and even gaining the trust of one of his primary foes), Gifted with Wonder of U (Wonder Of U has shown good analytical skills, being able to deduce someone opened and touched a Locacaca fruit jar, by them off handily calling it a fruit as opposed to something else. Wonder Of U is also shown to be quite cautious, always staying just out of range of his foes and avoiding any possible traps they may have laid, always analyzing the situation and what his best route of action would be, even retreat if it's optimal and safest route to victory. Is also adept at creating scenarios in order to have his foes "pursue" him, even if it's just as simple as appearing in their line of sight but just out of range, thus activating his ability)
Wonder of U: A sentient and robotic-humanoid automatic tracking long distance Stand that can change its appearance, most commonly taking the form of an 89 year old man or a robotic being in a black suit, with those who understand its true nature being able to see its true form. While lacking any demonstrable showings of physical strength or durability, it's shown to be exceptionally fast among Stands of the Part, casually avoiding attacks and deflecting attacks it's capable of with ease. Notably, Wonder of U has shown to be able to appear in multiple locations at once simultaneously, and, contrary to most Stands, choosing who or what can see it, even among Stand Users, to where those who normally can't perceive Stands can perceive it and Stand Users fail to notice his presence depending on the circumstances. The Stand itself is also the Calamity given form, as such, he's an aspect of the world itself and will continue to exist even after the death of the main body, resuming the Calamity if it were to stop due to the death of Toru.
Endless Calamity: Wonder of U's main ability revolves around the concept of 'Calamity', bringing impending doom to anyone pursuing Toru or Akefu (the Stand's 'human' form). The pursuit does not have to be in the form of a direct chase, as even the intention, will, or desire to pursue Wonder of U in the future will cause the stand to activate. The intent to pursue seems to need to be more than just coincidental, however, as Akefu had to coax a declaration of intention out of a reporter who threatened to expose him. Only when the reporter's intention was clearly stated to be in pursuit of Akefu and the Rokakaka was Wonder of U able to kill the reporter with a calamity. This is in contrast to the crowd of hundreds of people who came to the hospital with the specific intention of listening to a presentation given by Akefu, none of whom were affected by a calamity. It is also possible to act in a way which would cause Toru or Wonder of U to pursue the target, instead of the other way around. If this occurs, the stand will not activate its ability. This makes it possible to close the distance with the user or the stand without triggering it. The exact form the calamity takes varies, but always involves redirecting aspects of the nearby environment towards the target in a harmful manner. Upon contact with any object influenced by part of the calamity, the target receives an extremely disproportionate amount of damage, especially from impacts. The damage the object can cause will only affect the target, and not obstacles in the way or bystanders unaffected by the calamity. Objects touched directly by Wonder of U can be "charged" with calamitous energy as well, allowing the stand to create additional area hazards. If the target manages to avoid or survive a calamity, another one will always follow shortly afterwards. Wonder of U will apply calamitous effects to any object in the area of the target in an attempt to kill or disable them. When Rai was testing the limits of Wonder of U's ability while in prison, he was attacked by spilling liquid and an exploding light bulb. When those calamities failed to damage him, a normal tray of food suddenly became diseased, and erupted with maggots and a dying rat. In the absence of any objects which can be propelled at the target to create an impact, Wonder of U seems to have the ability to affect nearby people and influence their behavior or actions. This was first seen in the Hospital parking lot when a nearby patient got unusually angry with Josuke and advanced to touch him. When Jousuke prevented contact using his bubbles, the man's neck snapped 90 degrees to the side, killing him instantly. This has also been observed with a prisoner going into a rage and attacking Rai and Joshu going berserk and attacking Yasuho. Dying from a calamity or losing the will to "intend to pursue" either Toru or Akefu will remove the target from the calamity priority stack. Even after Toru's death, Wonder of U can act due to the fact that it represents, and is made from the idea of the Calamity itself, with Rai even theorizing that it was born from a some type of "calamity energy".
Golconda: Wonder Of U while having the basic ability of phasing, is able to walk into surfaces and inanimate objects as if he was a 2D picture, and walk from one surface to another as if they were connected seamlessly. Such as a wall, a mirror, pillar, and more. Even able to appear instantly between a reflective surface and reality without any actual movement.
Do Do Do De Da Da Da: A type of rock insect called the "Do Do Do De Da Da Da". Capable of melding into surfaces like the floor, walls, furniture as well as being able to re-configure itself. If one is struck by this bug, a poison that isn't very strong will be inflicted and upon extending or moving the body's joints up, every hole in that target's body will spew asbestos whether that be the eyes, ears, mouth, etc, eventually those effected will become blind and asphyxiate to death. Works well in conjunction with Endless Calamity, essentially guaranteeing the target will be struck by the bug if they try and defend, dodge or harm the creature and that the bug would inflict an actual wound upon the target thus ensuring that if they move they'll spew asbestos.
Obladi Oblada: A rock organism that attaches to a host and will rapidly spread across their body, incapacitating them, possibly even killing them overtime. Any attempts to rip it off will cause the target to bleed, which Obladi Oblada will use to spread across the target's body and multiply itself as well as tear the flesh off the attached spot, resulting in greatly hindering the victim's movement. In conjunction with Endless Calamity, Wonder Of U can easily get it attached to a target, primarily used in order to retreat from a foe by restricting their movements and ability to follow him. Obladi Oblada will detach itself if fully submerged in a liquid for a few seconds.
Locacaca: A fruit that's capable of equivalent exchange. If 150 grams of it is ingested or upon entering the body (Though if afflicted by Endless Calamity, seemingly much less is required to create a disastrous outcome, merely a small amount of the juice will induce the effect), any injury or ailment will completely heal but as a downside, something somewhere else on the body will turn to stone and be rendered useless, often falling apart as part of the equivalent exchange. The exchanged parts can be minor and superficial but alternatively it can be something completely fatal like the brain, the spinal cord or heart. If someone afflicted by Endless Calamity eats the fruit, they'll be guaranteed a fatal exchange.
LOCACACA 6251: A liquid formula created from the Locacaca fruit in a vile with an administration device fitted onto it. Has the same effects as the fruit but more readily available and quick to administer.
Standard Tactics: Toru will be out of sight or at a great distance to not be noticed while Wonder of U tricks the opponent into pursuing it, which can range from simply appearing in their line of sight and running away or creating entire situations that will lure those into wanting to come after him. Its ability will activate once the opponent has the thought to pursue him or the intent to harm Toru/Wonder of U and passively prevent them reaching Toru by manipulating the flow of calamity and bringing death upon them with it.