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From The Codex

the guardian

They called him Crota's End. The Hivebane. Kingslayer. The Young Wolf. Hero of the Red War. The man who avenged Cayde-6. He had a hundred titles I cannot recall. And he died doing what he does best. Defending the Last City of humanity. Ages ago, he saved my life. And then inspired me to save myself. I am glad that he did. Because, Traveler help us, he is gone. And there is no one to save us now. On the day we met, I decided I would follow his example. I'm still trying...
All who find what we've left here-- please leave it be. Unless... unless you're still out there somewhere. You performed miracles before. In which case, take it. And come back to us. And we'll kill what killed you. Or die trying.
~ Saint-14


The Guardian is a protector of the Last City and a new-generation Iron Lord, who has participated in numerous legendary battles to retake humanity's past from various malevolent forces.

Despite their lack of memory, the Guardian, at the request of the Speaker, joined the fight against the foes of the City. In their exploits they met a mysterious stranger who put them on the path to stop the Vex, eventually resulting in an alliance with the Reef - something that would later prove invaluable to quelling the Wolf Rebellion. At the call of Eris Morn, they helped end the resurgence of Crota's forces and slew the God-Prince personally, attracting the wrath of his father but also putting an end to him as well. Later, during the SIVA Crisis, they helped Lord Saladin stop a techno-plague ravaging Earth from gaining sentience and were responsible for the deaths of various threats left over from the Taken War.

At the start of Destiny 2, the Guardian returned to the Last City only to immediately face its invasion by the Red Legion. After confronting Dominus Ghaul, however, the Guardian was severely crippled due to being stripped of the Light and forced to retreat in defeat. After much sacrifice and determination, the Guardians succeeded in liberating their home, driving the Red Legion away, and awaken the Traveler from its centuries of slumber, restoring their Light and destroying Ghaul forever. Despite this momentous victory, various figures of the Red Legion would attempt to carry on the Red War, either for their own purposes or to finish what Ghaul had started in destroying the Guardians. Despite these new foes, the Guardians maintained their strength and determination, while also contending with major threats besides the Red Legion.

(Courtesy of Destinypedia)



Name: The Guardian, Captain, Godslayer, The Slayer of Oryx, Cursebreaker, Descendant, Iron Lord, Young Wolf, Hivebane, Kingslayer, Chosen One, Shadow of Earth, Rivensbane, Hero of the Red War

Origin: Destiny

Sex: Male or Female (player choice)

Age: Unknown

Classification: Human, Exo, or Awoken (player choice) Guardian, Ascendant

Status: Alive

Alignment: Neutral Good

Dimensionality: 3-D

Attack Potency:


Striking Strength:

Lifting Strength:

Travel Speed:

Combat Speed:

Reaction Speed:



Intelligence: something idk (Upon just becoming a Guardian, they could compete with otherworldly military lieutenants in combat. They can use alien weapons and vehicles in combat upon finding them. Comparable to thanatonauts, who die and resurrect to study the effects of death. This eventually lets them make tears in death's veil. Guardians perform the maintenance on their ships capable of spaceflight and transdimensional travel. Guardians are capable of tinkering and crafting technology capable of reality-altering effects, and they often use Ascendant Shards as materials, which are burning fragments of the universal fundament. They can also weave objects from the fundamental forces of the universe)

Powers and Abilities

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, H2H Combat Proficiency, Weapon Mastery, Stealth Mastery (They can use alien weapons upon finding them. Guardians are trained in next-generation military-grade weaponized combat and stealth adapted to alien races, superintelligent A.I. and ancient heavily militarized empires built on war), Vehicular Mastery (They can use futuristic and alien vehicles in combat upon finding them), Light Manipulation, Channeling, Magic, Energy Manipulation (A majority of their abilities use Light, channeling Light as energy for their powers. Mighty enough Guardians can will motes of Light into existence), Energy Projection (To use a majority of their powers they project the energies of Light), Non-Physical Interaction (All their weapons and abilities can affect Ascendants), Dimensional Storage (Their inventory is canonical), Summoning (They can summon their Ghost, and their vehicles with a proper link), Teleportation (They can warp out of their ship), Accelerated Development (In the Crucible, they can test their Light to refine it and push it to its limit. They grow their Light, each Class growing it in different ways), Transmutation (They can use Light to transmute glimmer into nearly anything), Power Bestowal (Some weapons inherit the powers of universal forces just by being in Guardian parlance), Purification (A Guardian put a hole in the Vault of Glass for Light to bathe in and mitigate those who sought to stop the Light. The Vault of Glass contains causal pathways and every axis of the space-time bulk), Resurrection (Guardians can resurrect other Guardians), Weapon Creation (Via crafting), Enhanced Senses (Guardians with strong enough Light can hear the screams between universes in the Ascendant Realm), Singular Existence (Guardians cannot be simulated in other timelines by the Vex)

Standard Equipment

Notable Techniques


Standard Tactics:


Battle Records

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