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“ | Dal zumal phara-lo lierra... Cast open the gates that lie betwixt heaven and earth... In exchange for the life of this world... Ah that frog of so many days ago. How have you fared since we last met? Ah, the Masamune... Then you've come for me. Let us hope no others interfere this time. Again, the bitter black winds begin to howl. Very well. Come, if it is death you seek! | „ |
~ Magus to Crono, Frog, and any other chosen party member |
Magus is the Tritagonist of Chrono Trigger and was the dark mage waging war against the Kingdom of Guardia in the year 600 A.D. Magus was originally Born as Janus, the young prince of Zeal in the year 12,000 BC. He is especially determined to kill Lavos and find his older sister, Schala.
This dropdown contains the synopsis of Magus’ story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise! |
Origin Prince Janus was born around 12,000 BC. in the Kingdom of Zeal. He was very dissimilar to his older sister, Schala, in terms of demeanor, and more closely resembled his mother, who was cold and distant. He had stronger magic than Schala and his mother, but ceased using it because of how his mother had changed. He was a very introverted child, with his sister and pet cat, Alfador, being his only friends. Crono's party first meets Janus in Enhasa. He tells them that the "black wind howls" and that one among them will perish, and then walks away from the group. Later on, Janus and Schala converse. Janus mentions the black winds again, and Schala says that she feels "the foreboding" as well, though she tells him not to worry about it. She then gives him an amulet, saying that it contains her prayers. If something anything ever happens to him, it would keep him safe. She says she wants to remain with him, but their mother has other plans for her. Hearing this, Janus gets quite angry and proclaims that their mother is not their mother anymore. He says that although she looks like her, she is not the same on the inside. Schala is then summoned by the Queen. She leaves him and asks for his forgiveness. Later on, Crono and the party are imprisoned. As Schala and Janus enter, Janus comments that they are idiots. Schala says that she wants to help them, although Janus thinks that they will not be of any use and does not want her to get in trouble if she lets them go. Schala says not to worry and that they may be able to help Melchior. Schala then frees the group and tells them to flee from the palace and save the Guru of Life, as he was sent to the Mountain of Woe for opposing Queen Zeal's plans. However, when the Prophet then enters the room, saying that he needs to put an end to them. Schala asks him not to do anything to them, so he concedes but tells Schala that she must cooperate with him. He then asks the party how they arrived. They show the Prophet and Schala the Time Gate they came through. The Prophet takes them in the Time Gate and forced Schala to place a magical barrier on it. After the Mountain of Woe falls into the ocean, Dalton arrives and takes Janus and Schala to the Ocean Palace. There, they see their mother's ultimate plan come to fruition. When the Mammon Machine was activated, it began absorbing too much power. Queen Zeal and Schala along with the three Gurus were the only ones at the Mammon Machine's activation. The Gurus warned about a dimensional vortex, power humans cannot control, and they would be dragged into a rift in time, yet the Queen persisted in activating the machine. Soon, Janus entered the room looking for Schala. Suddenly, the six were transported in front of Lavos. Gates then appeared and transported Belthasar, Gaspar, Melchior, and Janus to different times. Belthasar was sent to the Future, Gaspar was sent to the End of Time, Melchior was sent to the Present, and Janus was sent to the Middle Ages. c. 580 AD. In the Middle Ages Janus was found in Truce Canyon by Ozzie, who calls forth three Blue Imps. He and his Mystics would have slain him if Janus had not defended himself with magic, which human beings should not be able to use. Seeing how the boy's potential as being a greater wizard than himself, Ozzie took him in and raised him, grooming him to become the leader of the Mystics' army. It was during this time that he took the name "Magus," referring to his status as a powerful magic-user. During this time, he grew vindictive and vengeful against Lavos and was eternally concerned over the fate of his older sister, Schala. The War His main reasons for starting his war against Guardia were left out in the English version; however, in the Japanese version, he stated his intentions of gaining the power to immensely increase his chances of defeating Lavos. Seeing his strong magic and strange appearance, most people took him to be a Mystic himself. At the height of the war, he faced Sir Cyrus and his squire, Glenn. Cyrus wielded the Masamune, the only weapon capable enough of breaking through Magus' magical barrier. Even with this, he was no match for Magus' powerful magic. He died in combat and the Masamune was broken. Glenn tried to avenge his best friend but was struck by one of Magus' spells and transformed into an anthropomorphic frog. He was attempting to summon Lavos during the war, and while the Mystics believed it was to help them win the war, Magus' real intentions were to summon Lavos so he could take his revenge on it. The Battle at the Fiendlord's castle Eventually, after Frog gains the Masamune, the heroes go to confront Magus in his castle. After fighting through his minions, they fight and defeat him. After hearing that he was believed to be trying to create Lavos, Magus informs the heroes that he was only trying to summon him. Lavos begins to wake up, and Magus tries to use his magic to send him back to sleep. Even he was not strong enough to kill Lavos when he awoke. The space-time distortion generated by Lavos' premature awakening created a massive and unstable Gate, which sucked everyone and the Keep in, scattering them through time. Return to Zeal While the heroes were sent to Prehistory, Magus was sent back to his own time era. During this time, because of his knowledge of the future, Magus was able to convince his mother Queen Zeal that he was a powerful oracle, and called himself the Prophet. When he appears on screen at this point, he is wearing a dark blue cloak that mostly conceals his appearance, but if one looks close enough they can see Magus' face, boots and hair were show. His aim during this period was to bide his time until the point where Lavos appeared and kill it. He sets himself up in Zeal as a counselor to the queen, waiting for Crono and the others to arrive from the future. He went through everything he saw as a child, going through the motions until the battle at the Ocean Palace would give him another opportunity to destroy Lavos. When the heroes appear, Magus, out of spite for them, convinces Zeal that they are threats that have to be eliminated, leading to a battle with Dalton's Golem. Whether the Golem wins or loses, the heroes are captured. Schala, however, is able to convince him to spare them, leading to them being sent through the time gate they entered in, after which Schala seals the gate shut. The heroes later return using the Epoch and enter the Ocean Palace where Zeal is trying to harness Lavos's power with the Mammon Machine. Magus was also there, knowing that Lavos would appear. After Lavos breaks into the Ocean Palace, Magus throws off his disguise and tries to fight it, but is quickly overwhelmed. Somehow, he survives. After Crono is killed off by Lavos, Schala opens a time portal that allows everyone to escape. He is not seen again until the Elder says that he was looking for someone at the North Cape. Here, he reveals he is Janus (via flashbacks). He then mocks Crono's team for being defeated by Lavos. the player can then decide whether to fight him or not. If you decide to spare him, he joins the party by force. Regardless of choice, he mentions that Gaspar could help undo Crono's death. It is assumed he joins the team in hopes of a much better chance as a team of fulfilling his revenge against Lavos, now that all six of the members are affected by the events. If Magus was spared Magus rarely inserts his two cents for the remainder of the game with a few exceptions. In the scenario where Ozzie attempts to rule the Mystics on his own and continue the extermination of humans, Magus informs him that he was merely a tool used to his benefit. This angers Ozzie and causes him to denounce his former mentor. When Ozzie is finally defeated, he states that the past "is merely a dream". If you confront Queen Zeal with Magus on the team, the music will then change to his own theme for the entire fight. Magus will then insult Zeal for being a tool to Lavos and believing in the immortality scheme. Zeal, not recognizing Magus as her own son from the future but as a false prophet, seeking revenge but was defeated by the team. Upon defeating the Lavos Body within the shell, Magus and the entire party realizes Lavos's intentions: Lavos has controlled all of the events since its first encounter in the planet during the prehistoric time, especially all of life's evolution for its own chosen purpose (later confirmed in Chrono Cross). The party succeeds in defeating Lavos' true form. When it is time to close the Time Portals, Magus doesn't speak a word when Lucca asks him if he was searching for Schala, hinting she is still alive. During the DS version, if the party faces the Dream Devourer with Magus is present, he will react with shock upon seeing himself from the future. the future version of Magus returned to free Schala from Lavos after discovering he was revived by absorbing Schala. The other version of magus goes toe-to-toe with the Dream Devourer and is easily defeated. after the party "defeats" the Dream Devourer, Schala is able to send them to safety. after a brief conversation with the other version of him, Schala told him that he cannot save her, no matter how strong he is, but tells him to live a better life. Schala then teleports him out of Time's Eclipse. frustrated by this, he then gets rid of his memories while being teleported out and wakes up in the woods. He only remembers that he forgot something important and says he will find whatever it was. |
General Information
Name: Magus
Origin: Chrono Trigger
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Time Traveler, Enlightened One, Dark Mage, Member of the Radical Dreamers
Species: Human
Occupation: None
Status: Unknown (The fate of Magus after the ending of Chrono Trigger is unknown with Chrono Cross alluding to Crono and Lucca being killed by Lynx and Harle but with no direct confirmation being given. Along with this, in Chrono Cross there exists a Crono, Lucca, and Marle all deceased from a timeline where they lost to Lavos, no longer existent. Magus in specific being a weirder case, as in the Radical Dreamer timeline he is with Kid and Serge and in the Chrono Cross timeline he diguises himself as Guile. He can also be chosen to be killed by Frog instead of joining the party)
Alignment: Initially Chaotic Neutral (Magus was willing to do anything to achieve his goal of getting revenge on Lavos, to the point that he would kill people that would get in his way), becomes Chaotic Good (Joining Crono's party, Magus allies and helps them revive Crono, along with showing to secretly care in endings where the party defeats Lavos without saving Crono as he comes with the rest of the party to save Crono even though Lavos is defeated)
Codex Statistics
Key: Pre-Vortex | Post-Vortex
Tier: High 6-A, Low 1-B with the Chrono Trigger | At least 2-C
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: Multi-Continent level (Fought Crono and co., along with possible timelines emerging where he wins. Defeated Lavos whose awakening caused destruction to the entire planet, making a bleak future, which turned the sky black which relates to atmosphere destruction, which ranges from 10^26 joules to 10^29 joules depending on the type of atmosphere destruction), Low Complex Hierarchal Multiverse level (The Chrono Trigger has a condensed universe within it which transcends space-time) | At least Universe level (After becoming one with the Steel Shade in the vortex he fought Dream Devourer Lavos and was capable of harming it. Dream Devourer Lavos was capable of devouring dreams from an alternate dimension. Dreams are alternate universes in Chrono)
Durability: Multi-Continent level (Took hits from Lavos, including his rains of destruction)| At least Universe level (Could withstand an attack that devours alternate universes)
Striking Strength: Multi-Continent Class| At least Universe Class
Travel Speed: Superhuman (Covered large distances in a short period of time around each time period), Extra-Temporal with the Epoch (The Epoch uses it's speed to travel through time, being described to "transcend time") | Superhuman, Extra-Temporal with the Epoch
Lifting Strength: Unknown | Unknown
Combat Speed: Extra-Temporal (Can tag Lavos who flew to Earth from a distant star system in around 20 seconds. Can tag Queen Zeal who exists in the black omen which flows across all temporal dimensions and transcends space-time, existing outside of the flow of time itself. Along with the black omen being stated to “straddle time”) | Extra-Temporal (Could tag Dream Devourer Lavos, who exists in a plane beyond the borders of time)
Reaction Speed: Extra-Temporal | Extra-Temporal
Stamina: Superhuman (Was able to keep fighting through continuous battle sequences without tiring. Even at 1 HP they can still attack at full strength), higher with various equipment (Various equipment increase stamina)
Range: Standard Melee Range physically, Extended Melee Range with Swords, Tens of Kilometers with omni-directional magic attacks (Has access to magic such as Lightning 2 making his magic range equal to Crono’s who causes a cloud to ground lightning with one of his spells), Simple Hierarchal Multiversal with Epoch (Can travel across alternate timelines which there are infinite of), Low Complex Hierarchal Multiversal with the Chrono Trigger
Intelligence: Genius (A powerful mage whose magic exceeds even Schala’s, can lay waste to entire armies and easily defeat swordsmen such as Cyrus)
Powers and Abilities
All previous powers and abilities to a far greater extent, Acausality (Irregular Causality; The death of FATE made no one no longer bound by fate) Resistance to Conceptual Manipulation, Memory Manipulation, Morality Manipulation, & Dream Manipulation (Can tank Dream Devourer Lavos devouring dreams from an alternate dimension with him being stated to feast upon thoughts, dreams, and memories, it is stated by Schala that dreams make up all of existence, with nightmares being beings that make up no form or substance, being completely incapable of being interacted with, even by characters that can interact with incorporeal/nonexistent enemies. Queen Zeal even notes all forms are an extension and are made up of dreams. Schala states Lavos will consume the whole of her awareness, to where she wishes for the destruction of all of existence), Fate Manipulation (After Serge killed FATE, Kid makes mention that destiny and fate itself is dead, with all characters having to make their own destiny), Reality Warping, Time Manipulation, Nothingness Manipulation (Can move, fight, and act within the Darkness Beyond Time, where there is no beginning or end, a place where all timelines, existent or non-existent go to feed Lavos’ strength. Can move in the Bend of Time), Black Hole Creation (Survives being around Black Holes), Soul Manipulation (Like others in verse, can dodge his soul being taken out of him when the enemy uses hell soul)
Standard Equipment
Name | Attack | Special Effects |
Moonfall Scythe | 120 | |
Headman's Scythe | 135 | |
Hadean Sickle | 150 | |
Judgment Scythe | 155 | Inflicts Stop |
Doom Scythe | 160 | Damage boost when allies KO'd |
Dreamreaper | 180 | 4x critical hit damage |
*Hide Cap: Hide Cap is the first headgear available in Chrono Trigger. It is the starting equipment for Crono, Lucca, and Marle with a defense of 3.
- Bronze Helmet: Bronze Helmet is the second available helmet in Chrono Trigger. It has a defense of 8.
- Iron Helm: The Iron Helm is headgear in Chrono Trigger. It is the 3rd helmet in the game and is usable by Crono, Marle, Lucca, Robo, Frog, Ayla, and Magus. It has a defense of 14.
- Golden Helm: The Golden Helm is headgear in Chrono Trigger. It is the fifth helmet in the game. It has a defense of 18.
- Stone Helm: Stone Helm is headgear in Chrono Trigger. It has a defense of 20.
- Triceratopper: The Triceratopper is headgear in Chrono Trigger, able to be worn by anyone. It has a defense of 23.
- Radiant Helm: The Radiant Helm is headgear in Chrono Trigger. It has a defense of 25.
- Platinum Helm: Platinum Helmis headgear in Chrono Trigger. Increasing defense by 29, this helmet can be worn by any character.
- Clarity Cap: The Clarity Capis headgear in Chrono Trigger. It is equip-able by all playable characters. It has a defense of 30 and prevents the status effect confuse. Noted to heightens the wearer's senses.
- Memory Cap: The Memory Cap is headgear in Chrono Trigger. It is equipable by everyone. It has a defense of 30 and prevents the status effect lock. Noted to guards the wearer's memories.
- Time Hat: The Time Hat is headgear in Chrono Trigger. It is equipable by all playable characters. It has a defense of 30 and prevents the status effect stop and slow. Noted to stabilize the flow of time.
- Aeonian Helm: The Aeonian Helm is headgear in Chrono Trigger. It has a defense of 33.
- Raven Armor: Raven Armor is an armor in Chrono Trigger. It is the starting equipment for Magus and is only equippable by him.
- Dark Helm: The Dark Helm is a headgear in Chrono Trigger. It has a defense of 35 and halves damage of attacks under the shadow element.
- Haste Helm: The Haste Helm is headgear in Chrono Trigger. It halves the time between turns. During battle, the Haste Helm will cause the user to glow with a red aura. It has a defense value of 35 and provides the benefits of the spell Haste at all times.
- Rainbow Helm: The Rainbow Helm is a headgear in Chrono Trigger. It has a defense of 35 and halves damage of attacks under the light/heaven element.
- Mermaid Helm: The Mermaid Helm is a headgear in Chrono Trigger. It has a defense of 35 and halves damage of attacks under the water/ice element.
- Vigilant's Hat: The Vigilant's Hat provides immunity to all negative status effects, such as Sleep and Confusion. It has a defense stat of 36 and is noted to be imbued with divine protection.
- Guardian Helm: The Guardian Helm is headgear in Chrono Trigger. It has a defense of 38 and comes with the passive effect of Auto-Protect, reducing physical damage by 1/3.
- Prismatic Helm: Prismatic Helm is headgear in Chrono Trigger. It has a defense of 40, raises magic defense by 9 and grants immunity to status effects.
- Ozzie Pants: Ozzie Pants is headgear available in Chrono Trigger. Although the name states this item is pants, it is equipped as a headgear. This can be equipped to any character. It raises defense by 45, however the downside is that it inflicts auto-confuse on the wearer and simultaneously drains HP over time.
- Dragonhead: The Dragonhead is a headgear in Chrono Trigger. It has a defense of 36 and raises strength by 5.
- Master Crown: Master's Crown is headgear in Chrono Trigger (DS), found in the DS exclusive dungeon of Dimensional Vortex. Like the Prism Dress, it is restricted by Sex so only Crono, Frog, Magus, or Robo can wear it. It raises defense by 40, has all damage the user inflicts increased by 25%, and grants immunity to status effects.
*Hide Tunic: Hide Tunic is Crono and Marle's default armor in Chrono Trigger. It is a tunic sewn from lightweight hides. It has a defense of 5.
*Headband: The Headband is an accessory in Chrono Trigger. It raises Speed by +1.
*Potion: Restores 50 HP.
*Petal: Used for Ioka trading material.
*Jetbike: The Jetbike is a vehicle in the Future. Crono and company use it to race through Site 32 against Johnny. It requires the Jetbike Key to operate.
Although the Jetbike is used in the future for the first time, in the image, Crono is riding with Ayla. This could be easily explained as Crono goes back to the future and races against Johnny again.
- Dactyl: Dactyls are a form of transport in the Prehistory era of Chrono Trigger. They are winged reptiles that can be ridden. The chief of Laruba Village keeps the secret to riding Dactyls. When Ayla prepares to assault Tyranno Lair, she uses Dactyls to reach the mountaintop keep. Crono is able to use dactyls freely in Prehistory after defeating the Tyranno Lair. In the game, dactyls function like the Wings of Time (obtained much later) by allowing Crono to fly around the world and traverse oceans, mountains, and other barriers they could not cross on foot.
- Epoch: The Epoch can access any of the key time eras in Chrono Trigger. The party initially seeks it after being sealed out of the Antiquity time period by Schala, following the advice of Gaspar. It does not rely on pre-existing Gates to operate. Once aboard the Epoch, Crono can access the Time Gauge. This gauge dominates the console of the Epoch and allows the pilot to select a destination time period Era. The Epoch is theoretically able to travel anywhere in time Era, the areas of note that the party usually travel to with it are Prehistory (65,000,000 BC), the Antiquity (12,000 BC), the Middle Ages (600 AD), the Present (1000 AD), the Apocalypse (1999 AD), the Future (2300 AD), and even the End of Time. At first, it operates the same way that the Gates do, depositing the travelers at the same physical location in different eras in time. This limits its use as a spatial transport. As shown in a cutscene, the Epoch possesses engines that cause it to hover in mid-air. The ship creates a time distortion directly in front of it, and the massive rockets at the rear of the ship propel it into the distortion. This has the effect of propelling the ship and its passengers forward, although they do not move in space at all. When the Epoch arrives at its destination in time, the lift engines shut down, lowering the Epoch to the ground in the same physical location. At a certain point in their adventure, the party loses the Epoch to Dalton. He modifies the ship with technology aboard the Blackbird, giving it the ability to fly. After he is defeated, the party regains use of the now flight-enabled Epoch. Using it, the time travelers can access any era or location in any point in time, which is necessary for certain side quests as well as reaching the Black Omen at any point in history.
Notable Techniques
*Scythe Slash: Magus runs up to the enemy, slicing them with his scythe.
- Critical Hit: Magus jumps over to the enemy and hits them with two scythe slashes dealing devastating damage.
- Counter-Attack: When equipped with certain accessories Magus will counter when an enemy attacks him without taking up a turn.
*Lightning II: When cast, Magus leaps into the middle of the screen and small stars gather toward him. When enough have gathered, a spinning windwill of electricity and light emit from his body, striking all enemies for moderate Light damage.
*Eternal Darkness: Eternal Darkness (also known as Dark Eternal in the SNES/PS version) is a Triple Tech that is used by Lucca, Marle, and Magus in Chrono Trigger. It combines Fire II, Ice II, and Dark Matter to create a strong, powerful, and the ultimate shadow triple tech.
Omega Flare is a Triple Tech that is used by Lucca, Robo and Magus in Chrono Trigger. It combines Flare, Laser Spin and Dark Bomb to deal supreme Shadow elemental damage. It's the strongest of the special Triple Techs.
Standard Tactics: Magus will have a passive barrier up and absorb all other elemental attacks aside from the one he uses. The forcefield also greatly reduces the damage he receives from attacks. After a while he will remove the barrier to charge up his most powerful attack, Dark Matter. After joining the party, Magus’ style of fighting is mixed with scythe and his techs, with equipment he uses to defend from various physical attacks and magical spells. Magus moreso prefers fighting alone then with a team giving him very few triple techs and no dual techs though he will still summon friends from across time in order to fight Lavos. If the enemy proves very powerful he might use the Epoch to ram it.
Weaknesses: Has an innate weakness to light magic as he’s of the shadow element.
Note: The 50% of damage absorption does not mean they absorb 50% of the damage and take the other 50% of damage, it means that they convert 50% of the damage into health, while the other 50% is neglected.
- ↑ [Young Woman]
Beings that are born of dreams, must
return to them...
The power of Lavos can make hopes
and dreams come true...
[Young Woman]
Born of dreams, returning to dreams......
Beings such as that exist as well.
At times, human prayers and desires borrow
the power of Lavos-sama and materialize. - ↑ [Young Woman]
Beings that are born of dreams, must
return to them...
The power of Lavos can make hopes
and dreams come true...
[Young Woman]
Born of dreams, returning to dreams......
Beings such as that exist as well.
At times, human prayers and desires borrow
the power of Lavos-sama and materialize.
Battle Records
Discussions (Link For Mobile Users):
Discussion threads involving Magus |