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Solid Snake (Twin Snakes)
Articles About Solid Snake
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Canon Timelines | Main Timeline - Twin Snakes - Ghost Babel - Snake Tales - Acid 1 - Acid 2 |
Non-Canon | NES - Super Smash Bros - Fortnite |

Solid Snake, real name David, was a former spy, special operations soldier, and mercenary. A product of the Les Enfants Terribles project, Snake was a clone of world-renowned soldier Big Boss, along with his brothers Liquid Snake and Solidus Snake. Initially a Green Beret, Snake was later inducted into the High-Tech Special Forces Unit FOXHOUND in the mid-1990s while it was commanded by Big Boss. Repeatedly tasked with disarming and destroying the latest incarnation of Metal Gear, a bipedal nuclear weapon-armed tank, Snake would thrice avert potential nuclear catastrophe, becoming a famed war hero.
General Information
Name: David (Bowman could potentially be his last name as his name is meant to be a reference to 2001: A Space Odyssey), Solid Snake (Code Name)
Origin: Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes
Sex: Male
Age: 33
Classification: Legendary Mercenary, Legendary Hero, The Man Who Makes the Impossible Possible
Species: Human
Occupation: Soldier, Mercenary
Status: Alive
Alignment: Chaotic Good (Snake is a soldier that's willing to repeatedly save the world from global threats such as Metal Gear and The Patriots, with him noting he's not doing it for any country or people but for himself and because it's what he believes in)
Codex Statistics
Tier: At least 9-A physically, Higher with Strongest Weapons
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: At least Room level physically (Could harm and defeat Gray Fox in hand to hand combat in his rookie years and then later fought his cyborg counterpart who has been enhanced by gene therapy and his exoskeleton suit. Destroyed a wall in 3 punches, broke down a door, on two occasions, and can kill fully armed soldiers in 3 punches), Higher with Strongest Weapons (Can harm Metal Gear REX with his strongest weapons. His strongest weapons should be superior to his weapons from Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake and Metal Gear which could take down a fully armored tank, a helicopter, could take down TX-55 Metal Gear and Metal Gear D, large bi-pedal units of this size.[1])
Durability: At least Room level physically (Tanked the destruction of Metal Gear D, from a distance, which even the distant explosion burned all of his equipment and destroyed the room he was in (See note). Survived a long fall of several floors with no damage. Took hits from cyborg Gray Fox who can kick away large ruble with the force to break it and can easily put craters into walls by slamming soldiers into them), Higher with Body Armor (Can use Body Armor which is designed to prevent bullets from penetrating one's skin but one can still feel the impact of the bullet)
Striking Strength: At least Room Class
Lifting Strength: Class 100 (Overpowered and threw Cyborg Gray Fox who briefly lifted the leg of Metal Gear Rex)
Travel Speed: Superhuman (Escaped the destruction of Outer Heaven in under 30 seconds)
Combat Speed: Supersonic (Can tag Cyborg Gray Fox who can slice and dodge bullets. Can tag Liquid Snake who can react to bullets)
Reaction Speed: Supersonic (Dodged a bullet from a revolver. Able to flip on to a missile and then jump of it. Could avoid a sniper round. Dodged multiple bullets from a Vulcan Gun)
Stamina: Superhuman (Snake has different types of nanomachines that will replenish the supply of adrenaline, nutrition, and sugar in his bloodstream. Snake is also injected with Benzedrine, that'll keep him alert and responsive for twelve straight hours)
Range: Standard Melee Range physically, Hundreds of Meters with Firearms
Intelligence: Extraordinary Genius (Carries the genes of Big Boss with genes being an important part of what makes a skilled solider and has an IQ of 180. Big Boss is also known as "the Greatest Warrior of the 20th Century". As a teenager he was able to infiltrate Western Iraq with a platoon of Green Berets. Is fluent in six different languages. Snake is a member of FOXHOUND, which is known as the world's most advanced black ops unit and during his time there he mastered various skills including various paratrooper techniques, underwater invasion techniques, on ground sneaking techniques, jungle and desert survival, tailing, detonating, wireless communication, seizing and reusing enemy weaponry, information collecting, various martial arts techniques, emergency medical operations, linguistics and technology, and generally anything need for high tech special forces units[2]. As a full on newbie rookie Snake infiltrated the entire base "Outer Heaven" filled with trained soldiers and combat experts, while he unknowingly went into a base run by his own boss running the mission who purposefully put a rookie on this mission just cause he thought Snake would fail, purposefully sabotaging his mission and giving away Snake's position during this mission, yet Snake still managed to infiltrate this base. Defeated Shotmaker and Machinegun Kid in a shoot out with both of them being skilled with their respective weapons. Able to take down two tanks and two helicopters. Able to accurately shoot and hit Dirty Duck without hitting any POWs. Defeated the legendary soldier[3], Big Boss in a missile fight. despite being injured before the fight. In a battle where he dealt with an opponent far faster then him, he used their speed against them. Defeated the Four Horsemen, who specialize in confined spaces and are a top-secret assassination squad who get their orders directly from the president. Defeated Jungle Evil in his own habitat, where he is the undisputed master of jungle ambushes. Defeated one of the last surviving members of the Whispers, a legendary guerilla unit, Night Fright, where in the fight he needed to use his ear, meaning his hearing is good enough to where he can gather enough information about his opponent's movements to be able to fight him, and he's smart enough to know how to coordinate his attacks and interpret the sound information into his spatial reasoning. Along with this he can avoid bullets from Night Fright, when he wields a completely silent gun. It's also noted that no one has ever seen Night Fright's face, meaning Snake is the only soldier that survived combat with him. Defeated Gray Fox in hand to hand combat. Defeated Metal Gear D with just grenades. Defeated Big Boss with just a lighter and a can of hair spray. Fought off dozens of guards while waiting for his rescue copter. Stated to be an expert at Close Quarters Battle. Is a skilled dog musher who's able take care of fifty huskies. Injected with nootropics, a class of drugs that improve mental functioning, effectively making him smarter. Is able to easily identify weapons just by looking at them. Can fight Next Generation Soldiers who have been strengthened through gene therapy. Can out skill Next Generation Special Forces who are all geniuses with an IQ over 180. Along with Meryl he was able to take out various armed Genome Soldiers in a shoot out. Defeated Revolver Ocelot, in a gun duel. Can defeat a tank with just grenades. Defeated Cyborg Gray Fox who has been enhanced by gene therapy. While mid air he can throw a grenade at a flying piece of debris to stop it from hitting him. Fought many armed soldiers while climbing up a several dozen flights of stairs. Can rappel down a building while being shot at by a Hind. Can single-handedly take down a Hind being piloted by Liquid Snake who was able to take down F-16s with it. Can hit Liquid Snakes' Hind while mid air. Fought Sniper Wolf, in a sniper battle through a blizzard storm. After Sniper Wolf shot his gun out of his hand, he did a perfect flip to avoid her fire and get back his gun. Could take out 4 people inside of a small elevator who were all invisible and armed. Can take out armed soldiers who tried to ambush him. Could stealth against Vulcan Raven for a majority of his boss fight and place around secret mine locations to defeat him. Vulcan Raven has better vison than the Genome Soldiers who have their sense of vision enhanced. Can single-handedly take down Metal Gear REX. Defeated Liquid Snake in a one on one hand to hand duel despite the fact that Liquid Snake was the superior clone of Big Boss. Took on various Genomes Soldiers and Liquid Snake in a car shoot out without his gear from before)
Powers and Abilities
Standard Equipment
*SOCOM: The MK23 SOCOM is a .45ACP caliber semi-automatic pistol that can be found in the back of a truck at the Helipad or inside of the Tank Hangar, it comes with a pre-attached laser aiming module. Since its debut in Metal Gear Solid, the SOCOM has become one of Solid Snake's signature weapons. It is the first gun available to the player and is ideal for carefully placed shots with the help of the laser aiming module. Later on in the game, a suppressor can be found in the room on the ground floor of the Tank Hangar after finding Donald Anderson.
- FASMAS: A fully automatic assault rifle with a fast 1000 rounds per minute rate of fire and holding 25 bullets per magazine. It is the standard weapon of the Genome Soldiers, and used by both Liquid Snake and Solid Snake. The FAMAS can be found in the Armory after the battle with Revolver Ocelot after acquiring a Level 2 security card, which is guarded by infra-red lasers. The last few rounds have extra strength, thus causing more damage. This weapon is best used in gunfights against alert enemies or bosses as this weapon is not suppressed. It is not available in Metal Gear Solid: Integral's "Very Easy Mode", since the player starts with an infinite MP5.
- PSG-1: Semi-automatic sniper rifle holding 5 rounds per magazine and is a symbolic weapon of Sniper Wolf. It can also be used by Snake if a sniping approach is desired against Sniper Wolf and holds 5 rounds per magazine. The scoped view of the weapon tends to be unstable unless Diazepam is taken. Sniper Wolf's PSG-1 has a laser beam for targeting.
- Stinger: A man-portable surface-to-air missile launcher that can take out targets that emit heat signatures it is primarily used in the battles against the Hind and Metal Gear REX. This can also be used to take out cameras since chaff grenades only provide protection momentarily against them. Mobility is lost when deployed.
- Nikita: A remote controlled missile that travels at ground level with a low velocity. Snake uses it to ruin the control panel that is connected to the electrified floor that is preventing him from reaching Hal Emmerich's lab. It can be used in the second battle as an alternative weapon against Sniper Wolf so that Snake can attack from a safe location. The player can use the missile's own CCD camera to guide the missile from its view by looking in first person rather than the overview as well. Can be shot down by gun cameras.
- MP5SD: A silenced submachine gun with 30 rounds per magazine that reportedly can hold a maximum of 999 bullets but has unlimited ammunition. Mistaken as an assault rifle in the game description although it functions like one. An ideal general purpose weapon against the enemy forces in the game against Genome Soldiers and against some bosses, making it superior to the SOCOM. Note that this weapon is only available in Metal Gear Solid: Integral, which is only available in Japan in its PlayStation iteration and on the PC elsewhere, when selecting the (exclusive to Integral) Very Easy difficulty setting. It was also available on the PC demo of said version.
- M9: A non-lethal conversion of the 92FS Snake uses in Metal Gear and Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake. Only available in The Twin Snakes and Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty.
- PSG-1T: A non-lethal version of the PSG-1.
*C4: This can be placed on the ground or walls and is remotely detonated by the player.
- Chaff Grenade: Temporarily disables nearby electrical equipment such as security cameras. Also useful in boss battles where the enemy is mechanical (Raven's M1 Abrams Tank, Gray Fox, Metal Gear REX, etc.). It also has a double-edged sword effect by disabling Snake's radar as well upon explosion so it must be used with caution. Does not go into Alert mode when it explodes.
- Claymore Mine: Mines that are set off by a proximity sensor and are hidden from the naked eye by stealth technology and must be detected by using a mine detector or thermal goggles. They can only be safely disarmed and collected by being crawling over them when set, as they explode if the player is within its range. This weapon is also used quite often throughout the Metal Gear series and ideal against Vulcan Raven as a frontal assault is ill-advised.
- Grenades: Grenades that explodes 5 seconds after pulling the pin regardless if thrown or not. Triggers alert mode upon explosion.
- Stun Grenade: Flash-bang grenades used to disorient the enemy. Triggers alert mode upon explosion. Knocks out Meryl in one go during the battle against Psycho Mantis if regular melee attacks are not preferred.
*AP Sensor: The anti-personnel sensor is a device that measures the electromagnetic fields and heartbeat of nearby human life forms and reports their presence to the user via vibrations.
- Bandage: A bandage is a piece of material used either to support a medical device such as a dressing or splint, or on its own to provide support to the body; they can also be used to restrict a part of the body, such as slowing the flow of blood during heavy bleeding.
- Book: A type of magazine that has girlie pictures. Can be used to distract the enemy by placing it on the ground. Is not available in the original game. Depicts Alexandra Roivas from Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem on the cover as well as the page centerfolds.
- Dog Tag: Dog tags are identification tags worn by military personnel. They are often worn around the neck. Their primary purpose is the identification of the wounded or dead as a result of battle. They are usually worn in pairs so that, in the event that a casualty cannot be moved, one tag can be collected while the other remains with the body. They are named because their function is similar to that of the permit on a pet dog's collar. Dog tags are approximately 5 cm in size and are often made of either aluminum or stainless steel. The identification includes the owner's full name, their date of birth, their gender, their blood type, the branch of the military they served under, their rank, their serial number, and their religion.
- Empty Magazine: A spent ammunition magazine. Can be used to distract the enemy by throwing it. Is not available in the original game.
Notable Techniques
- Close Quarters Battle: Close Quarters Battle (CQB) is a close quarters fighting style that centers around using hand to hand combat and small arms for limited space combat. The weapons used in CQB include stun grenades, hand grenades, submachine guns, pistols, and knives. Techniques in CQB includes hitting an enemy with a combo of punches and kicks, throwing an enemy on their back after grabbing them, placing them into a chock hold, and knocking them down by rolling into them.
Standard Tactics: Snake opts for stealth based combat; while he is fully capable of taking an opponent on one on one, he will always use his surroundings and stealth to get the surprise attack on opponent, unless put in a situation where he has to fight an opponent. When put in these moments he will normally use whatever he has in his arsenal to the best of his ability, even utilizing grenades to take out a tank. He will also normally go for non-lethal weapons such as the tranquilizer gun or smoke grenades to take out his targets.
Weaknesses: The Radar won't be usable in an area with strong harmonic resonance. If someone is able to control the nanomachines within him, they can force him to not be able to use his weapons. Snake has an addiction to cigarettes to the point that when he uses them it damages his health slowly. The Night-Vision goggles will not work in complete darkness since it requires light to amplify. Snake suffers from PTSD, though it doesn't seem to affect him in the middle of battle.
Note: Snake, Gray Fox, and Liquid are not assumed to scale to the potency of the Metal Gears from tanking their explosions as they were not in the epicenter, and Gray Fox/Liquid are in a protective cockpit, meaning they more then likely didn't take the full brunt of the explosion. Along with this, the self-destruction of Metal Gear Rex from a large distance away nearly knocked Snake out while Liquid was perfectly fine, supporting that Liquid didn't take the full brunt of the explosion.
- ↑ In this timeline the events of Metal Gear Solid V haven't happened, thus the 8-B tiering the Metal Gears have cannot be placed, instead with the Metal Gears scaling to the 9-A+ feat.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 2.2
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- ↑
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Battle Records
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Outer Heaven.
- Machinegun Kid - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Outer Heaven.
- Fire Trooper- Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Outer Heaven.
- Bloody Brad - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Outer Heaven.
- Dirty Duck - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Outer Heaven.
- Big Boss - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Outer Heaven.
- Kyle Schneider - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Zanzibar Land.
- Running Man - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Zanzibar Land.
- Red Blaster - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Zanzibar Land.
- Four Horsemen - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Zanzibar Land.
- Jungle Evil - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Zanzibar Land.
- Night Fright - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Zanzibar Land.
- Gray Fox (Twin Snakes) - Fight
- Conditions: Gray Fox had access to Metal Gear D.
- Location: Zanzibar Land.
- Gray Fox (Twin Snakes) - Fight
- Conditions: Snake and Gray Fox fought on a minefield.
- Location: Zanzibar Land.
- Big Boss - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Zanzibar Land.
- Revolver Ocelot (Twin Snakes) - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Shadow Moses Island.
- Vulcan Raven (Twin Snakes) - Fight
- Conditions: Vulcan Raven had a tank and two tankmen with him.
- Location: Shadow Moses Island.
- Gray Fox (Twin Snakes) - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Shadow Moses Island.
- Psycho Mantis (Twin Snakes) - Fight
- Conditions: Psycho Mantis was able to control Meryl Silverburgh.
- Location: Shadow Moses Island.
- Sniper Wolf (Twin Snakes) - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Shadow Moses Island.
- Liquid Snake (Twin Snakes) - Fight
- Conditions: Liquid Snake had a Hind D while Snake fought him from the ground.
- Location: Shadow Moses Island.
- Sniper Wolf (Twin Snakes) - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Shadow Moses Island.
- Vulcan Raven (Twin Snakes) - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Shadow Moses Island.
- Liquid Snake (Twin Snakes) - Fight
- Conditions: Snake had help from Gray Fox. Liquid Snake had access to Metal Gear REX.
- Location: Shadow Moses Island.
- Note: Snake would have likely lost if didn't get aid from Gray Fox.
- Liquid Snake (Twin Snakes) - Fight
- Conditions: Snake and Liquid Snake had three minute to defeat each other before a bomb would kill them both.
- Location: Shadow Moses Island.
- Genome Soldiers (Twin Snakes) & Liquid Snake (Twin Snakes) - Fight
- Conditions: Snake had aid from Meryl Silverburgh. Snake, Meryl Silverburgh, and Liquid Snake had ten minutes to escape Shadow Moses. Snake had to fight off Genome Soldiers beforehand. Snake and Liquid Snake tried to gun each other down while using cars.
- Location: Shadow Moses Island.
- Note: Snake and Meryl Silverburgh would have lost if Liquid Snake didn't die of FOXDIE.
*Outer Heaven Mercenaries - Fight
- Outer Heaven Hind D - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Outer Heaven.
- Outer Heaven Tank - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Outer Heaven.
- Outer Heaven Bulldozer - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Outer Heaven.
- Zanzibar Land Hind D - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Zanzibar Land.
- Dargo Pettrovich Madnar - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Zanzibar Land.
- Genome Soldiers (Twin Snakes) - Fight
- Conditions: Snake had aid from Meryl Silverburgh.
- Location: Shadow Moses Island.
- Note: Snake would have likely won without the help of Meryl Silverburgh.
- Genome Soldiers (Twin Snakes) - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Shadow Moses Island.
- Genome Soldiers (Twin Snakes) - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Shadow Moses Island.
- Genome Soldiers (Twin Snakes) - Fight
- Conditions: None.
- Location: Shadow Moses Island.
*Sniper Wolf & Genome Soldiers - Fight
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