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The Lamb is the main protagonist and the only playable character in Cult of the Lamb.

Inspired by the use of the lamb throughout religion as a symbol of the holy and noble, the player starts the game as an innocent and powerless sacrificial lamb, about to be offered to a dark and violent deity. But through the game, the lamb's morals twist and corrupt, transforming them from a virtuous creature to a deadly and power-hungry cult leader.

Though the true personality is left up to the player, Lamb does show some distinctive traits while growing and maintaining the cult. Lamb's actions and nature can range from an anti-villainous visionary to a power-hungry monster. Given how the player manages the cult, both benevolent and evil actions can be performed on or with the help of the followers. Though Lamb does not speak during gameplay, the Lamb is still shown to have some form of charisma when interacting with followers.

Because the faith of the followers must be managed carefully, it is necessary to meet their needs. This can include making sure they are well-fed, are given the proper healthcare when they get sick, given blessings to make them happier, or by giving sermons and performing certain rituals that can improve happiness and other needs. Lamb can also provide better and better living conditions by building and upgrading sleeping bags and outhouses. More malevolent acts Lamb can perform include simply denying the needs of the followers, sacrificing a follower during a ritual, putting an innocent follower in prison (though this act is a bit more justified in the case of a dissenter), sending others on missions where their chance of survival is dangerously low and even forcing someone to eat a bowl excrement.

The doctrines that the player chooses can influence what rituals are available and which actions can provide negative or positive consequences. For example, the cannibal doctrine causes all Cult members will gain the Cannibal Trait. The cannibal trait gives followers +5 Faith when eating Minced Follower Meat and removes the 75% chance of causing illness.

If the player chooses, Lamb can also do side quests for followers, which may include gathering specific resources or even rescuing a loved one during a crusade. Successfully performing these side quests will greatly increase a follower's loyalty, but denying the quest altogether will diminish faith. Note that some of these side quests may include playing pranks on one follower for the sheer amusement of another.


Key: Beginning of Game | Pre-Gateway | Post-Gateway

Tier: 9-A, Higher with Tarot Cards & Fleeces. Even Higher with Reactive Power Level & Empowerment | 2-C, Higher with Tarot Cards & Fleeces. Even Higher with Reactive Power Level & Empowerment | 2-C, Higher with Tarot Cards & Fleeces. Even Higher with Reactive Power Level & Empowerment

Name: Lamb

Origin: Cult of the Lamb

Sex: Unknown

Age: Unknown

Classification: Lamb, God, Cult Leader, Former Vessel

Status: Alive

Alignment: Lawful Evil (The Lamb is that of a cult leader. They'll do whatever it takes to serve The One Who Waits. Even if it involves abuse, sacrifice of others, brainwashing, overworking, starvation, and more, they will do this in support for The One Who Waits. All acts of kindness are set-ups for the cult to get bigger, as it empowers the Lamb. They'll even pull pranks towards other cult members if asked, so long as it increases faith and loyalty. They'll kill anyone who opposes them, including the Gods)

Dimensionality: 3-D

Attack Potency: Room level (Can destroy small houses. Note that despite this taking place later in the game, it is unlikely that the Lamb at the start of the game cannot preform this as there is no power increase needed to break apart the environment. Can destroy multiple large rocks and tombstones at once), Higher with Tarot Cards & Fleeces (Various Tarot Cards and Fleeces increase the power of the Lamb). Even Higher with Reactive Power Level & Empowerment (The Lamb was able to use their ability to gain strength through death and followers to defeat previous enemies they had lost to, with each enemy being stronger than the last) | Universe level (Defeated the Bishops who collectively who were able to defeat and imprison The One Who Waits. The One Who Waits has the power to remake the entire world, which the Bishops were trying to prevent), Higher with Tarot Cards & Fleeces. Even Higher with Reactive Power Level & Empowerment | Universe level (The Lamb was able to defeat The One Who Waits and ultimately gain its power, including the power to remake the world), Higher with Tarot Cards & Fleeces. Even Higher with Reactive Power Level & Empowerment

Durability: Room level, Higher with Tarot Cards. Even Higher with Reactive Power Level & Empowerment | Universe level, Higher with Tarot Cards. Even Higher with Reactive Power Level & Empowerment | Universe level, Higher with Tarot Cards. Even Higher with Reactive Power Level & Empowerment

Striking Strength: Room Class, Higher with Tarot Cards & Fleeces. Even Higher with Reactive Power Level & Empowerment | Universal, Higher with Tarot Cards & Fleeces. Even Higher with Reactive Power Level & Empowerment | Universal, Higher with Tarot Cards & Fleeces. Even Higher with Reactive Power Level & Empowerment

Lifting Strength:

Travel Speed:

Combat Speed: Superhuman (Can reflect arrows being shot at), Higher with Reactive Power Level & Empowerment

Reaction Speed: Superhuman (Can dodge arrow shots), with Reactive Power Level & Empowerment

Stamina: Limitless (Unlike their cult members, The Lamb is never shown to be tired, require rest, nor have the need to actually eat)

Range: Standard Melee Range to Extended Melee with weapons. Several Meters with Curses. Hundreds of Meters with Rituals. Universal to Cross-Universal with power from The One Who Waits.


Powers and Abilities

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Human Achievements (On top of being a cult leader who can easily tend to their followers, the Lamb is also proficient in fishing, farming, cooking, and construction), Social Influencing (Can dance for cult members to inspire and increase their loyalty. Can educate imprisoned members who bad mouth the Lamb into worshiping them again), Weapon Usage (The Lamb is an expert at using swords, axes,daggers, gauntlets, and hammers without the need of any former experience), Self-Sustenance (All types. The Lamb is able to live in locations that do not contain any areas for oxygen such as the afterlife. The Lamb is shown to never had the need to eat unlike their cult members. While they can eat, it's purely to gain more health rather than a requirement. Also unlike their cult members, they are never in need of sleep or rest), Divine Protection (The Lamb is always being watched and protected by The One Who Waits, as they need them to break free from their prison), Resurrection & Immortality (Types 1, 4, and 8. Unlike their cult members, the Lamb does not appear to age and can always outlive his members who die of old age. The Lamb is always protected by The One Who Waits and will always bring their vessel back to life as they do not allow this due to needing them to create a cult. No matter how many times they are killed, the Lamb will always be brought back), Reactive Power Level (It's stated that each time the Lamb is killed and brought back to life, they grow stronger for each death), Fate Protection (The Lamb was foretold to be given power and had future events already foretold despite not yet happening, which would mean they were fated to defeat all rulers when making a deal with The One Who Waits), Empowerment (The Lamb grows in strength the larger their cult is, becoming stronger through their faith. Cult leaders gain strength from their followers sacrificing themselves), Empathic Manipulation (When The Lamb strikes their enemies, they will lose fervour from non-believers), Power Nullification (When defeated by the Lamb, the person defeated will be reverted back to a weakened form with their powers gone. This includes the Gods such as The One Who Waits), Telepathy (Has the ability to read people's mind), Absorption (Can absorb the devotion from others), Summoning (Cult leaders can summon enemies to assist in battle. They can also forcefully teleport someone to them), Consumption & Power Manifestation (Can eat the hearts of those the Lamb defeats to create new powers), Life Manipulation & Death Manipulation (Resurrection allows the Lamb to sacrifice a cult member to bring themselves back to life. The Hunger allows for the Lamb to gain a blue heart from eating food), Teleportation, Portal Creation, & Dimensional Travel (Omnipresence allows for the Lamb to return to base without the need of a pentagram), Pain Manipulation (Darkness Within naturally gives the Lamb a diseased heart, which harms all enemies when removed), Regeneration (Mid-Low; Can heal from cuts, bruises, and wounds with hearts), Biological Manipulation (Cult leaders can make others starve), Attack Reflection (Can redirect projectiles back to their sender by hitting it), Dimensional Storage (The Lamb can hold hundreds of items at once and even be able to keep them after death), BFR & Dimensional Travel Negation (The other cult leaders were able to send The One Who Waits to the afterlife and chain him there, despite being able to escape it naturally) Resistance to Corruption & Transmutation (Unaffected by other cult leaders turning others into corrupted monsters), Poison Manipulation (Can walk on poison multiple times for a short time without being harmed and can recover from it. Can survive eating foods that can kill people), Disease Manipulation (Cannot get sick from unsanitary areas with rotting corpses, natural causes, vomit, nor feces unlike their cult members), Empathic Manipulation (Is unable to get their fervour be removed, which is the intensity of feeling), Fate Manipulation (Can defy The One Who Waits' orders, despite him being able to manipulate fate into becoming free with using the Lamb as a vessel), Telekinesis (Can fight off each cult leader, despite all being able to immobilize the Lamb before)
Weather Manipulation & Electricity Manipulation (The Red Crown created lightning strikes upon usage), Telekinesis (Can lift and lower people), Portal Creation & BFR (Can create a portal to send people to his cult location), Teleportation & Dimensional Travel (Can use pentagrams to teleport, including to areas such as Hell), Cloth Manipulation (Can create clothing for people joining their cult), Weapon Creation (The Red Crown can be used to transform into various tools such a pickaxe, axe, and hammer), Power Mimicry & Shapeshifting (The Red Crown can mimic and take form of whatever weapon it has access to. It can also form into general items such as a broom), Flight (Can be seen floating), Biological Manipulation (Can change the form of animals),
Empowerment (Sacrifice of the Flesh allows the Lamb to sacrifice someone to further increase their strength and power), Mind Manipulation (Brainwashing Ritual allows the Lamb to brainwash people into doing what they are told to do), Power Bestowal (Ritual Fast can give the ability to not have the need to eat nor go hungry for three days. Glory Through Toil can give the ability to not be tired nor need rest for three days), Plant Manipulation (Ritual of the Harvest makes all plants be ready to be harvested immediately), Resurrection (Ritual of Resurrection allows the Lamb to bring people back from the dead), Empathic Manipulation (Ritual of Enlightenment makes followers further devoted and create more devotion for three days), Creation (The Glory of Construction finishes all structures needing to be built), BFR (Ascend Follower Ritual sends a spirit to a higher plane of existence)

Poison Manipulation (Bane Sword, Bane Axe, Bane Dagger, Bane Gauntlets, and Bane Hammer all poison enemies when hit), Absorption, Life Manipulation, & Healing (Vampiric Sword, Vampiric Axe, Vampiric Dagger, Vampiric Gauntlets, and Vampiric Hammer all heal the Lamb by draining the life force of enemies), Summoning (Necromantic Sword, Necromantic Axe, Necomantic Dagger, Necromantic Gauntlets, and Necromantic Hammer all summon ghosts to attack enemies with), Damage Boost (Merciless Sword, Merciless Axe, Merciless Dagger, Merciless Gauntlets, and Merciless Hammer all have a chance to deal critical hits), Empowerment (Zealous Sword, Zealous Axe, Zealous Dagger, Zealous Gauntlets, and Zealous Hammer all increase devotion when collecting fervor, which strengthens the Lamb), Holy Manipulation (Godly Sword, Godly Axe, Godly Dagger, Godly Gauntlets, and Godly Hammer are all divine weapons that were used to slay Gods)[1]
Fire Manipulation (Flaming Shot shoots a fireball that explodes. Cleansing Fire shoots three fireballs at once. Hounds of Fate shoots fire at enemies), Status Effect Inducement (Cleansing Fire puts enemies at a daze once hit]), Explosion Manipulation (Flaming Shot explodes when hitting an enemy. Divine Blast creates a surrounding explosion that knocks enemies back. Point of Corruption is an explosive projectile thrown at enemies), Homing Attack (Hounds of Fate shoots fire at enemies that seek out enemies), Possession (Strike of the Crown possesses enemies when hit. Oath of the Crown possesses enemies when slashed. Call of the Crown is a projectile that possesses enemies), Invulnerability (Divine Guardian makes the Lamb invincible for 2 seconds), Attack Reflection (Divine Guardian reflects projectiles), Ice Manipulation (Divine Blizzard freezes enemies and knocks them back. Death's Squall freezes enemies that were hit. Touch of Ithaqua creates ice pillars that freeze enemies when hit), Poison Manipulation (Divine Blight poisons enemies and knocks them back. Ichor Thrown throws a pool of Black Ichor at an enemy, poisoning them. Path of the Righteous throws Black Ichor that creates a trail of it, poisoning those who touch it), Damage Boost (Death's Sweep can increase in power when charged up), Summoning (Death's Attendant will summon the spirits of previously defeated enemies to attack with. Touch of the Revenant tears open the Earth to release a hoard of ghosts that attack enemies), Body Control (Touch of Turua sends out black tentacles to hit enemies with. Maelstrom sends out tentacles to attack with in four directions), Vibration Manipulation (Touch of Turua causes a violent shake), Earth Manipulation (Touch of the Revenant tears open the Earth)
Statistics Amplification (The Hearts I gives the Lamb half a heart. The Hearts II gives the Lamb an extra heart. The Hearts III gives the Lamb two extra hearts), Damage Boost (Weeping Moon increases damage by 30% during the night. All Seeing Sun increases damage by 20% during the day. True Sight gives the Lamb a 20% chance to deal a critical hit. Divine Strength doubles the attack rate of the Lamb. Master of the Art increases the melee weapon damage by 1.5x. The Path increases movement speed by 2x. Fortune's Blessing doubles the health when healing. Ambrosia increases curse attacks by 1.75x), Life Manipulation (The Lovers I gives the Lamb a blue heart. The Lovers II gives the Lamb two blue hearts. Gift From Below has a 20% chance to gain half a blue heart when killing an enemy), Clairvoyance (Telescope reveals the entire map), Energy Projection (Hands of Rage fires a projectile when attacking with the Lamb's melee weapon), Explosion Manipulation (The Burning Dead blows up dead bodies. The Bomb will make the Lamb drop a bomb whenever they roll), Corruption (Diseased Heart gives the Lamb a Diseased Heart, which damages all enemies with vicious corruption), Poison Manipulation (The Arachnid poisons enemies when hit. Ichor Earned spawns a pool of Black Ichor, which poisons enemies. Ichor Lingered drops a pool of Black Ichor when rolling, poisoning enemies that touch it), Absorption (Fervour's Harvest triples the amount of Fervour dropped by enemies), Soul Manipulation (Soul Snatcher heals the Lamb when killing an enemy, which the description notes that, "One's loss is the gain of another"), Damage Nullification (Shield of Faith has a 20% chance to negate any damage), Restoration (Strength from Within restores Fervour overtime. Strength from Without replenishes Fervour when hit. Fervour's Host restores Fervour when entering a room), Pain Manipulation (Death's Door deals damage to all enemies with in a near death state), Resurrection (The Deal revives the Lamb once killed), Supernatural Luck (Rabbit's Foot makes the Lamb luckier). Resistance to Poison Manipulation (Mithridatism makes the Lamb immune to poison)
Damage Boost (The Golden Fleece adds +5% damage per kill that can stack, but the effect is lost once damaged in addition to taking double the damage. Fleece of the Glass Cannon deal twice as much damage with curses, and cost half as much fervor, but melee damage and health values are halved), Corruption (Fleece of the Diseased Heart gives a diseased heart for every tarot card, which deals corruption damage, but all items are lost if killed), Creation (Fleece of the Fates gains 4 tarot cards from start, but no other tarot cards can be used), Life Manipulation (Fleece of Fragile Fortitude replaces all red hearts with blue hearts with a 2:3 ratio, but regular health cannot be restored)[2]

Standard Equipment


Swords have a balance of damage, speed, and range.

Icon Weapon Quote Description
Crusader's Blade Stalwart companion to the wandering warrior. A well balanced blade dealing moderate damage.
Bane Sword Coated in the bile of a beast, long forgotten. Chance of poisoning enemies when attacking.
Necromantic Sword Death's own blade. When slaying a foe summon a ghost that will attack nearby enemies.
Vampiric Sword Vitality to those bold enough to take it. Chance to heal the wielder using the life force of a slain foe.
Merciless Sword Grant no mercy, take no chances. Chance to deal a Critical Hit when attacking enemies.
Zealous Sword The blade of the great Fanatic. Collected fervor will also increase the divine inspiration bar.
Godly Sword Once used to draw Godly blood... Deal significantly more damage than mortal weapons.


Axes are slow but have a large attacking range and higher damage.

Icon Weapon Quote Description
Apostate's Cleaver A mighty tool of unstoppable brutality. Swing with intent.
Bane Axe Once struck by the toxins, one begs for the blade. Chance of poisoning enemies when attacking.
Necromantic Axe Severed heads still may talk. When slaying a foe summon a ghost that will attack nearby enemies.
Merciless Axe Once borne by the executioners of old. Chance to deal a Critical Hit when attacking enemies.
Vampiric Axe Consumer of the blood it spills. Chance to heal the wielder using the life force of a slain foe.
Zealous Axe Used by the great Fanatic to execute heretics. Collected fervor will also increase the divine inspiration bar.
Godly Axe The blade that severed the Lands of the Old Faith from the world. Deal significantly more damage than mortal weapons.


Daggers are fast to attack but deal less damage and have a shorter range.

Icon Weapon Quote Description
Traitor's Razor Never given, only taken. A fast blade signed for many cuts, low damage but lightning quick.
Bane Dagger Signature weapon of the jealous lovers. Chance of poisoning enemies when attacking.
Necromantic Dagger Only the Gods of Death may cut souls free. When slaying a foe summon a ghost that will attack nearby enemies.
Merciless Dagger Piercer of hearts. Chance to deal a Critical Hit when attacking enemies.
Vampiric Dagger Eerily similar to the canine of some fierce beast... Chance to heal the wielder using the life force of a slain foe.
Zealous Dagger Used by the Fanatic to give offerings of blood. Collected fervor will also increase the divine inspiration bar.
Godly Dagger Stolen from the tomb of one of the Old Gods. Deal significantly more damage than mortal weapons.


Gauntlets deal little damage at first, but deal more as the combo continues.

Icon Weapon Quote Description
Tempest's Gauntlets An iron fist from which none can escape. A set of deadly spiked gloves. Weak at first, but devastating on a complete combo.
Bane Gauntlets A venomous touch, however gentle. Chance of poisoning enemies when attacking.
Necromantic Gauntlets Once worn to gather the souls of the departed. When slaying a foe summon a ghost that will attack nearby enemies..
Merciless Gauntlets Imbued with the restless spirit of a fallen crusader. Chance to deal a Critical Hit when attacking enemies.
Vampiric Gauntlets Made for drawing out the fire of life. Chance to heal the wielder using the life force of a slain foe.
Zealous Gauntlets Protects against doubt. Collected fervor will also increase the divine inspiration bar.
Godly Gauntlets The last remnant of divine armour, long lost. Deal significantly more damage than mortal weapons.


Hammers deal immense damage but take a while to swing, leaving you vulnerable for a long time.

Icon Weapon Quote Description
Warmaker's Hammer Splinterer of skulls. Slow to fall, yet calamitous upon landing.
Bane Hammer Forged with ill-intent and evil spirits. Chance of poisoning enemies when attacking.
Necromantic Hammer Used in ancient rituals to grind bones to dust. When slaying a foe summon a ghost that will attack nearby enemies.
Merciless Hammer What remains once the hammer has struck? Chance to deal a Critical Hit when attacking enemies.
Vampiric Hammer Driver of stakes. Chance to heal the wielder using the life force of a slain foe.
Zealous Hammer Gavel of judgement, strike true. Collected fervor will also increase the divine inspiration bar.
Godly Hammer Shaped these lands to the desires of their Gods. Deal significantly more damage than mortal weapons.


Image Name Type Quote Description
Flaming Shot Fireballs Send forth the flame of the Underworld. Shoot a piercing bolt of fire. Hold and release at the mark to make it explosive.
Cleansing Fire Fireballs Flames of cleansing burn thrice as bright. Shoots 3 projectiles at once.
Hounds of Fate Fireballs Seek and strike those who dare doubt. Shoots multiple projectiles that seek out enemies.
Strike of the Crown Fireballs Embrace the crown and your sins will be forgiven. Shoots a fierce projectile that has a chance to possess enemies on hit.
Divine Blast Blasts A curse against those unworthy of your presence. Knocks back enemies in your range while also damaging them.
Divine Guardian Blasts Under the shadow of wings thou lie protected 2 seconds of invincibility. Deflects projectiles, causing damage.
Divine Blizzard Blasts The breath of a forgotten God... once stronger than them all. Knocks back and freezes enemies.
Divine Blight Blasts Omen of great ill-fortune. Knocks back and poisons enemies.
Death's Sweep Slashes Raze miscreants to the ground. A devastating melee attack that can be charged for increased power.
Oath of the Crown Slashes The curse with which the Great ones severed our world from theirs. A devastating melee attack that also has a chance to possess impacted enemies.
Death's Attendant Slashes Retainer of death, attend your master. A devastating melee attack that will also summon ghosts from slain enemies.
Death's Squall Slashes A kiss from death, so cold and inviting. A devastating melee attack that will also freeze hit enemies.
Ichor Thrown Splatters Part the oceans of blood. Hold to aim. A projectile that spreads black Ichor upon landing.
Point of Corruption Splatters For none are undeserving of punishment. Hold to aim. An explosive projectile.
Path of the Righteous Splatters Walk, and be guided by faith. Hold to aim. A projectile that creates a trail of black Ichor.
Call of the Crown Splatters You need only issue thy word, and they will obey. Hold to aim. A sacred projectile that will possess directly hit enemies.
Touch of Turua Tentacles Sinker of ships, risen from the deep. Convoke a violent eruption of powerful tentacles.
Maelstrom Tentacles An Old God may still reside in the depth. Tentacles will strike out in four directions.
Touch of Ithaqua Tentacles A call from below that began the Winter Year. An eruption of ice pillars that freezes enemies on hit.
Touch of the Revenant Tentacles Release those trapped souls that clamour for freedom. Tears open the earth to release a horde of ghosts that target nearby enemies.

Tarot Cards

Image Name Quote Description Unlock
The Hearts I A minor remedy. Gain an extra Half Red Heart Default
The Hearts II A remedy. Gain an extra Full Red Heart Beat Ratau at one game of Knucklebones.
The Hearts III A major remedy. Gain an extra two Full Red Heart Purchase in a Heart room for 100 coins.
Weeping Moon Fear not the terror of night. 30% more damage during the night Purchase at Spore Grotto for 25 coins.
Nature's Boon Your cornucopia runneth over. Harvest bonus resources. Purchase at Pilgrim's Passage for 25 coins.
The Lovers I A heart offered, a vow made. Full Blue Heart +1 Default
The Lovers II Fidelity demands sacrifice. Full Blue Heart +2 Perform the Marriage Ritual or Spare the loser of the Fight Pit Ritual.
All Seeing Sun Destruction wastes at noonday. 20% more damage during the day. Purchase at Pilgrim's Passage for 25 {coins.
True Sight (+) Weakness begs exploitation. 10% (20%) chance of dealing a critical hit. Default
Telescope Surely what will be one day be yours to conquer. Reveal the map. Default
Hands of Rage (+) Such violent wrath cannot be contained. Fire a projectile when you swing your weapon 10s (5s) cooldown. Purchase at Pilgrim's Passage for 25 coins.
The Burning Dead Service, even in death. Dead enemy bodies explode, damaging other enemies. Purchase at Midas' Cave for 5 Gold Bars.
Diseased Heart A heart rife with vicious corruption. Damages everything on screen when hit. Default
The Arachnid The venom of fear knows no cure. Deals poison damage to enemies struck. Default
Divine Strength (+) [++] The vigour of the Great Ones course through you. Attack rate increased by 1.25x (1.5x) [2x] Default
Master of the Art (+) Strike hard, strike fast, strike true. Overall weapon damage increased by 1.2x (1.5x) Default
The Path (+) [++] Banish fear! Banish doubt! Move forth unhesistant. Increased movement speed by 1.25x (1.5x) [2x] Purchase at Spore Grotto for 35 coins
Fervour's Harvest (+) Grow fat on the zeal of your foes. Enemies will drop 2x (3x) more Fervour Default
Soul Snatcher (+) One's loss is the gain of another. When killing an enemy 10% (20%) chance of healing Purchase at Smuggler's Sanctuary for 50 coins.
Shield of Faith (+) Take refuge in your devotion. When attacked 10% (20%) chance of negating damage Default
The Bomb (+) Leave carnage in your wake. Drop an explosive when you roll 10s (5s) cooldown. Purchase at Smuggler's Sanctuary for 40 coins.
Ichor Earned Who dares draw the blood of Gods? Drop black Ichor on hit. Purchase at Midas' Cave (5 Gold Bars)
Ichor Lingered (+) They dare not even step on your shadow. Drop black Ichor when you roll 10s (5s) cooldown. Purchase at Smuggler's Sanctuary (40 coins)
Mithridatism Fear naught that passes thine lips. Immune to poison. Beat Flinky in Knucklebones
Blazing Trail Punish those who dare stand in your way. Rolling into an enemy will damage them. Purchase at Spore Grotto for 35 coins.
Divine Curse (+) [++] The well within deepens, the power grows. Curses consume 25% (50%) [75%] less Fervour Default
Strength from Within (+) Meditate on your malicious intent. Fervour will slowly replenish over time 2.5s (1.5s) cooldown Beat Shrumy at Knucklebones.
Strength from Without (+) What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Receive 5 (10) Fervour when hit Beat Klunko and Bop at Knucklebones
Neptune's Curse Send 'em to sleep with the fishes. Enemies have a chance to drop a fish. Get from the fisherman after catching 1 fish.
Fortune's Blessing O, blessed vessel, Fortune bestows her gift upon thee. Receive double the health when healing. Default
Death's Door (+) [++] Hope to be turned away. When hit down to Half Red Heart, all enemies will be dealt 2 (3) [10] damage Default
The Deal The deal is done, but at what cost? When killed, resurrect with 1 Full Red Heart Purchase at Midas' Cave for 10 Gold Bars.
Rabbit's Foot Feels lucky ...and fluffy. Increases the chance to spawn better chests Default
Ambrosia (+) [++] Drink deep the liquor of Gods. Increased curse attack damage by 1.25x (1.5x) [1.75x] Buy from Forneus for 50 coins.
Gift From Below (+) A generous return for your offering. 10% (20%) chance of gaining half Blue Heart when killing an enemy. Default
Fervour's Host Cross the threshold and be renewed. Fervour replenishes fully when entering a new combat room. Buy Followers from Helob 3 times during Crusades (Must meet him in the Crusade to get the card)

Notable Techniques


Ritual Icon Description Prerequisites
Bonfire Ritual
Dance around the flame to increase the Cult's faith. Available by default
Sacrifice of the Flesh
Sacrifice a Follower to grow your strength and unlock new abilities and weapons. Higher level Followers will be more valuable when sacrificed. Unlocked by The One Who Waits after a few runs
Brainwashing Ritual
Followers will become brainwashed. Faith will be locked at full for 2 days. Deliver 30 Menticide Mushrooms in total to Sozo.
Feasting Ritual
Throw a feast for your Followers to completely fill up Cult hunger and gain +30 faith. Mutually exclusive with Ritual Fast. Doctrines - Sustenance 1
Ritual Fast
Followers will not need to eat for 3 days. Mutually exclusive with Feasting Ritual. Doctrines - Sustenance 1
Ritual of the Harvest
All sown Farm Plots will immediately be ready for harvest. Mutually exclusive with Ritual of the Ocean's Bounty. Doctrines - Sustenance 2
Ritual of the Ocean's Bounty
Catch double fish for two days, and special fish will be more common. Mutually exclusive with Ritual of the Harvest. Doctrines - Sustenance 2
Conduct a funeral for a recently passed Follower and gain +20 faith. Mutually exclusive with Ritual of Resurrection. Doctrines - Afterlife 2
Ritual of Resurrection
Bring a dead Follower back to life. Mutually exclusive with Funeral. Doctrines - Afterlife 2
Ritual of Enlightenment
Temporarily increase devotion generation speed at your shrine by 20% for 3 days. Mutually exclusive with The Glory of Construction. Doctrines - Work & Worship 3
The Glory of Construction
Instantly build all structures currently under construction. Mutually exclusive with Ritual of Enlightenment. Doctrines - Work & Worship 3
Glory Through Toil
Followers will work through 3 days and nights without getting tired. Mutually exclusive with Holy Day. Doctrines - Work & Worship 4
Holy Day Ritual
Your Followers will not work for a day and gain +80 faith. Mutually exclusive with Glory Through Toil. Doctrines - Work & Worship 4
Ascend Follower Ritual
Perform a Ritual at your temple in which you can ascend a Follower's spirit to a higher plane of existence. All Followers gain Loyalty. Doctrines - Law & Order 1
Fight Pit Ritual
Command 2 Followers to fight to the death - unless, of course, you decide to show mercy... Mutually exclusive with Wedding. Doctrines - Law & Order 2
Marry one of your Followers and gain +30 faith. Mutually exclusive with Fight Pit Ritual. Doctrines - Law & Order 2
Loyalty Enforcer
A Ritual to appoint a Follower as your Loyalty Enforcer, tasked with patrolling the Cult and raising the Loyalty of Followers. Mutually exclusive with Tax Enforcer. Doctrines - Law & Order 4
Tax Enforcer
A Ritual to appoint a Follower as your Tax Enforcer. They will gather from other Cult members. Mutually exclusive with Loyalty Enforcer. Doctrines - Law & Order 4
Alms for the Poor
Distribute coins to all Followers to increase their Loyalty. You will also gain +10 faith. Mutually exclusive with Ritual of Enrichment. Doctrines - Possessions 3
Ritual of Enrichment
All Followers donate coins to you. Mutually exclusive with Alms for the Poor. Doctrines - Possessions 3


Standard Tactics:





Battle Records



