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Peppino Spaghetti

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“ | Okay, you look-a right here! I baked that into a pizza ONCE and nobody can ever know. Not even the health inspector. Capeesh? | „ |
~ Peppino |
“ | This isn't milk | „ |
~ Peppino after drinking an unknown white substance from Noise |
Peppino Spaghetti (simply referred to as Peppino) is the main protagonist of Pizza Tower.
Peppino is a portly Italian chef wearing a black t-shirt, black pants, a white tank top, and a chef's hat. He also has black hair and a small mustache under his long nose.
He's the owner of his own restaurant, called Peppino Pizza, and always shows signs of both anger and anxiety, frequently shifting between those two emotions.
General Information
Name: Peppino Spaghetti
Origin: Pizza Tower
Sex: Male
Age: Likely middle aged
Classification: Italian Chef, War Veteran
Status: Alive
Alignment: Chaotic Good (Peppino's goal of destroying the Pizza Tower and defeating all enemies is only because Pizzaface was planning to destroy his own restaurant. Peppino otherwise seems to befriend all enemies by the end of the game)
Codex Statistics
Tier: High 4-A, Higher with Mach Run and Transformations, Far Higher with Rage Power
Cardinality: Finite
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: Multi-Star Cluster level (Broke through the Pizza Tower and defeated Pizzahead, who survived the Pizza Tower being destroyed. The Pizza Tower is a tower that contains an entire realm with various stars and planets), Higher with Mach Run and Transformations (Mach Run and his various transformations can defeat enemies that Peppino would normally get hurt by or cannot defeat at all, such as against Stupid Rats. The Shotgun can one-shot the Toppin Monsters, who can previously defeat Peppino easily), Far Higher with Rage Power (Upon getting pumped up for a fight, Peppino can easily defeat previous bosses and defeat them in a flurry of attacks, including Pizzahead, who would previously one-shot him in just his first form)
Durability: Multi-Star Cluster level, Higher with Mach Run and Transformations, Far Higher with Rage Power
Striking Strength: Multi-Star Cluster Class, Higher with Mach Run and Transformations, Far Higher with Rage Power
Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Can lift and throw pineapples of this weight. Can punch and throw people hard enough to break through walls and be sent flying), Far Higher with Rage Power
Travel Speed: Supersonic (His natural dash speed can outpace a bullet. Peppino's movements alone can cause afterimages). Up to Supersonic+ with Mach Run (Peppino's Mach Run can reach up to Mach 4)
Attack Speed: Massively Hypersonic (Can hit those comparable to him, such as Fake Peppino), Far Higher with Rage Power
Reaction Speed: Massively Hypersonic (Due to being able to parry any move in the game, Peppino should be able to parry enemies that can fire lightning), Far Higher with Rage Power
Stamina: Superhuman (Peppino can be beat up, stabbed, burnt, electrocuted, fight hundreds of enemies, and traverse through nearly the entire Pizza Tower in one sitting without ever appearing to be tired or have any signs of fatigue. He can even travel fine through harsh environments that have hot or cold areas)
Range: Standard Melee naturally. Extended Melee to Several Meters to Hundreds of Meters to Kilometers to Planetary with abilities
Intelligence: Gifted Intelligence (Peppino is a chef that owns a restaurant. On top of this, Peppino is a war veteran, having experience in using guns such as both pistols and shotguns, even being able to out skill other gun users. Peppino can also quickly pick up how to use new abilities without former experience, and is able to use objects such as a weenie, corpse, or trash can lid as a vehicle to get around with. He also has various wrestling skills, be skilled at playing golf, can solve several puzzles, defuse bombs, and navigate through the whole Pizza Tower alongside defeating various bosses)
Powers and Techniques
Notable Techniques
- Jump: Jumping on top of enemies will stun them. Peppino can bounce higher off of an enemy by holding the jump button when landing on top of the enemy.
- Body Slam: Pressing down while in the air makes Peppino perform ground pound, damaging enemies from above. The fall can slightly be adjusted by pressing left and right. With enough height, this can be used to break metal boxes, indicated by the meteor-like effect.
Landing also stuns surrounding enemies for a brief period of time.
- Dash: One of Peppino's most important abilities for blasting his way through the towers. He builds up speed for as long as the dash button is held, allowing him to transition to several successive stages of dashing. Jumping during the dash keeps his momentum at whatever stage he is currently at.
If Peppino runs up or down a slope, his speed gain can change accordingly, increasing when running down slopes and decreasing when going up. Some status effects and moves can also cause the player to be able to enter a Dash.
- Dash Stages:
Mach 1:
- Peppino starts to run at a moderate pace.
- Peppino can stun enemies by bumping into them.
- After a moment, Peppino starts dashing madly, indicated by his red and green afterimages.
- Can initiate a roll by pressing down while dashing.
- Can initiate a Dive by pressing down in the air.
- Can run up vertical walls by jumping at them while dashing, or by running up a staircase connected to a wall.
- Can break through non-Metal Blocks.
- Upon impact with the wall, he temporarily stops.
Mach 2:
- Peppino starts dashing at an insane rate, accompanied with an equally insane expression.
- At this point, Peppino's velocity is high enough that he is competing with air friction, causing the air to emit sound and a shock layer to form in front of him.
- This speed has the same qualities as Mach 1, as well as the following:
- Enemies freeze in shock when Peppino approaches them, letting him bust through defenses like Forknight's fork.
- Can break metal boxes.
- Can initiate a super jump by pressing up while dashing.
- Attempting to turn around in this stage will result in Peppino "drifting", in which he takes slightly longer to change directions, but preserves his dash momentum.
- Jumping off a wall results in Peppino moving back to Mach 1.
- Upon impact with the wall, he is knocked back.
Mach 3:
- Activated when the player is in Mach 2 and holds the directional pad/joystick in the direction Peppino is running for several seconds.
- Mechanics remain the same, with the only differences being a different animation and significantly increased velocity.
- Attempting to drift will bring him back to Mach 2.
- Roll:
Pressing down while dashing on the ground at Mach 2 or higher makes Peppino roll in a bowling ball fashion.
When performed, Peppino will return to Mach 2 whatsoever.
- Dive: Pressing down while dashing in the air at Mach 2 or higher will cause Peppino to dive downwards at a diagonal angle.
- Dive Drop:
Pressing jump while diving will cause Peppino to do a fast ground pound move, similar to the Body Slam. It is much faster than the normal slam, but is very situational and mostly for speeding through levels.
- Super Jump: Presssing up when the Dash reaches Mach 2 and releasing will cause Peppino to super jump. The player can move side-to-side slowly before releasing, but cannot move horizontally once the super jump is initiated. During super jump, Peppino leaps straight upward quickly, busting through weaker obstacles until he hits a ceiling.
The player can cancel the super jump before hitting a ceiling with a dash, transitioning back into Mach 3.
- Grab: Grabs an enemy or object in his clutches. He can carry them around before smashing them away, upwards, or behind him. Pressing down whilst on the ground can drop the grabbed enemy or object.
Peppino also has extra moves he can perform while holding an enemy.
Holding the dash button after initiating a grab will cause Peppino to immediately start dashing at Mach 2, letting him reach high speeds faster.
Pressing the jump button after initiating a grab initiates the "Long Jump", a jump with additional distance.
- Giant Swing: Grabbing an enemy while dashing into them will cause Peppino to spin forward with them, breaking blocks and killing enemies. Spinning into a hazard causes the player to parry it.
- Spinning Piledriver: When in the air, pressing down while holding an enemy will make Peppino do a piledriver into the ground, causing the enemy held to be sent forward upon contact with the ground, as well as killing any enemy he lands on. Holding jump when landing on an enemy makes him do a bounce, keeping him airborne and allowing for more combo potential.
- Uppercut: When pressing up and grab with an enemy in hand, Peppino performs an uppercut, sending the enemy flying upwards at a high speed. The enemy can be grabbed again if still in mid-air.
- Belly Slide: If the player crouches right after pressing grab, Peppino will slide forwards while laying down on his stomach. This attack can be used to destroy blocks in one-block spaces, but it cannot be used to defeat enemies. There is also an option to jump out of a slide to activate a slide jump, which unlike the normal slide, can damage enemies. Peppino can jump repeatedly in succession if he jumps again right when he touches the ground.
- Rising Uppercut: Pressing up and grab together will launch Peppino upwards with a rising uppercut. The uppercut will defeat enemies and destroy marble blocks. This can also be used a a pseudo double jump, as it will still send Peppino upwards a little if used in mid-air.
- Taunt: Pressing the taunt button will cause Peppino to strike a pose.
If the player gets a combo counter of 10 or more and hold up while taunting, a "Super Taunt" will occur, where the taunts pop-out, with one of four unique taunts being selected (different taunts are purely cosmetic and don't affect gameplay), and all enemies on-screen are hurt and defeated.
Some taunts are references.
Taunting causes any projectile-based enemies to fire their projectiles, making waiting for them to attack to get the transformation their projectile gives take less time.
- Parry: If the player makes Peppino taunt right before he gets hit by an enemy or projectile, he will parry it and attack back. This can be used to make it easier to defeat enemies that often attack the player and can also be used to reflect projectiles thrown at them.
- Breakdance: If taunt button is held, Peppino will start breakdancing in one place, and after a while boombox appears near him, which dissappears after the player stops holding the button. It does not serve any function.
- Pistol: During some of the boss fights, Peppino's grab move is replaced with a pistol. The player can mash the button to shoot bullets as fast as possible. Holding down the button will charge a big bullet, which will automatically be shot upon being charged, so the player needs to pick the right moment to use it.
- Ball Peppino: Peppino inflates himself just like a balloon and quickly rolls until he hits a wall. He is invincible in this form and will bowl over enemies. He can also break small blocks instantly without losing momentum.
- Knight Peppino: Peppino will be heavy and slow, but he will be invulnerable and can still take out enemies by walking into them or jumping on them. He also gains fast momentum from sliding down on stairs and slopes and can jump while doing so. If he touches a Pizza Pope or level hazard, the armor will break and return him to normal form.
- Firebutt Peppino: Peppino will jump up high and after landing his bottom will be briefly exposed. He can defeat any enemies that touch him at any point in the animation.
- Firemouth Peppino: When Peppino eats a spicy wing tossed by a Kentucky Kenny, he gains the firemouth form. His mouth is caught on fire, and he can destroy TNT blocks and kill enemies by touching them. He'll also run nonstop just like his bomb transformation. Free Milk booths will set him back to normal.
- Ghost Peppino: Peppino becomes a ghost and can fly freely, using the arrow keys. The player is able go through Cheese Graters while also being invincible. In this form, the player moves quite slowly, but can kill enemies and collect Ghost Peppers in order to increase their speed and destruction potential, eventually able to destroy Ghost Blocks.
- Mort on Peppino: Mort the Chicken perches on top of Peppino's head. With Mort on his head, the player gains the ability to double jump, and can have him smack his head in 3 different directions, and also can use him to hook onto Mort Hooks for extra height.
- Weenie Mount: Peppino mounts a giant sausage and is allowed to run around freely at high speeds, defeating enemies in their way. In this state, they can't get hurt. Jumping in this state will cause the player to enter a long jump but will also make them dismount the weenie.
- Barrel Peppino: Peppino gets stuck in a barrel. It allows to walk around freely and start rolling instead of dashing. This can defeat enemies and break blocks. However, if there is a slope next to the wall while rolling, the barrel will change directions. The barrel itself can be grabbed and tossed around to different locations before using the transformation.
- Rocket Peppino: Peppino gets himself stuck to a rocket and is stuck rocketing forwards until he crashes into a wall, after which the rocket explodes and Peppino tumbles down. In this form, he can slightly redirect the rocket up or down by pressing the respective buttons, and if he's touching the ground, he can drift to change his direction. When The Noise obtains this transformation, he eats the rocket and becomes the rocket himself instead of getting pushed forwards by the rocket. This transformations can be cancelled out of by hitting a wall or jumping.
- Cheeseball Peppino: Peppino gets stuck in a cheeseball and will roll forwards until hitting a wall, which ends the transformation, and starts Sticky Cheese transformation. In this form, the player has absolutely no control, and will be launch upwards if they touch a slope.
- Sticky Cheese Peppino: Peppino gets covered in sticky cheese with pepperoni covering his eyes and green peppers covering his eyebrows and mustache. In this form, he is incredibly slow, but can stick onto walls, and jump off of them to perform walljumps. When The Noise obtains this transformation, the cheese covering him makes him look like a rat instead of a cheese monster.
- Pizza Box Peppino: Peppino gets trapped in a pizza box. In this state, he is able to go through small gaps at a faster speed than crawling. It also grants him ability to flap ten times in the air before dropping to the ground. The grab attack is replaced by a spin attack. If he touches a dashpad, he moves faster and will glide when jumping.
- Pepper Pizza: Once picked up, Peppino will consume the pizza and his skin will turn red. The player becomes invincible to all enemies and their attacks, able to defeat them merely by touching them. Pressing the jump button in midair will let the player spin and continuously fly upwards.
- Shotgun: Once picked up, this grants the player ability to destroy Target Blocks. This powerup cannot be removed by a Priest, but can be removed by a Metal Detector.
Standard Tactics: Peppino will typically use his dash to physically attack his opponent. If his reactive adaption kicks in, then he would proceed to use whatever new ability is given to him. He'd also use his guns if given the chance.
Weaknesses: Peppino is typically nervous and anxious, though this has never halted him and he can even be enraged to become even more powerful.
Battle Records