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Plague Knight

From The Codex
The fruits of my research are no mere trick!
~ Plague Knight


Plague Knight is one of eight knights of the Order of No Quarter who serves the Enchantress and is a master alchemist. His lair is the Explodatorium. He is also the protagonist of Plague of Shadows, in which he seeks to craft the Ultimate Potion from the Essence of the Order's members.

This dropdown contains the synopsis of Plague Knight's story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise!

In Shovel of Hope, Plague Knight is one of the felon knights standing between Shovel Knight and the Tower of Fate. He can be found and fought in the Explodatorium where he conducts his experiments. He reappears later at the top of the Tower of Fate for a revenge fight. Like other villain knights, he can be either left hanging after the fight or helped up. In the ending, Plague Knight is giving advanced potion lessons at the Explodatorium.

Codex Statistics

Tier: High 8-C, 8-A with the Ultimate Potion

Name: Plague Knight (Real name unknown)

Origin: Shovel Knight

Sex: Male (Original), Female (Body Swap)

Age: Unknown, at least an adult

Classification: Knight, Alchemist, Member of the Order of no Quarter

Status: Alive

Alignment: Chaotic Neutral (Plague Knight's actions and ideals are dangerous and destructive in nature, with his primary objective being to make the Ultimate Potion, leading to him joining the Order of No Quarter. Despite this, he isn't without his motives, and only wishes to win over Mona's affection and study in peace, leading him and Mona to using the Ultimate Potion to destroy the Tower of Fate)

Dimensionality: 3-D

Attack Potency: Large Building level (Far superior to Black Knight, who can break the ground, giving these results. Could fight Specter Knight who can cut cannon balls. Fought the Corrupted Essence which is made of the essence of the Order of No Quarter and Shovel Knight), City District level with the Ultimate Potion (The Ultimate Potion contains the essence of Shovel Knight and the Enchantress. The potion was powerful enough to completely destroy the Tower of Fate)

Durability: Large Building level (Can take strikes from Black Knight. Can survive being catapulted a large distance)

Striking Strength: Large Building Class, City District Class with the Ultimate Potion

Lifting Strength: At least Class K (Should scale to King Knight, and be stronger than even Tinker Knight, who can carry the entire Order of No Quarter with one arm)

Travel Speed: Supersonic (Can maneuver around and outpace cannon balls. Can keep up with Shovel Knight in combat)

Attack Speed: Massively Hypersonic

Reaction Speed: Massively Hypersonic (Can dodge attacks from Phantom Striker, who uses cloud-to-ground lightning attacks. Comparable to Specter Knight, who can dodge lightning)

Stamina: High (Consistently traverses large areas and fights members of the Order of No Quarter in order to take their essence, even going as far as to following Shovel Knight to his camp in order to take his essence)

Range: Standard Melee physically, Tens of Meters with explosives, Higher with Arcana, Tens of Kilometers with the Ultimate Potion

Intelligence: Supergenius Intelligence (Is a master alchemist who planned the creation of the Ultimate Potion, which is made from the essence of the knights of the Order of No Quarter [Along with Shovel Knight and the Enchantress']. Plague Knight has developed numerous different bombs and fuses with physics-defying effects including changing the density of those it hits)

Knowledge: Master level (Is a skilled knight who has created his own technique known as Bomb Burst which enhances Plague Knight's double-jump and allows him to sustain himself within the air)

Powers and Techniques

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Human Achievements (Is a renowned master alchemist and owns his own laboratory, Acrobatics and Limited Physics Manipulation (Can perform a double-jump and jump large distances), Dimensional Storage (Can carry all of his relics and treasure), Weapon Usage (Along with being skilled with a variety of explosives, he also knows how to use various Arcana, such as the Bait Bomb, Big Bomb, Staff of Surging, and Staff of Striking), Attack Nullification (Plague Knight's bombs can nullify incoming projectiles completely), Magic (Plague Knight has innate magic, which allows him to use his Arcana), Aquatic Breathing and Self-Sustenance (Respiratory Self-Sustenance; Plague Knight can freely breathe underwater. Can fight other knights in the Event Horizon stage in showdown), Essence Manipulation ( Plague Knight collects the essences of the knights he bests in battle), Explosion Manipulation (Through his dozens of bombs, Plague Knight can create a variety of unique and varied explosions), Teleportation and BFR (Type 1; Teleports in and out of every level. Teleports into his fight against Shovel Knight. Can also teleport people in and out of areas), Duplication (Can create clones of himself in his fight against Specter Knight), Non-Standard Interaction and Soul Manipulation (Can interact with and kill ghosts), Intangible Attacks and Durability Negation (The Orbit Casing spins around Plague Knight and passes through walls), Fire Manipulation (Can create flames that scale walls with the Tracer Powder. The Cascade Powder creates waves of flames in multiple directions), Electricity Manipulation (The Sparkler Powder fires small sparks in multiple directions), minor Water Manipulation (The Float Casing creates a small bubble around the bomb that gives it the ability to float in the air), Homing Attack (The Sentry Fuse remains airborne before homing in on targets), Density Manipulation (The Float Burst is a Burst technique that allows Plague Knight to slowly float down after jumping in the air), Ice Manipulation (Can send snowflakes beneath himself when using the Frost Burst), Transmutation (Created a potion that completely transformed a regular scientist into a woman), Damage Transferal (When enemies or objects are nearby, Plague Knight can harm all of them at once), Poison Manipulation (Plague Knight's attacks inflict poison on foes).

Resistance to Extreme Heat (Plague Knight is fine being near lava. Can tank attacks from Specter Knight), Fire Manipulation (His cloak blocks himself from being burnt), Extreme Cold (Perfectly fine fighting in snowy and ice areas), Explosion Manipulation (Plague Knight's Bomb Burst technique requires that the user take the full force of their explosion), Radiation Manipulation, Biological Manipulation, and Gravity Manipulation (Should be comparable to King Knight who can survive in the vacuum of space. Can fight in the Event Horizon stage in Showdown)


  • Bombs:
Casing Cost Research Description
Bounce Casing N/A N/A Bounces along the ground before exploding.
Lob Casing 1000 None Arcs into the air before it comes crashing down.
Float Casing 2000 1 Floats up and away when thrown.
Orbit Casing 2500 2 Spins around you and ignores walls.
Drop Casing 2500 3 Drops bouncing bombs at your feet.
Whirl Casing 3000 3 Boomerangs back and forth.
  • Bomb Burst:
Name Cost Research Description

Basic Burst
N/A N/A Explode all around you and launch through the air!

Float Burst
2500 None Float slowly to the ground. Press down to fall again.

Bullet Burst
3500 1 Fires a blast in front of you when launching.

Frost Burst
3500 2 Launch through the air while dropping ice shards below.

Spin Burst
4000 3 Cannonball through enemies and cut them all down!
  • Arcana:
Name Power Unlock Stage Description

Bait Bomb
1 Potionarium Toss into a sparkling pit and see what flies up!

Big Boom
1 Pridemoor Keep A potent explosion with a far-reaching radius.

Leech Liquid
3 The Lich Yard Replenish your energy by damaging enemies

Smoke Bomb
3 Lost City Stand in the cloud to become invulnerable, even on spikes!

2.4 Iron Whale An explosive platform that you can even create when airborne!

Staff of Surging
1 Explodatorium Rise into the air with a surging attack!

Fleet Flask
1 Clockwork Tower Explode into a frenzied dash!

Berserker's Brew
2 Stranded Ship Damage enemies on contact without getting knocked back!

Staff of Striking
0.4 Flying Machine Attack in succession with quick staff swipes

Optional Equipment

  • Cloaks:
Armor Image Cost Description
Chemical Coated Cloak N/A Plague Knight's original armor.
Treasure Trappings 3500 Magnetizes treasure when you charge! Drop half as much gold when you fall in battle!
Goo Garment 4000 Bounce off walls when bomb jumping. May be tough to control!
Ward Robe 5000 Heavily plated. Keep your footing when struck by enemies, but stopping may be a problem!
Dandy Duds 8000 Flashy armor that increases jubilance by 200%!
Pandemonium Cloak N/A A mercurial, unstable and everchanging garment.
  • Pocket Dungeon Items:
Name Description
Potion Restores 2 HP.
Bomb Explodes, damaging everything in its radius. Effects and looks are slightly changed by Plague Knight's abilities and the Too Big Bomb Relic.
Fire Bomb Explodes, leaving damaging flames in its radius.
Ice Bomb Explodes, freezing everything in its radius.
Crystal Clear Explodes, damaging everything.
Wood Blade +1 damage to base attacks.
Steel Blade +2 damage to base attacks.
Hero Blade +3 damage to base attacks.
Flame Axe Ignite foes on hit!
Ice Axe Freezes foes on hit!
War Horn Blasts an area around you!
Shield Blocks 1 damage.
Chronos Coin Stops time for a while.
Bomb Cannon Vs. Mode item. Drops Bombs on your opponent.
Spear Long reach, pierces shields.
Wildcard Destroy all matching foes.
Monster Potion Vs. Mode item. Temporarily transform your opponent into a monster.
Zap Wand Blast a line with electricity.
Flood Fish Vs. Mode item. Flood the opponent's board.
Turkey Restores 10 HP.
Smoke Bomb Avoid harm in the smoke.
Troupple Chalice +5 max HP until end of level.
Troupple Chalice Restores 1 HP every 5 turns until end of level.
Shuffle Top Shuffle the opponent's board.
  • Pocket Dungeon Relics:
Name Base Cost Description
Swift Dagger 10000 First strikes do +1 damage.
Fenix Feather 10000 This feather will destroy everything and restore your Health if you fall in battle. But only once!
Nimbus Balloon 8000 Don't float away... Just kiddin'. With this balloon, you'll hover just high enough to avoid floor hazards.
Mentor Manual 8000 If you know the way, you can get out of the Dungeon faster!
Fury Horns 10000 After you score a fatal blow with a Chain, your next hit will pack a furious wallop!
Meal Ticket 6000 +2 Health.
Premium Meal Ticket 8000 +3 Health.
Fizzle Wand 6000 This broken Flare Wand leaves a damaging trail wherever you walk.
Snoutin' Charm 6000 Find Gems in Blocks.
Divine Liquid 8000 +1 damage to Undead. 10+ Chains recover all health.
Potion Napkin 8000 Does not Chain Potions, letting them being drink singularly.
Single Glove 8000 +1 damage to single foes.
Diamond Dust 8000 +1 Item damage and their Durability.
Third Amulet 8000 +1 damage every 3rd hit on the same foe.
Gem Beet 6000 Slows down Gem Meter depletion and slain foes grants more Gem Meter.
Dynamallet 6000 Your next Chain explodes. Recharges when opening chests.
Desperation Talon 6000 Fatal blows recover 2HP at low health.
Power Pail 10000 +1 damage at max Gem Meter.
Five String 10000 +1 damage every fifth hit.
Too Big Bomb 10000 Bigger Bomb explosions.
Gem Chain 8000 More Gems from Chains.
Shockproof Socks 6000 Resist electric damage. +1 damage every 10 steps.
Obsidian Drill 6000 Deal extra damage to all blocks.
Chronos Glass 6000 Freezes time on room enter or when board is nearly full.
Gold Leaf Clover 8000 Find rarer Items.
Bomb Seed Bag 6000 Find more Bombs + bomb resistance (this includes Ratsploders blast.
Toad Totem 10000 Attacks poison foes.

Notable Techniques

  • Double Jump: Plague Knight can jump a second time in the air (Which can be further altered with the Bomb Burst technique).
  • Bomb Toss: Plague Knight tosses his equipped bomb forward, or downward ahead in the air, resulting in different effects based on the particular bomb type used.
  • Bomb Burst: Plague Knight lets loose a damaging burst to launch himself into the air, giving him a special jump in the process depending on the particular Bomb Burst being used (Can be further enhanced with the Goo Garment).


Standard Tactics: Plague Knight will use his bombs to both outrange his opponent, and utilize his bomb burst technique, which gives him greater mobility than he normally can perform. Alongside his various bomb types, Plague Knight also uses a variety of arcana in combat and platforming.

Weaknesses: Plague Knight often doesn't take his fights very seriously and admits to rolling his eyes in boredom when facing some opponents.

Note: Do not attempt to scale Shovel Knight to Kratos. Despite being claimed as canon from both parties, their words contradict their games. At the end of God of War 3, Kratos killed the entire pantheon, flooding the earth and killing everyone, if this is canon to Shovel Knight, this implies the world of Shovel Knight is completely destroyed as the events of God of War 3, which wouldn't make sense due to how Kratos acts in Shovel Knight. Along with this, even if he is shown to use weapons from God of War 3, this is a Kratos before the events of the games, as he notes to Athena he is still being tested by the gods, which is a thing that was done all the way back in the first God of War. Along with noting Shovel Knight has the Gods favor, which is something he would not do in God of War 2 and onward where he has broken free from the chains of fate. Along with this, if this was GoW 2 or onward, he would not simply accept the Gods favor one as he detest the Gods after their betrayal in GoW 2. Even if we were to assume this battle was canon, it would be deemed as an outlier due to Shovel Knight and those comparable to him being threatened and harmed by lesser feats much after the battle against Kratos.


Battle Records