Plague Knight is one of eight knights of the Order of No Quarter who serves the Enchantress and is a master alchemist. His lair is the Explodatorium. He is also the protagonist of Plague of Shadows, in which he seeks to craft the Ultimate Potion from the Essence of the Order's members.
This dropdown contains the synopsis of Plague Knight's story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise!
In Shovel of Hope, Plague Knight is one of the felon knights standing between Shovel Knight and the Tower of Fate. He can be found and fought in the Explodatorium where he conducts his experiments. He reappears later at the top of the Tower of Fate for a revenge fight. Like other villain knights, he can be either left hanging after the fight or helped up.
In the ending, Plague Knight is giving advanced potion lessons at the Explodatorium.
In Plague of Shadows, Plague Knight reveals his true purpose in joining the Order of no Quarter: to harvest the Essence of its powerful members. He hopes to accomplish, with the help of his partner in crime Mona, the Serum Supernus, the Ultimate Potion capable of achieving unlimited power and anyone's dreams. For that purpose he has set his real laboratory, the Potionarium, in the Undervillage where his minions and allies alike gather in secret to practice their fringe science.
Plague Knight first encounters Black Knight in the Plains who discovered the Alchemist's schemes. He misunderstands Plague Knight's motive as trying to beguile the Magicist with his concoction, then tries to stop him before he can harm the Enchantress. After the battle, Plague Knight later regains his hideout to put his plan into motion, betray and seek the Order's knights and the Enchantress herself.
Plague Knight beats his former colleagues one after the other, stealing their Essence after each fight. He eventually runs into Shovel Knight who invaded the Explodatorium. Failing to beat the adventurer at the last minute, the alchemist follows him back to his campsite to steal his Essence, although Plague Knight account on his interactions with Shovel Knight have been noted to be biased and unreliable.
As his plan progresses, it becomes evident that Plague Knight attempts to craft the Ultimate Potion in order to woe Mona, unaware of her profound affection towards him. Black Knight's misunderstanding of Plague Knight's motive however leads Mona to quit him. He still caries on with his plan, hoping to be able to change himself through the Ultimate Potion and conquer Mona's heart.
Black Knight's encounter at the Tower of Fate confirms Plague Knight to push on for Mona's sake. After a revenge match with all the Knights, the Alchemist beats the Enchantress and acquires her almighty Essence. Black Knight barges in too late with Mona, who reveals her true feelings to Plague Knight before he can make the Serum Supernus. But with the final distillation already on its way, Plague Knight is swept into a mental battle, first to defeat the Plague of Shadows infesting his mind, then his own Corrupted Essence.
With the Ultimate Potion stabilized and his mind regained, Plague Knight finally decides to relinquish his wish since Mona already confessed her love to him. He uses the powerful concoction instead to destroy the Tower of Fate in a formidable explosion. In doing so, he frees the Valley from the Enchantress and becomes a hero to its inhabitants.
In the ending, Plague Knight is knighted by King Pridemoor. He leaves the management of the Explodatorium to his allies and goes on to exploit his former colleagues. With his new status and wealth, Mona and him are finally free to pursue their crazy experiments in the open. Just after returning from the Tower of Fate, the two alchemists execute a waltz in the Potionarium away from prying eyes.
In Specter of Torment, Plague Knight's renown as an alchemist gets the attention of the Enchantress. She entrusts Specter Knight in recruiting him as court alchemist for her plans. In the Explodatorium, the alchemist's lack of interest in that proposition forces Specter Knight to fight him.
Plague Knight and his minions join the Tower of Fate after being defeated. While he seems to enjoy the activity in the ranks of the Enchantress, he is in fact plotting to take the Order's Essence for his own plans.
In the ending, unbeknownst to the Order, Plague Knight is moving out his laboratory to his secret headquarters outside the Explodatorium. Mona and him are also starting to manifest feelings for each other. He also bows to the Enchantress along his fellow knights, forging the Order of No Quarter.
Alignment:Chaotic Neutral (Plague Knight's actions and ideals are dangerous and destructive in nature, with his primary objective being to make the Ultimate Potion, leading to him joining the Order of No Quarter. Despite this, he isn't without his motives, and only wishes to win over Mona's affection and study in peace, leading him and Mona to using the Ultimate Potion to destroy the Tower of Fate)
Magnetizes treasure when you charge! Drop half as much gold when you fall in battle!
Goo Garment
Bounce off walls when bomb jumping. May be tough to control!
Ward Robe
Heavily plated. Keep your footing when struck by enemies, but stopping may be a problem!
Dandy Duds
Flashy armor that increases jubilance by 200%!
Pandemonium Cloak
A mercurial, unstable and everchanging garment.
Pocket Dungeon Items:
Restores 2 HP.
Explodes, damaging everything in its radius. Effects and looks are slightly changed by Plague Knight's abilities and the Too Big Bomb Relic.
Fire Bomb
Explodes, leaving damaging flames in its radius.
Ice Bomb
Explodes, freezing everything in its radius.
Crystal Clear
Explodes, damaging everything.
Wood Blade
+1 damage to base attacks.
Steel Blade
+2 damage to base attacks.
Hero Blade
+3 damage to base attacks.
Flame Axe
Ignite foes on hit!
Ice Axe
Freezes foes on hit!
War Horn
Blasts an area around you!
Blocks 1 damage.
Chronos Coin
Stops time for a while.
Bomb Cannon
Vs. Mode item. Drops Bombs on your opponent.
Long reach, pierces shields.
Destroy all matching foes.
Monster Potion
Vs. Mode item. Temporarily transform your opponent into a monster.
Zap Wand
Blast a line with electricity.
Flood Fish
Vs. Mode item. Flood the opponent's board.
Restores 10 HP.
Smoke Bomb
Avoid harm in the smoke.
Troupple Chalice
+5 max HP until end of level.
Troupple Chalice
Restores 1 HP every 5 turns until end of level.
Shuffle Top
Shuffle the opponent's board.
Pocket Dungeon Relics:
Base Cost
Swift Dagger
First strikes do +1 damage.
Fenix Feather
This feather will destroy everything and restore your Health if you fall in battle. But only once!
Nimbus Balloon
Don't float away... Just kiddin'. With this balloon, you'll hover just high enough to avoid floor hazards.
Mentor Manual
If you know the way, you can get out of the Dungeon faster!
Fury Horns
After you score a fatal blow with a Chain, your next hit will pack a furious wallop!
Meal Ticket
+2 Health.
Premium Meal Ticket
+3 Health.
Fizzle Wand
This broken Flare Wand leaves a damaging trail wherever you walk.
Snoutin' Charm
Find Gems in Blocks.
Divine Liquid
+1 damage to Undead. 10+ Chains recover all health.
Potion Napkin
Does not Chain Potions, letting them being drink singularly.
Single Glove
+1 damage to single foes.
Diamond Dust
+1 Item damage and their Durability.
Third Amulet
+1 damage every 3rd hit on the same foe.
Gem Beet
Slows down Gem Meter depletion and slain foes grants more Gem Meter.
Your next Chain explodes. Recharges when opening chests.
Desperation Talon
Fatal blows recover 2HP at low health.
Power Pail
+1 damage at max Gem Meter.
Five String
+1 damage every fifth hit.
Too Big Bomb
Bigger Bomb explosions.
Gem Chain
More Gems from Chains.
Shockproof Socks
Resist electric damage. +1 damage every 10 steps.
Obsidian Drill
Deal extra damage to all blocks.
Chronos Glass
Freezes time on room enter or when board is nearly full.
Gold Leaf Clover
Find rarer Items.
Bomb Seed Bag
Find more Bombs + bomb resistance (this includes Ratsploders blast.
Toad Totem
Attacks poison foes.
Notable Techniques
Double Jump: Plague Knight can jump a second time in the air (Which can be further altered with the Bomb Burst technique).
Bomb Toss: Plague Knight tosses his equipped bomb forward, or downward ahead in the air, resulting in different effects based on the particular bomb type used.
Bomb Burst: Plague Knight lets loose a damaging burst to launch himself into the air, giving him a special jump in the process depending on the particular Bomb Burst being used (Can be further enhanced with the Goo Garment).
Standard Tactics: Plague Knight will use his bombs to both outrange his opponent, and utilize his bomb burst technique, which gives him greater mobility than he normally can perform. Alongside his various bomb types, Plague Knight also uses a variety of arcana in combat and platforming.