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User:AutumnZX64/Garfield revised

From The Codex

People who have simple pleasures should be admired... and then executed.
~ Garfield
Some people search for enlightenment. I'm just happy when I can find the remote.
~ Garfield
Now I know what "justifiable homicide" means.
~ Garfield
I wonder if sock puppets are flammable?
~ Garfield
Nice try... Mere mortal.
~ Garfield
The devil made me do it
~ Garfield
I hate dogs.
~ Garfield
I win again.
~ Garfield
Hello, what's this? A teddy bear. A dumb, stupid, silly-looking old teddy bear. I think I'll call him "Pooky"
~ Garfield meeting his Teddy Bear for the first time
Feed me.
~ Garfield

Lasagna's not a dish, windbag. It's a way of life, a state of being. Man's one perfect achievement. What did the Indians serve to the Pilgrims? Lasagna. What did Marie Antoinette scream to the rabble? "Let them eat lasagna." What did Neil Armstrong say when he landed on the moon? "That's one small slice of lasagna." It's not a dish. It's the stuff of dreams. It's the food of the gods. It's what's for lunch.
~ Garfield
I hate Mondays
~ Garfield
When I die, I may not go to heaven I don't know if they let cowboys in
~ Garfield


Garfield is the protagonist of the newspaper comic of the same name. He is a fat orange cat, spending his day sleeping, eating, kicking the dog and being bored.


Tier: 8-C

Name: Garfield, Ichabod (A name he had while suffering from amnesia[1]), The Caped Avenger (His superhero name[2])

Origin: Garfield

Sex: Male

Age: 44

Classification: Cat

Status: Alive (While Garfield has died in the past, he has Nine Lives with his last life repeating his older lives)

Alignment: Chaotic Good (Garfield is a selfish cat who is fine with sabotaging his owner for the right reasons and sabotaging Odie out of sheer jealousy. The entire point of the Golden Lasagna awards episode is just Garfield winning all of the awards so he can sell them[3]. He also doesn't like it when people care about more than just himself but he later saw the error of his ways[4]. Despite this, Garfield cares about Jon and Odie. He's also willing to help people out people just because it is the right thing to do, such as when he helped baby birds just because their mother wasn't home[5]. He cares for Odie to the point that he saved him[6][7]. Ever since Odie saved him; he became grateful to Odie. He was willing to save Drusilla and Minerva from an "evil witch", despite hating them[8]. He was willing to save Nermal, despite hating him[9] and saved him again in later episodes[10])

Dimensionality: 3-D

Attack Potency: Building level (Destroyed a house)

Durability: Building level

Striking Strength: Building Class

Lifting Strength: Class 5 (Can lift a tree)

Travel Speed: FTL (Moved faster than the speed of dark), at most Extra-Temporal (Ran back in time in order to get cookies), FTL with an extraterrestrial vehicle (Can travel to other planets[11]), Higher with a Jetpack (Was faster than the ferret who kept out speeding him with[12])

Combat Speed: FTL, at most Extra-Temporal

Reaction Speed: FTL (Dodged a pie that travelled to the Moon), at most Extra-Temporal

Stamina: Superhuman (Can stay up for several days without any issue. Survived being in a washing machine which can suffocate someone)

Range: Standard Melee, Universal+ via Temporal BFR

Intelligence: Genius (Could build a snowman by using all of the snow. He can tell every flavor of food he just ate. Can read notes and books unlike other animals and can also drive go-karts well. He is skilled in being a detective, as well as rapping, speaking Spanish, and playing several musical instruments. He is fully aware that he's a fictional character and has immense knowledge of pop culture. Can manipulate his foes with ease. Has performed several complex plans on his own, such as robbing a bank. He's good at counting food. He's able to easily trick dogs, even when they knew about his tricks. Changed Jon's story to something that his boss loved. Easily tricked Bruno. He framed Carl Conniver to get him arrested. He's good at outsmarting Nermal by using his ego and even setting up a trap for him[13]. He manipulated Jon and Mice[14]. He can trick Jon very easily. Can solve multiple labyrinths. Can solve puzzles. Skilled at tennis. Knows how to ski and skate. Garfield has a lab and was going to make the most perfect cat. Created a statue out of a sofa. Can play cans like they are real instruments[15]. He tricked Nermal into helping him get free food[16]. Knows how to pickpocket. He managed to get Crusher sent to the pound with some quick thinking[17]. He tricked Jon into thinking he went to Tokyo after Jon put him on a diet[18]. He came up with a plan to get Eddie Gourmand out of Jon's house that worked and was even noted as being brilliant[19]. He tricked Bruno by making him think that his dumpster was a better home than his own[20]. He came up with multiple plans to make sure Vito would be late and he would get free pizza[21]. He tricked Angel into moving into a different house which caused them to get caught[22]. He exposed the mayor for being a thief[23]. He managed to get Gloria and Doc Boy together when Doc Boy was too stupid to realize that Gloria was crushing on him[24]. Can make a sculpture out of meatloaf[25]. Tricked Nermal into embarrassing himself[26]. Him and Jon managed to become the greatest mimes one of the judges had ever seen[27]. He exposed Nermal and caused him to be disqualified from a contest[28]. Stole a rocket ship[29])

Powers and Abilities

Superhuman Physical Characteristics, Limited Martial Arts (Created his own martial art technique, although it is very ineffective[30]), Consumption (Type 2. Ate an entire TV and was completely fine. Can eat thoughts. He can eat ghosts. Ate Jon's pants. Ate his blanket twice. Can eat detergent. Ate Liz's purse. Ate staples. Can eat over four hundred pieces of food. Ate a pan. He eats so much, that a calculator cannot even keep up with the calorie intake. Can eat wax. Ate a fridge door. Ate 244 hotdogs[31]), Hair Manipulation (A running gag is how much Garfield sheds, to the point that he can lose his entire winter coat. Killed Nermal's with his hairballs), Flight (He can fly by smelling lasagna), Cartoon Physics, Fourth Wall Breaking (He is aware of cues. Has looked at the audience before. Knows what copyright infringement is. He has told the audience to not look at him before and is glad that he even gets to do something in the story. Knows who Jim Davis is, even in video games. Shattered a comic panel. Shattered the camera by screaming[32]. Knows about the ridiculous stuff he does for the comic. He knows where you live[33]. He is aware he is a video game character. Can wink[34] at the camera[35]. Pulled the screen apart[36]. Asked the audience to pause the episode[37]. Knows that he is copyrighted[38]. Can read the script itself[39] and can do this consistently[40]. Knew that his comic was stuck in Vertical Hold. Can walk off his own show[41]. He's aware of later Seasons that haven't even happened yet[42]. He can ask the narrator to leave the story[43]. He can fire his own writers[44]. Cam turn off the episode itself[45]), Multiple Personalities (One of Garfield's personalities is Snoopy), Disguise Mastery (Dressed up as a vampire to get bats away from him[46]. Dressed up as a superhero to trick Nermal[47]. Dressed up as Pooky. Disguised himself as a little boy. Disguised himself as a baby[48]), Death Manipulation (Caused a plant to die by telling it to die), Telepathy (Everyone animal in Garfield speaks with thought bubbles, meaning they are reading each other's minds), Power Scream (Shattered the camera by screaming[49]. Screamed so loud that it receded outside of Earth[50]), Hammerspace, Body Control and Shapeshifting (Can change the shape of his body. Could fit into a cookie jar. He can change his neck size by pulling his tail[51]. Could fit into a vase), Surface Scaling (Can climb up trees with his claws. Can walk up walls[52]. Can stick on the ceiling of cars), Duplication (Garfield has clones of himself), Regeneration (Low-Godly. Regenerated from an explosion that blew him up. Regenerated from his face being flattened. Regenerated from being reduced to just hair. Regenerated after being sucked in by a treadmill[53]. Regenerated from being crushed like a ball[54]. Regenerated after being flattened in a blind. Regenerated from being turned into a skeleton. Regenerated after being melted), Non-Physical Interaction (Can touch ghosts. Can use the ghost of a newspaper. He can eat ghosts), Acrobatics (Skilled at tennis. Knows how to ski and skate. Can travel across clotheslines), Multilingualism (Can understand Odie, who can only speak dog[55]), Temporal BFR (Kicked Odie into next week), Mind Manipulation (Can manipulate other people's thoughts. Hypnotized Jon), Transformation (Can turn into a Mr. Hyde version of himself. Can turn into a Were-Cat[56]), Dream Manipulation (Can make his dream monsters haunt other people. He manipulated Odie's dreams so he could eat a cake), Vehicular Mastery (Can drive go-karts), Limited Physics Manipulation (Can double jump), Spatial Manipulation (Made the comic panel "look up"), Teleportation (Teleported in and out of Jon's donut box[57]. He teleported into a lamp[58]), Air Manipulation (Can remove the air out of beings which don't require air), Time Paradox Immunity (Type 1. Can eat a pizza before it even arrives at the front door. Could still remember who Jon was, despite Nermal going back in time to make sure Garfield was never adopted[59]), Plot Manipulation (Type 2, 3, and 4. Can break comic panels. He can call the narrators to help him. Nermal fired the narrator of the comic and yet Garfield manipulated the comic. Has been the narrator of the comics before, with narrators even being referenced in the comics. Changed the ending of a comic. Rewrote the story after Jon took it over and became the main character. He stopped a story about Nermal to share his own. Can make edits to the script itself[60]. Interrupted the story to share how gravity works[61]. Can kick people off his show[62]), Time Stop (He stopped the story to tell his own. Asked the audience to pause the show[63]. He paused the episode with a remote[64]. Can interrupt stories to share educational facts[65]), Existence Erasure (Type 3. He can call the animators to erase others from the story. Changed the story so that Nermal never existed. Erased Mondays by destroying a calendar. He can call Jim Davis himself to erase characters from the comic), Precognition (Type 3. Can see into the future of the comic. As a narrator, Garfield would know everything that is going to happen. Garfield can watch his own show to see the future[66]. Can read the script itself which would allow him to see future events[67]. He can find out information on his own show by reading about it online[68]. He's aware of later Seasons that haven't even happened yet[69]), Immortality (Type 3, 6, and 9. Was fine after taking apart his tail, legs, and head[70]. Garfield has nine lives and in his last life, Garfield time traveled to his first life, meaning he technically cannot run out of lives. Garfield has multiverse duplicates of himself that can exist in the same pocket of overlapping spacetime. Garfield talked to God himself and tricked him into giving him more lives[71]), Fear Manipulation (Scared a balloon. His weight scale is scared of him), Weather Manipulation and Water Manipulation (Created rain and when a cat sneezes, it creates rain. When he asked the weather to make up its mind, it turned both sunny and rainy), Organic Manipulation (Can gain weight from just looking at food[72]), Hacking (Hacked Santa's Naughty Folder), Data Manipulation (Can kill Glitches), Stealth Mastery (Snuck into John's car. Hid in a cake. He created a decoy of himself to steal food. Hid in a trash can to escape from Jon[73]. Hid from Egyptian cats[74]), Enhanced Senses (Garfield has an amazing sense of smell. He can tell every flavor of food he just ate. He's good at telling food apart by just smelling it[75]), Limited Purification (His spit was used to cure the Alien Dog Disease[76]), Limited Subjective Reality (Can bring stuff from his dreams into reality. Items from his imagination can be brought into reality[77]), Supernatural Luck (On Mondays, terrible things happen to Garfield. This is to the point that in an open field, a piano still managed to land on Garfield. A pig fell out of nowhere on Garfield. Monsters appeared out of nowhere just to torment Garfield. His cup of coffee broke while giving Jon a toast to the new year), Gravity Manipulation (Even gravity goes against Garfield on Mondays. Could temporarily ignore the laws of gravity[78]. Could stay in the air after a tree broke and has shown this in The Garfield Show[79]), Sound Manipulation (Could make a bag scream. Other parts of his body can snore), Technological Manipulation (Can act as a lamp[80]), Time Manipulation (Turned Jon into a baby by editing a calendar. Reversed time[81]), Immortality Negation (Type 7. Killed a ghost spider), Text Manipulation (Can leave text hanging. Can take the text from other characters. Narrators can create titles. Can change the font of words. Changed what Odie was going to say), Sleep Manipulation (Stole Jon's Z text so he could go to sleep), Immersion (He can enter the stories he is telling[82]. Can exit books[83]. Entered into a painting[84]), Clairvoyance (Knew what Odie was doing, despite not being near him[85]), Memory Manipulation (He can ask for a flashback[86]. Narrators can create flashbacks), Summoning (Garfield summoned everyone in the world to smile with him), Empathic Manipulation (He gave his worries to Jon), Wish Granting (Wished for lasagna and it came true. He wished for pizza, and it came true), Fragrance Manipulation (By burping. By burping in a bag, it burped when Arlene opened it[87]), Elasticity (Can stretch out his arms. His body can be stretched out[88]. His body stretched out after his sweater got wet. Can stretch out his lips to eat food), Multilingualism (Can speak to plants), Social Influencing (He's able to easily trick dogs, even when they knew about his tricks. Easily tricked Bruno. Managed to convince a bunch of dogs that he was a pirate and had an army of pirates with no actual proof[89]. He tricked Angel into moving into a different house which caused them to get caught[90]. Garfield can convince others to give him food with his cuteness[91]), Self-Sustenance (Type 1. Garfield was fine while on Mars. Was fine in space[92]), Camouflage (Dressed up as a bush[93]), Resistance to Heat (Can resist heat from the sun. Survived being in a washing machine which can kill someone through its temperature. Resisted heat hot enough to melt a truck. Was fine after eating candles. Resisted heat that vaporized water[94]), Resistance to Cold Manipulation and Cosmic Radiation, Resistance to Gravity Manipulation (Can't be lifted by a tractor beam due to sheer weight), Resistance to Poison Manipulation (Was fine after being sprayed by cat spray[95]. Can eat detergent. Survived being in a washing machine which can kill someone with fumes), Resistance to Fire Manipulation (Can resist the flames from a Molotov cocktail), Resistance to Electricity Manipulation (Survived being struck by lightning a few times. Survived a lightning strike multiple times in a row[96]), Resistance to Time Stop (Was able to move after the audience paused the episode[97]), Resistance to Social Influencing (Is not affected by Nermal's cuteness who is so cute that he can get food by cuteness alone[98]), Limited Resistance to Transmutation (By eating lasagna, he can't be turned into a chicken[99]), Resistance to Disease Manipulation (Was fine after being licked by Odie who was infected with a disease that causes people to act like dogs[100]), Limited Resistance to Empathic Manipulation (Because Garfield is naturally lazy, the Procrastination Ray actually turns him into a non-procrastinator[101])
Fire Manipulation (With the Trinidad Moruga Scorpion. Can create fire with the Chili Con Carne), Transmutation, Fusionism, Life Manipulation, and Morality Manipulation (With the Moscram Ray Gun), Precognition (Can see future events with Professor Bonkers' glasses), Time Stop (The Stopwatch stops time from moving[102]), Wish Granting (Shown here. Can summon a Genie from a Cookie Jar. Used the Power Rod to wish for pizzas and teleport Jon away. Has a Magic Wand. Can summon a Genie from a bottle. He was granted a wish[103]), BFR (Sent Jon away with the Power Rod and Nermal away with a Genie), Cloning (Stole a Cloning Ray and used it to create clones[104]), Life Manipulation (Gave a snowman life with the Magic Wand), Magic (Has a Magic Wand in the comics, in Garfield Kart, and the Whizzy Wizard lets you use it many times), Supernatural Luck (Was granted good luck by a good luck spell, but this was later removed[105]. After a black cat walked past Garfield, he was granted bad luck to the extent that objects will drop from the sky to harm him[106]), Telepathy (He has a Telepathic Helmet that lets him read minds[107]), Sound Manipulation (Can mute Odie with a remote. Has a tape recorder[108]), Light Manipulation (With flares), Time Manipulation (Can reverse time with a Genie. The Stopwatch can reverse time[109]. Stole Professor Bonker's time machine[110]), Poison Manipulation (Has bug spray[111]), Magnetism Manipulation (Used a magnet to mess with the mailman[112] and has used it to grab keys[113]. Super Pooky attracts gold nearby), Precognition (Type 3. Can see into the future with a Magic Orb), Explosion Manipulation (With bombs. The Klopman Diamond explodes), Healing (Can restore health with Hamburger, Pizza, Coffee[114], and Hearts[115]), Invulnerability (With a cup of coffee), Immersion (Can travel to other TV worlds with his remote control. Used the Turbo Hollow Extractor to send Professor Bonkers into a TV[116]), Restoration (Can restore energy with lasagne[117]), Statistics Amplification (The Big Kicking Burger increases the power of Garfield's kicks. Vanilla Milk Shake increases his speed. Chef's Special, Stink-O-Rama, Hot Lasagna, and Bottle of Vroom Perfume increase speed. Tic-Toque lowers attack duration), Flight (With Cheesecake, he can become so light that he can fly. Can become Super Garfield with items who can fly. Has a glider. Has a remote-controlled rocket ship[118]. Can fly with a jetpack[119]), Dimensional Travel (Used an Ancient Egyptian Mirror to grab food from another dimension[120] and used it in a later episode[121]), Fragrance Manipulation (Bottle of Vroom Perfume is perfume), Gravity Manipulation (U.F.O summons U.F.O.S with tractor beams), Teleportation (The Magic Wand allows you to teleport to another karts position), Sleep Manipulation (Cuzzzhion makes anyone hit by it tired), Spaceflight (Can travel to other planets with an extraterrestrial vehicle[122]), Invisibility (With the Invisibility Machine[123]), Animal Manipulation (Can use a Dog Whistle to summon dogs to attack[124]), Limited Body Puppetry (Has a suit of armor that copies his movements[125]. This is considered his equipment as he took the knight with him[126]), Dream Manipulation (By pressing a number on his phone, he can enter a dream sequence[127]), Mind Manipulation (The Subliminal Bovine Memorization is capable of hypnosis[128]. He has a Mind Control Device[129]), Surface Scaling (Can climb up walls with suction cups[130]), Organic Manipulation (Spiked Lasagna with Phil's Fast Fat Formula which causes weight growth[131]), Power Nullification (The Toe of Anubis could cancel out Neferkitty's magic[132]), Matter Manipulation (He has a Disintegration Ray[133]), Empathic Manipulation (Stole the Procrastination Ray[134]), Resistance to Gravity Manipulation (The Space Bubble decreases the U.F.O effect), Resistance to Sleep Manipulation (Driving smoothly prevents Garfield from falling asleep), Resistance to Gravity Manipulation, Radiation Manipulation, Cold Manipulation, Time Manipulation, Space-Time Manipulation, and Physics Manipulation (The extraterrestrial vehicle can move in a Wormhole[135])

Standard Equipment

A wrapped-up newspaper, flyswatter, wooden club, baseball bat, hammer


Weaknesses: Lazy and overconfident. He suffers from bad vision due to his age. His laziness is so extreme that he managed to not move for three days. He suffered from amnesia, as well as this happening in the show at one point[136]. Is so out of shape that they sometimes struggle to just move to their food bowl. Is weaker to laser pointers. He's jealous of those more talented them him. He suffers from insomnia[137]. Is scared of spiders[138]. Got stuck by stretching. He doesn't pay taxes[139]. He's scared of bats[140]. Is bad at singing[141]. Is allergic to pollen. Is allergic to chicken feathers[142].

Note: The comics, TV shows, and movies are all canon thus any cross scaling is fine between them


References for Garfield
  1. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 13, Segment 13a, "Garfield Astray"
  2. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 5, Segment 5b, "The Caped Avenger Rides Again!"
  3. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 24, Segment 24a, "The Golden Lasagna Awards"
  4. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 9, Segment 9b, "Odie in Love"
  5. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 1, Segment 1b, "Mother Garfield"
  6. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 21, Segment 21a, "Neighbor Nathan"
  7. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 18, Segment 18a, "A Gripping Tale"
  8. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 5, Segment 5b, "Which Witch"
  9. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 18, Segment 18b, "My Friend, Nermal"
  10. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 7, Segment 7a, "The Superhero Apprentice"
  11. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 15, Segment 15a, "Time Twist"
  12. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 15, Segment 15b, "Fast Friends"
  13. Garfield Originals, Season 1, Episode 4, "Tricking Nermal"
  14. Garfield Originals, Season 1, Episode 9, "Mice Phobia"
  15. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 20, Segment 20a, "Caroling Capers"
  16. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 24, Segment 24a, "Super Me"
  17. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 13, Segment 13a, "Garfield Astray"
  18. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 4, Segment 4a, "The Spy Who Fed Me"
  19. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 11, Segment 11b, "Guest from Beyond"
  20. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 19, Segment 19b, "Stealing Home"
  21. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 16, Segment 16a, "Great Pizza Race"
  22. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 1, Segment 1a, "Little Angel"
  23. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 4, Segment 4a, "Kind to Kittens"
  24. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 11, Segment 11b, "Cupid Cat"
  25. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 26, Segment 26a, "Problems, Problems, Problems"
  26. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 20, Segment 20a, "Online Arbuckle"
  27. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 9, Segment 9b, "Partners in Mime"
  28. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 21, Segment 21b, "Pawparazzi"
  29. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 10, Segment 10a, "Garfield Gets Canned"
  30. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 23, Segment 23a, "Little Trouble in Big China Part 3"
  31. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 8, Segment 8a, "The Non-Garfield Show"
  32. Garfield Originals, Season 1, Episode 10, "Chair Mayhem"
  33. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 1, Segment 1b, "Mother Garfield"
  34. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 14, Segment 14a, "Underwater World"
  35. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 14, Segment 14b, "Family Picture"
  36. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 16, Segment 16a, "Fish to Fry"
  37. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 16, Segment 16b, "Little Yellow Riding Hood"
  38. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 17, Segment 17a, "Fame Fatale"
  39. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 5, Segment 5a, "The Haunted House"
  40. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 8, Segment 8b, "What a Difference a Pet Makes"
  41. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 4, Segment 4b, "Laugh in a Can"
  42. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 26, Segment 26a, "Problems, Problems, Problems"
  43. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 10, Segment 10b, "Boris the Snowman"
  44. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 14, Segment 14a, "The Garfield-Only Show"
  45. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 10, Segment 10a, "Garfield Gets Canned"
  46. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 19, Segment 19b, "Heir Apparent"
  47. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 24, Segment 24a, "Super Me"
  48. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 13, Segment 13b, "Master Chef"
  49. Garfield Originals, Season 1, Episode 10, "Chair Mayhem"
  50. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 21, Segment 21a, "Doggone Jon"
  51. Garfield Originals, Season 1, Episode 5, "Pet Door"
  52. Garfield Originals, Season 1, Episode 21, "Sleepwalk!"
  53. Garfield Originals, Season 1, Episode 7, "Treadmeal Trouble"
  54. Garfield Originals, Season 1, Episode 11, "Sweet Arlene"
  55. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 19, Segment 19b, "Where's Odie"
  56. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 11, Segment 11a, "Curse of the Were-Dog"
  57. Garfield Originals, Season 1, Episode 18, "Donuts Mania"
  58. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 23, Segment 23a, "Nice to Nermal"
  59. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 17, Segment 17a, "It's About Time"
  60. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 5, Segment 5a, "The Haunted House"
  61. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 1, Segment 1b, "Gravity of the Situation"
  62. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 19, Segment 19b, "Where's Odie"
  63. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 16, Segment 16b, "Little Yellow Riding Hood"
  64. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 2, Segment 2a, "The Art of Being Uncute"
  65. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 1, Segment 1b, "Gravity of the Situation"
  66. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 17, Segment 17b, "Mind Over Mouse"
  67. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 5, Segment 5a, "The Haunted House"
  68. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 12, Segment 12b, "Dog Days"
  69. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 26, Segment 26a, "Problems, Problems, Problems"
  70. Garfield Originals, Season 1, Episode 15, "Mind the Vet!"
  71. Garfield: His 9 Lives
  72. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 2, Segment 2a, "Furry Tales Part 1"
  73. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 1, Segment 1a, "Little Angel"
  74. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 13, Segment 13a, "Curse of the Cat People"
  75. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 2, Segment 2a, "The Art of Being Uncute"
  76. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 12, Segment 12b, "Dog Days"
  77. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 9, Segment 9a, "Bath Day"
  78. Garfield Originals, Season 1, Episode 12, "Up a Tree"
  79. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 7, Segment 7a, "The Superhero Apprentice"
  80. Garfield Originals, Season 1, Episode 23, "Ball Bouncing Ball"
  81. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 10, Segment 10b, "Lucky Charm"
  82. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 21, Segment 21b, "History of Dog"
  83. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 22, Segment 22a, "Wicked Wishes"
  84. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 1, Segment 1b, "Gravity of the Situation"
  85. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 16, Segment 16b, "Little Yellow Riding Hood"
  86. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 25, Segment 25b, "The Write Stuff"
  87. Garfield Originals, Season 1, Episode 1, "Burping Madness"
  88. Garfield Originals, Season 1, Episode 5, "Pet Door"
  89. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 15, Segment 15b, "Pirate Gold"
  90. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 1, Segment 1a, "Little Angel"
  91. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 1, Segment 1a, "Little Angel"
  92. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 24, Segment 24a, "Super Me"
  93. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 18, Segment 18b, "Mailman Blues"
  94. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 26, "Unfair Weather Part 1"
  95. Garfield Originals, Season 1, Episode 14, "Mosquito"
  96. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 10, Segment 10a, "Garfield Gets Canned"
  97. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 16, Segment 16b, "Little Yellow Riding Hood"
  98. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 24, Segment 24a, "Super Me "
  99. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 8, Segment 8a, "Planet of Poultry
  100. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 12, Segment 12b, "Dog Days"
  101. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 5, Segment 5a, "Land of Later"
  102. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 15, Segment 15b, "Time Master"
  103. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 22, Segment 22a, "Wicked Wishes"
  104. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 23, Segment 23a, "Me, Garfield, and I"
  105. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 10, Segment 10b, "Lucky Charm"
  106. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 14, Segment 14a, "Black Cat Blues"
  107. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 24, Segment 24b, "Mastermind"
  108. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 16, Segment 16a, "Great Pizza Race"
  109. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 15, Segment 15b, "Time Master"
  110. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 17, Segment 17a, "It's About Time"
  111. Garfield Originals, Season 1, Episode 14, "Mosquito"
  112. Garfield Originals, Season 1, Episode 20, "Mailman!"
  113. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 21, Segment 21a, "Doggone Jon"
  114. Garfield Labyrinth
  115. Garfield Labyrinth
  116. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 17, Segment 17b, "Virtualodeon"
  117. Yes, they call called it lasange
  118. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 14, Segment 14b, "Family Picture"
  119. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 15, Segment 15b, "Fast Friends"
  120. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 13, Segment 13a, "Curse of the Cat People"
  121. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 20, Segment 20b, "Revenge of the Cat People"
  122. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 15, Segment 15a, "Time Twist"
  123. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 15, Segment 15a, "More Than Meets the Eye"
  124. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 18, Segment 18b, "Mailman Blues"
  125. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 19, Segment 19b, "Heir Apparent"
  126. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 19, Segment 19b, "Heir Apparent"
  127. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 9, Segment 9b, "Land of Hold"
  128. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 10, Segment 10a, "Farm Fresh Feline"
  129. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 24, Segment 24b, "The Control Freak"
  130. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 11, Segment 11a, "With Four You Get Pizza"
  131. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 15, Segment 15b, "Fast Friends"
  132. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 20, Segment 20b, "Revenge of the Cat People"
  133. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 24, Segment 24b, "The Control Freak"
  134. The Garfield Show, Season 3, Episode 5, Segment 5a, "Land of Later"
  135. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 15, Segment 15a, "Time Twist"
  136. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 13, Segment 13a, "Garfield Astray"
  137. Garfield Originals, Season 1, Episode 2, "Can't Sleep!"
  138. Garfield Originals, Season 1, Episode 10, "Chair Mayhem"
  139. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 10, Segment 10b, "Lucky Charm"
  140. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 19, Segment 19b, "Heir Apparent"
  141. The Garfield Show, Season 1, Episode 20, Segment 20a, "Caroling Capers"
  142. The Garfield Show, Season 2, Episode 8, Segment 8a, "Planet of Poultry

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