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CogDis, I guess
“ | ...Are we all ready? | „ |
Alinivar is the main protagonist of Mother: Cognitive Dissonance. Before his unexpected imposition as a member of The Applechasers, he presumably spent most of his time in his cave making paintings. Because of his blue coloration (an unusual and possibly unique trait not shared by the rest of the members of his species, the Mooks), he is often the target of alienation at the hands of other Mooks.
After being killed by a rampaging Giegue and awakening to a strange, monochrome plane, Alivinar was consulted by a mysterious voice which administered an imperative crucial to the survival of the solar system: collect the four split portions of the Apple of Enlightenment before Giegue can use their knowledge for evil.
Key: Pre-Magicant | Post-Magicant
Tier: At least 8-B, Higher with Accelerated Development, Even Higher as a Chimera | High 3-A, Higher as a Chimera
Name: Alinivar
Powers and Abilities
Standard Equipment
- Mr. Guitar: +20 Strength, 90% Accuracy
“ | It's got a bow on top, of course. | „ |
- Loony Tune: +31 Strength, 90% Accuracy. 20% chance of making targets feel strange.
“ | A guitar with a pattern that makes your mind hurt. | „ |
- Air Guitar: +41 Strength, +2 Speed, 90% Accuracy
“ | Don't set it down, or you'll never find it again. | „ |
- Fishbone Guitar: +45 Strength, +10 Defense, -1 Speed, 90% Accuracy
“ | Made of real fish bones, but it's not a bass. | „ |
- Shreddin' Six String: +52 Strength, +5 IQ, 90% Accuracy
“ | Made of metal, made for metal. Meedly meedly moww. | „ |
- Magicant Guitar: +65 Strength, +8 IQ, +1 Speed, 90% Accuracy. 35% chance of making targets feel strange.
“ | Visibly almost identical to the Mr. Guitar... | „ |
- Slab Slammer Axe: +60 Strength, +30 Defense, 90% Accuracy.
“ | Guitar of hard rock. Col. Saturn dislikes this. | „ |
- Star Lullaby: +85 Strength, +50 IQ, +30 Speed, 95% Accuracy. 35% chance of Diamondizing the target.
“ | An airy guitar perfect for playing a soft melody. | „ |
- Space Jam: +90 Strength, +15 Defense, +20 IQ, +10 Speed, 90% Accuracy. 35% chance of Diamondizing the target.
“ | Jam with the power of the stars. Can Diamondize. | „ |
- Lightning Tosser: +35 Strength, -5 Speed. Does both Physical and Electric damage.
“ | Anyone can carry this heavy weapon. Causes crying. | „ |
- Borange Ray: +95 Strength. Can inflict Insane. Does Inexplicable element damage. Always hits twice, the user always attacks first at the start of the battle, hits all enemies, and ignores enemy evasion.
“ | Powered by markers and sweet tea. | „ |
- Eye Stalk Guards: +4 Defense
“ | They're yellow and ugly, but protective. | „ |
- Psycho Stalk Guards: +10 Strength, +5 Defense. Causes Berserk status when equipped.
“ | Guaranteed to drive Mooks nuts or your money back. | „ |
- Bright Stalk Guards: +11 Defense, +3 Intelligence, +1 Speed
“ | These are bright orange and hard to miss. | „ |
- Warm Scarf: +17 Defense. Resists Freeze element.
“ | A Mook could use this to keep the eye stalks warm. | „ |
- Amorphous Orbs: +14 Defense, +5 Intelligence
“ | Protective and blobby, could be used on eyestalks. | „ |
- Durable Tubing: +15 Defense, +2 Intelligence, +6 Speed
“ | Could be wrapped around eye stalks. | „ |
- Meteorbs: +9 Defense, +18 Intelligence. Halves all PP usage.
“ | These orbs make it much easier to focus PSI. | „ |
- Tentacle Bands: +2 Strength, +3 Defense
“ | Cloth to protect your tentacles. | „ |
- Tentacle Wrapping: +3 Strength, +5 Defense, +2 IQ
“ | It's not a bow or ribbon. No way, never. | „ |
- Red Tentacle Ribbons: +3 Strength, +6 Defense, +5 IQ
“ | They resemble Mr. Saturn bows. Stop Dan! | „ |
- Borange Guards: +12 Strength, +6 Defense, -1 Speed
“ | Tentacle guards in a Fobby color. | „ |
- Brass Tentaknuckles: +12 Strength, +6 Defense, -1 Speed
“ | These are dangerous looking and made of metal. | „ |
- Series of Tubes: +6 Strength, +14 Defense, +1 Speed
“ | Not a dump truck. Could be used for tentacles. | „ |
- Shell Straws: +12 Strength, +35 Defense, +45 IQ
“ | Made of shell material. Useful for a Mook. | „ |
- Comet Ribbons: +10 Strength, +25 Defense, +10 IQ, +5 Speed
“ | This malleable ribbon could be used for tentacles. | „ |
- Pliable Vines: +15 Strength, +25 Defense, +15 IQ, +10 Speed
“ | Try wrapping them around your tentacles. Warm! | „ |
- Bling Bling Belt: +16 Strength, +28 Defense, +10 IQ, -1 Speed
“ | I guess this could be wrapped around tentacles. | „ |
- Plain Coin: +1 Defense
“ | It's rather boring. | „ |
- Braggart's Coin: +1 Strength, +1 Defense, +1 IQ, +1 Speed
“ | For those who win battles they're not supposed to. | „ |
- Shiny Coin: +3 Defense
“ | Plain but polished. Everyone loves shiny things. | „ |
- Eye Coin: +4 Defense, +2 IQ. Provides 100% resistance to Crying.
“ | It's cute and watching. Resists crying. | „ |
- Emblem Coin: +1 Strength, +6 Defense, +1 IQ. Provides 100% resistance to Crying.
“ | +1 Strength, +6 Defense, +1 IQ. Provides 100% resistance to Crying. | „ |
- Coin of Defense: +9 Defense. Provides 100% resistance to Crying.
“ | This useful item can protect almost anyone. | „ |
- Coin of Everything: +4 Strength, +4 Defense, +4 IQ, +4 Speed
“ | A little of everything, but not a lot. | „ |
- Radiant Coin: +20 Defense. Provides 100% resistance to instant KO and Numb.
“ | Enhances defense and prevents instant KO and numb. | „ |
- Wonder Coin: +3 Strength, +15 Defense, +3 IQ, +3 Speed. Provides 50% resistance to all status problems except Insane.
“ | Slightly resists all status problems but Insane. | „ |
- Hero Shirt: +10 Defense
“ | Earth clothing. One stripe adorns the middle. | „ |
- Ninja Bandana: +12 Speed
“ | Made for Mr. Saturn, but fairly versatile. | „ |
- Red Cap: +2 Defense. Fully resists Insane.
“ | Only someone special can wear it. Prevents Insane. | „ |
- Hero Cap: +55 Defense, +25 Intelligence. Fully resists Insane and halves PP use.
“ | Left behind by a lost memory. Prevents Insane. | „ |
- Three Eyed Shades: +10 Strength, +10 Defense, +10 Intelligence, +10 Speed. Provides 75% resistance to instant KO, insane, crying and dumb
“ | Elmadan's sunglasses made specifically for Mooks. | „ |
- Plant Ring: +6 Speed
“ | A speedy piece of green bling. | „ |
- Shades: +2 Strength, +2 Defense, +2 Intelligence, +2 Speed. Provides 10% resistance to instant KO, strange, crying and dumb.
“ | If looking awesome was a stat it would give +10. | „ |
- Alien Mask: +5 Strength, +12 Defense, -1 Speed. Provides 100% resistance to Crying
“ | An alien mask to cover your human mask to ... etc. | „ |
- Ice Pendant: +7 Defense. Provides 50% resistance to ice attacks.
“ | A necklace which provides resistance to ice. | „ |
- Flame Pendant: +10 Defense. Provides full resistance to fire attacks.
“ | A necklace which provides resistance to fire. | „ |
- Night Pendant: +9 Defense. Provides full resistance to PK Flash effects.
“ | A necklace resists PK Flash and related effects. | „ |
- Life Pendant: +10 Defense, +9 IQ. Provides 75% resistance to fire and ice. Restores 1% max HP per turn.
“ | Somewhat blocks fire and freeze. Provides healing. | „ |
- Earth Pendant: +14 Defense, +5 IQ. Provides 75% resistance to fire, ice, electric and Flash attacks.
“ | Somewhat blocks fire, ice, flash, and electric. | „ |
- Star Pendant: +14 Defense, +5 IQ. Provides 75% resistance to fire, ice, electric and Flash attacks.
“ | Protects you from fire, ice, flash, and electric. | „ |
- Yellow Shroom Cap: Inflicts Poison on a single target
“ | It lets out a puff of noxious spores when thrown. | „ |
- Gross Purple Fungus: Inflicts Nauseous on a single target.
“ | Eww. This could make anyone sick. | „ |
- Magic Mushroom: Inflicts Strange and Dumb on a single target.
“ | Illegal on several planets. Toss at an enemy...? | „ |
- Fire in a Jar: Invokes PK Fire α on use. Doesn't consume PP, but single-use.
“ | It's fire... in a jar. Let it out to cause havoc. | „ |
- Vulnerability Spray: Reduces a single target's resistance to Freeze, Fire, Beam and Electric attacks. Five uses.
“ | Reduces an enemy's PSI resist. Lasts a few uses. | „ |
- Guardthought Pill: Cures Numb, Beamed, Sleep, and Coughing, and imbues the target with a PSI Reflect. At the same time, it also inflicts Dumb and makes the target resist Lifeup.
“ | Temporarily protects an ally from attack, but... | „ |
- Blue Gem: Invokes PK Freeze α, consuming 4 PP per use.
“ | Makes you think of Col. Saturn and a tall older boy. | „ |
- Red Gem: Invokes PSI Healing α, consuming 4 PP per use.
“ | Makes you think of Earth and a bat-wielding boy. | „ |
- Green Gem: Invokes PK Fire α, consuming 6 PP per use.
“ | Makes you think of Mars and a boy with glasses. | „ |
- Yellow Gem: Invokes PK Beam β, consuming 8 PP per use.
“ | Makes you think of Jupiter and a girl with a hat. | „ |
- Ugh Stew: Heals 4 HP + 1% of max HP.
- Peanut Cheese bar: Heals 30 HP
- Can of Fish Food: Heals 30 HP + 1% of max HP.
- Gummi Blob: Heals 50 HP.
- Cray-Z Fries: Heals 65 HP and 10 PP.
- Cactus Fruit: Heals 100 HP.
- Kindness: Heals 100 HP to the whole party.
- Cray-Z Sammich: Heals 100 HP and 10 PP.
- Snow-Cone: Heals 120 HP.
- Delicious Cake: Heals 120 HP.
- Hamburger: Heals 120 HP.
- Purple Banana: Heals 150 HP.
- Super Fixer Nanobots: Heals all HP to one target.
- Nanobot Injection: Gradually heals all HP if used on Larice.
- Magic Herb: Heals all HP to one target.
- Big Gummi Blob: Heals the whole party's HP completely.
- Lake Water: Heals 15 PP.
- Space Dust: Heals 10% of max PP.
- PSI Stone: Heals 15 PP, five uses.
- Psionic Herb: Heals 25 PP.
- Salty Lemonade: Heals 30 PP.
- Can of Fruit Juice: Heals 30 PP.
- Consideration: Heals 30-40 PP to the whole party.
- Sparkling Juice: Heals 40 PP.
- Cloud Fluff: Heals 40 PP.
- Old Booze Bottle: Heals 60 PP and makes the drinker Tipsy.
- Psionic Gold Herb: Heals 60 PP.
- Magic Pudding: Heals 100 PP.
- Special Gold Herb: Heals 200 PP.
- Super Oil Can: Heals 35% of max PP if used on Larice.
- Green Gembloom: Heals 30 HP and any Poison or Nausea.
- Green Paste: Heals 60 HP and any Poison or Nausea.
- Strawberry Pudding: Heals 75 HP and Nausea.
- Red Gembloom: Heals all HP and any status, but only for Mr. Saturns.
- Love: Heals all HP, PP and status from the whole party.
- Fried Lobster Tails: Heals 200 HP and 30 PP.
- Brain Food Lunch: Heals 300 HP and 50 PP.
- Special Repair Kit: Heals all HP and PP if used on Larice. Three uses.
- Cureall Cream: Heals all status except KO.
- Noble Seed: Heals all status except KO.
- Cup of Lifenoodles: Heals all status, including KO, and restores 30% of max HP.
- Horn of Life: Heals all status, including KO, and all health
- Bagged Eraser: Used to erase bag statues
“ | Don't point this near a grocery store. | „ |
Notable Techniques
Standard Tactics:
“ | *beep* Yes? Alinivar and Zarbol are both missing...? That is rather unfortunate. My superior warned me to find you. I did so and have not gotten instruction yet. I will help you. All of us must remain safe until the new orders arrive. *whirr* | „ |
“ | ...Dead, right? *whirr* this form suits my power much more. | „ |
Tier: At least 8-B, Higher with Accelerated Development | At least 8-B, Higher with Accelerated Development | High 3-A
Name: Larice
Powers and Abilities
Standard Equipment
- Beam: +0 Strength. Allows Larice to use the beam attack.
“ | Starman's basic beam attack. | „ |
- Flamethrower: +3 Strength, -3 Speed. Attacks all targets with Fire damage.
“ | A controversial replacement for beams. | „ |
- Freezethrower: +20 Strength, +2 IQ, -2 Speed. Attacks all targets with Freeze damage.
“ | A controversial replacement for flamethrowers. | „ |
- Tesla Cannon: +60 Strength, -15 Defense, -2 Speed. Ignores enemy evasion and attacks with Electric damage.
“ | A huge weapon for Starmen, fueled by their PSI. | „ |
- Chronoray: +30 Strength, +10 Defense, +35 IQ. Can inflict Numb, Beamed and Slow.
“ | A beam for Starmen with 1.21 gigawatts of output. | „ |
- Pulse Rifle: +45 Strength, +5 Defense, +15 Speed. Always hits twice and attacks with Electric damage.
“ | Hits twice using electricity. Use by Starmen only. | „ |
- Disintegrator: +70 Strength, +5 Defense, +5 Speed, 35% critical hit rate. Lets the wielder attack first at the start of the battle, and can inflict instant KO.
“ | A fast beam for Starmen. Can cause instant death | „ |
- Blue Laser: +7 Strength
“ | Has a commando insignia. Used by Starmen or UFOs. | „ |
- Green Laser: +10 Strength. Allows the user to attack at the start of the battle regardless of speed.
“ | Nature-Powered. Use by Starmen, UFO, hippy. Fast | „ |
- Double Beam: +10 Strength, +1 Speed. Always hits twice.
“ | Two Shots for the price of one | „ |
- Lightning Tosser: +35 Strength, -5 Speed. Does both Physical and Electric damage.
“ | Anyone can carry this heavy weapon. Causes crying. | „ |
- Gaia Beam: +30 Strength, +5 Defense, +3 Speed, 25% critical hit chance.
“ | High critical rate. For use by Starman, UFO, hippy. | „ |
- Porta-Cannon: +85 Strength, -3 Speed. Can inflict instant KO.
“ | So huge it can sometimes crush an enemy instantly. | „ |
- Borange Ray: +95 Strength. Can inflict Insane. Does Inexplicable element damage. Always hits twice, the user always attacks first at the start of the battle, hits all enemies, and ignores enemy evasion.
“ | Powered by markers and sweet tea. | „ |
- Flashporter Engine: +2 Speed. Can teleport 3 tiles
“ | Equippable engine for Starmen. Push shift to warp. | „ |
- Experimental Engine: +3 Speed. Can teleport 5 tiles
“ | Press shift to warp. This one jumps further! | „ |
- Berserker Engine: +5 Strength, +10 Speed, -5 IQ, gives Larice the Berserk status in combat
“ | An attachment for Starmen. Wildly fires beams. | „ |
- Nanobot Engine: +1 Defense, gives Larice the Nanobots status in combat
“ | An engine for Starmen. Heals injuries in combat. | „ |
- Autoshield Engine: +3 Defense, -10 Speed, gives Larice a permanent Shield in combat
“ | A bulky engine for Starmen. Automatically shields. | „ |
- Mentality Engine: -40 Strength, +50 IQ, +5 Defense, +20 Agility
“ | A Starman engine for heavy PSI users only. | „ |
- Moonmetal Engine: +15 IQ, +7 Defense, +35 Speed
“ | A Starman engine made of a light but weak ore. | „ |
- Morph-Iron Upper: +3 Defense
“ | Basic Starman body model of malleable metal. | „ |
- Morph-Steel Upper: +5 Defense
“ | Upgraded Starman body model of malleable metal | „ |
- Aerodynamic Shell: +4 Defense, +3 Speed
“ | An upper body mod for Starmen. Increases speed. | „ |
- Intelliskull: -2 Strength, +8 Defense, +7 Intelligence, -1 Speed
“ | An upper body mod for Starmen. Increases IQ. | „ |
- Morph-Titanium Upper: +10 Defense
“ | Upgraded Starman body model of malleable metal. | „ |
- Morph-Gold Upper: +13 Defense, -4 Speed. Provides 50% resistance to Beamed.
“ | Heavy and shiny Starman body model. Resists beams. | „ |
- Morph-Shine Upper: +16 Defense. Provides 50% resistance to Beamed.
“ | Starman body made of shinestone. | „ |
- Morph-Star Upper: +22 Defense, +4 Intelligence, +2 Speed. Provides 90% resistance to Strange.
“ | Starman condensed stardust body. Resists 'strange' | „ |
- Magnifier: +3 Strength
“ | An attachment for beams. Concentrates the ray. | „ |
- Nanobot Backpack: -4 Speed. Causes Nanobots effect while equipped.
“ | An attachment which heals injury in combat. Bulky. | „ |
- Mind Expander: +4 IQ
“ | An attachment for the head. Increases psionics. | „ |
- PSI Blocker: +4 Defense, +5 IQ. Resists beam, electric, freeze and fire attacks, and provides 50% resistance to Flash.
“ | A Starman attachment that provides PSI resistance. | „ |
- Moonshield: +6 Defense. Resists beam, electric, freeze and fire attacks. Causes Shield effect.
“ | Auto-shield and attack PSI resist for Starmen. | „ |
- Big Robot Six Pack: +5 Strength, +5 Defense, -3 IQ, +1 Speed.
“ | A Starman attachment. Get down wit yo bad self. | „ |
- Dark Hero Cape: +10 Defense, +15 IQ, +10 Speed. Resists beam, electric, freeze and fire attacks, and provides 25% resistance to all Flash effects except KO.
“ | Captain Deepsea's cape. It resists some PSI. | „ |
- Evasion Thrusters: +10 Strength, -20 Defense, +3 IQ, +30 Speed.
“ | Attachment for a mobile, less defensive Starman. | „ |
- Morph-Iron Lower: +3 Defense
“ | Basic Starman body model of malleable metal. | „ |
- Morph-Steel Lower: +5 Defense
“ | Upgraded Starman body model of malleable metal. | „ |
- Jet Legs: +3 Defense, +4 Speed
“ | A lower body mod for Starmen. Increases speed. | „ |
- Morph-Titanium Lower: +10 Defense
“ | Upgraded Starman body model of malleable metal. | „ |
- Morph-Gold Lower: +12 Defense, -2 Speed. Provides Fire resistance.
“ | Heavy and shiny Starman body model. Resists fire. | „ |
- Morph-Shine Lower: +17 Defense
“ | Starman body made of shinestone. | „ |
- Morph-Star Lower: +21 Defense, +3 IQ, +3 Speed. Provides 90% resistance to Dumb.
“ | Starman condensed stardust body. Resists 'dumb' | „ |
- Rock Shell: +10 Defense, -5 Speed. Provides resistance to Physical attacks.
“ | Resists physical attack. For UFOs or Starmen. | „ |
- Red Cap: +2 Defense. Fully resists Insane.
“ | Only someone special can wear it. Prevents Insane. | „ |
- Hero Cap: +55 Defense, +25 Intelligence. Fully resists Insane and halves PP use.
“ | Left behind by a lost memory. Prevents Insane. | „ |
- Plain Coin: +1 Defense
“ | It's rather boring. | „ |
- Braggart's Coin: +1 Strength, +1 Defense, +1 IQ, +1 Speed
“ | For those who win battles they're not supposed to. | „ |
- Shiny Coin: +3 Defense
“ | Plain but polished. Everyone loves shiny things. | „ |
- Eye Coin: +4 Defense, +2 IQ. Provides 100% resistance to Crying.
“ | It's cute and watching. Resists crying. | „ |
- Emblem Coin: +1 Strength, +6 Defense, +1 IQ. Provides 100% resistance to Crying.
“ | +1 Strength, +6 Defense, +1 IQ. Provides 100% resistance to Crying. | „ |
- Coin of Defense: +9 Defense. Provides 100% resistance to Crying.
“ | This useful item can protect almost anyone. | „ |
- Coin of Everything: +4 Strength, +4 Defense, +4 IQ, +4 Speed
“ | A little of everything, but not a lot. | „ |
- Radiant Coin: +20 Defense. Provides 100% resistance to instant KO and Numb.
“ | Enhances defense and prevents instant KO and numb. | „ |
- Wonder Coin: +3 Strength, +15 Defense, +3 IQ, +3 Speed. Provides 50% resistance to all status problems except Insane.
“ | Slightly resists all status problems but Insane. | „ |
- Plant Ring: +6 Speed
“ | A speedy piece of green bling. | „ |
- Shades: +2 Strength, +2 Defense, +2 Intelligence, +2 Speed. Provides 10% resistance to instant KO, strange, crying and dumb.
“ | If looking awesome was a stat it would give +10. | „ |
- Alien Mask: +5 Strength, +12 Defense, -1 Speed. Provides 100% resistance to Crying
“ | An alien mask to cover your human mask to ... etc. | „ |
- Steel Pendant: +20 Defense, -1 Speed. Provides 75% resistance to fire, ice and Flash.
“ | Somewhat blocks fire, ice, and flash. For Starmen. | „ |
- Ice Pendant: +7 Defense. Provides 50% resistance to ice attacks.
“ | A necklace which provides resistance to ice. | „ |
- Flame Pendant: +10 Defense. Provides full resistance to fire attacks.
“ | A necklace which provides resistance to fire. | „ |
- Night Pendant: +9 Defense. Provides full resistance to PK Flash effects.
“ | A necklace resists PK Flash and related effects. | „ |
- Life Pendant: +10 Defense, +9 IQ. Provides 75% resistance to fire and ice. Restores 1% max HP per turn.
“ | Somewhat blocks fire and freeze. Provides healing. | „ |
- Earth Pendant: +14 Defense, +5 IQ. Provides 75% resistance to fire, ice, electric and Flash attacks.
“ | Somewhat blocks fire, ice, flash, and electric. | „ |
- Star Pendant: +14 Defense, +5 IQ. Provides 75% resistance to fire, ice, electric and Flash attacks.
“ | Protects you from fire, ice, flash, and electric. | „ |
- Yellow Shroom Cap: Inflicts Poison on a single target
“ | It lets out a puff of noxious spores when thrown. | „ |
- Gross Purple Fungus: Inflicts Nauseous on a single target.
“ | Eww. This could make anyone sick. | „ |
- Magic Mushroom: Inflicts Strange and Dumb on a single target.
“ | Illegal on several planets. Toss at an enemy...? | „ |
- Fire in a Jar: Invokes PK Fire α on use. Doesn't consume PP, but single-use.
“ | It's fire... in a jar. Let it out to cause havoc. | „ |
- Vulnerability Spray: Reduces a single target's resistance to Freeze, Fire, Beam and Electric attacks. Five uses.
“ | Reduces an enemy's PSI resist. Lasts a few uses. | „ |
- Guardthought Pill: Cures Numb, Beamed, Sleep, and Coughing, and imbues the target with a PSI Reflect. At the same time, it also inflicts Dumb and makes the target resist Lifeup.
“ | Temporarily protects an ally from attack, but... | „ |
- Blue Gem: Invokes PK Freeze α, consuming 4 PP per use.
“ | Makes you think of Col. Saturn and a tall older boy. | „ |
- Red Gem: Invokes PSI Healing α, consuming 4 PP per use.
“ | Makes you think of Earth and a bat-wielding boy. | „ |
- Green Gem: Invokes PK Fire α, consuming 6 PP per use.
“ | Makes you think of Mars and a boy with glasses. | „ |
- Yellow Gem: Invokes PK Beam β, consuming 8 PP per use.
“ | Makes you think of Jupiter and a girl with a hat. | „ |
- Ugh Stew: Heals 4 HP + 1% of max HP.
- Peanut Cheese bar: Heals 30 HP
- Can of Fish Food: Heals 30 HP + 1% of max HP.
- Gummi Blob: Heals 50 HP.
- Cray-Z Fries: Heals 65 HP and 10 PP.
- Cactus Fruit: Heals 100 HP.
- Kindness: Heals 100 HP to the whole party.
- Cray-Z Sammich: Heals 100 HP and 10 PP.
- Snow-Cone: Heals 120 HP.
- Delicious Cake: Heals 120 HP.
- Hamburger: Heals 120 HP.
- Purple Banana: Heals 150 HP.
- Super Fixer Nanobots: Heals all HP to one target.
- Nanobot Injection: Gradually heals all HP if used on Larice.
- Magic Herb: Heals all HP to one target.
- Big Gummi Blob: Heals the whole party's HP completely.
- Lake Water: Heals 15 PP.
- Space Dust: Heals 10% of max PP.
- PSI Stone: Heals 15 PP, five uses.
- Psionic Herb: Heals 25 PP.
- Salty Lemonade: Heals 30 PP.
- Can of Fruit Juice: Heals 30 PP.
- Consideration: Heals 30-40 PP to the whole party.
- Sparkling Juice: Heals 40 PP.
- Cloud Fluff: Heals 40 PP.
- Old Booze Bottle: Heals 60 PP and makes the drinker Tipsy.
- Psionic Gold Herb: Heals 60 PP.
- Magic Pudding: Heals 100 PP.
- Special Gold Herb: Heals 200 PP.
- Super Oil Can: Heals 35% of max PP if used on Larice.
- Green Gembloom: Heals 30 HP and any Poison or Nausea.
- Green Paste: Heals 60 HP and any Poison or Nausea.
- Strawberry Pudding: Heals 75 HP and Nausea.
- Red Gembloom: Heals all HP and any status, but only for Mr. Saturns.
- Love: Heals all HP, PP and status from the whole party.
- Fried Lobster Tails: Heals 200 HP and 30 PP.
- Brain Food Lunch: Heals 300 HP and 50 PP.
- Special Repair Kit: Heals all HP and PP if used on Larice. Three uses.
- Cureall Cream: Heals all status except KO.
- Noble Seed: Heals all status except KO.
- Cup of Lifenoodles: Heals all status, including KO, and restores 30% of max HP.
- Horn of Life: Heals all status, including KO, and all health
- Bagged Eraser: Used to erase bag statues
“ | Don't point this near a grocery store. | „ |
Notable Techniques
Standard Tactics:
Tier: 10-C, at least 8-B in his UFO, Higher with Accelerated Development | Low 8-C, likely High 3-A in his UFO
Name: Zarbol, Buzz Buzz
Powers and Abilities
Standard Equipment
- Needler (2x): +11 Strength. Has an electric element
“ | Electric alien weapon. For UFOs or Mr. Saturn. 2x | „ |
- Beam: +3 Strength
“ | UFO's build-in beam for self defense. | „ |
- Crazy Beam: +40 Strength, +10 Defense, +6 Speed.
“ | Fast and can cause 'strange'. For UFOs only. | „ |
- Mayhem Beam: +40 Strength, -3 Defense, +2 Speed. Can inflict instant death, Numb, Strange and Beamed.
“ | Misses often, but when it hits...? Use by UFO. | „ |
*Blue Laser: +7 Strength
“ | Has a commando insignia. Used by Starmen or UFOs. | „ |
- Green Laser: +10 Strength. Allows the user to attack at the start of the battle regardless of speed.
“ | Nature-Powered. Use by Starmen, UFO, hippy. Fast | „ |
- Double Beam: +10 Strength, +1 Speed. Always hits twice.
“ | Two Shots for the price of one | „ |
- Lightning Tosser: +35 Strength, -5 Speed. Does both Physical and Electric damage.
“ | Anyone can carry this heavy weapon. Causes crying. | „ |
- Gaia Beam: +30 Strength, +5 Defense, +3 Speed, 25% critical hit chance.
“ | High critical rate. For use by Starman, UFO, hippy. | „ |
- Borange Ray: +95 Strength. Can inflict Insane. Does Inexplicable element damage. Always hits twice, the user always attacks first at the start of the battle, hits all enemies, and ignores enemy evasion.
“ | Powered by markers and sweet tea. | „ |
- Junked UFO Body: +1 Defense
“ | The last one from storage. Pretty bad condition. | „ |
- Cast Iron UFO Body: +2 Defense
“ | Plain and a bit boring. | „ |
- Steel UFO Body: +6 Defense
“ | Beats iron, but nothing special. | „ |
- Shinestone UFO Body: +13 Defense, +4 IQ
“ | Shinestone is a natural Jupiter rock growth. | „ |
- Coral UFO Body: +4 Strength, +15 Defense, +5 IQ, +1 Speed. Resists Numb, Poison, Sleep, Strange, Crying and Dumb.
“ | Many status problems just bounce right off. | „ |
- Permafreeze UFO Body: +2 Strength, +24 Defense, +4 IQ. Resists fire and ice attacks.
“ | Resists ice, and won't melt even under PSI Fire. | „ |
- Legend UFO Body: +5 Strength, +40 Defense, +10 IQ, +5 Speed. Resists physical and beam attacks. Provides 80% resistance to Beamed.
“ | This model is as hard as a rock and resists beams. | „ |
- UFO Overshield: +20 Defense, -2 Speed. Causes Shield effect.
“ | Another one on top would be an overovershield. | „ |
- Grabby Robot Arms: +19 Strength, +2 Defense, -10 Speed
“ | Useful for giving UFOs a little extra utility. | „ |
- UFO Flamepaint: +2 Strength, +2 Defense, -3 IQ, +15 Speed
“ | Painting flames on anything makes it go faster. | „ |
- Rock Shell: +10 Defense, -5 Speed. Provides resistance to Physical attacks.
“ | Resists physical attack. For UFOs or Starmen. | „ |
- Plain Coin: +1 Defense
“ | It's rather boring. | „ |
- Braggart's Coin: +1 Strength, +1 Defense, +1 IQ, +1 Speed
“ | For those who win battles they're not supposed to. | „ |
- Shiny Coin: +3 Defense
“ | Plain but polished. Everyone loves shiny things. | „ |
- Eye Coin: +4 Defense, +2 IQ. Provides 100% resistance to Crying.
“ | It's cute and watching. Resists crying. | „ |
- Emblem Coin: +1 Strength, +6 Defense, +1 IQ. Provides 100% resistance to Crying.
“ | +1 Strength, +6 Defense, +1 IQ. Provides 100% resistance to Crying. | „ |
- Coin of Defense: +9 Defense. Provides 100% resistance to Crying.
“ | This useful item can protect almost anyone. | „ |
- Coin of Everything: +4 Strength, +4 Defense, +4 IQ, +4 Speed
“ | A little of everything, but not a lot. | „ |
- Radiant Coin: +20 Defense. Provides 100% resistance to instant KO and Numb.
“ | Enhances defense and prevents instant KO and numb. | „ |
- Wonder Coin: +3 Strength, +15 Defense, +3 IQ, +3 Speed. Provides 50% resistance to all status problems except Insane.
“ | Slightly resists all status problems but Insane. | „ |
- Red Cap: +2 Defense. Fully resists Insane.
“ | Only someone special can wear it. Prevents Insane. | „ |
- Hero Cap: +55 Defense, +25 Intelligence. Fully resists Insane and halves PP use.
“ | Left behind by a lost memory. Prevents Insane. | „ |
- Plant Ring: +6 Speed
“ | A speedy piece of green bling. | „ |
- Shades: +2 Strength, +2 Defense, +2 Intelligence, +2 Speed. Provides 10% resistance to instant KO, strange, crying and dumb.
“ | If looking awesome was a stat it would give +10. | „ |
- Ice Pendant: +7 Defense. Provides 50% resistance to ice attacks.
“ | A necklace which provides resistance to ice. | „ |
- Flame Pendant: +10 Defense. Provides full resistance to fire attacks.
“ | A necklace which provides resistance to fire. | „ |
- Night Pendant: +9 Defense. Provides full resistance to PK Flash effects.
“ | A necklace resists PK Flash and related effects. | „ |
- Life Pendant: +10 Defense, +9 IQ. Provides 75% resistance to fire and ice. Restores 1% max HP per turn.
“ | Somewhat blocks fire and freeze. Provides healing. | „ |
- Earth Pendant: +14 Defense, +5 IQ. Provides 75% resistance to fire, ice, electric and Flash attacks.
“ | Somewhat blocks fire, ice, flash, and electric. | „ |
- Star Pendant: +14 Defense, +5 IQ. Provides 75% resistance to fire, ice, electric and Flash attacks.
“ | Protects you from fire, ice, flash, and electric. | „ |
- Yellow Shroom Cap: Inflicts Poison on a single target
“ | It lets out a puff of noxious spores when thrown. | „ |
- Gross Purple Fungus: Inflicts Nauseous on a single target.
“ | Eww. This could make anyone sick. | „ |
- Magic Mushroom: Inflicts Strange and Dumb on a single target.
“ | Illegal on several planets. Toss at an enemy...? | „ |
- Fire in a Jar: Invokes PK Fire α on use. Doesn't consume PP, but single-use.
“ | It's fire... in a jar. Let it out to cause havoc. | „ |
- Vulnerability Spray: Reduces a single target's resistance to Freeze, Fire, Beam and Electric attacks. Five uses.
“ | Reduces an enemy's PSI resist. Lasts a few uses. | „ |
- Guardthought Pill: Cures Numb, Beamed, Sleep, and Coughing, and imbues the target with a PSI Reflect. At the same time, it also inflicts Dumb and makes the target resist Lifeup.
“ | Temporarily protects an ally from attack, but... | „ |
- Blue Gem: Invokes PK Freeze α, consuming 4 PP per use.
“ | Makes you think of Col. Saturn and a tall older boy. | „ |
- Red Gem: Invokes PSI Healing α, consuming 4 PP per use.
“ | Makes you think of Earth and a bat-wielding boy. | „ |
- Green Gem: Invokes PK Fire α, consuming 6 PP per use.
“ | Makes you think of Mars and a boy with glasses. | „ |
- Yellow Gem: Invokes PK Beam β, consuming 8 PP per use.
“ | Makes you think of Jupiter and a girl with a hat. | „ |
- Gas Canister: Inflicts a variety of status effects on all targets present. Can inflict Poison, Sleep, Nauseous, Coughing, Strange, or Crying.
“ | Items for UFO. Releases all kinds of gas. | „ |
- Sludge Sprayer: Does a bit of damage and inflicts Sticky on all targets. Infinite uses.
“ | Unlimited items for UFO. Slows down enemies. | „ |
- Balloon Grenade: Does X HP of physical damage to all targets.
“ | Items for UFO. Throw it to attack all enemies. | „ |
- Boom Bomb: Does X HP of physical damage to all targets.
“ | Items for UFO. Throw it to attack all enemies. | „ |
- Multi Bottle Rocket: Does about 625 HP of physical damage to a single target.
“ | UFO item. Has a massive warhead for lots of damage | „ |
- Atomic Combustor: Acts as a PK Shockwave β use.
“ | Items for UFO. Throw it to attack all enemies. | „ |
- Meganuke: Acts as a PK Shockwave Ω use.
“ | UFO item. Remove pin, count to three, then throw. | „ |
- Ugh Stew: Heals 4 HP + 1% of max HP.
- Peanut Cheese bar: Heals 30 HP
- Can of Fish Food: Heals 30 HP + 1% of max HP.
- Gummi Blob: Heals 50 HP.
- Cray-Z Fries: Heals 65 HP and 10 PP.
- Cactus Fruit: Heals 100 HP.
- Kindness: Heals 100 HP to the whole party.
- Cray-Z Sammich: Heals 100 HP and 10 PP.
- Snow-Cone: Heals 120 HP.
- Delicious Cake: Heals 120 HP.
- Hamburger: Heals 120 HP.
- Purple Banana: Heals 150 HP.
- Super Fixer Nanobots: Heals all HP to one target.
- Nanobot Injection: Gradually heals all HP if used on Larice.
- Magic Herb: Heals all HP to one target.
- Big Gummi Blob: Heals the whole party's HP completely.
- Lake Water: Heals 15 PP.
- Space Dust: Heals 10% of max PP.
- PSI Stone: Heals 15 PP, five uses.
- Psionic Herb: Heals 25 PP.
- Salty Lemonade: Heals 30 PP.
- Can of Fruit Juice: Heals 30 PP.
- Consideration: Heals 30-40 PP to the whole party.
- Sparkling Juice: Heals 40 PP.
- Cloud Fluff: Heals 40 PP.
- Old Booze Bottle: Heals 60 PP and makes the drinker Tipsy.
- Psionic Gold Herb: Heals 60 PP.
- Magic Pudding: Heals 100 PP.
- Special Gold Herb: Heals 200 PP.
- Super Oil Can: Heals 35% of max PP if used on Larice.
- Green Gembloom: Heals 30 HP and any Poison or Nausea.
- Green Paste: Heals 60 HP and any Poison or Nausea.
- Strawberry Pudding: Heals 75 HP and Nausea.
- Red Gembloom: Heals all HP and any status, but only for Mr. Saturns.
- Love: Heals all HP, PP and status from the whole party.
- Fried Lobster Tails: Heals 200 HP and 30 PP.
- Brain Food Lunch: Heals 300 HP and 50 PP.
- Special Repair Kit: Heals all HP and PP if used on Larice. Three uses.
- Cureall Cream: Heals all status except KO.
- Noble Seed: Heals all status except KO.
- Cup of Lifenoodles: Heals all status, including KO, and restores 30% of max HP.
- Horn of Life: Heals all status, including KO, and all health
- AA Battery: Increases Zarbol's PP by 25
- Bagged Eraser: Used to erase bag statues
“ | Don't point this near a grocery store. | „ |
Notable Techniques
Standard Tactics:

“ | The initial tests had failed, proving to only create extreme aggression in in Earth creatures. If I had been granted simply a few more weeks, I may have been able to eliminate this curse upon Earth and make its people into the intelligent creatures I knew they could be. Free of the rotten plague of feeling as opposed to thinking, emotion in place of reason.
Free of Earth's terrible curse. |
„ |
“ | Somehow my impenetrable defenses fell. These three Earth children attacked me using something they could not have possibly known. | „ |

Tier: High 3-A | At least High 3-A, 2-C upon death
Name: Giegue | Giygas
Powers and Abilities
Resistance to Cold Manipulation (Native planets with freezing tempatures), Mind Manipulation, Morality Manipulation, Empathic Manipulation, Madness Manipulation, Corruption (Type 3), Reality Warping, Life Manipulation, Hell Manipulation, Fear Manipulation, Darkness Manipulation, and Possession (Comparable to others, who are not affected his nor Giygas's presence)
Standard Equipment
Notable Techniques
Standard Tactics:
Weaknesses: The Ballpeen Hammer.