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Tundra Man

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“ | You want to dance? Feel freeze. | „ |
~ Tundra Man |
Tundra Man is a Robot Master who appears in Mega Man 11. He was originally created by Dr. Cossack as a surveillance robot designed to monitor environment changes in some of Earth's coldest regions. He led a lonely life, though, and after watching an ice skating championship on TV, he was inspired to become a professional figure skater. While under maintenance in Dr. Light's laboratory, he was stolen and outfitted with a Speed Gear by Dr. Wily, along with some other modifications, so he could be better suited for combat, after which he took over a museum.
His Special Weapon, Tundra Storm, allows Mega Man to generate a column of icy cold air that can destroy enemies directly above and below him.
This dropdown contains the synopsis of Tundra Man’s story. Read at your own risk as you may be spoiled otherwise! |
Though Tundra Man was designed for land development and exploration in polar climates, he found a new obsession the first time he saw a TV ice-skating championship. Since then, he has spent long years perfecting incredible ice-skating techniques out on the polar ice flats. But since his audience is generally huskies, polar bears, and seals, he doesn't get many reviews. Tundra Man had a tougher-looking exterior when he was first sent to the North Pole, but he made some modifications to suit his graceful passion of ice-skating. To him, the fact that his dazzling moves have been locked away at the North Pole and never witnessed is a crisis on the scale of global warming. Tundra Man eagerly awaits the day when he can show the world his exquisite skills. Manufacturer: Cossack Robot Laboratories |
General Information
Name: Tundra Man, DWN. 085
Origin: Mega Man 11
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown
Classification: Robot Master
Species: Robot
Occupation: Land Development and Exploration in Polar Climates
Status: Alive, Unknown in the X Series (Takes place many years in the future where the fate of prior classic series characters are unknown, with it being implied their data still exists as Cut Man's data exists still)
Alignment: Lawful Good (Initially was designed for land development and exploration in polar climates and will follow the laws of robotics), Lawful Evil when reprogrammed by Dr. Wily (Reprogrammed by Dr. Wily to help him take over the world and destroy Mega Man)
Codex Statistics
Tier: At most High 6-A, Higher with Rage Power
Dimensionality: 3-D
Attack Potency: At most Multi-Continent level (Fought against and harmed Mega Man, who was able to fight on par with beings such as Duo, whose fight with Evil Robot caused a cloud explosion on Jupiter which was at this level), Higher with Rage Power (When Robot Masters are damaged to about half their health, they become invulnerable for a few seconds and perform more powerful attacks)
Durability: At most Multi-Continent level (take hits from Mega Man)
Striking Strength: At most Multi-Continent Class, Higher with Rage Power
Lifting Strength: Class G (The Robot Masters are normally made to be on par or superior to Mega Man, who was able to hold up Dr. Wily's fortress at end of Mega Man 5, with Robot Masters such as Guts Man being superior in strength and Robot Masters such as Splash Woman having comparable feats such as lifting entire ships from the ocean)
Travel Speed: Massively Hypersonic (Can move this fast compared to Mega Man, who can keep up with Duo, who can travel around the earth destroying evil energy around this timeframe), Speed of Light with Teleporters (Robot Masters teleporters should scale to Mega Man and Proto Man’s teleportation, where they are able to travel planets and solar systems in a short time frame[1], reaching this levels of speed), likely Far Higher with Speed Gear System (With his speed gear, allows him to speed blitz all robots and Robot Masters not using the speed gear, with Wily first demonstrating the speed gear outright blitzing all the Robot Masters, Roll, and Mega Man. With how fast he is, he could likely be comparable to Duo who is capable of traveling through galaxies while doing his job and likely travels across the universe doing his job to destroy the Evil Energy)
Combat Speed: Relativistic+ (Can keep up with Mega Man, who can keep up with Duo in combat who uses attacks that involve his travel speed, where Duo is capable of traveling through galaxies while doing his job and likely travels across the universe doing his job to destroy the Evil Energy), Higher with Double Gear System (Time appears extremely slowed down thanks to the Speed Gear)
Reaction Speed: Relativistic+ (Can react to Cut Man who can cut objects while teleporting. Can keep up with Mega Man, who can keep up with Duo in combat who uses attacks that involve his travel speed, where Duo is capable of traveling through galaxies while doing his job and likely travels across the universe doing his job to destroy the Evil Energy), Higher with Double Gear System
Stamina: Essentially Limitless as long as they are powered by solar energy (All Robot Masters bodies are powered by solar energy, effectively giving them limitless stamina and ammo[2][3][4][5])
Range: Standard Melee Range, Kilometers with Ice Manipulation (His ice powers should upscale from Ice Man, who is shown during his stage that the entire jungle was in snow, which could've only be done by him), Interplanetary with Teleporters (All robot masters naturally display teleportation through teleporters interplanetary distances[6])
Intelligence: Gifted (Designed for land development and exploration in polar climates. Is noted to be a skilled ice-skater, spending long years perfecting incredible ice-skating techniques out on the polar ice flats. Can keep up with Mega Man in combat)
Powers and Abilities
Standard Equipment
- Speed Gear: Speed Gear is a blue gear that increases the speed of robots. Gameplay-wise, it slows down time when used by Mega Man, representing his increase in speed; using the Speed Gear allows tight platforming and enemy evasion easier but he moves at a slower pace. The Speed Gear's effect is similar to the Time Slow's effect in Mega Man Powered Up, with the difference being that Mega Man now creates blue afterimages when moving around while the Speed Gear is activated. If the Speed Gear Booster part is installed, Mega Man can move at normal speed while Speed Gear is active.
Notable Techniques
- Tundra Storm: Tundra Storm is Tundra Man's Special Weapon in Mega Man 11. With this weapon, Tundra Man is able to damage any enemies directly above and below him by shooting out a large column of snow and cold air. Larger enemies are frozen solid by this attack, and smaller ones are destroyed instantly.
Standard Tactics: Tundra Man will gracefully skate around, attacking the opponent, with rams, wind attacks, and his tundra storm. He will also utilize his speed gear to Speed Blitz his opponent.
Weaknesses: He is weak to Fuse Man's scramble thunder. If his data is corrupted, he will be incapable of coming back.
- The background of Tundra Man's boss room is very similar to Freeze Man's, since both feature a T-Rex skeleton in the background. Same with the mid-boss boss room which is also similar to Chill Penguin's.
- Tundra Man is the third Robot Master whose battling style is themed after a sport (figure ice-skating in this case), the other two being Blizzard Man and Strike Man.
- He's also the second one of this group to be ice-themed, as well as the seventh Robot Master in the series overall to be ice-themed.
- In addition, he is the first Robot Master to be created by Dr. Cossack that appears as a boss outside of Mega Man 4.
- Tundra Man is one of the very few Robot Masters in the series whose artwork extends outside of their mugshot, the others being Quick Man, Break Man, Galaxy Man, Splash Woman, and Sheep Man.
- Tundra Man's flashy and slightly effeminate personality is similar to Launch Octopus's personality in Maverick Hunter X.
- Similar to Ice Man's weakness to Thunder Beam from the first Mega Man game, Tundra Man's weakness to Scramble Thunder may be a reference to the minerals contained within ice that are able to conduct electricity.
- This makes Tundra Man the fourth ice-themed boss in the franchise to be weak to an electric weapon, preceded by Ice Man, Cold Man, and Avalanche Yeti.
- All four of these bosses are in games that also feature fire-themed bosses that are weak to their weapons.
- Tundra Man makes a reference to the famous idiom "skating on thin ice" in his introductory quote.
Dr. Wily has reformed, and he and Dr. Right have joined forces, working together to develop a giant peace-keeping robot named “GAMMA”.
“GAMMA”…… It was the life-long dream of Dr. Right, a giant robot to protect and serve world peace.
Their research almost complete, all that remained was to combine 8 energy elements that were scattered about the uncharted planets, and bestow them to “GAMMA”…
–However, each planet met with an unexpected incident. The robots who were mining the energy elements suddenly began going berserk!! Upon learning of this from Dr. Right, “ROCKMAN” immediately set out on a path for the uncharted planets–a new battle was about to begin!! - ↑ Q. What kind of foods does Rockman like to eat?
A. Well… Actually, Rockman’s body is powered by “Solar Energy.” Therefore, he doesn’t really eat, but there are some things that are okay for his consumption… Around the lab, he enjoys drinking “Energy Juice.” As responsibly as he behaves, he’s still a kid after all. - ↑ Q. The shots that the Rockbuster fires from the hand, what are those exactly?
A. The Rockbuster on the arm fires something called a “Solar Bullet”, essentially emitting a compressed form of solar energy that’s very powerful. - ↑ Weapon: Transforming Rockbuster, fires a solar bullet
- ↑ Q. Do robots like those made by Dr. Wily or Dr. Cossack have self-awareness, and can they talk? And do they run on solar energy like Rockman does?
A. I take it you’d like to know if Wily and Cossack’s robots possess “sentience”? Naturally, they each have a “consciousness”, although the level of every “cognitive circuit” embedded inside each one of them varies, producing as many different “personality” types as found in people… Just like you or I, they can speak, and have emotional responses like shyness, or anger, just as we do.
Regarding their energy systems, many of them do utilize “solar energy” in some way. - ↑ PEACE HAS COME TO THE WORLD.
Dr. Wily has reformed, and he and Dr. Right have joined forces, working together to develop a giant peace-keeping robot named “GAMMA”.
“GAMMA”…… It was the life-long dream of Dr. Right, a giant robot to protect and serve world peace.
Their research almost complete, all that remained was to combine 8 energy elements that were scattered about the uncharted planets, and bestow them to “GAMMA”…
–However, each planet met with an unexpected incident. The robots who were mining the energy elements suddenly began going berserk!! Upon learning of this from Dr. Right, “ROCKMAN” immediately set out on a path for the uncharted planets–a new battle was about to begin!! - ↑ PEACE HAS COME TO THE WORLD.
Dr. Wily has reformed, and he and Dr. Right have joined forces, working together to develop a giant peace-keeping robot named “GAMMA”.
“GAMMA”…… It was the life-long dream of Dr. Right, a giant robot to protect and serve world peace.
Their research almost complete, all that remained was to combine 8 energy elements that were scattered about the uncharted planets, and bestow them to “GAMMA”…
–However, each planet met with an unexpected incident. The robots who were mining the energy elements suddenly began going berserk!! Upon learning of this from Dr. Right, “ROCKMAN” immediately set out on a path for the uncharted planets–a new battle was about to begin!! - ↑ Q. Do robots like those made by Dr. Wily or Dr. Cossack have self-awareness, and can they talk? And do they run on solar energy like Rockman does?
A. I take it you’d like to know if Wily and Cossack’s robots possess “sentience”? Naturally, they each have a “consciousness”, although the level of every “cognitive circuit” embedded inside each one of them varies, producing as many different “personality” types as found in people… Just like you or I, they can speak, and have emotional responses like shyness, or anger, just as we do.
Regarding their energy systems, many of them do utilize “solar energy” in some way. - ↑ Q. What kind of foods does Rockman like to eat?
A. Well… Actually, Rockman’s body is powered by “Solar Energy.” Therefore, he doesn’t really eat, but there are some things that are okay for his consumption… Around the lab, he enjoys drinking “Energy Juice.” As responsibly as he behaves, he’s still a kid after all. - ↑ Q. The shots that the Rockbuster fires from the hand, what are those exactly?
A. The Rockbuster on the arm fires something called a “Solar Bullet”, essentially emitting a compressed form of solar energy that’s very powerful. - ↑ Weapon: Transforming Rockbuster, fires a solar bullet
- ↑ Power Source/ R.S. Power Reactor (Micro-sized) Right Solar Power Pile Dr. Right-made Solar Energy Generator
- ↑ Q. Do robots like those made by Dr. Wily or Dr. Cossack have self-awareness, and can they talk? And do they run on solar energy like Rockman does?
A. I take it you’d like to know if Wily and Cossack’s robots possess “sentience”? Naturally, they each have a “consciousness”, although the level of every “cognitive circuit” embedded inside each one of them varies, producing as many different “personality” types as found in people… Just like you or I, they can speak, and have emotional responses like shyness, or anger, just as we do.
Regarding their energy systems, many of them do utilize “solar energy” in some way. - ↑ PEACE HAS COME TO THE WORLD.
Dr. Wily has reformed, and he and Dr. Right have joined forces, working together to develop a giant peace-keeping robot named “GAMMA”.
“GAMMA”…… It was the life-long dream of Dr. Right, a giant robot to protect and serve world peace.
Their research almost complete, all that remained was to combine 8 energy elements that were scattered about the uncharted planets, and bestow them to “GAMMA”…
–However, each planet met with an unexpected incident. The robots who were mining the energy elements suddenly began going berserk!! Upon learning of this from Dr. Right, “ROCKMAN” immediately set out on a path for the uncharted planets–a new battle was about to begin!! - ↑ By swapping out the program data of all the robots Dr. Wily has constructed, this robot is able to adapt other robots’ moves as its own. With the powers of all robots combined into one, this is truly one dreadful robot.
- ↑ This all-purpose robot can take on the same abilities of every other robot merely by switching its program data. Still, if it just copies the powers of robots that Rockman has already been able to defeat, one might expect for Rockman to overcome them again…
- ↑ Q. Do robots like those made by Dr. Wily or Dr. Cossack have self-awareness, and can they talk? And do they run on solar energy like Rockman does?
A. I take it you’d like to know if Wily and Cossack’s robots possess “sentience”? Naturally, they each have a “consciousness”, although the level of every “cognitive circuit” embedded inside each one of them varies, producing as many different “personality” types as found in people… Just like you or I, they can speak, and have emotional responses like shyness, or anger, just as we do.
Regarding their energy systems, many of them do utilize “solar energy” in some way. - ↑ PEACE HAS COME TO THE WORLD.
Dr. Wily has reformed, and he and Dr. Right have joined forces, working together to develop a giant peace-keeping robot named “GAMMA”.
“GAMMA”…… It was the life-long dream of Dr. Right, a giant robot to protect and serve world peace.
Their research almost complete, all that remained was to combine 8 energy elements that were scattered about the uncharted planets, and bestow them to “GAMMA”…
–However, each planet met with an unexpected incident. The robots who were mining the energy elements suddenly began going berserk!! Upon learning of this from Dr. Right, “ROCKMAN” immediately set out on a path for the uncharted planets–a new battle was about to begin!!
Explanation of data in the Mega Man series.
Battle Records